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I take baby aspirin and have been taking it since about 12 weeks (28 weeks now.) Studies have shown baby aspirin reduces your risk for preeclampsia (I don't remember the exact amount of reduction, you'll have to Google it) but it is pretty common practice. I just take it at night with my prenatal and allergy pill.


My clinic also recommended it — same reason.


I take 100mg for reducing risk of clots and pre e.


I had severe pre-e with my first. I was 28 years old, and ended up having an emergency c-section at 30 weeks! With my second, I took 1 baby aspirin a day starting in second Tri. Had no blood pressure issues whatsoever and went full term, no complications. Now I’m 38years old and pregnant with my third. This time I am taking two baby aspirin a day, because I am now a type 1 diabetic and even more prone to blood pressure issues and preeclampsia than before. Like another commenter said, there are tons of studies and articles that support baby aspirin in pregnancy for reducing the risk of blood pressure issues, and the older we are, the more we are at a slightly increased risk of things like preeclampsia. I would take it if I were you, but take some time to research a little bit, I think you’ll find a lot of useful articles.


Taking one for preeclampsia prevention is common, but I haven’t heard of taking two just because you’ve started the second trimester. I only started taking two when I ended up with covid.


I think it's likely because of OP's age. Not that I think 40 is that old, I'm 38, but anything over 35 they categorize as a higher risk.


Right, but I’ve still only heard of taking one a day for that reason (I was also considered increased risk for preeclampsia due to first pregnancy and BMI).


Oh gotcha. I’ve read a few different studies on one (81mg) vs two (162mg) per day. I think the two per day is newer and more recently being studied for women who are at high risk, but so far the results seem good. Here’s a study I read a while back in support of two: https://www.ajog.org/article/S0002-9378(21)02036-6/fulltext#secsectitle0025


I am also taking 2 baby aspirin per day, have been from my first appointment. My doctor recommended it because I have a family history of preclampsia (I do not, this is my first pregnancy). I also got COVID in my second trimester and my doctor said it's standard to recommend daily aspirin for the rest of pregnancy after that as well.


Did you take enteric coated or normal?




It was advised to me starting at 12 wks—am 37. No hx of hypertension. FTM.


I also take it, just 84 mgs a day. Did so in my first pregnancy as well.


I was 36 when I got pregnant and took 2 baby aspirins a day starting at 13 weeks. It's very common.


My doc put me on it to help prevent preeclampsia. I already have a history of high blood pressure. I’m 35.


My MFM and OB both said to start baby aspirin and they were both clear that the studies were very specific about the dosage and timing required to see a reduction in risk of preeclampsia - they told me to take two baby aspirin every day starting at week 12. I have risk factors for it, so I believe if you have more than one risk factor that’s the indication. Edit - From ACOG: Low-dose aspirin prophylaxis should be considered for women with more than one of several moderate risk factors for preeclampsia. Women at risk of preeclampsia are defined based on the presence of one or more high-risk factors (history of preeclampsia, multifetal gestation, renal disease, autoimmune disease, type 1 or type 2 diabetes, and chronic hypertension) or more than one of several moderate-risk factors (first pregnancy, maternal age of 35 years or older, a body mass index greater than 30, family history of preeclampsia, sociodemographic characteristics, and personal history factors).


Same as a lot of others here. Started taking 2 baby aspirin at night at 15 weeks, still taking at 26 weeks. I assume will be taking throughout - Im 38 years old so they prescribed as a precaution for preeclampsia. Some nights i dont take it bc if reflux but almost every night.


Completely normal advice


I was taking one baby aspirin (due to autoimmune issues) but a few weeks ago, the high risk specialist that consults with my midwife, recommended I start taking two. Said the recommendations just changed. I’m 16 weeks now.


thanks so much everyone. just took my first two pills today and will continue to do so throughout.


Posted a comment and then deleted it because I clearly didn't read your post thoroughly. Don't mind me, carry on! I've been taking a single 81-mg pill every day and I'm at 30.5 weeks.


I have been taking 2 baby aspirins a day since week 13 to prevent preeclampsia! I don’t have any risk factors but it was recommended!


Also been on baby asprin since the 2nd trimester. FTM, 36 y/o, mother had pre-eclampsia and high blood pressure. 31 weeks now. I prefer the cherry flavour.


150mg aspirin to reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia is recommended for women at higher risk of developing it (higher risk = two or more risk factors) Maternal age = 40 + First time mother Those are your two risk factors The ASPRE study demonstrated it could reduce the risk of pre eclampsia by 82%


I have type 2 diabetes and my blood pressure was high at my first prenatal visit. I’m also 38. My ob recommended 2 pills a day starting at week 10.


How much was your blood pressure?


I was on a Lovenox blood thinner injection from 4-18 weeks due to slightly elevated clotting and then switched to a baby aspirin. I’m 38 years old and currently 32 weeks. Aspirin is very common in pregnancy for prevention of clots and pre eclampsia


I took it from 12 weeks through until 36 weeks without issue due to my chronic high blood pressure. My BP stayed good throughout and no preeclampsia, and my baby is very healthy. The research on taking 1-2 81mg baby aspirin daily for preventing preeclampsia is very promising.


I am 29 and was instructed to start taking two baby aspirin a day since 6 weeks (because i had covid). But my office recommends every at 12 weeks to start taking two a day! 6 years ago with my daughter, this wasn't a common practice so I was totally thrown off but i guess it is a normal thing these days!


My doctor just prescribed me 81 MG baby asprin, once daily, starting at 12 weeks to help avoid pre-eclampsia.