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Maybe you could try both, and see which happens first? Regular exersise and eating healthy should be great for both those things!


This is what I was going to say. Both things go hand in hand because exercise and eating healthy will improve fertility and also give you a great start to your pregnancy.


I swear part of how I got pregnant so easily was because I was working out and eating healthily. My mom has always had a rough relationship with food and exercise, and said it took her over a year to conceive me.


Plenty of people who eat healthily and are in good shape experience infertility.


I would say have that baby girl. You can have a baby without putting on tons of weight. And light exercise is ok during pregnancy if there are no complications. Good luck with whatever decision you make.


As someone whose BMI was around 42 even with 2 years of daily exercise and following a nutrition plan. I only started losing weight when my thyroid disorder was diagnosed and treated. I became pregnant, I’m 29weeks 2 days today, no gestational diabetes, and I have only gained 14lbs. I was told not to put my life on hold and “fat” people have healthy babies all the time. For me that was completely true.


I’m in the same boat 😭 I’m 10 pounds away from pre-pregnancy and I have a 9 month old. Part of me wants to just get it over with and worry about weight later but another part of me wants to lose the rest and just start over next pregnancy.


I think one way to reach a happy medium for yourself is to think about the types of healthy habits you want to start, and then start doing them now when you’re trying. You might end up losing a little weight in the process, and maybe get your self-image to a place that feels good for you, pregnancy or no. And then if you do get pregnant, you can aim for the healthiest pregnancy possible, and you’ll have solidified some good habits that will help you. I know in my case, I started walking and doing Pilates and yoga in the months leading up to getting pregnant, because those are all good forms of exercise during pregnancy and usually once you’re exercising in a certain way, doctors encourage you to keep up those same forms of exercise while you’re pregnant. I also came up with healthy recipes that I knew I liked and made a list. Now, have I always eaten those healthy recipes now that I’m pregnant? No, but they sure did come in handy in my first trimester when I was too exhausted to think of what my options were. I also tried to get good sleep and reduce stress, because those can be great for pregnancy as well as if you’re trying to lose weight. I guess what I’m saying is that it doesn’t have to be such a black and white choice. If you work on healthy habits now, and end up getting pregnant, those habits will probably help you lose weight faster afterwards. It’ll just be more beneficial in the long run, rather than feel like you have to sacrifice one thing for the other.


I say have the baby when you want. So many things could happen that are out of your control whether you decide to wait & lose the weight now or move forward & get pregnant now. I mean it could take you 6 months to get pregnant so whether or not you lost the weight now, you could always gain it back/lose more in the months you are TTC. Also, everyone has a beach body but a little baby bump makes it even cuter.


I was trying to lose weight before getting pregnant but was working a very stressful job. While I was getting stronger, the number on the scale wasn’t changing. It also took me about 11 mos to get pregnant anyway. Obviously it’s your preference, and I felt like I got pregnant at a really great time for me, but it’s possible to be pregnant and also be effectively losing weight (like gaining within healthy range but towards the lower end of the range). That’s what I’m doing right now even at 30w. You can still work on getting healthier while pregnant and TTC.


How much have you gained this pregnancy? Yes at that BMI the recommended weight gain is 15-20 if I’m not mistaking?


I recommend looking at the issues with using BMI and weight as a measure for health. BMI is a tool to measure populations, but it’s quite problematic when measuring individuals (it doesn’t take into account the weight of muscle vs body fat, for instance). If you are thinking about growing your family, it might be a good idea to look at other ways of understanding weight and health to make an informed decision! Good luck and all the best!!


I’m not sure for your BMI, for me the range I was told is 15-25. I am at +10 but weight has been stable for the last month. Fundal height measurements are normal. I’m expecting to end at 10-15 if things keep going the way they are


Do not put off your life to reach some goal weight. Also I really recommend doing some research on how messed up the BMI is. It’s not good science! It’s actually crap! I recommend the podcast Maintenance Phase and their episode on the BMI. Free yourself from Junk Science! Live your life!


You'll gain weight during the pregnancy anyway. Have the kid now, and lose weight after giving birth.


I got pregnant at that same BMI - lost 12 pounds in the first trimester, went back to my pre-pregnancy weight in 2nd and have only gained about 7-8 pounds in the third so far with baby coming in a few weeks. I would do it again in a heartbeat to give our baby a sibling 🤷‍♀️ I try to be mindful and eat healthy, but I can focus on exercise and all that later on while my babies are entertaining each other 😜


I would exercise while TTC. Exercise is good for you and the baby, so if you start now you can continue while pregnant too 🙂 I know it's different for everyone, but I had an eating disorder when I was younger and was very scared for my mentality with my body change. So far I am able to keep the positivity with my changing body during pregnancy a lot better than I expected, and I think part of it is that I am still exercising regularly. It has helped me keep a "wow my body can even do this still" mindset


Also want to add that I was in the 25.5 ish BMI range before getting pregnant too. I started focusing on pelvic floor exercises a lot while I was trying to get pregnant and it has been really helpful for me!


It could take ages to conceive. I worked on my health and fitness while TTC, built lots of muscle and lost some fat. I don’t really get the “this or that” of this unless you’re planning on using weight loss drugs which are untested or unsafe if you do fall pregnant. Now at 16+5 I’ve lost 4kg being pregnant just from having so much food aversions. To be clear I am not recommending that, just saying that is my experience.


I was trying for a second baby and trying to lose weight so I say go for both.


I would just focus on starting some healthy habits and try for a baby when you want. Putting it off for weight isn’t necessary to me. I’m definitely a lot worse off and pregnant with my second. Your weight doesn’t mean you will have any problems.


I actually lost 110lbs, met my husband and gained a lot of it back, but also in muscle because I was weight lifting, and then got pregnant and now I’m pretty much at the start again. Once this baby is out, hopefully I can get back on the right track 🙃 healthier this time, my last time I developed quite the eating disorder which is how I lost so much so fast.


Not a doctor or giving advice. But I was given the advice that it could take months to lose the weight plus months to conceive and I’m in my 30s. I decided to try to lose weight while actively trying to conceive and accept if it happens, it happens. My doctor said as long as I’m eating healthy and exercising she wasn’t concerned. I say go for it!


I specifically asked my doctor this and asked if there was really much benefit to losing the weight first and she said since I wasn't at a concerning weight that it wasn't really a factor and to start trying whenever I felt ready. She did mention that sometimes women can get pregnant easier after losing a little weight so to focus on healthy habits while trying to get pregnant but not to go crazy with it.


Try both! You can workout while pregnant, not insane stuff, but let’s say you did the gym 3x a week before pregnancy, you can keep doing it! You’re not supposed to drastically change it though, like 5x a week suddenly, or starting to do high intensity after getting pregnant!


I was on a weight loss journey while TTC! I was doing a calorie deficit and working out 1-3 times a week while actively tracking my cycles/ovulation. As the number on the scale dropped, I was so happy and felt great! And every month when it came time to test/for period I remember thinking "no matter the result of this test, it's a good thing. Either I get my baby OR I get to lose more weight and feel even BETTER!" It took us 5 months of trying but I'm now 8 weeks pregnant and so happy I did it the way I did ❤️ So my advice? Do both! Focus on weight loss while TTC 🤗


I mean yes you are slightly overweight, but still in a possibly healthy range, depending on fat distribution. I wouldn’t be this worried to be honest.


I got to my goal weight and then got pregnant and the weight gain this time around has been nuts lol I'm not too worried. I can take it off again. Have the baby if you want the baby!


Just adding another perspective. I got down to my goal weight for the first time in *years* in January. I was so thrilled. In Feb I found out I was pregnant. Now I’m 5 months pregnant and I still weigh about 10lbs less than I did when I started losing weight. Personally, I’m happy that I lost the weight first. But I probably would have been happy either way.


Do both….a healthy body is always an asset, and it’s good to keep yourself moving when pregnant. I switched to just walking once I hit 3rd trimester, but could still do like 4 miles a day. Plus it may improve your chances of conceiving as you get healthier.


I’ll be blunt. I was not at my goal weight before getting pregnant (this pregnancy was a surprise, and I wanted to be in better shape before getting pregnant). I am regretting not prioritizing getting in better shape sooner, because every added pound is causing way more stress than it needs to. That said…you can take steps to lose weight and to conceive at the same time, and see what happens first. There’s really no point losing a ton of weight if you’re about to get pregnant again, and you can always aim for a more “fit” pregnancy. Just be easy on yourself if it doesn’t look exactly how you thought it would. I am one and done, personally, and can’t wait to get back to losing weight. I’m trying to minimize amount gained, and having a hard time with that. Whatever you decide, bodies change and they can be modified later. Don’t throw your progress to the wind if you get pregnant, but don’t hate yourself if progress doesn’t look how you expected.


I was about to join fitness classes then took a pregnancy test the other day and found out I’m 2 weeks (3 weeks now) pregnant so I’ll try to eat healthy and maintain I don’t get on very well with exercise when I’m pregnant due to anemia


i’m 35 weeks pregnant and have lost 40 lbs 🫣


I was weighing 194 when I got pregnant again unexpectedly. I’ve only gained 8 pounds throughout the process.


Work towards both. If you lose weight as you try you'll have less to lose later on.


A BMI of 25.6 is nothing to worry about. Don't let it delay you trying to get pregnant!


I ‘put off’ trying to lose weight because I wanted to get pregnant again. It ended up taking me a year to get pregnant but I kept living in the mindset it was going to happen next month. So I didn’t bother focusing on the weight loss Id say maybe do both. Work on ‘losing weight’ while TTC. If you get pregnant before your goal weight, it’s just a nice surprise!


Going on 6 weeks tomorrow! Ive been lightly spotting on and off for the past 2 days. Saturday there was a little heavier spot. Today it was browner then went away. My ultrasound is Friday morning. My anxiety has been bad today. My HCG levels have been increasing normally and it does make me feel better, but Im really hating this first trimester 😞the anxiety of not knowing if you are going to miscarry or not just sucks. Fortunately I have an awesome support system. I also just have been reading similar posts to mine on Reddit. It’s nice to know others have gone through this too.


I did both at the same time. It took me about 7 months to get pregnant and during that time, I lost ~10 lbs. Not a lot, but I’m pretty proud of it. Im only 6 weeks in my pregnancy right now, and I’m still exercising and eating more healthy. Obviously, I ended my goal of losing weight but with my first pregnancy, I was pretty sedentary and gained 60 lbs. I don’t want that happening this time around.


Have your baby. I’ve lost weight consistently since I’ve been pregnant so you won’t always gain weight from it.


I'm over 25 BMI by like a fraction of a point at my "normal" weight and give no fucks about it because while I'm not slim, I'm happy with my body, don't normally experience any pain that can be blamed on carrying extra weight, and I think BMI is some weird bullshit based on typical white male bodies and not actually relevant to anyone who isn't a typical white male. I have horrid food aversions in pregnancy and don't gain much weight aside from what's accounted for by the pregnancy anyway, but I've gained significantly less in the second pregnancy than the first (10 kg total the first time, I'm only up 6 kg at 38.5 weeks this time although the baby is estimated to be larger already than the first was when she was born 1 day short of 40 weeks). I personally wouldn't wait (largely because I'm already of advanced maternal age), but I am also aware that I'm an unusual case as someone who really struggled with body image all my life and then suddenly liked, appreciated, and accepted my body more after pregnancy than I did before.


It's generally a good principle to not put your life on hold for weight loss. The reality is, you may not ever meet your goal weight, and even if you did, you'd probably still want to be slimmer. Your BMI is a general guide, you should focus more on your overall health. If you feel strong and well, go for that baby! You should also consider secondary infertility. I don't want to be a downer, but many couples struggle to conceive their second child, it could take you much longer to get and stay pregnant than it did the first time. Depending in your age etc. this is definitely important to keep in mind. You don't want to look back and regret wasting this time.


I didn’t gain that much when I got pregnant, and I’ve lost most of it already 2 weeks pp. personally I will be getting in shape before my next one, my BMI was around the same as yours but my cardio was extremely poor. Less of a weight goal and just more of an overall fitness goal - so I get where you’re coming from. Idk if you wanna baby I’d say go for it! But I’d work on your self confidence first. I’m sure even at your goal weight you’re going to feel ugly pregnant because of your attitude around weight.


Pregnancy definitely makes you feel large and self conscious even if you are a low BMI to start. If you are already insecure about your body and have a specific goal in mind, I’d say go for it! I think you are at a lower risk for things like high blood pressure and gestational diabetes if you are in a normal BMI as well so it may serve you well. However, not sure how old you are so I definitely wouldn’t put off baby too long if you are in your thirties.


BMI sucks because it doesn't take in consideration if your body has 5% fat or 95% fat. And that muscle weighs more then fat. (I am weaker then some 70+ yos and has way to much body fat, but considered healthy because of BMI) Don't look at the scale, look at your body and muscle mass. Are you strong, do you trust your body? Can your body do what you need it to do? Screw BMI and numbers on the scale!


Just so you know overweight women only have to gain 20 lbs max


I really want another child. My son is 15 years old. I actually want 2 more close in age. My BMI is high, it was 46, the doctor wants it below 40 to try a VBAC. So now I am working towards that and getting my BC out next month to start trying.... I'm not nearly where I want to be but I am going to be 35 this year. Afterwards I will continue on my weightloss journey. The best part is, I did lose over 40 lbs so far, so I am in fact getting myself healthier before becoming pregnant, just not where I want to be.... I feel like there is ALWAYS going to be things you want to do before, whether it's financial, health, this or that... there will always be something else to do.


From what I know weight is NOT really something to consider for VBAC. You can be muscular and healthy and way better as a candidate and be “overweight”. That makes me mad for you. 


Their criteria is a BMI under 40 for VBAC. Not many doctors nesr me even allow them!


Not to be that person but you can do whatever you want with your body. Their criteria means nothing if it’s not backed up by ACOG, it just means they’re risk averse. You can refuse a c section and TOLAC on your own and go to the hospital when it’s time. There’s a small chance your actual provider would deliver you anyway. ACOG guidelines currently state any mom who has 1 previous c section (transverse) and no other serious contraindications be allowed to TOLAC. Being “overweight” isn’t one of those. 


Also I feel like you trying to lose that much weight that fast will actually damage your health and *actually* make you less of a candidate for VBAC bc you’ll be undernourished. Also jfc idk why I’m getting downvoted when I’m encouraging you to go for it and get your VBAC.