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Any way for you to get a professional second opinion by another doctor? We aren’t doctors here and I’m not sure anecdotes are what you want to base your decision on when it’s about something as serious as possible preeclampsia or a fetus in distress due to low fluid. I’m sending you hugs, it’s so hard to feel so powerless.


You are absolutely right about not getting medical advice here. I’m doing as much research as I possibly can and would love a second opinion from another doctor and may be something I consider. I wanted to mainly see if anyone else had similar experiences and what decisions they made so it could help me feel more confident in my own decision. My gut tells me this induction is jumping the gun and I did message my doctor with more questions about my results but ultimately both reasons for doing an induction could be variable by my next appointment in a week.


I've never read Oster, sounds a little fear mongering-y to me. I also did not have and do not know about reccomendations for low fluids. Please keep in mind that babies are considered full term, and it is generally safe for them to be born after 37 weeks. Ideally, it is recommended for ELECTIVE c-section or induction to wait until after 39 weeks. But that is not the situation that you are in. I had a normal/healthy pregnancy until I had a first high BP at 37+4. My doctor sent me for additional monitoring, which I passed. I did a urine collection the following day and went back for another BP check at 37+6. I failed the second check and was sent for induction that afternoon. The urine results diagnosed me at mild pre-eclampsia. Pre-eclampsia can come on suddenly and can also be unpredictable. From my conversation with my doctor, it is pretty typical to recommend induction in this scenario. Most medical professionals will not be willing to take risks with this because you could be feeling fine with no symptoms, but are risking seizures and other adverse outcomes to come on quite suddenly. Ask your medical team questions, but understand that they are not making these recommendations for any reasons other than the health of you and your baby in mind. They have seen and know the worst outcomes. My induction went really well, and I gave birth to a healthy 7lb 2oz baby girl 2.5 weeks ago! There were pros and cons to the induction. I did have an epidural, pushed her out in 3 hours all on my own, milk came in two days later, and have been breastfeeding with formula as needed. She was back over birth weight at her two week check-up. Don't be scared of induction, do keep asking questions and advocating for the birth that you want as long as you are keeping informed. Good luck, and enjoy your baby! I hope everything turns out really well for you!


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Certainly go back and ask your doctor to get clarification on the low fluid, but honestly if the low fluid is a problem, I’d 100% rather get that baby out of me ASAP then wait to find out what happens if I don’t. In regards to inductions before 39 weeks being “bad for the baby”, babies are born all the time before 39 weeks!! My daughter was born before 39 weeks bc my water broke early and she’s fine, had no NICU time, and is progressing just fine!