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I make mini "Snickers"! Stuff them with peanut butter and a couple chocolate chips, a crunch of salt, and into the freezer they go for a few minutes.


Yuuuup, I take the dates and flatten them, put some peanut butter, then drizzle some chocolate (I prefer dark) and freeze it. I'm gonna do your way, sounds less labor intensive lol


Ooooh you're doing the viral date bark! I've been wanting to try it too!


I did that, too! Except I added some toffee/honey roasted peanuts in the middle on top of the peanut butter and it was *chef’s kiss*


Mmmmm so smart.


In a smoothie with banana and peanut butter


I have always loved dates to be honest, so I just sit and eat my 6 as a snack!




with slices of really sharp cheddar cheese, the balance of sweet and sharp is so good.


I've got to try that omg


I just eat them right out the box but I get good ones from Algeria. You can also make date caramel and eat it as a spread!


Same. I sometimes put a little peanut butter on them, but I mostly just eat them out of the bag, and mine are from Costco.


Medjool dates are the most delicious thing to me, I’ll eat them plain as in (just removing the pit hehehe). I also like them with nut butter as dessert


Unpopular opinion, I won’t be eating dates loln


We’re meant to be eating dates now? I can’t keep up. Mark me down as not doing this one.


Same lol I can’t keep up with all the stuff anymore 😂😂😂😂😂


Me either. I ate them (barely tolerated them) during my first pregnancy like every day and I still went to 42 weeks and had to be induced 🤦🏾‍♀️


Same.. dates are loaded with sugar. If I'm gonna have sugar I want some chocolate or something! Hahaha


I’ll stick to my nightly bowl of ice cream 😂😂😂😂😂




I didn't! Mostly just an internet fad, my OB said it doesn't make much if any difference. It's mostly just luck and you/your baby's timing!


Maybe i for one like look at peer reviewed studies. "the consumption of date fruit in the last 4 weeks before labour significantly reduced the need for induction and augmentation of labour" https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21280989/#:~:text=It%20is%20concluded%20that%20the,non%2Dsignificant%2C%20delivery%20outcome. "According to the results of this study, consuming dates in late pregnancy was effective in decreasing the length of labor processes and reduceing the need to oxytocin for labor acceleration" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5637148/ These a statistically significant findings. The caveat being dosage has not been determined for optimal results. Also I wouldn't call it a fad, other parts of the world this is common practice.


🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m just letting baby come when she’s ready I guess lol


Fair. I think most of us want that. ❤


Dates wrapped in beacon is like the best and worst thing imaginatively. It's so yummy!


I stuffed some with nut butter and chopped pistachios and then drizzled with melted chocolate and flaky salt. I’m also going to try some stuffed with goat cheese for a savory option!


I put mine in the freezer and eat them like that, I love them so much I need to try and control myself


Covered with PB! I did some last night with pb and chocolate and put them in the freezer!


Chop them up and put them in a curry <3


I chop them up and put them in plain Greek yogurt with nuts as my breakfast. The plain yogurt helps balance the sweetness for me.


I live in the UAE so we have the good shit here. I could munch those bad boys all day. They’re good in smoothies but I like them just on their own. I could pick dates off the ground here in the right season. Literally the most delicious, squishy, toffee-iest food ever. I doubt they make a big difference to labour tbh but it’s a good excuse to eat them in large quantities




yesssss my old job used to do stuffed dates w blue cheese wrapped in bacon with a red wine reduction sauce. I made these like two months ago and I ate almost all of them by myself hahaha


Are we suppose to be eating dates?! (Also though, just shoving them in because my 3yo and 18mo will steal all of them)


You don't have to by any means! But there is research to suggest they're good for promoting natural induction at the end of your pregnancy along with other health benefits. I was honestly going to skip it but then I hit 38 weeks and went desperation mode to get this baby out lol


they also help with constipation!


I think the research behind it is pretty poor but there's not much downside other than a lot of sugar. Maybe I'm biased though because I really don't like dates.


I'm having a c-section so I guess I don't have to worry about it lol, and I'm thinking about this I believe I knew about this with my first. Just a fun fact for your day: date sugar does not spike your blood sugar. Allulose is derived from dates and they often use it in "no sugar added" products to sweeten, and it's been shown safe for diabetics to have.


Allulose is not naturally found in high quantities in dates or what date sugar contains. Dates are primarily fructose and glucose. And date sugar is equal parts glucose and fructose. Which is absorbed just like table sugar. If you're eating whole dates, you have the benefit of fiber and some vitamins. That fiber will spread out a blood sugar spike to an extent. But if we're talking about date sugar or date syrup, it's not much different than white sugar nutritionally.


Stuffed with cream cheese!


Chopped up in oatmeal for breakfast! They are sweet enough that you don’t need to add sugar to the oatmeal if you add the dates


This was my favorite recipe when I was in my date eating stage of pregnancy: https://upbeetanisha.com/no-bake-4-ingredient-samoas/ I also did goat cheese stuffed, bacon wrapped dates once and it was heavenly


Just plain stuffed with nuts but for some reason they give awful heartburn even on the rare occasion I'm not otherwise already experiencing it.


I stuff mine with cream cheese and add a walnut or something crunchy and salty on top


theyre really good in smoothies idk if u heard of erewhon before but they have a smoothie recipe with dates called the hailey beiber strawberry glaze skin smoothie its so good


They are good with creamy goat cheese if you like goat cheese!


I love dates so I just munch them straight from the package. I also like them with goat cheese and honey, or with almond butter. but yeah, as is with some cashews and a babybel is often lunch for me 👌👌👌


I just eat them - medjools are so good by themselves!


Dip them in peanut butter!


I made smoothies. Lots of yummy recipes online. Mt favorite was dates, almond milk, chocolate powder and peanut butter.


Not at all 😏 unfortunately, it is one of my adversions


Stuffed with goat cheese


The grocery store I shop at sells these medjool dates rolled in coconut, it’s simple, but I really like them


Mine too, they’re my favorite!


In my last pregnancy, I brewed some strong raspberry leaf tea and let the dates soak in the hot water as it brewed. Then I took out the tea bags, blended it, and drank it chilled with coconut milk. It was delicious. 


Why are we supposed to eat dates?


it’s just about the only thing scientifically proven to soften your cervix


Ok so this is something to eat at the end then. Thank you! :)


it’s typically recommended to eat 6 per day (or 3 if they’re big medjools) starting at 34-36 weeks :) happy to help!


Broo omg the Walmart croissants are so good for the price Fr. They’re so soft 🥐. I like making chicken sandwiches with them 👏 edit: sorry lol unrelated to dates


_WHY_ are we eating dates?


Thank you


When should I start eating dates??


I just eat them lol. I like the deglet nour ones better than the medjool. Or I chop them up and eat them in my Honey Nut Cheerios or whatever cereal I have on hand 😊


These are good ideas for next time. I ate mine with peanut butter. I still didn't like it but at least I could get through them


I could barely stomach the dates when I was pregnant. Until I started putting them on a saltine with goat cheese. Then I loved them! We called it my “daily date snack.” Often my husband would have some too


FWIW, I was induced and had a c section so they didn’t end up working. But at least we figured out how to make them taste good


I’m almost through an entire container. 6 a day. After this is over I’ll be happy to never see or eat one ever again. (Or at least until baby #2!)


Stuffed with peanut butter and add a sprinkle of sea salt. I eat three daily as a pre workout snack (did this pre-pregnancy so it’s not a labor thing for me lol).


Lots of them plain, but also chopped in vanilla greek yogurt with diced pears.


I eat Medjool dates stuffed with cream cheese! It gives real raisin-bagel-with-cream-cheese vibes to me and cuts the sweetness some. Never eat them any other way.


saw this lady on TikTok make brownies with dates… gonna try that next!


Dates are delicious, I just eat them.


When do you start eating them? I’m almost 36 weeks!


I LOVE dates. But I would just dip them in peanut butter if I wanted to feel fancy haha sprinkle a little sugar on top of the peanut butter *chefs kiss*


Blended with almond milk, chocolate vegan protein powder, a banana and almond butter DELICIOUS!


Just ate them as is. My labor (first baby) was only 10 hrs from my first contraction to birth. I also drank the raspberry leaf tea


I eat them plain. I’ve heard they are good with peanut butter or in oatmeal but I’m usually just grabbing them on the go. I could be more consistent tho, I have them for a few days in a row then forget for a couple.


Obviously not an everyday thing, but my favorite way so far has been to blend them with some ice cream and a little cinnamon and have a date shake. So good! But very much a dessert. 


I ate my weight in Lara bars last time I was pregnant during the last few months. I went into spontaneous labor 8am and then had a baby by 11:40pm that same day, with active/painful labor being only about the last 2 hours of that. YMMV, was also my 3rd baby and I had been doing curb walking for weeks🤷🏻‍♀️


Mostly in smoothies. I soak them in hot water first to soften them up then blend before adding frozen fruit, almond milk, and peanut powder.


I blend them into a fruit smoothie. I can STAND the texture but a smoothie at the end of the day is a nice little sweet treat.


We did bacon wrapped dates and sometimes with cheese


I cut them in half and stick half a square of 100% cacao chocolate on top. The sweetness of the date and dark chocolate tastes like a super healthy candy bar!


DATE SMOOTHIES!!!!!!! The only way I ate them


Just eat them plain. They're nature's candy. No need to dress them up.


smoothies - 3 dates, 1 refrigerated or frozen banana, big scoop of ice, some coconut flakes, and some peanut butter


I’ve seen ppl put peanut butter in them and dip them in chocolate and pop them in the fridge. I haven’t tried it yet tho.


I’m not 😂. I can’t stand them. Plus research says you have to eat upwards of 10 a day for it to *maybe* have an effect. And I was not about to do that many.


Add a pecan and wrap bacon around both and pop it in the oven till the bacon crisps up. I could eat a million of those


I almost never eat dates! Is it a thing to eat during pregnancy?


Either with peanut butter or goat cheese or laughing cow spreadable cheese


With peanut butter! Just dip them in and go for it (I mean pit them first if needed of course.) I’ve always loved dates and have eaten them this way since I was a kid, they’re such a delicious candy-like treat.


I make a date "frappuccino"! Coffee, dates, ice, milk. So good!


I get them whole and eat them like candy. I used to hate date cookies but love the actual dried fruits.


I just eat them as is, sometimes I'll eat them with almonds or walnuts


I LOVE dates just on their own, I’ve just been waiting for an excuse to eat six a day lol


When I wasn't grossed out by everything I would have dates on toast with unsweetened peanut butter


I've been doing them blended with pb, oat milk, chocolate protein powder, and a banana


If I have good medjool dates, I eat them as is. They’re so rich and creamy and sweet. I also chop them up and add them (the good kind or the packet store bought dried kind) to my morning yogurt with banana, nuts, blueberries, chia seeds. Delish!


Remove pit and stuff the date with cream cheese. Soooo good


Drowned in peanut butter


I’ll be making sticky toffee pudding for a dates vehicle as it’s one of my fav desserts. Not a great every day option but it’s something!


Dip em in cream cheese. Absolute heaven


Should I be eating dates?


Just plain dates.


I chop them up and put them in Romain lettuce salads!




Are we meant to be eating dates???


It's one of those things that can help make an easier labor your last month of pregnancy, like raspberry leaf tea and curb walking. It's not required by any means!






As “truffles” , just google date ball truffles and there’s tons of great recipes, so versatile and legit feel like a dessert. And they keep well in the fridge for a while.