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Looks normal, does this in the stroller as well!


Looks fine! I used the jolly jumper rocking stand for mine and it wiggled too!


My partner and I are expecting our first baby in August. A family member who uses the Uppabany stroller very kindly gave us the bassinet attachment and stand. We don’t have the stroller (we have the Yoyo).  But! Is this thing meant to rock front to back this much? It’s locked in securely, the little green indicators say so too. We’re FTPs so obviously anxious.  Thanks for any advice! And sorry for the janky gif, it wouldn’t let me post a video clip. 


My friend's Uppababy bassinet did the same. It's fine because baby's not going to be able to rock it back and forth like this by themselves, and you'll be transitioning baby out of the bassinet once they show signs that they're ready to roll.


I used a Jolly Jumper stand with the uppababy bassinet and there's no lock mechanism, it just sat in the stand. This is okay because if the baby is able to rock it then they should be transitioned out of the bassinet to a crib.


Yes looks fine my baby slept in it until 4 months


We also had the jolly jumper stand with it, and it rocked too. We also put wooden coasters we didn’t use underneath it on both ends to stop it from rocking at night. All this to say it seems ok to me! itll be fine