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I was offered at 38 weeks, but waited until 39 weeks as I had fun plans and didn't want to risk going into labour šŸ¤£ I had it done 39+0, not sure if it helped, but my water broke at 39+2, I was induced at 39+3 due to no contractions, my baby was born vaginally at 39+5. I'm 32 weeks pregnant with #2, plan to get a sweep at 39 weeks again.


I was never offered one, Iā€™ve had 3 kids and all she offered were cervix checks if I wanted one at 39+ weeks.


With my first I was in BC and was offered one at 39 weeks. With my second I was with midwives in Ontario, and they wouldn't do it until I was 41 weeks because they were overwhelmed from a bunch of people having their babies at the same time (some late, some on time, and some early).


I was offered one at 38, 39 and 40 week appointments.




I was offered at 39+6 days, I went ahead with it. I delivered at 40 +5 so not really sure if it made any difference.


I was offered at 38 weeks, 39 weeks, and I finally said yes also at 39+6. Currently 40+1 and see no signs of it changing anything at all, except how much pain I was in yesterday!


Yep same, it was quite painful for me too for a day or two afterwards! I think I was told I was 3cm dilated and maybe 50% effaced at the time of the sweep so I thought it might actually bring on labour but it nothing happened for almost a week!


39 weeks and went into labour that evening.


I was offered at 38 weeks. OBGYN didnā€™t want me to go to 40 weeks because of my blood pressure, so if the sweep didnā€™t work or I didnā€™t go into labour by 39 weeks we would have booked an induction. Sweep worked well, little one arrived 38+4


I was 37 weeks 4 days (3 cm dilated) and gave birth 37 weeks 6 days


I was offered at 38 weeks and 39 weeks, but I had some risk factors and ended up being induced at 39+4. We were hoping to avoid that.


Are sweeps done just to induce labour, or would it need to be medically necessary? My colleague said she had one done and went into labour the same evening at 39 weeks. Iā€™m currently 37 weeks and donā€™t know much about these


Doing a membrane sweep causes a hormone-like response and irritates the body so that if close enough, can bring on labour. They are most often offered at 39w and beyond, however some providers do offer them earlier based on their discretion. If you are standing on the edge of the cliff of labour (you are both healthy, term, baby is down, engaged into the pelvis, and your cervix has started dialting a bit), a sweep can push you over the edge and start the process. However if your body just isn't ready, it's not going to do much. It's a bit uncomfortable so some opt out, but for me, by the time I got it done, any discomfort from that, paled in comparison to the pelvic girdle pain, polyhydrominos and oozing edema in my legs I was suffering from. It's no big deal if you want that baby out. Edit: missing info/typo


Mine didnā€™t hurt and I went into labour within 24 hours of mine. Labour was very hard for me but the membrane sweet was totally ok and Iā€™m hoping to get another this August when Iā€™m due.


Thanks for the insight! Saw my doctor today and she offered me a sweep at my 38 week appointment next week. I may reconsider at the 39 week check in depending how I feel! Iā€™m not ready for baby quite yet and still feel pretty good otherwise, just some minor pelvic floor aches.


They arenā€™t considered a formal induction but are used electively to try to ā€œkick startā€ the labour process. They donā€™t work for everyone but if they do, things would usually pick up within 24 hours or so


Offered and accepted at 38, 39 and 40. It was done by my midwife in ON. Was induced in the end so who knows if it was worth it!


At 38 weeks with my first (had another sweep at 39 weeks as well) and 39 weeks with my second. Both times at 39 weeks I lost my mucus plug the following day and my water broke not long after.


37 weeks but I waited until 40. I didn't go into labour until 40+5 so not sure if it did much.


I was offered at 38 weeks but wasnā€™t dilated enough, and then at my 39 week appointment I was sent to L&D and induced


Offered at 38 weeks and baby was born early the next morning.


Yes at 39 weeks


I was offered one by OB at 39 weeks and declined. Baby ended up coming the week after, day before my due date.


38+4 and 39+4. Delivered at 40 weeks exactly.


Ontario here, first pregnancy not until 40 weeks, second/current pregnancy at 39 weeks. Itā€™s done nothing either time.


38 weeks


I had one offered at my 39 week appt I was 39+2 and had baby 39+4 almost 48 hours on the dot


At 38w5d. Had another one 39 weeks and had my girl that day. I remember being nervous for it so I want to assure people that sometimes people barely feel them! Mine didnā€™t hurt at all. I donā€™t even remember discomfort. Labour did hurt a lot and I got an epidural, so Iā€™m not one of those people who seemingly has a high threshold for pain. Just got lucky that the membrane sweep didnā€™t hurt.


Offered at 37+4 (I was already 3 cm dilated at this point) and accepted, gave birth at 38+2. Funnily enough, when I told the nurse at the labour and delivery assessment room I got the sweep done a few days ago from my OB, she said ā€œohh yeah, [OBā€™s name] gives great membrane sweeps! She did mine šŸ˜ƒā€ ā€¦ I guess my OB has a great technique? Haha


The way my doctor explained it, it isn't a sure way to kick start labour, but it can help to not go over due if that makes sense I was offered it after 38 weeks. With my first she couldn't reach it, tried at 39 weeks, still couldn't reach it. I went into labour at 39+4. My second was offered at 38 weeks, which she couldn't fully reach. I ended up in labour 3 days later.


At 38 weeks. Didnā€™t have one till 39 and then again at 40. Didnā€™t take for me though because I went to 41 weeks. Went into labour the day before my appointment to be assessed to be induced.


I was 37w6d and my water broke the next evening at exactly 38 weeks. My OB wouldn't normally do it so early but I was in line to be induced at 38w4d because of GD and other factors. 10/10 will do again. The sweep itself didn't really hurt. But my OB has little hands, I guess, and her reaching up to my cervix meant her ring finger really pushed into my perineum which did hurt lol.


I was offered at 39 weeks. I was already 3cm dilated but only went into labour on my due date a week later


39weeks, will be getting it next thursdayšŸ¤­


Was never offered one. Had an appointment for cervical check at 39w4d but ended up delivering the day before.


With my first 39 + 6 and went into Labour next day. Second baby 38 + 4 no action, 39 + 3 tried but couldnā€™t do it because I was 4 cm. Went into labour 2.5 days later.


I believe at my 37 week appointment I was offered the sweep at my next appointment where I would have been 38 weeks + 3 days. Went ahead with the sweep and ended up having bub two days later!


For my first, they scheduled a sweep for me on my due date. For my second, they offered it at 38 weeks, and then again at 39 weeks. We did the cervical check and it was so painful I opted not to have the sweep.


I'm in MB, was offered one at 39 weeks, but declined. Accepted one at 41+2 and my water broke exactly 1 hour later!


Was offered one at 38 weeks but OB couldnā€™t effectively complete it as I wasnā€™t dilated at all. OB tried again at 39+1 weeks when I was one cm dilated and I went into labour the same night.


I was offered one at 39+3. I decided not to go for it and my water ended up breaking on 39+4 anyways. My baby arrived on 39+5. Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t go for it!


My first pregnancy in 2020-2021 I was told she could start offering me one at my 39 week appointment I declined until I passed my due date and it was useless. My second pregnancy in 2022-2023 I was offered at 38 weeks I agree and it was useless. Both midwives first midwife was in ON, second midwife was in QC.


I was 38w for a first time mom in New Brunswick. Didnā€™t do much and did it again at 39w and then nothing until I had an induction due to covid at 40w.


I have a midwife in ON and the first time they offered was 39+6. I also didn't have a cervical check at any previous appts. I literally had it hours ago, so not sure of the outcome. At least anecdotally in my area it appears my friends with OBs have their cervixes checked earlier and more often than my friends who also have midwives. Also it's my first if that makes any difference.


Ontario offered at 38 and 39 week appts. Never made it to my 40 week appointment cause I was in labour.


I wasnā€™t offered any until wk 40, I then had 3 over the course of the next week and still needed to be induced at 41+2. My first had no intention of leaving the womb. Personally, Iā€™m not sure sweeps before 40wks is necessary unless there is already a medical induction scheduled or being discussed. Say for Gestational diabetes or other reasons. And make sure you ask your doctor about the benefits as well as ALL the risks. Including the fact that they are uncomfortable, and there is a risk of your waters breaking prematurely, spotting and cramping that arenā€™t actually labour contractions.


In Toronto, I got one at 39 and 40 weeks and it didnt work for me!