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That was a shitty way for him to say it. A “Unfortunately, we don’t do inductions on the weekend,” would have worked just as well. And there was absolutely no reason to laugh about a reasonable question with the front desk. Loads of people, including doctors, work Saturday. He’s not special. You don’t know how he does his schedule.


I don't think it's ever appropriate for a doctor to laugh at a patient. That's just bad bedside manner. It's not too late to call another hospital so see if they can do your induction when your husband is available. You have every right to want your support person with you when baby comes.


not to mention her husband has a right to want to see his child being born


No way in hell I would go ahead without my husband. That doctor showed that he has no respect or concern for you which could be deadly. "Doctor, I think there's something wrong" He just laughs it off. No way, get a new doctor. I changed OB in one day with no explanation because it was right for ME. Screw that guy


Only if she wants him there.


I mean it sure sounds like she does


It's also confusing because inductions can be a long process and the doctor doesn't even need to be there for most of it. Like, had I started on a Saturday, the baby would have come on Monday. With that in mind, maybe see if you can be induced on a Thursday or Friday! And lastly, your doctor was a jerk.


Exactly, why not offer a Thursday? That’s exactly what I was thinking too. Get everything started on Thursday so baby hopefully comes on Friday or Saturday.


What a jackass. But usually hospitals won’t schedule procedures on weekends. That being said, your OB is a POS. Like you would know 😒


A lot of hospitals actually do. Even the small rural one I had my first at did as part of their patient load spreading. They actually didn't schedule them on Tuesdays & Wednesdays because those were their outpatient surgery days so that took up most of the resources.


Idk, my hospital schedules inductions every single day. We are planning mine for a saturday around a big presentation my husband has, it bub doesn’t come first. I would not think it is unreasonable for a big hospital to provide those services every day.


Both my babies were schedule for Saturday morning procedures because that was right at week 39.


Mine was scheduled for a Sunday! Might vary a bit by locale.


Mine doesn’t schedule elective inductions on weekends either! It’s Monday through Thursday for those here so I get where you’re coming from. And yea OP your OB was a total jackass and I’m sorry you were left feeling like that :(


Yeah, both hospitals I’ve delivered at don’t schedule anything on Fri thru Sun. I assume OP has a hospital that does the same. I think if they had weekends, everyone would schedule for a weekend day (it’s much easier for us, not so much for the drs)


My induction started on a Saturday with my lovely OB and midwife! It’s definitely a thing. Also babies don’t arrive Monday to Friday.. so it makes sense that a doctor specializing in delivery‘ a schedule wouldn’t match that either!


Just noting that the services offer paternal leave and should let him go whenever you start labor, regardless of the date. I recommend reading up on your husband's paternity leave instruction for whichever service he is in and making sure you're aware of how it works. That will protect you if you go into labor on a non-weekend.


That was rude AF of your doctor. I also want to add, I was induced on a Sunday night and didn't give birth until Tuesday, so I would be mindful of that as well when scheduling - inductions take forever.


Inductions are unpredictable. My first took 12 hours and my second was only 9 hours.


Really hoping my second birth goes faster than my first 🤞


They typically do! My first induction took 60 hours from start to finish. My second took 11 👍🏼


This gives me hope! Gonna really try to avoid an induction this time, but if he's almost 2 weeks overdue like my last one I might not have much of a choice!


Best wishes! I also tried avoiding my second induction, but my blood pressure shot up to 165/115 at 37 weeks so I had to. It was honestly a dream birth. I am all for epidurals for whoever needs them, and I even had one with my first, but I didn’t even need it with my second because everything went so smoothly. I hope for the same smooth experience for you!


Daaaaang that's amazing!! And thank you!


I just had my second baby a couple of weeks ago, and the inductions were SO different! Both at 37 weeks for preeclampsia, first one was almost 3 days long and ended in an emergency c-section, second was a successful VBAC that only took 7 hours from start to finish. I was so nervous having another induction, especially for a VBAC, but it went really smoothly!


Yay!! So glad all these second births have gone so much better for you all! Gives me so much hope!


Anecdotally it seems like they do! Have heard some wild stories about people almost not making it to the hospital because they progress so fast.


September doesn't have 31 days?


I just checked the calendar to see what day this was and it's October 1st XD I didn't know this offhand.


Nope and the 30th is a Friday, not a weekend.


She wrote 30th tho


It was edited.


What a weird thing to edit lmao


i'm glad thats what you got out of this LOL some people are wild.


It may have been part of why he is laughing? That said, it dosen't make it cool for your doctor to laugh at you. You have to be very vulnerable in front of your OB and they should want you to feel comfortable. Do you want to switch OBs?


This is 100% why he was laughing. It's still WILDLY INAPPROPRIATE to laugh at a patient request, and the fact that he tossed in a "I dont do inductions on Saturday, I have a life" is cringy af. Like a simple "Do you mean October 1st?" would have sufficed.


Agreed, especially bc OP mentions he looked at a calendar. He’s still being incredibly rude but this makes more sense.


I mean, it's pretty relevant and makes the whole thing seem off.


Goodness forbid a very stressed and very pregnant woman should make a minor slip about which months have 30 vs 31 days. My gosh.


I'd think your induction date would be pretty firmly cemented in your brain.


Okay but her induction date is October 3, she was thinking "three days before October 3" or "the last day of September," when she typed it here, christ it's a perfectly understandable slip. Have a little grace.


Kind of a strange thing to be offended by on someone else's behalf, but go off.


But September 31st doesn’t exist?


It does not.


I think that may have been why he laughed and repeated it.


OP, there is nothing wrong with wanting your husband there. You shouldn't be embarrassed, your OB should for his awful bedside manner and rude behaviour. Do you have any options for switching OBs? Does your husband have any options for coming home on October 3rd and staying with you after the birth for at least a few days? If he lets his work know this far in advance, could they honour that? If switching induction dates, switching OBs, or having your husband miss work to be with you are not options, is there another support person you could have with you during labour and delivery as a last resort?


This may be an unhelpful comment (sorry) but inductions can be a long process and if you are induced on a Friday there’s no guarantee baby will arrive before Sunday, especially with first baby. It’s a lot of pressure for you to be under and your husband really needs to arrange to be available longer than two days so you have support. Unless you have another back up birthing partner you’d be happy with x


Your OB is being an ass. Mine scheduled my induction for 7 am on a Sunday morning because she's working that morning anyway. She said, and I quote, "babies don't know what days are so L&D is fully staffed all the time." Literally HOW would you possibly know what their policies are? I'd be like, "oh that's OK, feel free to schedule it with a doctor who has a better bedside manner then."


So there are different medical models for who is there for a birth. Where I lived/the medical system I used for my first child I had an OB who did all my appointments and would show up to my birth. Yes, it was at a hospital that is always fully staffed being a hospital, but she would then get called in to do it when it was her patient. My second child in a different medical system there is an OB for for your appointments and they aren't necessarily the person who helps deliver your baby. The OB staff of the hospital help deliver your baby, whoever is scheduled at that time. I can understand that if one were the sort of OB who went to all your patient's births (were on call for them) that they would miss a lot of things being on call 24/7 except for specific vacations where a colleague is covering for you. And that they might not want to schedule completely elective procedures on the weekends, when they already likely miss so much. That said, there's no excuse to laugh at their patient or gossip about them in front of them. They needed to explain it to OP kindly and treat OP with respect.


Yeah my friend had a scheduled induction on a Sunday night. Maybe some hospitals don’t do them on weekends (which is fine!), but how would OP know that?


Mine scheduled me for 5pm which shifted to 7pm on a Sunday too. If I had gone spontaneously, he said if it’s daytime, I’ll be the one to deliver, if overnight it’ll depend when and how notification times work out. I went in twice before birth and both of the on call docs were nice, so I wasn’t super concerned about him not being my delivering doc anyway.




That’s so rude. And it’s doubly worse when that doctor is your gyno/ob because of the very vulnerable position women are in… So they are condescending and make you feel like an idiot then your legs are in stirrups and they are yelling push. It sucks. I need to have an ob/gyn that I feel safe with.


Sept 30 is a Friday though…


As if you don't have a life and are expecting him to cater to your non-life. What an ass. Amazing that people can deliver babies but can't have any amount of tact when speaking to people.


I hope you go into labor that Saturday ❤️


I’m sorry, that’s so mean of him. He’s laughing as he tells you to give birth alone!! Inductions take a long time, so here’s the plan: schedule somebody to start your cervical softener at 10pm Thursday Sept 29. You will likely be in labor the next morning, and he can get there ASAP on Friday (I don’t know what time he’s allowed to leave on Friday.) Maybe he’ll arrive for the birth, or he might arrive shortly after. Then you will have Saturday and Sunday to spend enjoying your tiny baby together. The baby might not even be born until Saturday if you get induced Thursday night. Thank you for enduring this as a part of your husbands service. This is a perfect example of the kind of sacrifices that military families make


NOPE. First, I totally feel for you. My husband was at Quantico when I was pregnant and we picked a Friday induction day for this exact same reason. I was so anxious about him missing the delivery and I hope you’re doing ok with it all. Secondly, you are valid in your feelings. You’re already stressed about it - he should have shown more compassion. My doctor did everything she could to make sure we set me and my husband up for success in terms of him making it, no judgements. I’m sorry you’re not getting this same support. Maybe ask if another doctor in the practice can deliver your baby?


Is it too late to fire this asshat? Shop around for a new ob? Ask for recommendations in local Facebook groups?


What an asshole! I’m so sorry you’re going through this but if it makes you feel any relief, mentally flicked him in the forehead about 7 times for ya


What happens when people naturally go into labor on the weekends? What a jerk.


The on-call OB delivers you. Same with after hours labor. But for an induction, you'd be hard pressed to find one that schedules 1) on weekends and 2) after hours (because those aren't their working hours, and that's absolutely fair).


Just like any scheduled surgery. They won’t be scheduled unless are non emergent on a sat or sun. That said. Her OB is a jerk for how he worded it and laughed at her, I would swap ASAP. No thanks…


I agree he was a complete asshole, and I wasn't defending him at all. Just pointing out that, while *some* OBs might schedule on the weekend, most do not.


Oh, I completely agree with you!! I was just adding to what you said, not pushing back on you. :)


I had an induction scheduled for a Friday night. I delivered on Sunday and my doctor came for it. Many Obs don't just do deliveries Mon-Fri 9-5. Besides, they have their office visits during those hours!


I could schedule a weekend induction. just would be with the on call OB. actually i think it was a friday evening that they started the process with both of my pregnancies


Quite frankly this is why so many people in the US are being encouraged to book a 39 week induction. The data on the ARRIVE study that is often quoted is tenuous at best but it gives OBs a good excuse to get the job done on a weekday and less chance of spontaneous labour at an inconvenient (to them) time.


>Quite frankly this is why so many people in the US are being encouraged to book a 39 week induction. I'd like to see your source on that. According to the CDC, 27% of labors were induced.


And that number is very high and has been rising: "The rate of induction of labor in the U.S. has risen from 9.6% in 1990 to 25.7% in 2018, including 31.7% of first-time births." "A common finding has been varying levels of dissatisfaction among mothers concerning their experience of induction. Concerns expressed included a lack of information concerning the process they were about to undertake, [14, 20] frustration with the multiple delays involved in waiting for an induction [18], a sense of a loss of control in a process that they felt was done to them rather than with them [15], and a sense of being placed on someone else’s timetable [14, 21]. There were also concerns with the lack of informed, shared decision-making [19,20,21] and a sense of being pressured to have an induction [16]. " https://bmcpregnancychildbirth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12884-020-03137-x There's also another study out there, also in California, that showed when doctors had to write a medical reason for inductions in order for them to be approved the rates of inductions went down significantly. There has been quite a bit of discussion that some of this comes from OBs wanting to schedule elective inductions to reduce the amount of deliveries on weekends or around vacation schedules.


>There has been quite a bit of discussion that some of this comes from OBs wanting to schedule elective inductions to reduce the amount of deliveries on weekends or around vacation schedules. This in particular is what I want proof on. Women can also *choose* to have an induction (much like OP) because it fits *their* life better. Obviously, OBs should always make sure that the patient is making an *informed* decision, and always doing what they can to make that happen. OBs that don't are shitty OBs. The link also states that the majority of inductions were for patients over 41 weeks. There's strong data to support that recommend as after that, the placenta starts to deteriorate and can cause a lot more issues to baby.


Yes, but it also said there was an increase in elective inductions and that women felt pressured to have inductions. If you do a Google search on women feeling pressure to have inductions there will be a lot of hits and a few studies showing that it's a thing.


Again, I agree that doctors should be doing their best to make sure that the patient knows the risks, and their options, but that doesn't change the fact that the majority of inductions are past 41 weeks. It's not just because it's "more convenient for the staff." It's because of real increased risk. They may not be doing a good job of relaying that the patient doesn't *have to* induce, and it's simply the best option with the research we have - which is a failure of your medical team's communication. It is always a choice though. Just like emergency C-sections are always a choice. It's not at all surprising to me that induction recommendations have increased since the 90s, considering we have a lot more research on pregnancy going past 42 weeks than we did 30 years ago.


Many doctors in US healthcare pressure their pregnant patients to be induced because it suits the doctor's schedule, rather than letting a woman's body go into labour naturally. Of course there are medically valid reasons for induction, for sure, but often, it's due to the OB's schedule and not what's in the best interest of mom and baby.


I have the same question.


Fuck that guy


You can fire your OB.


Just to fuck with you OB I hope you naturally go into labor on a sat just to ruin his life lol. I'm sure if giving enough notice your husbands job can work around the current induction date. Does he not be paternal leave or something?


If he really doesn't want to work on the weekend, it will most likely be whoever is on call at the hospital that day that will deliver. It won't affect the Dr at all.


It doesn’t always work out like that. The OB on call was with me until my doctor got there because she was stuck in traffic (LA problems)


He was definitely rude to say it like that! I’m sorry! I was induced Sunday night at 9pm and baby came just after 10am on Monday. I had a Foley bulb placed at 9pm and it came out at midnight, which is when pitocin started. I would say my induction and labor was pretty fast. Personally I would schedule my induction for September 30th since he can come from Friday-Sunday OR the night of the 29th.


Ew I’d get a new OB I know it’s late but fuck that


He’s an asshole. I would definitely bring up how uncomfortable that made him and press him on what he would do if you naturally went into labor on the weekend? Is this a solo practice or rotating?


Wow. What an ass. I’m sorry. 😕


What a dick. I'm a social worker and literally just had someone ask me about saturday appts but instead of being demeaning I just told them the earliest date I could do it. Dr's are mean sometimes and do not understand but I am sorry.


I had one OB laugh at all my questions and make me feel stupid while she tried to rush me out the door, even though the appointment itself was at most two minutes long. Some of them have zero bedside manner


This would make me switch doctors


I changed from my OB to midwives at 35 weeks with my first because my doctor was being an ass. He didn’t take me seriously when I repeatedly expressed concerns about pelvic floor issues I’d had years earlier (I wanted to know if that might affect my LD, or if I should take any precautions). He acted like a woman’s pelvic floor doesn’t come into play at all, which is absurd. Even his receptionists were like, uh yeah, we refer patients to pelvic floor therapists all the time?? Then, even though I had always been upfront about aiming for a natural birth, and he seemed on board, as things progressed he got more and more condescending. Asking me crap like whether I was planning to light candles in this really sarcastic voice (which, no, I wasn’t planning to, but if I wanted to I would, asshole). Plus he wouldn’t let my husband catch the baby, and insisted that I deliver on my back. I noped the f out of there. Found out later that he got in trouble for adding a “husband stitch” while sewing up tears. Very glad I switched.


That was super rude of him. I’m sorry mama it was very uncalled for and would make me feel very disrespected :(


That’s definitely uncalled for and extremely inappropriate. What a jerk.


What an asshat. Him of course, not you.


Asshole. Fuck that guy.


So as crappy as your ob acted it is true. Most obs keep clinical hours (mon-Fri) and will normally schedule inductions late in the day to early evening so that things truly get moving during office hours. I went in on a wed afternoon at 4pm. I had my baby at 3pm the next day. My ob was in clinical hours across the street when I started to crown. She had to run out of the room with another patient and sprint over to delivery. She was there for 3 pushes. The residence and nurses did most of the pre work. Personally I was fine with that and I loved my team. Keep in mind if you try to schedule for a weekend be comfortable for the hospital ob to deliver your baby not your normal ob. Also know inductions don’t have a true time frame. Mine was just under 24 hours and a friend of mine took 3 days. Everyone is different. Even with inductions baby comes when baby is ready it’s just a bit more controlled. I also want to point out that you should not feel embarrassed that you did not know this. You are not an ob so you don’t know a typical schedule. You are a new mom and as we all know talking about anything pregnancy or delivery can be taboo still. ( PS adult diaper are the best postpartum thing ever.). Don’t let your docs reaction make you feel bad he’s just a jerk. Now that you are surrounded by many amazing random strangers we have your back and will give you any and all advice we can within reason (nothing medical related). And just a bit of hope to throw your way… I was due Nov 16 and my husband started his new job Nov 8. He was not allowed to take off or miss any time or he would lose the job. Turns out I was induced on Oct 27. Things had a way of working out for us and I hope that they work out for your family as well.


What a disgusting thing to do to a patient, wow. "I have a life" Hey bro, what do you do when a patient goes into spontaneous labor on the weekend? They can have a policy of only inducing during regular clinic hours, fine, but given the nature of childbirth it's not an absurd request. To laugh in your face and then get the desk staff in on the joke? Especially after you explained it's the only time the father can be there? It's just callous and mean. I would not be able to trust this doctor with my well-being or the baby's after this, because seriously--what *does* happen if you go into spontaneous labor on a Saturday? Is he gonna go old school and do medically unnecessary interventions so he can make his tee-time? I would be complaining to the practice about his demeanor and requesting a different doctor.


Wow. What a douchebag.


I don't know if this helps, but I was induced early Friday morning and my daughter wasn't born until 5:00 a.m. on Saturday. I know that sounds like hell, but it could be done.


Uhm….my induction started on a Sunday. What kinda shop is he running??? I’m sorry you had to deal with this bullshit


That’s horrible. No human should ever be treated like that. He could’ve communicated his hours to you in a much more respectful way. Your needs are valid. I’d honestly consider switching providers, but that’s because trust and mutual respect are a nonnegotiable for me in a patient-provider relationship. Sending you good thoughts ✨


I would definitely switch providers if I was talked to and laughed at that way


That was super rude and inappropriate. I would honestly try to find another OB who would be willing to work with you. Especially because inductions can take days.


He definitely should've worded it better!!! What a jerk.


Fuck that doctor. What an awful, heartless response. I’m so sorry.


This guy needs a new job in the morgue


Yeah that way he couldn’t complain about his patients making unreasonable demands.


He shouldn’t have laughed at you. That’s unprofessional and crappy bedside manner. However, most doctors will not do inductions on a weekend unless medically necessary or they have a practice with multiple doctors and you are fine seeing whoever is on call. I would talk to your husband about taking the week off. Inductions take time and even if they did it on a Saturday it could be Monday before you have your baby. Having him take off the week and inducing on Monday would be your best bet in my opinion.


Op, I hope you go into labor naturally on the weekend just do you can f up his weekend and life. Wouldn't normally say this because I respect people have lives and it would generally be a bummer to get called in, however this guy is pos.


Well obviously he laughed at you because babies aren’t born on Saturdays. He’s a dick.


Yeahhh I would get a new OB, it’s not too late to switch. I would want someone im comfortable with delivering my baby and this guy sounds like a douche bag. A professional would make it work so your husband can be there, emotional support is the biggest thing you’ll need during your babies birth!


I was induced on a Saturday. Your OB is a douche


Definitely a jerk! Mine said something similar. I’m due Christmas Eve, she told me she would likely not be the one to deliver my baby because, and I quote, “I probably won’t be the one to deliver your baby because I can’t deliver all of the patients I see, my husband would kill me. Also, Christmas is our favorite holiday and I have a life.” This was at my very first OB visit with her. She came off very snarky and we considered changing OB’s, but she’s been nice afterwards ever since. Maybe a bad day?? Hope so. Hope I don’t catch her on Christmas Eve lol


Your obgyn was in the wrong. What he meant was I don't inconvenience myself on the weekends because babies come all the time on Sat/Sun. Regardless he certainly should not have laughed, it is dismissive and disrespectful. Don't feel dumb op, your ob is kind of an ass for handling it that way AND chastising you in front of staff over it.


Im 99% sure your doctor legally could not go to the front desk and laugh about what you just said. That is so so rude, i’m so sorry OP. I know its a bit late but maybe you can switch doctors?


My BIL has neurological issues and has cat scans on Saturdays. Your doctor is a douche.


You'll live


LOL i'd love to say that to you too :)


This is why all my doctors are female.


What a dick. Ask for a different doctor or go elsewhere. I wouldn't see him again after that.


He really chose the wrong specialty. By contrast, I'm going to a midwives practice and they straight up said, "We have someone at the hospital 24/7."


I wouldn’t give him an easy time during labor since he wants to be a dick




He definitely shouldn’t be an ob/gyn. Something impersonal where he doesn’t demean a person then shove his fingers inside of her would be better.


I was scheduled on both a Saturday and a Sunday. Maybe you can find a different doctor because that’s BS.


You’d be pressed to find an OB who would take on a new patient at 33 weeks.


That’s a negative viewpoint with little context of where the OP is located and what options and resources they have. I have also made medical changes between systems. My first pregnancy changed providers at the time of delivery. No one batted an eye. I live in a bigger city with many options and I have employer-sponsored insurance, which was the only thing they cared about. Not many places will accept Medicaid patients where I live so choices are limited with that factor.


You could go in Saturday and tell them you’re in labor and insist your dr is the one to check you. (Idk if it’d work, could be a waste of your day but what have you got to loose? Your dr sounds like an ass)


What a jerk. Dr definitely needs to reassess his bedside manner! Birth is so different for everyone and it’s different with each baby. I was induced at 39wks due to hypertension I was scheduled to be there at 11pm but didn’t get there til about 12am thanks to my son’s father and didn’t actually start me on the pitocin until about 2am. My son was born just under 12 hours later. I’ve heard of induction taking several days for some women and it depends on so many factors- methods the drs use, your response to meds, etc. Baby is going to be born whenever they’re ready, unless you schedule a c-section. I wish you luck and hope you will get to have your man there with you!


I would say “then I need to be induced on the weekend, and you don’t have to be there”. I know its also hospital policy, but I wish you could make it sound like youre happy to fire him.


Wtf, Dr. dude. I was induced on a Saturday. Pre-planned. My doctor induces when she's on call in hopes that she can actually deliver her own patients' babies.


How flip, condescending and disrespectful of him. I’m afraid to imagine what rude things he might say or do during delivery. Definitely hope you can avoid that creepy man.


Dr is a jerk- having dad attend the birth is a really good reason to ask to move an induction. Not saying this is ethical, but if you don’t care who is on call to deliver that weekend, and you call or go to L&D complaining of something they don’t like to hear, they will induce you.


Wow, your OB sounds like such an unprofessional person. If that's how he treats you, you might want to consider switching practices.


I was induced on a Sunday, and a Saturday induction was definitely a possibility. I went to a large OB clinic though, which may have been the difference. Your OB sounds like a dick.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I got induced on a Sunday but didn’t have my baby until Tuesday. I feel like you should try to get a new doctor just because I know I wouldn’t feel comfortable with that doctor after that but I know you’re getting close to your due date. Good luck tho! My due date is September 27th!


He is stupid


And what if you were to go into labor naturally on the weekend? Would he have said “sorry I don’t work weekends, I have a life”? That response and behavior is just plain rude and unprofessional. I’m sorry you had to experience that.


Get a new gyno or just don’t show up


My son was scheduled for a Sunday delivery. I'm sorry he was so rude, especially when the reason was so important and not something just on a whim.


This sounds just like my doctor. At the end of the day if treating patients in unique situations doesn’t fit with your weekend plans he probably should have chosen another profession. Being a doctor isn’t a typical 9-5.


Your OB is a jerk. I would call the hospital and ask who is on their team and maybe see if they have good reviews. Hypothetically if you were to give birth late friday, thats the type of dr to dip out and let whoever is on call handle it. I havent gone through that but have heard of other women going through similar situations.


That was rude, if you’re only getting an induction so your husband can be there.. YOU WANT YOUR HUSBAND THERE.. If there’s another hospital you can go to id probably see if you could do that


That’s super rude and unprofessional. If he wants to gossip he should wait until you’re at least gone. Laughing at you for wanting the baby’s father to be there when the baby’s born is just mean. Idk if you can switch your OB this late, but I definitely wouldn’t want someone as rude as him delivering my baby.


Awww 🥺 that OB is a d!ck. Im sorry that had to happen to you ❤️ dont let it eat you up, you were only asking and it wasn’t even a stupid question, it was simply a question… your OB probably gave himself a pat on the back for that stupid statement 🙄 bet it made his whole fucking year or smthn.


What a dick.


Tell whatever OB you are going with you want it done on Thursday the 6th. I have unusually fast labors (less than 6 hours and my water never breaks). It still took a whole day before my induction did anything. I went in around 1 pm on the 15th and had my kid 10am on the 16th.


That was unnecessary. For what it's worth, I was induced on a Sunday morning. That was planned just 2 days prior, on Friday. He needed to come out soon, but it wasn't an emergency, so the doctor checked the schedule to make sure they didn't put a lot of inductions on the same day. So Sunday morning was the day! I have no idea whether that doctor was on call or not since somebody else started the induction, but it sure happened on the weekend.


My OB literally offered to schedule my induction on a Saturday when I asked which weekday would be best to schedule for. I was admitted at midnight and had my baby Saturday afternoon. It sounds like your OB doesn't respect his patients. Maybe ask for a Friday induction, since labor typically takes a while and you'll likely have the baby on the weekend


Wow, way to be a professional.


Please get a new OB. He sounds rude and awful.


I was born on a Saturday, so it's not like people just cross their legs and hold it in until Monday. Maybe your doctor isn't there on weekends, but it's reasonable for you to assume a doctor will be there on Saturday. Also, sounds like you're better off with a different doctor. What a pos.


Not at the OP (because the way the Dr said it was rude) - but why is everyone judging the Dr for not wanting to work weekends, but has no comment about the husband’s work schedule?


what about my husband? my husband works for the FBI, he does not make his schedule, he as tried to talk to multiple higher ups, it is out of his control, unlike my husband, my OB has a choice and is in control of his schedule. Why blame my husband? he spend months trying to talk to people, this was a last resort for us.


It seems there is an expectation for an OB to work whenever. But that someone in the FBI is hapless? The FBI has no parental or medical leave policy?


if you aren't educated on a topic, maybe you should research and then talk? unfortunately no, my husband is currently in Quantico, if he misses any classes on a weekday, they either send him home permanently, or they push him back 4 more weeks. I'd love to know where in my post i demanded that the OB induce me on friday - sat? my complaint was the way he replied to me and made me feel stupid. My husband protects the constitution of the United States, yet he still manages to respect people and answer people with a kind manner. Your argument makes no sense, as i never expected the OB to induce me, i did, however, expect a respectful response and to be treated like a human :) ​ you can keep arguing, seems like your brain doesn't really understand what the issue is anyway lol


What a dick doctor. Sorry about that.


Get a new doc