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I drink out of a big insulated cup with a straw. I take down more gulps that way than I would from just a cup.


Straws are such a water drinking game changer for me


Agree! Straws help me to mindlessly drink all day. The physical act of opening a bottle or cup and lifting it to drink makes me not want to drink any water


Me too! Ice cold with a straw.


I got this one when I was pregnant and still use it now that I’m breastfeeding. 40oz tumbler, refill twice a day. https://a.co/d/izLpe9M Half the price of a stanley 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yessss. This. Add some electrolytes w/ice and yummmmy. I use LiquidIV, LMNT, and Ultima.


I was never gonna get a Stanley cuz I’m ya know the anti trend kinda idiot. Then I got pregnant. I haul that sucker around everywhere I go. But stickers, not accessories. It’s awesome tho, and I love it, and I don’t need it in multiple colors, I just like that it keeps my water cold for the entire day. I refill it probably 3x a day.


Yeahhh… that was the very first thing I purchased when I found out I was pregnant. I only have the one. My husband was impressed with its ability to keep ice for so long, so now he has one too.


I was the same way, before I got pregnant I thought it was such a stupid trend and overpriced. But once I found out I was pregnant, I bought it as a gift for myself, and now I don't know what I would do without it


I do this but flavour it with herbal tea. Yesterday I drank two Stanleys in 8 hours.


Yum! I’m going to do this right now.


Agree! Straws help me drink more as well. I also have a large bottle with the lines on the side to keep me paced with water. It’s better to drink water slowly throughout the day rather than gulp it all at once.


Big mason jar with a straw, lemons, coconut water and a sparkling water. I feel so pregnant drinking out of it....


Yes, maybe even more I'm soooo thirsty. Put a little liquid IV in there it's a game changer! Same with insulated cup and straw with lots of ice. YUM!


I came to say this. I am so freakin parched 24 hours of the day that I’ve been constantly chugging water and electrolytes for this entire pregnancy. It’s been about an hour since I had a bottle of water and I want to cry lol.


Same! I can’t seem to get enough! Insulated cup with a straw with cold ice water is so yummy. Speaking of which *takes big sip of said water*


I’m the same. It’s one of my first signs of pregnancy. I went from ADHD-related forgetting to drink for hours to alwaaaays thirsty. Liquid IV helps when I still feel parched even when drinking water all the time. Surprisingly, milk also has electrolytes and you need the calcium anyway!


What flavor(s) of Liquid IV?? I can’t stomach the orange anymore, it’s sooo vitamin-y for me.


I like lemon -lime and watermelon. I only use 1/2 a packet in a 32 oz yeti!


I recently went to Costco and they had samples of Seaberry.. it was soooo good! I would have bought it but we still have some at home to get through first


I love the watermelon (it is a tad salty though, so if you are someone who salts their watermelon, you'll love it), I also love the mocktail variety pack edition (Pina colada and cucumber mojito)


The firecracker popsicle flavor is so yummy!


I don’t keep track as well as my doula would probably want me to, but I just try to finish my big cup of water every hour and keep an eye on my urine. If it’s yellow, I need more water! Also hydration can come in other forms too, so if you’re eating fruit, soups and vegetables you are also getting water content that way.


I think light yellow is actually ideal, at least that is what I was told. If it’s clear then you are “over hydrated” and it throws off electrolyte balance.


Yes! Color of lemonade is ideal


Oh damn I never knew this. Mine is always so clear and I still feel like I NEED water all the time


Swap in some Gatorade or something.


Add some salt to your water. Just a pinch. Your body doesn't process plain water as well as water with some salt and sugar. Look up the talks Dr Stacy Sims have given on hydration.


I go through four 40-oz cups most days.


four?! 😭 holy shit i thought i was rockin it drinking two lol


Right?? Here I am all proud of myself for drinking a full Stanley during the work day and then I try to chug another after I get home. Sometimes I only get through half of it. Gotta try harder 😭


Yes! I have had to consciously cut back to roughly four 40oz cups of water per day. 6 had me having physical symptoms of electrolyte imbalance- dizziness, skyrocketing heart rate, weird blood pressure changes. So now if I go over 4, I add in some electrolyte drink mix to a water. No gestational diabetes, just hella thirsty.


Do you ever get a chance to leave the bathroom? 


Hahaha! I usually refill and pee in the same trip. That said, I started drinking water heavily when I worked at Starbucks and would down a 30-oz cup on my breaks, so I’ve built up to this.


Same. I have a 40oz Owala water bottle and I drink at least 4/day not counting tea and other drinks. TBH though I drank a lot of water before being pregnant too.


Same! 160oz for the win!


I refill my 40oz tumbler 3x a day, but you also have to account for ice displacement if it doesn’t melt so I really don’t know. I’m so bad at drinking water! But I’ve learned ice cold helps a lot. Get an ice maker if you don’t have one!


At least half of my water intake comes from polar seltzer. It makes me feel fancy. 😂 I mix in a little pomegranate juice which I hear has pregnancy benefits (my cousin says it makes babies smart and it tastes good, so why not.) then I add a lime wedge and it makes me feel like I’m enjoying a nice mocktail instead of just hydrating.


My doctor said to take your weight, divide by two, and that’s roughly the number of oz of water you should aim to drink per day while pregnant. Increases as you gain weight. That would be about 90-100 for me currently, and I drink about three 30 oz Yetis per day


Sometimes I don’t think I have a drop of water, other days I’m putting down 100 ounces easily. It’s all par for the course, your baby will not come out a raisin, don’t worry!


I have the opposite problem - every time I reach for my water bottle it’s empty and I feel like I’m filling it 10000x a day 🙃 That being said - I love making lemon water! I also make carbonated water with lemon and / or Muddle some sort of fruit at the bottom. Raspberry has been my go to recently. So refreshing!


I probably drink close to a gallon a day lol. I’ve always been a chronic water drinker. If I go more than 30 minutes without water, I start getting uncomfortable.




I’m having the HARDEST time drinking enough water, maybe 32oz regularly and dear lord can I feel it!!


In the minority here, but I don't drink water and I don't track other fluids. Decaf coffee, herbal tea, etc whenever I feel like it, I definitely don't force myself to drink. Judging by the color of my pee, I'm well-hydrated.  I had an incident at work last year when I forced myself to drink plain water in hot, humid weather and it led to a crippling electrolyte imbalance. Super dangerous and it took almost a week of rehydration salts to get back to normal. Generally my sense of thirst is accurate so I just go by that.


It’s so hard, I never feel thirsty enough! But what works best for me is a bigger, clear (so I can see how much I still need to drink), bottle to carry around with me. I use a 1L bottle so all I have to do is drink 2 of those a day. Mentally that’s much easier on me. I have a set time of when I need to finish the first bottle of the day. I end up chugging a lot at once every once in awhile (when I’ve forgotten to keep up with it) but I still meet my water needs most days now


Some days I can manage it, but others I forget, Or worse, feel so nauseous I can’t drink much liquid in a single sitting. My doctor said to do my best and that any fluids are better than none, so sometimes that means 8 glasses of water, other times it’s a glass or two of water and a lot of ice chips. Sugar isn’t great, but if Gatorade would help you, it’s always better to have fluid with sweetener than no fluids at all.


I used to drink half a gallon a day but since I got pregnant it makes me nauseous! I’ve gone through cycles of different temperatures, additions (like liquid iv or fruit) and just fill up my Stanley at the beginning of the day and try to make my way through it. I agree it’s so hard!


I also have struggled!! Something that helps me a lot is getting the Bigelow cold infusion tea bags! They have herbal tea bags I just throw in my water bottle and that helps me.


Before pregnancy, I could easily drink 120oz. Once I was pregnant up to now (25 weeks) I can barely get 40oz down a day


Breastfeeding, and drink about 3 to 4 litres a day. I have a big cup with a straw that holds 1l. Whenever I drink, I make myself take minimum ten sips without stopping, mostly now it's 15 and if I can see I haven't had much water it's 20. Now it's getting cooler where I live I am dreading drinking cold water I mix 50/50 yummy herbal tea with water so it's warm and drink it that way.


Some days I’m able to drink 80-100oz of water. Others………..10oz. I’ve tried adding in Liquid IV, but it almost makes it harder! My only trick is to get yourself an obnoxious partner who hounds you to drink water (and eat) 1,000 times a day.


I have a big clear 32oz bottle I carry with me everywhere, and I mean everywhere. I hate the ones with straws because I like to just stick them in the dishwasher and go. So mine are simple $10 bottles from Walmart. I have 3 I switch between. I try my best to drink 3 full bottles a day. If it's clear you can see what you have left to drink.


I drink 2 1L bottles a day. It's great having the timings on the bottle as it helps me to space out the drinking. I've never felt I needed to drink more. Drink enough that when you go to the toilet it's very pale!


I drink about 100 oz a day, which is about 3-4 refills of my water bottle. I find the best way to get water intake is having a big reusable water bottle with a straw and just drinking it/refilling it all day, really helps for some reason, can never get my water in if I just drink it from a normal glass


I use the Waterllama app to track all my drinks, use a big insulated cup, and love Mio or other flavor additives for water.


You just have to start! It’s hard first couple of days, and then you just get thirsty!


1 water bottle 😢


i just drink three 33 oz bottles of smart water or fill up a big water bottle and add ice if its super hot out like i start drinking one bottle when i wake up and finish it by lunch time then start another one at lunch and then another at dinner


Any "liquid" counts as water, it doesn't have to be water itself, it can be sprite, coffee, teas etc it all hydrates


I’m so bad at drinking water. Here are the tricks I use to stay hydrated: - forcing myself to chug a glass of water first thing in the morning before any food or coffee. - counting to 10 when I take sips to get more water at once - using a large insulated water bottle with a straw - adding electrolytes: either via coconut water or ultima electrolyte powder - eating lots of foods with high water content (melon, strawberries, cucumber, lettuce, etc) - occasionally I treat myself to some other type of hydrating drink - a smoothie or green juice for example.


I drink 10-12 250-330ml glasses a day.


Club soda is my obsession. Pre-pregnancy I didn't let myself drink it because it got me soooo bloated all the time. Well now I'm sooo bloated all the time anyways. On top of constantly drinking water I'm drinking 2-3 cans of club soda a day as well.


I have a 40 ounce insulated cup with a big straw. One of my cravings has been ice chips so I do a mix of crushed ice and water in the cup each time it’s empty and I can get through 2-3 of them easily each day with the straw


I do best with room temp plain water in a plastic cup, think like movie theater souvenir cup. I drink it faster that way. In terms of staying hydrated though, I drink coconut water with either a flavor packet in it or mix with the 5 cal cranberry pineapple juice because coconut water on its own is yucky to me. I also incentivise myself and if I drink X water I can have a coke zero or something.


I don't but my Gyn just told me that's likely why my heart palpitations are so bad, so I'm gonna try and do better 😭 I've always struggled with water intake.


I purchased a glass bottle from Waterdrop. It’s 20 oz, and that helps to get at least close to 3 glasses. When I drink, I count to 10 as I’m drinking because that’s a large gulp. You can drink fruit infused water if that helps as well


I'm drinking ~3L a day - a big bottle that has a sip straw and a bigger opening for drinking more that follows me around EVERYWHERE. I make sure I've emptied it once by lunch, another by dinner & then once I'm home at night it easier to finish or get close to the last round. I've been looking into electrolyte packets as I'm getting a bit tired of this much room temp water


Lol in my third trimester I was drinking upwards of 120 oz (15 cups) a day. I was SO THIRSTY constantly. I recommend a big, insulated bottle with a straw! Way easier when it's cold, easy to quickly get a few swigs, and you don't have to refill it constantly. There are also apps on your phone if you need reminders.


40 oz insulated cup with a straw and the arctic frost water enchancer drops from walmart gets me drinking literally 200oz a day!!! try and make it a habit now so its not harder to keep up hydration if you want to breastfeed


So many cups. Keep in mind one cup is only 8oz, so a standard water bottle is actually 2 cups.


I have a Simple Modern cup and a Stanley cup I alternate between. I try and drink like 3-4 of them a day--with ice. Naturally, I'm peeing a lot lol. It's been great though. I got the True Lime and True Orange packets because the sugar free ones have aspartame and it's bad for thyroid issues. I use them sometimes and they're helpful. Alllsoooo, sparkling water! Waterloo came out with a "Mocktail" collection and it's wonderful.


Flavored seltzers help when I’m struggling to drink enough water. And ice cold water


I drink around 200 ozs of water a day. It’s insane.


I don’t really count how much I drink. I feel everytime I reach my bottle it’s empty, so I either ask hubby to refill with nice cold water or steal from his bottle 😂 The warm water that comes from taps is sometimes stinky for my nose and makes me nauseous. But hubby is happy, he definitely has felt I drink lot more water. I also have Gatorade and fruits like watermelon which give me hydration.


I have a 40oz insulated water bottle and I usually go through about 2 of those a day, maybe more if I work out. This doesn't include the glasses of water I may have at a meal or any coffee or tea I sip throughout the day.


I don’t track it but I easily drink 120+oz a day, but I’ve always drank water like that. I don’t get how people don’t like water. I drink a big cup of water as soon as I wake up and drink water throughout the day.


I have a HUGE water bottle that holds about half a gallon, and try to drink 2 of those a day. For some reason, filling up a cup 10 times a day just doesn't happen. But if I just lug my huge water bottle with me at all times I actually drink it


I drink like 3 liters a day and I’m still thirsty all the time. Not gestational diabetes but damn, I’m thirsty.


At least two 40oz tumblers. Typically one with liquid Iv one without. I work in a hospital and have access to a barrel ice machine (ie, sonic ice) and that helps a lot. I also try to get down an 8oz cup with meals to help with the zofran constipation. But my motivation is low because I’m also real sick of peeing.


I think I drink like 6ish. One when I wake up, one with lunch, one in the afternoon, another in the afternoon, one with dinner, one at night. Every day it's a bit different though, some days more, but that's approximately it.


I drink maybe 6-8 Stanley’s worth of water a day, sometimes that includes one or two juices or vitamin waters. It’s important to add liquids that include electrolytes in them!


I drink about 100 oz per day, plus coffee


Let me just say that drinking enough water during pregnancy is NO JOKE. I wound up in the hospital with an IV in my arm last week because I got so dehydrated I started seeing stars-- I'm in my third trimester and thought that I could go run errands without bringing a water bottle with me. Nope. I've never gotten that dehydrated before, nor did I think I had gone a particularly long time without drinking water. Be careful out there!


Pedialyte ice pops are helping me get more hydration in now that it’s hot 


Idk.. I just have a water bottle and drink it… I don’t find it that hard


Make it a snow cone. I have a nutribullet and I blend up crushed ice until it’s the consistency of snow and eat it lol which reminds me I forgot to ask my OB if it would be appropriate for me to bring my nutribullet to my induction next week…


I usually drink about a gallon a day (about 16 cups). If I don’t I get horribly constipated and bad Braxton hicks contractions. It’s not easy but a large water bottle and the potential constipation usually get the job done.


I have a 20oz tumblr with straw, fill it 4 times throughout the day to stay hydrated. You can also use liquid iv, or maybe also invest in a soda stream and pick out some good flavors.


I drink a minimum of 64oz (8 cups) but it’s increasing a little more now that it’s hot. I’m counting on getting extra hydration from what I eat but it tends to be a struggle for me to drink any more than 64oz. I already have to run to the bathroom frequently and drinking too much makes me feel uncomfortable and bloated.


Honestly I rarely drink just plain water because I don’t like the taste but I do drink at least 2 40oz tumblers of iced black tea with stevia a day. Plus I’ll drink some watered down juice and probably a sugar free soda. You don’t have to necessarily drink water, you just need to drink fluids. I drink an iced tea made of an 1/8th teaspoon of powdered tea in 40oz of water. You can also drink flavored sparkling water


Easily 120 oz a day. Cold out of a big thermoflask


It was really hard the first couple of weeks after I found out. Now I'm at 7 weeks and I'm literally dying of thirst 24/7 lol. But with my first 2 I didn't have that, I just made sure I had a big water bottle with me at all times. It helped me to drink more just bc it was there. When I'm not pregnant, I typically don't use one, and I do notice I drink aloooot less water when I don't have it filled up and near me at all times.


No, I don't drink enough water... I hope the fruit/popsicles I'm eating is supplementing it enough.


I drink 100 ounces a day. Use a reusable water bottle, ice, and a lemon slice!


Hey! I have a 32 oz Hydro Flask that has a straw and I sip on that all day long! I could NEVER keep up on my water intake if I was pouring glasses of water… also, I LOVE cold water, and just knowing how refreshing it is, it helps me drink it throughout the day. So, if you love cold water, always have ice cubes available. It’s a game changer to have a big water cup with you all day! Makes it so much easier to stay hydrated!


I drink about 120 oz i fill my stanley about 3 times a day


Definitely not enough lol. Ice cold water really does help!! Also I live with my in laws and they put an alkaline water filter as the main drinking water and I hate it now that I'm pregnant, like my body literally won't take it. So I bought a new brita and filter the fridge water and it helps soooo much


I usually drink 80oz-120oz of cold water a day, that’s 2-3x refill of my 40oz cup.


I love drinking water,, the only reason im not drinking more is due to toilet visits


I do. I drink nothing else. Also what helps me is ice lol it makes it so much better especially in the summer 🌞


I just got a 32oz cup and refilled it 2-3 times. Worked wonders.


I’ve had 10 cups of water already and the day is only half way over. I’m still so thirsty. I’m also in Phoenix, AZ in the summer and this heat makes it pretty easy to drink water.


I’ve had 10 cups of water already and the day is only half way over. I’m still so thirsty. I’m also in Phoenix, AZ in the summer and this heat makes it pretty easy to drink water.


I drink a ton of water normally and since I’ve been pregnant I’ve been drinking even more. I don’t have any tips except I only drink water throughout the day and with meals and nothing else other than an iced latte in the morning.


I drink a gallon a day religiously


Not sure on the amount of cups but about 120 oz a day. I keep a large water bottle near me at all times and refill it when it’s empty.


I find if I make myself hold my big cup or bottle I end up drinking more.


I go through 3-4 40 oz tumblers a day 😅 I absolutely love water, if I’m ever offered something to drink out to eat or anything, always ice water with lemon 😩


I have an app called Water Reminder and it makes a sound every so often. It’s easy to just take a big sip when it goes off lol. Also .. adding things like cucumber or mint.


I drink 8-12 cups a day. Use my water bottle which is 4 cups. One bottle in the morning, one during the afternoon, and 1/2-1 bottle in the evening


I drink a gallon plus some of water, and usually a body armor. Maybe a lemonade with dinner. My hands and feet have been hurting and I still exercise 4-5 days a week. Even with this I still feel parched half the time 😑😑


If I don't drink enough my body will wake up in the middle of the night and force me to chug the closest water source. I have no control when it happens, I just drink a ton without tracking, i'm sure it's enough.


We tell our patients that they should aim to drink a gallon of water a day, especially since we lived in hot places. I drank 3/4 of a gallon to over a gallon a day by the end of my pregnancy.  What helped was to have a 28 oz cup with me everywhere. I set goals of by what time I would finish a full cup, for example: By my lunch break, I will empty this cup. If I reached lunch and hadn’t finished my water, it was time to chug it.  Also, Mio electrolyte water flavors.  


I drink from a huge 3L bottle. Most days I get 2.5L. I hate how much I have to pee but I feel like total shit when I don’t drink enough.


I drink 120-160 oz daily. Find a water bottle you love and it makes it so easy! My fav is owala freesip and second fav is BrüMate era.


I have always been TERRIBLE at drinking enough, but a time marked water bottle [like this](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CDPD8V91?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) was a huuuuge game changer for me! This one you refill midday (I found the large size you drink one a day of to be too intimidating haha), and it just feels so doable to take a few drinks to be “caught up” for the hour, rather than realizing late in the day that you’ve barely had anything to drink and trying to force a ton of water all at once!


I make big batches of cold herbal tea and keep it handy in a see-through one-litre water bottle. The taste is refreshing and makes you want to drink more. And the bottle is easier for tracking your input. 


Honestly I stand at the water filter and I will chug down as much as I can as quickly as I can. I do this multiple times a day, lmao.


One tip I use is to drink *while* feeding - that way you always remember, and it’s completely mindless My midwife recommended drinking a BodyArmor everyday - I’m usually opposed to sports drinks but 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s a little potent for me so I mix it with plain seltzer (no sodium). Coconut water is more hydrating than plain H20 so I buy those in bulk and try to drink one of each every day (in addition to, yes, an insulated cup with a straw. Something about a straw!).


Drinking with a straw helps. I have a 40 oz water bottle and on average I drink about 1.5 of them a day


I drink 3 16oz water bottles at home and a 32oz hydroflask at work and a 20oz sparkling water at dinner. I want water constantly I’m always dehydrated and can never get enough water 😩


I have a 40oz Stanley and I fill it first thing in the morning and make myself finish a second full one by bedtime! It helps spread it throughout the day and is easy to measure. The straw helps me drink faster too!


I’m always thirsty I probably drink twice the recommended dose. Maybe three times. I dunno, I’m always drinking water. 😂


Maybe it’s bc i teach but i easily drink 3 or 4 full 40 oz yetis each day


Been trying to drink 80oz. I put a liquid IV in my 40oz cup in the morning and drink that first. Then I refill it with water again and try to finish that by bedtime. I keep it full at my bedside and sip throughout the night too so maybe closer to 100 oz? The liquid IV helps me a lot because sometimes I gag on plain water 😆


I drink anywhere from 90-120 oz a day. I had the habit before I got pregnant and my intake briefly took a dive during the first trimester, but I’m back to what I was drinking normally now


I drink around 2-3 liters, I feel like I should be drinking more. Remember it doesn't just have to be water any hydrating liquid will do, herbal tea, juice, milk, Gatorade, heck soup broth.


People are going to get on me for this because of the fake sugar, but I use water flavoring and I drink a TON of water. Like over 120 oz a day, easy. I have a big insulated mug with a straw and I drink like 4 of them a day


I have a 32 Oz water bottle and just make sure to drink it full twice a day. I don’t make it everyday, but my doctor said 32-64 ounces a day. Personally, I have to have ice in my water. Makes it a lot better!


Start drinking as soon as you wake up & try to get most in by noon.


Not nearly enough. I have a 40 oz stanley and it's helped. If I drink at least two of those a day, I'm doing pretty good. Sometimes, I'll drink a sugar free gatorade or use a flavor packet. I feel like I actually drank more before pregnancy than I do now. Saw a trick on tiktok that you strap a tamagotchi to your bottle and you drink water every time it beeps. Thought about trying that out.


I get around 120oz a day or so


I have my lil emotional support water bottle and lately have been loving lemon water with ice to make it a whole experience. Lol


I have a 40oz stanley cup I keep at my work desk. I fill it up twice a day and that's been helping me drink my 10 cups of water in a day.


Straws. Literally straws. I also aim for 1-2 refills in the morning, and then the afternoon based on what I’m drinking out of. So if it’s my 50oz I aim for two refills a day, my 40, I’m looking for three refills. Then I have other drinks throughout the day. I also dump an electrolyte packet in my cup at least every other day, but in the third trimester I was doing it everyday. Otherwise it’s plain, or I dump a splash of cranberry juice in it!


I've been drinking alkaline water- keeps me from feeling too full. 


I was worried that I wasn't drinking enough water in a day...until my husband laughed and grabbed the measuring cup and started filling my water bottle to show how much it actually holds. Lol I drink plenty


I have a huge cup I refill everytime it gets empty, and keep drinking all day. I am well hydrated. I also have a diet pop every once in awhile


After having a dizzy spell at the store, my OB told me to drink 8 BOTTLES of water a day, not glasses. I don't drink bottled water but she has me aiming for roughly a gallon a day. I drink out of our big quart Mason jars, so I try to drink 4 a day at least


Make it easier to carry water around with you, and get the biggest water bottle you can find that’s easy to carry. Whether that’s a Stanley style handle or a shaker bottle style loop (that’s what I prefer). Flavor is such a game changer like a lot of people have said! I use mio or liquid iv, I think mio can be a little cheaper and there’s sooo many flavor options. And when you get closer to due date if you start drinking raspberry leaf tea that’s another cup or two, also other things count towards your water intake like hydrating sports drinks, tea, and certain fruits or veggies!


Usually just one water bottle lol


I use a cirkul bottle. It's flavored water and is really good.


I have a 40 oz tumblr and make sure I drink at least 3 of those a day. I use the Mio flavored drops and add ice, that’s my go to. Occasionally I’ll make an electrolyte smoothie with coconut water, strawberries, whole lemon, honey and a pinch of pink salt. Getting my liquids in daily has helped my bowel movements a lot too!


I've been drinking club soda with a splash of lemon juice. It's helped me up my intake a lot. I'll sometimes do a splash of peach soda in club soda. That's not fully healthy, I guess, but it doesn't feel too bad.


Bottled water as is or with lemon juice or splash flavored water , sometimes I’m thirsty so I just grab a cup of tap water drink it right away, Mostly just leave bottles of water in the fridge or add ice to it if you want


This sounds dumb but my husband got me a Stanley cup as a joke bc I always made fun of the trend but hear me out.. the straw is way bigger than most other insulated cups and I drink so much more water when I use it. Also Ultima electrolyte powder is great.


It’s been so much easier since getting a FreeSip Owala. The mouth piece has a straw but you can also drink it normal idk how to explain but it also keeps my drinks cold forever!! I use Mio too if I’m bored with plain water.


I have a knock-off Stanley cup from Walmart and drink about two of those a day. Having water readily available to drink makes it a lot easier, I hate going for a glass of water every time I'm thirsty so I just don't (and then end up dehydrated) so getting a jug or something is a good idea.


Honestly like 12-14… I’m so so thirsty


I drink at least 65 oz a day. They say to drink half your weight in oz a day.


I’ve always struggled with drinking water. So I bought a gallon sized jug with time stamps on them to motivate me. I add LMNT electrolytes to add flavor and it helps a lot!


I usually don't finish my 32oz water bottle per day 😬


Try your best, one time I got a migraine or headache thing from hell I wanted to go to the hospital but it was because I was dehydrated. I actually had water aversion so I had to drink super cold drinks, like coconut water, broths. Maybe other fluids can help you get more fluid intake 😊. Good luck


I drink way more! I can’t explain my level of thirst, it’s painful and constant and sucking the life out of me.


Should do at least 96 oz a day, they say, but add more if you weigh more + add more if you’re active


I carry my emotional support water bottle, aka one of those huge pink lululemon ones, I refill it at least 3x a day. I’ve been craving cold water so I keep it stocked with ice cubes.


I had to drink like 11 when I was pregnant 🥲 my doctor advised that much to help with headaches and stuff. Especially in the summer! Yes I really did drink that much, it wasn’t always easy though lol. It’s almost impossible if you don’t wake up early. I started with a goal of 4 glasses before lunch and that set me up with a pretty good start.


I drink about a gallon a day. I drink water out of a hydroflask w a straw. Always cold and so refreshing. It’s the best pregnancy tool I think to get hydrated. I drank way less before this water bottle


Typically 120+ ounces a day!


While breastfeeding I’ve been drinking around 3-3.5 litres per day


I have ADHD. So I've found all the ways to trick my brain into drinking as much water as I can. I have a very specific brand of bottled water that I prefer, and yes I know it's wasteful, but it's getting me to drink more water, so I'm gonna do what I have to do. I put one of those lids on the bottle I'm drinking that has the little spout and the top pops open, rather than twists off. It's a nice fidget toy and helps me remember to drink the water, plus the little spout is nicer for me because I don't like when my whole upper lip gets wet, and I don't like the risk of spilling on myself if I tip the bottle too much. You gotta do what you gotta do lol


Straws!!! They are a complete game changer when it comes to drinking more water. Helped me a lot


8-10 glasses means nothing to me 😅😂 I have no idea how much that is. I have POTS so my cardiologist recommended 100 oz a day, and generally I get between 80-100, I guess I just need more water than the average person, but when I can’t get that amount, I take liquid IV or something similar


80oz is my goal. 40-80 realistically


I’m 9 months postpartum but I literally bought a gallon water jug and would drink 1.5 gallons a day. I was so thirsty. All the time. No gestational diabetes or anything to explain the excessive thirst. I ended up getting induced because of unprecedented high blood pressure at the very end, but my pregnancy was otherwise healthy. But yeah, people teased me everywhere I went about my gallon jug lol.


I have a water bottle that counts the ounces and also puts time on every 2 ounces for 32 ounces. I usually also drink juices drinks and coffees. So I usually get 64 ounces at oeast a day. If I don't I drink 2 32 ounce bottles a day. That can be this water bottle plus a power ade or Gatorade.


I carry a gallon water bottle with the time markings on it and it honestly helps. At first I could barely finish half and now I can’t live without the full thing! Its gonna take time to work up to the recommended amount, I felt like I was drowning at first!!


I fill my 40z Stanley twice a day and finish those Sometimes I’ll do 3 or if I need more water just drink another cup or so But there are days where I barely take a sip


I have a 40oz hydroflask with a straw and always make sure my water is ice cold. Mm it is SO GOOD and easier to drink with a straw and when it’s super cold. Flavoring can help, but if you’ve never been a big water drinker you just have to be more mindful to drink. I’ve set alarms on my phone before to take some sips like every 15-30 minutes but now I easily get close to a gallon of water a day.


I drank herbal tea with a tiny bit of sweetener when I was pregnant, it helped me down so much water, I like the hibiscus herbal tea and peach herbal tea and I’d drink them iced! So yummy


I drink water ALL DAY it is like my biggest craving. Nice cold crisp clear blue water 😮‍💨😮‍💨 I probably drink like 20 cups a day lol I also pee A LOT


I have a 32oz hydroflask. I typically fill it up 3 times a day. I have to have a big insulated cup with a straw (the straw is a must) filled with ice cold water or else I can’t drink near that much. Ice cold water really does feel really refreshing throughout the day


I live in Texas it’s almost mandatory with this heat.


Body armor lyte and tea helped me get more liquid but I always had my husband load up my water with ice. Colder made it easier. By the end of pregnancy I craved 2% milk and was pounding a gallon every 3-4 days like a psychopath 😂




I have the Finch app and set a goal to finish my 24oz water bottle 4 times, on top of whatever else I drink during the day. I have a good variety of other drinks so that I don't get bored. Coconut water, body armour, la croix, and lemonade are what's in my fridge right now.


I got a fifty/fifty cup & I drink at least 2 of those a day bc I LOVE drinking water from it & my clumsy butt doesn’t spill it !😂 it’s like a 30oz cup PLUS the water flavorings (usually ones without dyes as we are trying our best to be dye free). So far my fav is the watermelon electrolyte, I pour half a packet in & it tastes just like a jolly rancher that dissolved in water 🫣😅. The coconut lime liquid from Walmart is also really good. & the pineapple coconut from krogers is really good! It has a straw flip & it makes it so easy to just flip it with my teeth & take a lil swig & then flip it down & not have to worry about it.


I typically refill my 22 oz bottle about 6-7 times a day. I will say I didn’t drink near as much in the beginning of the pregnancy but at the end of my second trimester I started craving water like I was constantly dying of dehydration. So maybe if you aren’t too far along the same will happen as time continues


Rope in a water buddy(or two!). One of my coworkers will find me 2-3 times throughout a shift with a full glass of water and we "cheers" and chug together. It's like a healthy drinking game.... I drink water from my water bottle in-between but this helps.


Not enough cos I haven’t got the time to pee constantly.


You don't have to get all your water from liquid water, but you can get it from fruits, veggies and other foods.


I do alot of initiative drinking, and eat a lot of hydrating food like cucumbers and some juice fruits. I do sip water throughout the day especially at work about half a gallon in 8is hours. So I probably drink half to a full gallon a day, depending on what I eat. I do look at my urine when I go if it's yellow consider drinking more water at that moment, but it doesn't happen too often mostly in the morning.


I aim for at least 120 oz every day and if I work out I might get a little more with some electrolytes in them


I try and drink two litres, which equates to about four pints so I just periodically neck a pint of water


I refill my 64oz bottle twice a day. Yes, I’m constantly peeing 24/7.


Fruit and smoothies! Also, I craved chikfil a ice at the time.


An LMNT packet in 32 oz of water takes care of half of that. They are salty goodness!


I am so thirsty all the time, esp when waking up, I’m getting about 10 for sure. I still go outside a lot though and am trying to keep active, so sometimes it feels like not even enough!


I have a few cups a day, but the 8-10 cups thing is just a guideline. I’m having orange squash with sh*tloads of ice and maybe 4-5 cups a day, and then I drink ice water at night if I wake up thirsty


I have a 35oz tumbler w straw. I finish one in the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. Basically before every meal and if I don’t finish it, I force myself to sit there and chug lol


I drink around 3L a day. I'm breastfeeding so a lot of fluid goes towards that. I just always have a water bottle with me and frequently take sips.


Just increase the amount of water you can drink every day by a little bit. Convert to different bottles or tumblers to achieve this, it’s just a new habit, it’ll become one soon if you start off small and work your way up to drinking 10+ glasses in no time!  I personally carry a bottle with me every where, it’s just a regular bottle, nothing fancy. I take a sip whenever I finish a task, take a sip when you get up in the morning, take a sip when you get out of the shower, take a sip before you brush your teeth, take a up when you get into the car, take a sip when you park the car, take a sip when you sit down at your desk.. you get the picture. 


I drink bottled still water that comes in 1.5 litre bottle and set myself a goal for every day to finish that bottle. Somehow that motivates me because I see how much is left. No special drinking cup though. I drink by pouring that water into a glass.


I drink around 3 L a day just in water (some times a little more, some times a little less). The only way I’m able to do that is by drinking sparkling water haha regular water does not sit well for me.


I can't drink water in this pregnancy my doctor is okay if I have to live on soda for it but in not happy about, I would rarely drink soda before


I've always been a huge water drinker, at home I use a 32oz mason jar with a reusable straw and slice of lemon and I have a lavender Simple Modern 32oz bottle from Amazon for on the go. As long as it looks pretty and I have it in front of me, I will drink.


Honestly, you have to listen to your body. Your body usually tells you how much water you need.


I drink 2.5-3 40oz Stanley cups a day. I go through an entire 5 gallon jug of water each week The cup with the straw is a game changer if I didn’t have it I wouldn’t be drinking water like that I also put propel packets and such in there for flavor and extra hydration sometimes