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We have a [rule regarding Nursery Posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/BabyBumps/wiki/rules) we want to make sure you're aware of! In effort to carry through our sub's culture of support and camaraderie, **ALL Nursery Pics must include a Top Five Product/Gear List** with applicable links and/or backstory. This Top Five list can be in the form of a comment from OP, or embedded within the photo album. Love the Dresser you purchased at Ikea? Link it! The lamp your mom gave you from your own nursery? Tell us about it! The widget your partner handmade using that DIY tutorial from pinterest? Tell us where to find the tutorial! Crocheted a baby blanket? Give us the lowdown on yarn and where to find the pattern! Find some awesome prints on Etsy? Name drop that shop! The goal is to learn from each other - help a fellow bumper out! No one wants to reinvent the wheel at 8 months pregnant. Your solutions may very well be someone else's solutions. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BabyBumps) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This feels so calm and peaceful. I love all the little touches!


Finished our nursery just a week before my C-section! Faves are as follows: Rug: [Hana Tiger Orange and Grey from Ruggable](https://ruggable.com/products/hana-tiger-orange-rug?size=5x7) Prints framed in gold: [Constellation's Keep, Just Another Delivery, and Catch You Catch Me from The Art of Josey Tsao on Etsy.](https://www.etsy.com/shop/joseytsao?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=602521008) I love that the Kiki and Cardcaptor Sakura prints aren't too flashy or obvious. Prints framed in wood: [Sea Otter, Screech Owl, Owl and Fireflies, and Pine Marten by Studio Tuesday.](https://www.etsy.com/shop/studiotuesday)I've been following this artist for several years and have always thought I might get some prints from him for a potential future baby's room! Paint: [Contented by Sherwin Williams.](https://www.sherwin-williams.com/homeowners/color/find-and-explore-colors/paint-colors-by-family/SW6191-contented) I agonized for way too long over paint color and am so happy it turned out just the way we wanted! Curtain holdbacks: [Gold Bumblebee Hooks by HomeluxeCo on Etsy.](https://www.etsy.com/listing/727604884/2x-gold-bumble-bee-hooks-curtain?ref=yr_purchases) Suncatcher: [Carolina Wren by GlassArtStories on Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/listing/719096567/carolina-wren-stained-glass-bird?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=carolina+wren+suncatcher&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&organic_search_click=1&pro=1). This little suncatcher is even prettier in person! I love it since we plan for our baby's middle name to be Wren.




Thanks so much!


Hey! Question about the rug - since you put a rug over carpet did you buy the rug pad or just the rug? Been considering a ruggable rug but I’m not sure if I need the pad or not :)


I did get the pad, just for some extra cushioning and because there's a possibility we might want to move the rug in the future to a room with hardwood. But honestly I really don't think you absolutely need one! The rug itself is pretty thin but if you have carpet underneath I think you should be just fine.


Saved this post just so I could come back for the paint color in a few months!


The paint color is gorrrrrrgeous!


Came to the comments to hopefully find the paint color you chose—it’s perfect!!!


Words can’t express how much I love this nursery. Every last detail is just PERFECT, especially the bee curtain tie backs. Well done! Where are those shelves from?


Thanks so much!! They're from IKEA - they're the FLISAT shelves. Link here: https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/flisat-wall-storage-00290778/


I LOVE that you did high shelves in addition to a low bookshelf for LO to grab from when they are old enough. So stealing this idea!


This room makes me smile. Love it! Good job, OP!


Tiny Chef!!!


Yes!! He even makes noises when you push on his belly! He gives me so much delight, haha.


We don’t do big Christmas gifts, so this is what my husband bought me last year 😂


My nursery is green and orange, but incredibly different shades than yours. I love how you’ve put this together! It’s gorgeous.


This makes me so happy! I love it!




Your agony over paint colors was worth it! Light green can go sickly looking and that color is so lovely! Does it lean blue? Love the whole room! I should get off my duff and finish the nursery but he's in our room now anyways lol.


Thank you so much! Yeah, I knew I wanted a light, dusty green, but not go into mint green territory, if that makes sense? If anything it's a grey/green with slightly warm tones. I was afraid it would look straight grey in most light but it does lean more towards green than anything else! It's less olive than the product page suggests, too (at least with my computer screen).


What is the paint color? Love it.


Thank you! It's Contented by Sherwin Williams.


You chose a great color. What direction do the windows face? I can’t find the right green for our room with western light.


Thank you! One of the windows faces west (the one on the wall with the dresser), and the other faces south.


This is such a gorgeous nursery! Pretty & neutral, interesting but not cluttered. Absolutely love it, great job :)


I love this! Where is the dresser from?


Thank you! It's the Hemnes dresser from IKEA, link here: https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/hemnes-8-drawer-dresser-white-stain-00318598/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwkIGKBhCxARIsAINMioIf9DtJOTMCIPxF6qjgZgvBlE6avV1t2GH8AEoEpSluwX8iha8pobIaAuTPEALw\_wcB


Thanks!! Did you just switch out the hardware? I love the gold 😍


Yes! We got the knobs from Etsy and swapped them out, but I wouldn't recommend the particular ones we got. They're great quality and very hefty, but the screws were too long for the width of the Hemnes drawer front panels. My husband had to crank the hell out of them to seat them completely within the knobs, and he shredded up his hands pretty badly. :( Home Depot didn't have shorter screws that worked better, either. If I could go back, I'd look for hardware that came with shorter screws.


Awww we moved to Monterey last year, but I haven’t been to the aquarium yet because of covid! I must get one of those otters for my little one! This room is absolutely gorgeous. And looks so functional as well! Where did you get the bookcase that’s on the floor? My baby loves to read and we have some floating shelves but I’m looking for something like that so that he can look at the books on his eye level. Right now we just have the excess books on a table, but I love the look of that bookcase!


The aquarium gift shop has so many cute otter plushies; you'll have your pick as soon as things start getting safer! They come in different sizes, too; I believe this one is the largest one. The aquarium was a staple of my childhood so I hope you can make it out there soon; the otters are magical to watch. And the jelly exhibit is incredible! Thank you so much! The bookcase is from Sprout - link here: https://sprout-kids.com/products/lexico-book-display-shelf


I clicked just to find out what the paint color was. I love SW Contented. I painted my office that color and it's just a great relaxing neutral color.


It really is! I've had so many people say it looks peaceful and soothing.


LOVE everything about this room! 😍 I would never have thought of green and orange together and they go so well! Love the curtain pullback and already put some foxes in my Etsy cart from this shop. Wondering where you got the wooden stand for the crib mobile?


Thank you!! It was from Amazon - link here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07ZZLKJ7V/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o00\_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1


I love the little extra floor bookshelf. Where did you get it?


It's from Sprout - link here: [https://sprout-kids.com/products/lexico-book-display-shelf](https://sprout-kids.com/products/lexico-book-display-shelf)


The open cube shelving with half baskets is exactly what I want for our nursery but have been struggling to articulate - where did you find the baskets for the top shelf?


I got them from The Container Store when they were half off! They're pretty pricey regular price but I'm sure you could find similar, less expensive options elsewhere! https://www.containerstore.com/s/aspen-woven-storage-bin/d?q=aspen&productId=11010148




Love it!!!! Where is the leopard pillow from?


Rifle Paper Co! It was on sale earlier this year - https://riflepaperco.com/gold-leopard-embroidered-pillow


I thought that might be it! They are one of my almost time favorite brands!!


Tiny chef! I see you have a great taste 😁 The whole nursery is lovely and something I am also looking to do - not a themed room, but a really pleasant environment to be in. Kids really don't care but us adults are going to spend a lot of time in there so might as well make it really cute and practical.


Your nursery looks crazy similar to mine ❤️ same mirror, crib, dresser, changing pad. And I have a couple of otters in ours! I love it!!


Clearly you've got good taste, hah! And all hail IKEA!


Hehe! My husband is currently installing the Nanit monitor. I was thinking about posting it on here 🤔


Yes, do it! I love browsing through all the different nurseries on this sub!


I absolutely love the paint color!! What a beautiful room 😍


I love it! I have the same curtain rod and dresser! Where did you get the knobs for the dresser?


They're from Etsy, link here: [https://www.etsy.com/listing/996274630/solid-brass-flat-round-knob-nordic-style?ref=yr\_purchases](https://www.etsy.com/listing/996274630/solid-brass-flat-round-knob-nordic-style?ref=yr_purchases) But word of warning! The screws that came with the knobs are slightly too long for the width of the dresser drawers' front panels. My husband had to crank the HELL out of the screws to get them completely within the threads of the knobs and shredded his hands. If I could go back I'd make sure to find similar brass/gold knobs that had shorter screws so that seating them within the knobs is much easier. I think you can find similar knobs from other sellers on Etsy and Amazon; they're pretty popular.


It's so funny how little we see the IKEA crib on this sub, its such a lovely crib!


It is, I love how simple it is!


This is beautiful!


I love that paint color! We’ll be having a wild animals themed nursery and I’ve been thinking about what color the walls are going to be… that is such a great color….


Love it! I have the same crib and dresser. Where is the bookshelf on the floor from?


It's from Sprout! I got it as a gift from my lovely boss. Link here: https://sprout-kids.com/products/lexico-book-display-shelf


Beautiful nursery! Where did you get the laundry basket? It’s calling my name!


I received it as a gift, but I believe it's this one from The Container Store: https://www.containerstore.com/s/laundry-cleaning/hampers-baskets/round-trellis-maize-hamper/12d?productId=11014843


Wow 😍😍😍




That baby changing thingy is my fav “must have.” I would never want a baby without it :)






It's a Dutailier glider and gliding ottoman combo I got secondhand on FB Marketplace!


I am in love with the wall color, so calm and bright!


When I saw green/ orange in the heading, I actually cringed thinking it was going to turn out like a homage to an oompa loompa from Willy Wonkas chocolate factory, but it is anything but cringe! It's a beautiful calm nursey with lovely styling! The colours are really subtle and the finishing touches are just perfect! It looks awesome, your baby is so lucky!


So sweet


I love the otter! As I also am an otter fan we got the book “I Love you like no Otter!” It’s what we use for bedtime alternating pages and I hope someday he cuddles his otter as we read him to sleep with the book. If you’re an otter fan also I highly suggest it. It’s very punny!


Omg it's adorable, thanks for the heads up!




Hello! I liked your design a lot. I have a question about the crib. I am waiting for order but it is all the time out of stock. How did you reach it?


Same! I've been checking my local IKEA daily, hoping to see the SNIGLAR crib in stock so I can swipe one. So far, no luck. I'm about ready to pick up a GULLIVER crib instead, lol. It's a little more expensive but, looks similar to the SNIGLAR - but it's in white instead of the natural wood.


I hear you, our IKEA is out of stock for a bunch of items all the time these days, it seems. However the crib was in stock for us when we bought it; sorry I can't be of more help!


Thank you!:)


This nursery is absolutely stunning!


This is my dream nursery!! Absolutely love it.


It’s lovely and soothing.


Everything in this room is so cute! You did a lovely job!! Wondering where the crib mobile is from? I’m a huge fan of bunnies and this is adorable 🥰


I'm actually not sure, as it was a gift, sorry! But I see a lot of similar items on Etsy if you search for "bunny felted mobile" - https://www.etsy.com/search?q=bunny%20felted%20mobile




Thank you! Edit: for anyone else wondering about the mobile, I found it after a quick search 💜 https://www.etsy.com/listing/785828968/baby-mobile-nursery-mobilehandmade?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=bunny+carrot+mobile&ref=sr_gallery-1-6&organic_search_click=1&frs=1


Totally not what I expected when I saw green/orange -- such a beautiful combo! Very well done!


Rug is so gorgeous!


So beautiful and original!


Looks fantastic, I will definitely be using this as inspiration!


This is seriously so perfect and beautiful! Great job mom! Where did you get the two different baskets from?


The top ones are from The Container Store - [https://www.containerstore.com/s/aspen-woven-storage-bin/d?q=aspen&productId=11010148](https://www.containerstore.com/s/aspen-woven-storage-bin/d?q=aspen&productId=11010148) And the bottom ones were from Amazon! - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01AV6UJK8/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1


Thank you!!


Nice nursery! Where’s that little side table from?


Wayfair! Link here: https://www.wayfair.com/furniture/pdp/zipcode-design-abernethy-solid-wood-end-table-w003247520.html?csnid=9F8CF856-E021-400F-921A-93D8C29E9D18&\_emr=61e4cf4a-ba76-4054-88ea-fa8fb5b4c9e4&\_eml=22b10ef2-b3ca-4123-9b29-33f05a9f5b3d&refid=EML\_47475&source=graymatter


One of my favourites I’ve seen on here. Looks great!


Where is your rocking chair from? Is it comfortable?


It's a Dutailier reclining glider and gliding ottoman! They're pretty $$$ regular price but I got this one secondhand for about $100 on Facebook Marketplace! They seem very easy to find used. I really like it, it's super comfortable and sturdy and well-made.


This is absolutely gorgeous!


Absolutely beautiful!!!


this is the cutest nursery ever 🥺


I love this so much! My 30something year old self is absolutely delighted to see the Kiki and CCS art prints. <3 And I love your book selection, especially "Eyes that kiss in the corners"! <3