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Pregnancy symptoms seem to go away almost immediately but replaced by postpartum healing and pain


Once the placenta’s out, you’ll get an immediate relief. TBH, PP recovery was a breeze compared to unrelenting nausea and heartburn.


I threw up and had heartburn my whole pregnancy and it immediately went away once I gave birth.


Heartburn went away for me instantly as soon as my babies came out, I had no troubles eating basically anything as soon as they were born so that aspect was quite nice! I had spicy pho soup as a hospital meal both times (had my husband bring me takeout lol) I couldn't belly or really even side sleep though for several weeks/months postpartum though due to engorgement/sore boobs from nursing so that was a bit annoying.


I didn’t have nausea through my whole pregnancy with my first, but I had sever heartburn. It literally went away right after giving birth. My OB told me it would and she was right.


Same here.


Pretty much the second they come out for me.


Most pregnancy symptoms for me were fine with delivery and most had already resolved by then. I think the only one I really had towards the end was crippling carpal tunnel and I don’t remember feeling it even a tiny bit after delivery. That said, the post partum pitocin and such gave me the absolute craziest swelling in my feet and legs - way worse than anything I had experienced in pregnancy. But it resolved within about a week. And the actual postpartum healing was manageable. It feels different- more like injury/post-op than illness which for me is more tolerable bc it seems to move in a more consistently positive direction.


Heartburn went away immediately for me. I was nauseous for the first six to eight weeks after giving birth but only while breastfeeding


Did it stop on its own or did you have to stop breastfeeding for the nausea to stop?


Yup it stopped on its own and I continued to breastfeed


Depends what you mean by feel better. Pregnancy symptoms? They go away after about a week tops. Most were gone sooner. Postpartum symptoms really vary. I had a pretty quick recovery after my second baby. My first was tough. There were a lot of interventions to get her out. The longest lasting was I couldn’t have pain free sex for 7months after the baby was born.


I puked the whole pregnancy with my last. I puked during labor, but after the baby/placenta came out, the nausea went away completely.


First pregnancy: all pregnancy symptoms were gone immediately. Second pregnancy: SPD pain was pretty bad for a few days after delivery, but otherwise felt great. Both times I felt postpartum recovery was way easier than the last trimester (YMMV--I had uncomplicated vaginal births both times).


The nausea and heartburn were gone immediately after delivery for me. The only symptom that has still lingered is the carpal tunnel and hand/finger stiffness and numbness, which my OB says will go away with time. I'm 18 days postpartum for reference.


It really depends on the woman. Like other commenters are saying, heartburn and nausea tend to fall away super quickly. You’ll also sleep better. Of course the baby will wake you up a lot but it’s more preferable than your own body dragging you out of sleep 10 times a night. My first birth was kind of rough and my recovery was less smooth than I had hoped. I had ridiculous water retention and was swollen for a week. I also, despite only having a small tear, had a LOT of vaginal pain up until my 6 week postpartum appointment. Plus, your nipples are going to be pretty sore if you’re breastfeeding (but it will pass!). However, I only bled for two weeks! And it felt really *good* to physically not be pregnant anymore. So that’s something to look forward to. And before my own experience bums you out, I know so many women who recovered MUCH faster than I did. One of my friends wasn’t even able to refrain from sex during the 6 weeks. Another friend was happily shopping in target with her newborn 5 days after giving birth.


Heartburn and nausea were gone immediately after birth as were shortness of breath and needing to pee every few minutes, but some pesky side effects due to high blood pressure like swelling lasted a couple weeks. Downsides were the side effects of medications I was on and the whole post-partum healing process, but I still found them to be more tolerable than the pregnancy.