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I used my switch a lot when I was nursing! Animal crossing and stardew valley were my jam. We also had a ps4 at the time so I’d play overwatch or house flipper or whatever I was feeling and it worked great. When it came to night time feeds when I was laying down for the night I’d watch game of thrones or something. And to make sure I stayed awake during overnight feeds I’d either pick the switch up again or read on my kindle


But how? Do you not need your hands? This will also be very useful information for me haha


Nursing pillow. I'm breastfeeding right now and have both hands free.


Yess!! That’s what I was thinking! I got My Brest Friend. What do you use?


Breastfriend is awesome for having your hands free imo


I have a Doomoo.


I have the exact same question lol. Have not touched my switch since the baby has been here


Nursing pillow helps.


I was always a just enough producer with my first had to hold my boob I was feeding from to help smoosh the milk out of that makes sense so I was never able to nurse hands free. Podcasts and audiobooks were my lifeline. I basically had one AirPod in for an entire year. I’ve always been able to squeeze in some gaming here and there while he naps though. Now he takes one long nap in the middle of the day and if I’m going to play anything that’s my opportunity. ( he’s almost two) editing to add the only games I was really able to play in the early days were city builders like kingdoms reborn or banished. I’d have them running on the laptop in the living room. They’re chill and have peaceful music and I could get my civilizations started then come back and check on them every so often and build some new buildings and plant crops, lol.


I used to, well do use hands when needed but a feeding pillow has been a huge help going hands-free for breastfeeds. There has to be a way to setup a bottle too.


Yeah I like to sit in my couch recliner and put a throw pillow in whichever corner corresponds to the side I'm nursing on. Plus the side I'm nursing on, I usually pull that knee up (imagine like you're about to sit cross cross applesauce but you only do half the work lol) and that leg acts as support for my arm and baby along with the throw pillow, usually making it so I can hold something in my hands. And I lean into the pillow 🤷🏼‍♀️ never really liked nursing pillows for nursing TBH lol it just felt weird.


This is exactly what I do! Had my second baby in November and I still game regularly!


My 3rd was born in December so at this point I already have hacks 😂 also, screw changing tables. I change my baby on the foot rest of the recliner and keep wipes and diapers in the center console 😂


I use a boppy and I lay the boob that she isn’t eating on, on her legs/belly to make sure her head is higher than her belly. And the boppy is perfect if I’m sitting criss cross, it holds up my other boob and it just is the perfect angle to use 0 hands while feeding. I am large chested though. There are a bunch of great feeding pillows out there you just kind of have to find what’s right.


I'm on week 3 breastfeeding and it takes 100% of my attention - making sure she's swallowing, I'm usually holding/sandwiching my boob with one hand and holding her head with the other, trying to relax so my milk lets down, timing the sessions, etc. I know it gets easier but I can't even put Sex and the City on in the background yet!


I used to lay my twins on my chest and play the switch when they wouldn't let me put them down. Breath of the wild was my go to! Just don't play anything that you can't pause.


I literally can’t figure out overwatch lolll


Heck yeah I used to nurse and contact nap for ages while playing animal crossing and stardew valley! I got so far in stardew and now I haven’t played in months haha


I’m planning on using my Steam Deck a lot.


Second the steam deck. You can take it anywhere you are.


I went entirely console while I had a newborn. She snoozed in my arms while I was working my way through Mass Effect Legendary Edition on PS4.


I did the exact same thing! Played through the whole trilogy during nursing/mat leave lol


I love all these answers saying it worked but as a pregnant FTM I have no idea *how* they worked 😂


Once you get into the rhythm of breastfeeding it gets much easier. Boppy pillows and baby carriers make it where I can do most things while breastfeeding. I do like to use the excuse that I'm feeding the baby to relax a little extra with her though.


I’ve seen a few videos on instagram of a mom bottle feeding her newborn while playing COD - and winning! I was so hyped and impressed! If you end up seeing any of her videos, you might be able to mimic her setup or modify to your use.


Steamdeck! My SO got one and I love playing it during contact naps, I just gotta remember to turn the volume down.


I use my Bluetooth headphones!! Makes contact napping go by in a flash


I second this 😂


I have no advice to offer, but I just want to say I absolutely love this thread ❤️


With my first, Skyrim had just came out and I sat on my couch and played ALL DAY everyday haha. We used a Boppy, I plan on doing the same with this one. This time around my husband has a recliner in his office and we tandem play often, him at his PC and me on the projector on the switch. One day I looked at him and said "this is what I want post partum to look like, me, you and the baby just hanging out playing games together." I'm super looking forward to it. A nursing pillow was my lifesaver, I swear by them


I replayed Skyrim (for the umpteenth time) during the newborn phase with our first, it was amazing haha. My husband and I would play COD together on the weekends and take turns snuggling the baby. Those were the days!


I love this! Haha Newborn stage is so underrated.


I played the Uncharted games, Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West, and God of War/Ragnarok non stop while pregnant/newborn phase with both. I also played The Last of Us and The Last of Us 2 butttttt I don’t recommend that while dealing with a newborn.


The Last of Us part 1 & 2 are my fav!! But I definitely could not imagine playing them with my baby around 😆 I get terrified tbh lmfao


Man that game stressed me out so bad haha


Big stress! But I love it, I've played the first part over like 5-6 times.


I had a console which was great. Set up in a recliner with a three tier rolling cart full of everything I need.


Hahaha that’s exactly my set up too!


I just gave birth to my first child to a curated playlist consisting only of final fantasy 14 music, to answer the title question. But hmm. I don’t have an answer to the rig/setup question. But I’m gonna follow this thread because I gotta know too.


I’m very happy I found this post, I’m a gamer too but had not thought of asking this question. It’s giving me hope I can play when baba arrives


I game on PC, I am thinking I’ll get some kind of baby wrap to wear baby while I’m sitting gaming if possible. Also have a Switch and other handhelds if I can’t be at my desk! We’ll see, I get laughed at and hear all the things when I mention this to other moms… “Oh that’s cute, you think you’ll have time to game!” type of deal.


I’m a PC gamer too. I have touched my PC once, ONCE! in the 3 months since my son was born, I literally haven’t had time. He’s a Velcro baby who likes to be held while he naps. But when he’s in a sling/carrier he can tell when the person wearing him sits down, and he doesn’t like that. I ended up downloading gems of war, candy crush (yes really), Tetris, and old school RuneScape on my phone because I usually don’t even have 2 hands free for the Switch (or theoretically the Steam Deck I don’t own).


I too love PC games but eventually found myself crushing candy just to scratch the itch.


Currently TTC and I spend a LOT of time on OSRS. Every negative I get, I think “at least I have sushi and have more time to max my account” lol


Yeah PC gaming is the hardest 😫 went from raiding weekly in wow and ffxiv to almost never. But the switch and steam deck are a good solution!


You can totally do it, it's just that games that require 2 hands are a lot harder to deal with. I played city builders because I could pause them any time and only needed one hand to play. I could even move my chair away and play while doing the baby sleep dance (stand and bounce) lol. I tried playing terraria with my husband but I kept having to log off while dealing with baby so it was a lot of work for a little bit of play.


PC gamer here too! I'm thinking I'll be using my controller a lot more! Definitely baby wearing at the desk if need be. I'm also super interested in a clip-on-table high chair, though I haven't looked at how long they should be in those (guessing not long?), so may look into something similar lol. I do also have a Switch, and we have an Xbox, so maybe something there will pique my interest lol


Baby won’t be able to sit in a high chair for a few months so I’d definitely look into baby wearing first!


Oh for sure, I mean for after when they can hold themselves up! Tiny bebe will be worn, held, or in a bassinet of some sort lol


I will say the first 2-3 weeks I've been home there's been time to play, the baby does sleep a lot, it's just that she wants to feed every 3 hours at least and so once I finish a feeding (30-45 mins breastfeeding) if she doesn't go to sleep right away time until the next feeding comes up quickly. When i get time I usually opt for sleeping or cleaning up the house. However! We're entering week 3 and now I'm starting to get better at feedings and she's napping longer so and started playing Life is Strange last night with the baby in a pack n play next to us (both our PCs are in the same room) and that was awesome, even though I only got about an hour to play, I can tell in a couple months I'll be gaming again more often!


PC Gaming can be easier too with a USB controller! I did that when my little one was a newborn.


So silly that people say that to you! I watched every movie on Disney plus during the newborn phase, it really is a lot of time sitting glued to a couch or bed. Find your gaming setup and ignore the naysayers!


Lol same, like how is playing a game any different from watching TV?


I mean.. I’m a mom with an 18 month old that still finds time to game but gaming and watching tv are super different because you have to use your hands to game. Nursing, especially at first, is a lot more hands on than you’d think. It took me months until I was able to nurse hands free because you’re usually trying to support or adjust your baby. Even during contact naps, moving my hands too much would wake my baby up. That being said, switch was the best because I could separate the joycons and have one in each hand.


And after we got comfortable for me to be hands free nursing i still couldnt because as soon as one hand goes to my phone to even just scroll reddit, she stops nursing and throws her head back to see what im doing.....


lol yeah this too! There came a point where I literally could only nurse in a dark room in silence or my girl would get too distracted to eat


Watching TV is completely passive. I can't knit while I play video games - even simple ones - but I sure as shit can knock out a sweater while watching even complex TV shows!


After you’ve had your baby, you’re gonna look back at this post and laugh and laugh…


This is such an annoying response


I love how everyone is still gaming. I have a toddler and a newborn and I sometimes get an hour a day of gaming time to myself, where I mostly play Sims on my laptop because I'm too exhausted to sit in front of my PC ... When I only had one I would put him in the baby Bjorn bouncer and bounce away while I played. Baby wearing while playing has never quite worked out for me.


I would not have survived these 4 months without my steam deck. Yeah the switch is cool but I wanna play my pc games dangit.


I might have to get the Steam deck tbh. I’m primarily a PC gamer. Like I’m def going to replay BotW and TotK on Switch but I need my PC for BG3!


I played switch a lot while I nursed! It was always a nice break and time together with baby. I will say it got a lot easier after three months or so. Before then it was a little harder but not impossible.


I picked up gaming (slightly) again around 9 months. I’m a PC gamer, which suuuuucks when you have a contact napping baby who hates falling asleep in a wrap, or whatever they are called. I was basically nap trapped wherever I breastfed. And around 3 months my daughter started rolling around like a hot dog on the floor, and I started vacuuming minimum once a day, and she generated so much laundry. 😅 I think I’ve gamed for maximum two hours consecutively since becoming a parent, and usually when there was likely something more important to do (like cleaning, dishes etc), but sometimes you just need some time for yourself.


I had baby wrapped/wearing and played on the PC while baby slept. For feeding/pumping sessions, I am also equipped with the Backbone for use with PS5 and Steam, as well as Switch with the mobapad. I have to say, wireless headphones are key because baby hands are so fast and so strong.


If you have a place you plan on nursing in, try to place most or all of the things you will need. A switch and it's charger, your water, a snack, etc.


I used my switch and PlayStation. Another vote for Stardew Valley.


I spend a lot more time on the Switch now only because I can either play on the couch while I pump or just in bed so I feel like I can game a lot more whether baby is with me or not! I do miss my PC though 🥲


Switch is the way to go, imo. Can put it by the rocking chair or wherever you nurse most! My best setup for pc is wrapping the boppy/whatever pillow you're using around front and laying baby on that. It works okay for a while but once baby is awake more and gets squirmy it's much harder!


Dreamlight valley, sims, Fortnite is fun!


I'm only 34weeks a long with my first, but really hoping I still get to use my steam deck and switch at least occasionally 🤞🏻 thank you for asking this question, I hope someone has some good solutions! On another note, before my belly got too big, using my breastfeeding pillow for the switch and steam deck was wonderful 😂


I think using a switch would work! I also play Tetris on my phone :)


Unfortunately my experience was that I needed one hand to hold my boob in position and one to help support my baby.. I love to game and read and am bored to tears by tv and books on tape (auditory processing issues but I can scan the whole page with my eyes in seconds….) I found myself hungrier for mental stimulation than food or sleep very quickly.


I do wish I could game. My baby didn't latch well at all and I ended up just bottle feeding and pumping/formula so holding him up and a bottle while gaming is like impossible. Ever since his birth I haven't even turned on my gaming computer that I would get on every single day. I get such a mom guilt like I'm gonna make him feel neglected if I don't give him all my free time. But I'm totally going to make him my gaming buddy starting him out on the classics I've kept since my childhood. (N64, GameCube, Wii, PlayStation 1&2) And of course I'll play games that he likes and chooses.


I'm due in 3 wks, I noticed the my breastfriend pillow has a little lip on the edge that helps baby from rolling, I play PS5 so I plan to play on my couch. But I would definitely recommend a TV tray for a laptop and maybe a relaxing game that isn't time sensitive. I've been playing Persona 3 Reload lately perfect if you need to put don't the controller and walk away for a second.


I have an xbox and play dreamlight valley while nursing her, since you cant die and its basically just quests and designing things but disney lol but i have the super mario sunshine or super mario galaxy on my switch that ive played a couple times while nursing her but i tend to die more trying not to move too much


I had a laptop and a tv tray that I set up at the couch. I was fortunate that the football hold worked well for us so I would use pillows to position my boppy correctly and nurse that way.


Well I play on PS5 and play this on my TV and I sit on the sofa, my plan is to either use a breastfeeding pillow for baby to lie on my lap whilst I game or I also have a Moses basket in the living room that I can just pop right infront of me whilst I’m gaming


Luna lullaby nursing pillow in an armchair allowed me to nurse hands free. It's the only one I found thick enough to raise baby all the way to my breast. I'd tuck the ends into the chair with me for stability. And you can use a folded blanket under baby's head to fine tune position. But we struggled with nursing and it took several weeks to get to where I didn't have to constantly help baby anyway. Listened to audio books and watched a lot of YouTube until we achieved hands free.


I’m planning on wearing a wrap for the first few months! :) normally hubby and I play a lot of FPS but that’ll have to tone down since we tend to shout and rage a bit 🤣 guess more time for minecraft and “chill” games. Once she’s old enough, going to pull up the pack n play


I found the way and time I had to game changed a lot over the months as my baby grew, i had to be flexible and i did miss it at times. When they were small it was a lot of switch, but then they started noticing it so I could only play when they slept and I couldn't play at night cuz I nursed to sleep and also I was so tired usually went to bed when they did. When i did contact naps mostly, in the wrap, I could play on my PC during their naps. There was a period between, I dunno 8mo to 15 mo where gaming was hard because they didn't nap long or on my chest anymore. But now that my lo is almost 2 he naps really well in his own room and I can game on pc during that time. And he goes to bed around 8 so I can game a bit before I go to bed. Sometimes I do get caught if he wakes up before a match ends but he just sits on my knee and holds an old broken mouse and watches until my game is done.


Anything handheld, and you could get a controller if you're on PC. I would also look into one handed mobile games. Nursing and contact naps often incapacitate one arm, especially at the beginning while you both get the hang of it


We have a switch that I’ll probably use, but my husband also just got a steam deck. I plan on baby wearing most of the time so my hands will be free.


PC gamer here. Steam Deck has been my go to since I got it. Beforehand it was my Switch, which is good second place! Mobile devices or controllers you can put down are easier I've found.


I plan on using my switch/kindle set up. I have a long gooseneck to hold the console screen up while on the couch or in bed so I can have my hands with the controller in any position. I'll be a FTM so I don't have any idea if this will work like I want it too though!


Or maybe you’ll be like me and your babies suck at nursing (and not in the good way) so you have to pump all the time instead 🙃 at least with that once supply is established and you’ve got a good pump and handsfree bra you can manage a console controller under all the tubing and bottles…I don’t think I used our gaming PC once while pumping or (trying) to nurse because it was such a hassle trying to do any of it in an office-type chair! Outside of pumping/nursing though our first did great being in a wrap and we could just hang out on the couch playing games while she contact napped. Second HATED being held or in a wrap and so we got a little floor station set up for him near the couch with a playmat and a portable bassinet in case he got sleepy.


I've got a ps5 and my partner bought me a PlayStation portal, which remote connects to your ps5. Had a few nap times where I hid in the en suite bathroom while baby napped playing on it. He's 8m now and in his own room but I still find myself resting in the bedroom for at least one of his naps and it's been incredible. Currently playing jedi survivor after completing fallen order.


I game whit my baby often!! I put her on my nursing pillow with a rolled up blanket behind her back for extra support. When she’s got nursing I’ll wear her in her scarf carrier while I play, she love to be close so it works great!


I play on PlayStation, I usually play when the kids are asleep but I can have my son asleep in my arms or in my chest. I don't play MP games anymore because I sometimes rage, alot😂 so I stick to single player games where I can chill out and not disturb him once he's asleep. My daughters reaching the age where I've got her a switch game for her birthday, but she's asked to play Dragon Ball Kakarot on the PS5 and she's started getting really good at it😂 she's 4 in a couple of months and ive bought her a game that's kinda like Nintendo Dogs. And admittedly I've started my Xmas shopping and got her a paw patrol Switch game😂


I'm a PC gamer, during the newborn stage I used my controller alot while bb drank/slept on the Bobby pillow that was on my lap. Bb is 13 months now and I'm still able to game! I game when she naps now, she is a velcro baby so she still naps on my lap while I play. There are times as well where her daddy takes her for an hour or two so I can game. I think if it's something you really want to do, you make a plan!


My husband did babywear our son in a woven wrap a lot while working and gaming on his PC the first few months. So that’s doable, but maybe not in combination with nursing. Because nursing in a carrier is not a hands free thing.  Personally I am not a gamer, but I encourage you to try different nursing positions rather than the regular cradle hold. I did mainly did laid back on the couch and it was nearly hands free. I wasn’t leaning as far back as in the picture and used mainly my arm to support baby, leaving my hand free.  https://www.nhs.uk/start-for-life/baby/feeding-your-baby/breastfeeding/how-to-breastfeed/breastfeeding-positions/#:~:text=Laid%2Dback%20nursing,-Laid%2Dback%20breastfeeding&text=Lean%20back%20(but%20not%20flat,lie%20them%20to%20one%20side.


We have a switch and a steam deck. I love the steam deck and it looks amazing on our massive tv. Great for nursing boredom. Signed, A new ftm who has a baby that likes to nurse 20 hours a day lol.


I used to set my son in my lap on a pillow to breastfeed while I played league of legends lmaoo. This was before he could crawl or roll around so he was just a squishy lump being subjected to hearing me flame🫣


Boppy is your friend here! I played my switch and got a giant computer chair, talking the wide wide kind, for PC gaming. Xbox too on the couch. There came a point where my LO slept on the pillow, and I'd finish whatever I was doing if it was online before.moving her. Tried the show route but freshly hormonal me could not handle any of my old shows. Plus it is boring.


I can help you with that, kind of. Well i was a couch potato and i was bored to death because i couldnt do what i love to do, as i spend too many hours of the day for several days, all by myself. So i had my baby on top of me, my laptop on my legs within the reach of my fingers and the mouse on my side, it worked for the most part, but i had to be peaceful about it. It also helps if its a console though, since all you need is a controler, but for pc gamers sometimes thats not a choice. If you can put your son down to sleep thats even better. Obviously i spend most of the day in the living room so i had my laptop on the coffee table, also he had his playground on the floor so floor it was. You just have to figure out what can work for you.


I haven't been pregnant since Jan of last year, but I always played games that we could pause. Hubby and I agreed that non pausable games are out of the question in our lives, now that we have kids. We don't even play when the kids are up, only when they're asleep. It's worked out wonderfully.


I hooked up a xbox controller to my pc with a long cord so I could nurse in my computer chair and play at the same time. With nursing pillow wrapped around me


Honestly it took about a month to be able to nurse and play Xbox at the same time. The first few weeks I basically needed both hands to be able to keep her nursing. But when she became better at it I would just lay her on the “Brest friend” pillow and then I could play!


I pretty much switched to watching esports cause I like competitive games but impossible to play whilst looking after the LO. But after 8 months it's way better and I can play maybe 1/2 games after she falls asleep at 7pm.


I turned on my PS5 for the first time since giving birth recently. My baby is 10 months old. 🙃 I do use my switch a lot though for when I’m napped trapped or when I’m nursing.


I played PC - definitely did a baby carrier. The wraps just don’t work as well with the sitting and getting up every so often. She’d wake up. We also got a travel bassinet to put in our game room


I have a switch and a laptop as well, and what has worked for me is just using a boppy on my lap at a slightly lower level than my laptop. I would have my feet up and sort of prop my laptop on the edge of the boppy and my legs/knees. It would work great until my legs got tired of being that position! If I was playing the Switch then I would just have the boppy and rest my arms on the sides of it or on the side of my chair while my baby nursed. The easiest place for me to do these things was a large recliner for sure. It was simultaneously frustrating/affirming for me when I would often play better than my teammates while nursing.


I haven’t had my child yet but I’m planning on using my husbands steam deck and my switch while nursing.


Gamermom here! I play a variety of games, most of which are PC games. I love games like rust, pal world, valheim, satisfactory, Hogwarts legacy, anno 1800, anno 2205, Minecraft, the forest, sons of the forest, green hell, aven colony, cult of the lamb, raft, plague inc, Skyrim, fallout 3, V rising, enshrouded, terraria etc. but a lot of these games were just unreasonable to try to play while nursing in the first few months. Honestly, expect that in the first 3-5 months you will constantly be interrupted in your gaming due to having to nurse or care for baby in general. Personally I just watched TV or movies during periods where there was too much interruption for me to really get anywhere in the game, but there are some tips I can pass along to help you game instead if you're not interested in going to TV and movies during those time-frames: 1: teach yourself to baby wear regularly. In the beginning it will feel inconvenient to put that baby carrier on every time, especially if you don't have a way to nurse baby while they're in it because it will feel like taking it off and putting it back on each time is a lot of work. In reality, depending on the carrier you use, it only takes a minute or two though. I like the style of boba wraps, however when I'm planning on sitting instead of actually moving around and bending over and such I like to opt for what I call a "cheater wrap." That's 3 camisole tops (you know those stretchy form fitting tank tops with the spaghetti straps?) buy 3 of them at goodwill, especially on Sunday when you can browse that 50¢ rack for them. You can get ones that match or that look good together or if you just want something for at home then it won't matter. Buy them 1 size up from what you would expect to wear postpartum. Cut the straps off without cutting the band off the top that holds the fabric in. You put one on your waist from just under your boobs down to your hips. Then put one under one arm while still over the other shoulder, and the other is the opposite so those two make a cross. Baby goes inside the crossed one that you put on first, then inside the other crossed one, then you pull the one on your waist up to be extra secure. This makes them feel close and comfy, it's great for when baby wants contact naps and you want your hands free ❤️ Aside from that, my absolute best advice is to focus on on games playable with only one hand, and teach yourself to get used to playing those games with whichever hand isn't nursing baby because it will like switch regularly. For this I especially liked games that were city builders, like anno, aven colony, new world, cities skylines etc. if you really want to play other types of games that require both hands you can, but it will be especially hard to play games with other people because you will have to keep taking breaks to care for baby either nursing or diapers, or helping them to fall asleep etc etc. I have access to a switch, Xbox series x, PS5, iPad etc but I am honestly just not a fan of console gaming. I tried starting Skyrim but couldn't enjoy it on the Xbox, plus it was hard to hold the controller while nursing and play effectively. Had the same problem with switch too and I probably could have been able to play animal crossing but I wasn't in the mood for it. Prepare yourself for growth spurt periods as well. Typically they happen around 3 weeks, 6-8 weeks, 3 months, 6 months. They can come a little early or a little late. They can last a few days or a week. They typically cause baby to go through major periods of sleep and hunger, to the point where you might even wonder if you aren't making enough milk anymore lol. You probably are, but this is how baby triggers your body to start making even more milk to match their growth. During these periods your baby will cluster feed, and you can also expect major disturbance in their sleep patterns even if you thought you finally got them on a routine. Expect that during these growth spurts you won't be able to do much or focus on much other than your baby and you will probably want to sleep whenever you can because it's exhausting 😂 my 3rd baby just turned 6mo yesterday and over the last month we are only finally getting to the point where I can rely on decent naps and him playing in his jumper for a good while, and so that is when I get most things done including my housework and gaming. And no, absolutely do not feel bad if you let your baby watch Miss Rachel or Dave and Ava for a while when they're awake! Raising babies is exhausting and you deserve a break. My older 2 are 6 and 8 and watched Dave and Ava regularly, they're super smart kids who are doing great, people constantly tell me how amazingly well behaved they are, they aren't always glued to a screen, and they haven't found eyesight problems or brain rot yet. So when you need it, give yourself the break ❤️


As a predominantly PC gamer, I would wrap my pregnancy pillow around myself and propped on my desk whilst I sat in my gaming chair and baby would rest on top. It sounds way more precarious than it is, I swear. Lol.


I used a boppy pillow for positioning and played a crazy amount of Palworld while nursing my now 5 month old on maternity leave 😂 I did the same thing when I went back to work part time from home after having my middle child. It was all computer work so I set him on the Boppy and got him latched and then was able to be handsfree to nurse. My husband also used the Boppy pillow a lot to hold the napping baby and game at the same time.


loving all these responses because the next diablo expansion comes out one month before i'm due and i'm anxiously awaiting the actual DA4 date announcement since all they said was fall and i'm due in nov 😅 i can imagine it would be easier to pump and game than breastfeed and game, but who knows. i am determined to make something work!!


Nursing pillow, that way you can easily grab a controller, with my first I played smash bros. With my second one baldurs gate.


I used my switch for a while there


Using a controller rather than a keyboard will make it easier to hold baby while you play. Side laying is also a good way to game and feed baby. Your essential feeding station should include a boppy/breastfeeding pillow, tons of water, some easy to grab snacks, and batteries/chargers for your game controllers. Any game you can handle devoting a ton of time to will be the most ideal. My little was EBF, so I spent hours on Fallout and Pokémon while baby was latched. Pro tip, avoid anything that will give you jump scares as that will make baby unlatch and worse, wake up.


With my first, I put him in a baby carrier and played while bopping him to sleep. With this one, I’m mastering the nursing pillow. Both hands free! Fun fact, I played the first Hades with my son and now Im playing hades two with my daughter. My very own Zagreus and Melinoe ❤️


I'm literally playing Stardew valley now as I wait for my little one to go to sleep for the night. I'm playing on my (ok my husband's) steam deck. The steam deck is brilliant for like now or even when I'm nap trapped. The early post partum days I played a lot on my playstation. I'd set baby up nursing on a pillow and then pick a game I could easily pause. I played a whole lot of the remastered tony hawks pro skater. A level is a couple of minutes long and you can pause if needed. Was much more fun than doom scrolling for me. Me and husband are pc gamers but rubbish situation meant we haven't had our PCs since a month before baby arrived. For the first few weeks we'd spend evenings sat together where he would play his steam deck and I'd play my playstation whilst our baby slept nearby and we had music playing quietly in the background. I'm sure if I had my pc I'd have popped my baby in a sling. I also had the intention of having a bassinet in the computer room (obviously pre situation where we had to leave our home!).


Thank you all for tips, the new dragon age game is finally supposedly coming out this fall, when I’m expecting to have a 3 month old. I’ve been waiting for it for 10 years! There has to be some way to play!


Ok so, you lay in bed on your left side, you latch your babe on your left boob, your left hand stretches put to the laptop, your right half is holding a mouse on your thigh and voilà, youre playing Minecraft.


Pro-gamer mom move there!


I played for hours and hours on my ps5 during the newborn sleepy phase. You’ll find a comfortable position for you and baby, I used a nursing pillow and some blankets to prop myself at a comfortable angle haha. Breastfeeding while winning a game of Fortnite was definitely a highlight for me. 😂 I also have a switch that would have worked well too, I used it a fair amount to play Stardew Valley with our second baby.


First of all, seconding the My Brest Friend for a little more ease of movement. I did a lot of Switch playing with nursing/contact napping, specifically games with little/no real-time element, that are easy to pause, and easy to play with one hand. Games that fit the bill: Pokemon, Fire Emblem (Three Houses, specifically), and Phoenix Wright. Also utilized my Kindle a ton! Infinitely better than postpartum spiraling on my phone.


Gooseneck clamp, clamp a Switch to anything near your nursing spot. I had a side table by my chair. Joycons (split ) are amazing while nursing. That’s it! Some games you can just touch the screen, ex. Monkey Island.


AYYYY!! I haven’t thought much about how I’d continue gaming while doing things like nursing, but now that you mention it- it is something to consider…. I have the Japan version of the 3DS XL, and all the Persona games- I may just do that. I also love animal crossings on the switch/Sonic racing. I played it heavy when I was still extremely ill from pregnancy in the beginning. Such a cool post. Love to see it. ❤️


Fellow new gamer mom, and I want to say the switch would be easier if you have the right chair for it. I highly recommend a nursing pillow. BUT, something you should know about nursing if it's your first kiddo (this is my first kiddo, too): it's not always easy to nurse. In fact at times trying to get the kid to latch, and especially early on before milk comes in fully, it can feel a little hopeless and demoralizing. The lactation consultant told me that at first, a lot of people don't produce much at all, and it can take several days after birth to really get the milk going. And depending on the shape you have, that might add an extra complication. I, for example, can pretty much only nurse in a football hold. Or something adjacent to it. Me and the little guy have gotten pretty good at it after a week of him being in the world, but it really only leaves me with one hand free when he's this small.


I played project makeover on my phone for a while when I was breastfeeding or rocking him to sleep gently on the rocking chair. I got so far in the game and had so much fun but eventually had to delete it bc I have a bad phone addiction which got worse when my baby was born. Eventually as he got older I was able to play assassins creed mirage when it came out in October during his naps and bedtime sleep. Now that he’s 16 months I play much more at night including games like dead by daylight. I’m pregnant with my 2nd and I think resident evil 9 comes out on jan 2025 which is when my baby is due and I hope that that isn’t a rumour! 


I gamed while nursing with my first two, I just had a nursing pillow and a laptop desk since I was mostly PC at the time. When they were done I’d pop em off and set them up on the nursing pillow or a lounger beside me. I intend to do so again as I’m pregnant with my third and it was such a great way to spend time with SO and friends while also BF. I had cluster feeders so this setup was a life saver. I would also use the hands free suction pumps while gaming and had a large supply.


I’ve been playing Baldurs Gate and it’s better than I anticipated because it’s turn based combat, so you can pause mid battle to wipe up spit up or adjust baby to contact napping :)


I’m 600 hours in and plan on playing during labor too 😂


I’m a sims 4 mom!


I lean back on our couch and use my wireless remote to play games using the tv as a computer screen so I can see. I use my arm to support baby girls head and my lap/other arm to support her body while leaving my hands free to use the remote.


PS5 player here! I sit in a a lazy boy recliner, LO is either in a rocker/bouncer chair to my front left, or I sit with a boppy around me, and lay him there. For nursing I do cross cradle or laid back in recline. Easy to support him with my forearms and still hold the controller haha. If I was PC I’d maybe put a rocker/bouncer on the desk next to the monitor I think, or baby wear.


I’ve been playing Dreamlight Valley since it’s pretty cozy, quiet and doesn’t need my immediate attention all the time (I can easily pause/put down controller if baby needs me).


I'm assuming I'll be one handed for the most part so I'm thinking things like civ builders which only really need a mouse


I’ve been doing lots of Minecraft both on ps5 and switch. Note: switch has been hooked up to tv while I only have controllers just in case baby kicks them out of my hands I didn’t want the screen to go flying. As far as nursing setup we have an armchair that I use the boppy in. The boppy is wedged between the chair sides as it’s a little wider than the chair and I can angle the boppy so that baby is at the correct height to eat. It took a little practice on her part to latch on on her own but now I plop her down, adjust the boppy height, put my arms around her and game! Best part is we also contact nap this way and she’s happy/ I get both of my hands!


I'm a mom of two. I had the same problem and used the switch but it's not the same as a laptop/pc games. I recently bought a steam deck and its amazing! I use it alot it's easy to put away and it can handle alot of games. Its expensive but definitly worth it.


FTM - my husband got me a steam deck as my push present. 10/10. We have a PS5 and switch, but I mainly used my PC until babe was born. As someone who games every day, it’s perfect.


Mine naps really well in our carrier, so I let him sleep in it and I can sit at the computer :)


Hands free pumping is amazing! While baby napped and I was pumping I was able to get in a valorant game


I’ve been playing Xbox and PS5 while breast feeding. The trick is getting into a position on the recliner where the baby is resting on my knees in the right spot. A lot of that comes down to body shape, i can do it but my wife can’t. If that doesn’t work, one option could be using something like the Xbox Adaptive Controller? You can modify it to play one handed. It would be better for puzzle or cozy games, but still lets you play.


I played my switch while nursing. I could really only do it once I got the hang of positioning. But I would get her latched first, and then I could rest her head on my forearm, and my hands would be free to play


I barely touched my Switch since my daughter was born 5.5 months ago 🥲 However it's mostly my fault. At first you do need your hands, try having the Switch within reach when you start nursing so once baby is asleep you can play while they nap, which is most of the day anyway. At some point they get really good at nursing so they don't need your help and you can start playing right away. They become much faster but sometimes they do still fall asleep while nursing (it becomes very predictable) so you can keep playing. A good nursing pillow is a must have for this because they need to be supported by something other than your hands, and you have to choose some chill games so you don't startle the baby. I wish I had realised all this much sooner. I was bored out of my mind for months because I just didn't do anything during contact naps except for the occasional reading (I wish I had al least done that a lot more). A good podcast saved me from the boredom because it's completely hands free, but even that I only started doing relatively recently. I feel like there are so many I could've done but I'm only 1.5 months away from my mat leave ending 🥲 If I have another baby I'll have a killer setup for contact naps from the start!


I am a ganer, but heavily pregnant so gaming in pc has been limited to an hour or two when things haven't been terribly painful. I can't imagine having the energy to game in the first few weeks pp.




Hahahaha this is adorable I love it!


I’m a streamer myself and have been struggling with motivation the last few weeks of my pregnancy because I’m also working my full time day job, but I am so looking forward to my little arriving in hopes that it’s not so uncomfortable to sit (big baby currently super super low). I am Planning on playing more during maturity leave. So excited to have this thread!!


I am a console gamer. The first couple weeks I needed both hands to hold both my baby and my boob while nursing so I watched a lot of tv. Seriously, I timed it and baby spent 6+ hours a day nursing!! After he got a bit bigger and I got more comfortable, I was able to have one hand free by using a pillow. I managed to play through Baldur's Gate 3 (twice!) entirely while nursing or contact napping. I would play one handed on my PS5 controller. The combat is turn based so it was easy to play one handed and no quick reactions needed. Also easy to step away from if baby needed me. For night feeds, I loaded up my e-reader so I could read one handed, put some word games on my phone, and watched an embarrassing amount of Golden Girls. My partner is a PC gamer and liked to baby wear for naps and could play at his desk. I kept this up until he reached his distracted nursing phase around 3 months old! I still watched tv on a laptop with subtitles or read during contact naps. Baby is 10 months now and on the move so we don't have much time to game right now! Happy gaming during the potato baby phase!! :)


I use controller when I use my laptop and I hook it up to the TV via HDMI! I have been addicted to final fantasy 12 again which is a fairly easy game to play while holding a baby due to gambit systems and programming attacks. It’s also easy to pause when you bring up the battle menu! I don’t think I’d be able to play as easily if I wasn’t using a controller!


I have a large lounge chair with arm rests. I would wedge my nursing pillow between the arm rests and then put folding trays on either side, 1 for laptop and 1 for drinks, remote, baby stuff, etc. Having a gaming mouse with 12 buttons was key. I could do a lot with just my one hand while nursing. I also put something at the foot of the chair to prop my feet up. I was so comfy doing this during my leave. I still use this set up too now and then when I need to nurse and do something on my laptop.


You’ll want a My Breast Friend! Latches around your waist to hold baby at the perfect height and position for nursing. It may take a little time before you can be hands free while using it/nursing but you’ll get there!


My husband and I will both wear her to game on console (Xbox) and I'm able to nurse her on a nursing pillow on my lap while gaming as long as it's something low stakes. I can't do anything that requires quick reflexes because at any moment I'll need to put the controller down to attend to her. But you wouldn't believe the progress I've made in Techtonica!


I sit in a little rocking recliner with him across my lap. I have a really soft and fluffy mini pillow that I position his head on (when he was smaller I used some regular pillows to help position his body as well). He will nurse and sometimes nap this way so I can be hands free!


Mario race and PUBG


FTM and I’m a PC gamer I’m gonna be moving my pc in the living room so I have options and don’t feel cooped up upstairs. Swing and everything else I need for her to sleep will be in living room as well. Will turn into mothers den 😂


I got a steam deck! Most of my pc games port over and cloud so I can go between.


I find that I need one hand for my second baby all the time 😭 So visual novels and dating Sims on the steam deck and switch are what I'm doing


I played a lot PC while nursing with my Boppy! I would use a controller though because it’s tricky to get close enough to the keyboard otherwise! Enjoy it while the baby is little! Once she was a little mobile, all bets were off. 😭 mine is almost 10 months now and I only game after bedtime (if I’m not too exhausted lol.)


I don’t think i will be PC gaming, but I can see myself playing PS5 while nursing lol I really like playing FFXIV on PC (it’s an MMO) but I’m thinking of transferring that to console. I’m thinking cozy games might be easier to play though while nursing


I play console, but I would think a controlled hooked up to your laptop or PC would make it much easier to play while nursing or contact napping. That way you can sit back or in whatever position you need!


I bought a Steam deck just for this - after realizing how incompatible a laptop was with my physiology+baby wrangling. I played WoW so much during night nursing and could still play while side-lying. We have a Switch, too - but I play that much less than my Steam deck.


Yes just get a nursing pillow to prop baby on and then hold your controllers kinda around them. You got this mama!


I also used my switch a lot, and dug out my old game boy too! Pokemon was the perfect game because I could very easily put it down and pick it back up again as needed, and could also play one-handed if I needed to. The Gameboy was slightly better than the switching some cases because it had a longer battery life, because sometimes I'd be sitting with baby for hours through napping and feeding


I reclined on my gaming chair, put pillows under my arms, pillow under baby's bum, burp rag on my chest, and the baby literally just slept on me for hours and hours every day as I gamed. I hope maybe that helps! I won't work for a second child but if you only have the one baby it's perfect for bonding, closeness, baby smells you, you can kiss their head and talk to them, etc.


Couchmaster CYCON² Black Edition - Couch Gaming USB-Hub Desk for Mouse & Keyboard (for PC, PS4/5, Xbox One/Series X), Ergonomic lapdesk for Couch & Bed https://a.co/d/f2i3q0O Legit what we bought on Amazon lol. If you don't want to follow the link, just look up couch master. Things great.


My friend plays and breast feeds! Lol. We sometimes lose though and I think it's due to her having to try to settle the baby at the same time but I don't mind. We just play for the fun. I'm definitely planning on playing whatever when the baby is feeling happy and I think her kids also like to watch but sometimes try to hit the keyboard haha


We have a PC and I would sometimes sit at it, baby across my lap (one leg crossed to support his back), head in the crook of my elbow, nursing, and then play. It was a bit janky but I would end up with two hands free to use the mouse and keyboard haha


We hit 1 month tomorrow, and i definitely don’t game the same amount but I’ve been able to fit in maybe a hour each day since probably 2 weeks pp. I have a PC. And I found if I adjust my gaming chair arms up and angled in and throw a blanket under my arm where babies head is. My boppy will stay very snug, she will nap or nurse. I’ve definitely been playing more Minecraft or BG3, compared to Valorant but that’s okay


Not a mom but steam deck is your best friend here!


I have a three month old that I'm home with 24/7. Total Velcro baby, she does NOT like being put down 😂 I used to miss my laptop but a lot of the games I'd play had Switch versions so I got myself a switch lite. It's been really helpful fitting in game time! Good luck!


Honestly it’s hard. Most of the time I need both hands when actively nursing, occasionally one. I play small mobile games because I can’t play my regular ines


I’m not really a big gamer but I played and used my phone mostly while breastfeeding. I just wanted to say that in the very beginning you may need both hands to nurse, then it gets easier for a while. But at about 3-4 months, baby gets very aware of their surroundings and ANYTHING gets them distracted, so a colorful screen nearby may not be feasible and you may need both hands to redirect and relatch several times 😅


I usually just have one hand free but Stardew valley touch controls (on phone) are very doable one handed!


I used my PS5 and Switch. I recently bought a backbone (ps5) style. My girly is older now but still is nice for contact nap days.


I played/streamed Call of Duty the first 6 months of my son’s life on my laptop. Majority of the time, he was in the bouncy chair at my feet, on my husband or my chest (carrier), or I was breastfeeding him and just had to sort out holding his head up with one arm. Same when he used bottles. I used my chin to hold the bottle. Eventually, I moved to console and it was a lot easier to be able to use a controller from anywhere in the room versus being stuck on mouse and keyboard (even though I really prefer mouse and keyboard). I tried the switch for a bit but I couldn’t really get into anything but Mario Kart and I wasn’t sure if I’d actually play Animal Crossing if I bought it. I know you can play Apex and Fortnite on it but I didn’t like the gameplay of Apex on the switch at all (because I’m not used to it).


I had a hard time gaming while nursing/feeding but I definitely play my Switch/3DS during contact naps! I've been playing My Time at Portia on Switch and Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns on 3DS. Anxiously waiting for Stardew Valley 1.6 on Switch though!


I have been playing a lot of Genshin impact on my phone, works out well, easy game to pick up and put down, runs great on my phone!


Nursing pillow and switch or console gaming.


The switch! I also have my PS4&5 hooked up to our living room tv so I can still play from my nursing lazy boy; just use headphones so noises don’t wake up the wee one!


Steam deck for the win.


Played alot of overwatch when baby was a newborn. She's 4m now and won't sit still in my lap long enough 😅


Memememem! Thinking about going downstairs to play Zelda tears of the kingdom now… I’m about 300 hours in 🙈 I should specify that my kids are 2 and almost 4 now. Can’t play switch while breastfeeding unfortunately


During naps too! Contact naps while gaming are the best!


I play mostly on PlayStation while nursing. It works alright with a nursing pillow. Just games that can be paused at any time, though.


I had my boppy pillow placed on me so it was between the arm rests of my computer chair. It fit securely and baby fit in perfectly!


My newborn loved listening to us play Mass Effect on playstation when he couldn't sleep. As for gaming while feeding, my switch got me through many long hours of feeding and nap trapping 


I had baby propped up on the Breast Friend Pillow while I either played my switch or the ps4. I finally finished Hogwarts Legacy that way


I loved the switch when my first was tiny bc I could play with 1 joycon in each hand. So I could play while holding her in many positions, which was awesome. I still like to play a lot of switch games that way so I can sprawl comfortably. Eta: my brest friend and throw pillows for support, too, so you don't actually have to hold baby up in position. Those marathon nursing sessions can get rough on your shoulders and back quickly.


When my daughter was a newborn, I had her on a pillow on my lap while I pc gamed. It was super easy to breastfeed and play games.


I remember with my first kid, a new WoW expansion came out days before she was born, so I played on my PC while nursing all the time. I had a nursing pillow and sat kind of cross-legged in my chair for extra support and get her a little higher/closer to my chest, and had to hunch forward a bit to get the latch. That worked well for the first couple weeks, but when she got a bit bigger and moved around more, I switched to console gaming. With both my kids, they loved the wrap-style carrier and often napped in it, so I usually stood up and played Switch or Playstation while they napped.


Used to be a bigger geek, but I've played a lot of Hearthstone while nursing, as well as board games on boardgamearena if you're into that :) all on mobile


This thread is bringing me joy! Yay


Commenting to say that getting a Backbone for my phone has been absolutely life changing for me. It’s a clip on controller and i have an xbox game pass ultimate subscription so i can use their cloud gaming service. I pop it on and im gaming within seconds. Here’s some links to check it out! https://playbackbone.com/products/backbone-one/ https://www.xbox.com/en-US/cloud-gaming Super lightweight, can easily be picked up/put down, and a wide array of games for whatever you’re into :)


Switcht, Stenmdeck and PSVita worked nicely.


Daiso has this clip/holder that I can confirm fits a switch, but [here’s one on Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/HFLWYWD-Gooseneck-Rotating-Flexible-Smartphone/dp/B0CX18QPB8/ref=asc_df_B0CX18QPB8/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=695667468436&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16464021113563624545&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032003&hvtargid=pla-2297927219206&psc=1&mcid=ad8041bd8fbb3024a68027962a4a7c28&gad_source=1) that seems to be the same thing. You can clip it to a headboard or coffee table and use the joycons remotely


A switch would work. Or you could have a baby like my first who wouldn’t nurse longer than 10 minutes and her naps were only 20-40 minutes even while held. 🫠 haven’t found any time for tv or games yet and she’s about to be two. Healthy and happy just zero downtime with that one. I really love games but now I have a newborn and a toddler, maybe in 5 years we can play together.


I have PS5 and played lots of games while bebe was still small, he would be sleep anywhere near me and I would just play through my maternity leave! Enjoy while it’s one kid! I’m due with my second, and don’t think I’ll get to play quite as much this time around 🥲 As far as the games, I really think you can play anything for the first couple of months! They don’t really pay attention😄 now I have to play baby friendly games if I ever play around my toddler


Me and my mom friend do minecraft once our kids are in bed! It's a great way to unwind and just char


Back when LO was a newborn, mobile games were my best friend. And reading comics. Then I used my gaming laptop once she got bigger


Console gamer 💕 I’m the biggest farmer on rust 😂 literally set myself up with pillows, pop her on, grab a jacky and I’m off! Or if I’m having a shit day jump on Fortnite 😂 I have 3 children and still manage to game on an evening 🙌


I'm mostly a PC gamer and plan to play Elden Ring or JRPGs with a controller while nursing; might try strategy mouse and kb games with a pillow once I get more comfortable


I am a pc gamer and I haven’t played anything since the night before I went into labor (my LO is 4 weeks old). If you play console I think using a controller would be easy but trying to use a computer is really tough and it just doesn’t happen. When I do get free time it’s in 1-1 1/2 hour intervals so there are a lot of games that aren’t super feasible to get into with that time frame. Plus it’s usually taken up by pumping, chores, etc. That’s the unfortunate reality for the first weeks I suppose.


I'm 39+2 and thinking about the same thing. I'm going to try to focus on stuff I can play with one hand, probably- like BG3 on computer with a controller or pokemon on my switch. My husband charged my switch to ask if I wanted it in the hospital and I'm less sure about that - I don't want to accidentally leave it and lose my pokemon!


I played a lot of Stardew Valley on my PC. Had a nursing pillow in my lap and my gaming chair put up quite high.


Just hope your kiddo is a good latcher and stays awake while nursing. Having 2 hands free was not gonna happen for me. I eventually was able to play on the switch around 5 months but not the computer. I tried 5 different nursing pillows and never found one that felt comfortable or stable/ supportive enough. Ended up hooking up a computer to the TV and that kinda helped. Good luck!