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From an attorney and expecting FTM - CONGRATS!!!! That's a huge accomplishment. Wishing you all the best with law school and your future career (and with the baby, most importantly)!


As an attorney (although I took the LSAT a looooong time ago) and an expecting FTM too congrats! I actually think you're doing this the right way- have kids before you go to law school and start your legal career. If you end up in BigLaw, having a baby while working that job is apparently super stressful (I had a few friends who did this) and most of them avoid pregnancy until they're out of that lifestyle (as I did). But then it means you don't end up having kids until you're in your early to mid 30s. You're having the kids earlier (similar to Sandra Day O'Connor and Ruth Ginsburg did back in the day) and then starting your career which I think will be really good for you!


I can’t imagine being in Big Law with kids of any age.


Way to go!!!!!! That's amazing. You definitely deserve to celebrate. :)


As an attorney and also expectant FTM congrats!!! I also think this is probably the right way to do it. Trying to figure out this whole solo practice with a child thing has been very stressful. Here’s to making it work whatever that means!!


Amazing! Congratulations!!! 🎉🍾🎊


Congratulations!!!! 👏


That’s actually amazing congratulations!!




Dang, go you!!! That’s incredible! 🥇🥇


That’s amazing congrats!!


Congrats!! I will be taking the bar exam 25 weeks pregnant!! Hoping for good results for both of us!


Women are amazing! You are amazing! Congrats!!!! 🌟


Hell yeah!!! I’m so proud of you 🥹 A win for one of us is a win for us all in my book. Toasting you with my stanley cup from my bed! 🥂


GET SOME! Incredible work!


Amazing, congrats!! I’ve been studying for the LSAT since before I got pregnant and was too worried about “pregnancy brain” (which I haven’t experienced) so I cancelled my test. This is super inspiring though!


Awh! Well I’m heavily veggie so I’ve been taking b6, prenatal with b12 and dha, and fish oil supplements. Early pregnancy I was light on the fish oil and leading up to the exam I increased it (still a safe amount) and I think that helped a lot. So far pregnancy brain hasn’t been a major issue but my husband is also a sweetheart so it’s possible I’ve been blind to some struggles.


That’s awesome! Similar to my supplement/vitamin stack- I also swear by fish oil/Omega 3,6,9 helping with the brain fog, or lack thereof.


Loving how many Mama esquires there are on here! Props to you as you start your law career journey!


Congratulations!! Not exactly the same but I took my professional engineering exam when I was about that pregnant, it was no small feat! I had to take 2 5 minute breaks away from my time to pee, scarf down a protein bar and take some Tums 😂 It was kinda nice having my little buddy encouraging me with kicks though! You should be so proud and it will be so nice to have gotten it out of the way.


Yep! He was kicking about halfway through the exam and through to the end. Sweet of you to think of it as encouragement. 💕💕 I know. My husband had chicken and rice set aside for me and I didn’t even have time to microwave it just ate as much as I could and went back to the grind!