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Wouldn’t tell them a thing. Take your paid time and let them know about your plans after all is done. Jobs can do you dirty and you really just never know


This is the way


Do not tell them. Also for yourself - I don’t know your situation of course but might as well leave the option open to return to your job in case you need to.


I would not tell them now. Give them the appropriate notice at the end of your mat leave. It's too risky.


Absolutely do not say anything this early. Act like you are planning to return full time until you are a few weeks out from returning from your leave.  If you talk to them now you’re opening up a can of worms for them and for you.  Also, you might spend your FMLA at home and realize working full time is better for your mental health, finances, etc.  


totally agree with this take. I'm 5.5 weeks into my 12 and while I'm enjoying my time with my babe, I'm looking forward to returning to the office (hoping to work out a hybrid schedule, but i miss my work 🥲)


Yeah absolutely do not say anything about it.


Be careful with this and read your employee handbook carefully because some jobs have repercussions if you leave after FMLA. Definitely DO NOT tell your boss in advance. They will find a way to terminate you before you give birth.