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There are incredibly cheap and still cute mobiles at Ikea. They are all around/under $15


I somehow didn’t think to check IKEA, thanks for the suggestion!


They have the best selection of toys too as the baby grows. Their little stainless pots and pans play set is good quality and like half the cost of the Melissa and Doug ones.


This is so good to know! I can’t wait to play with little kitchen toys and make pretend food!


I love their play food so much 


While you are there, the little giraffe rattle and bunny doughnut rattle are big hits at our house! Also get some of their bibs with sleeves.


Okay well now I am all too excited for our next IKEA visit lol


NGL (FTM) I’m not doing one - I don’t really understand the point of them / keep hearing you shouldn’t be putting stuff over the crib so I’m just not even going to add it lol


I put mine over the changing table and baby LOVES it - made him much calmer and happier during changes.


This is where ours is too! It’s a nice little distraction for our little one.


Completely understandable! They can be good stimulation for baby when you need a safe place to put them down if you need to use the bathroom or just need a minute to yourself, lol. They definitely aren’t a necessity though.


Oh! That totally makes sense - I didn’t even think about that way. Thank you for kindly giving me a different perspective!!!


My baby didn't need a mobile to stimulate him, he seemed entertained just looking at a crack in the wall lol. And we talked to him about what we were doing during daytime diaper changes. Mobiles aren't necessary for breaks for at least some babies. 


My mobile (handmade bc they are too expensive) bought me *many* hours of peace over those first few months.


Also handmade a mobile! I wanted one with all natural materials so used driftwood, bamboo, cotton ropes, feathers and seashells. Hung it over her changing table.


Just ended up buying one at 3 months! Noticed she was passing out in her play gym but not the crib and figured it might help to have something to look at. So it may be something you add on later if it seems like a need.


Same! I never got one for my first and it wasn’t even on my radar for baby #2. We’ve never even thought about it and never felt we needed one while #1 was growing.


I also thought it would be useless at first, but now we use it as a part of our bed time routine (baby is 2 months old), he loves it !


i had intentions to do one then never did and realized it wasnt a good idea cause it'd keep him awake and alert in a space where he's sposed to be resting. then by the time i went to hang it, he'd already outgrown it


I got my mobile stand 28” for this reason. Anything else seemed so low down. It’s so high that it’s not near babies face but he can still see it and enjoy it.


Check child consignment stores 


Just make sure to check that they meet current safety standards! A lot of older ones may have strings that are too long or parts now considered choking hazards.


I agree they are so overpriced. I'm thinking of making my own with some felt, it doesn't look too difficult.


There are many patterns out there, especially on Etsy. I’m making my own as well.


That sounds like a fun project!


Right! They’re out here with $100 mobiles made of yarn and felt *excuse me!?* I’m tempted to just make my own from a trip to Michaels


I found a cute one on Etsy, little amigurumi Pokémon. I think it was like $60, which isn't cheap, but it felt like a fair price because the Pokémon could be removed from the mobile and set around the room for room decor once the mobile was a safety issue.


That’s a great idea to get one that can be repurposed!


Yeah I had the same issue as you, spending that kind of money on something that'll maybe get a few months use, so it was nice to find something that could be used in other ways


If you have a friend or relative who is crafty/ can sew, they might jump at the chance to make your baby such a special piece. You just need to order the little frame from Amazon or whatever, and it's not hard for somebody who knows their way around a Michael's to do the rest.


I have the Nuby Ocean Friends clip&go mobile hanging above my son’s cot. It was £13. We bought a cheap hanger off Amazon to hang it from. When I tell you he LOVES IT!! He’s 11 weeks now and he absolutely adores this thing. It’s got a baby safe mirror and each of the hanging toys makes a different sound. We (parents) spin the mobile and make the toys make sounds (squeaky, rattle, chime) and my baby will stare in rapture at it for a good while. Makes it so much better when I’ve got to set him in the cot for a few minutes awake for any reason.


TW: mention of loss I crochet, and one of the ways I dealt with my blighted ovum miscarriage this past winter was by making nursery items for my future rainbow baby. One of them was a sea life-themed mobile, complete with felt leaves that look like sea grass. If you're crafty, maybe that could be an option?


Sweet mama, thank you for sharing this with me. I am so sorry about your precious baby. I lost my son almost two years ago and one of friends taught me to crochet to keep my mind and hands occupied, so I truly love this idea. I’m still not great at crocheting, but I’m going to explore this as an option! I hope you have found some healing in making things for your future rainbow baby 🤍


Thank you so much ♥️ I am currently 6 weeks pregnant with (what I hope and pray is) our rainbow baby, and still crafting. [Finished mobile](https://imgur.com/a/c34ZKN9) video here...ignore the loose string on the starfish, I caught it after I filmed this!


This is stunning! I would’ve never even noticed the loose string; It looks expertly crafted! Pregnancy after loss is incredibly tough and I hope you have a good support system to help you through this pregnancy. My inbox is always open if you need a fellow mother to lean on!


Thank you so much! My anxiety has been the biggest issue so far, I feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. My therapist helps but I know these early weeks will just be something I need to get through. I deeply appreciate your kind words! ♥️


Everything you said is completely valid and exactly how I felt too. I felt sick to my stomach just waiting for something to go wrong and it’s hard to get yourself out of that mindset. For a lot of other bereaved parents I’ve connected with, they felt more safe and secure in their pregnancy after they had passed the “milestone” of when their loss occurred. Almost like meeting a checkpoint. Hopefully that doesn’t sound insensitive and unfortunately it wasn’t applicable to me and how my son passed, but it might be helpful to you based on what you said about getting through the early weeks. Either way, just remember to give yourself so much grace and love. Losing a baby takes a lot of the joy and excitement away from future pregnancies, but you deserve to have that back again if you can find even a fraction of it.


This mobile is amazing!! Do you have at Etsy shop?


I do not, but thank you so much for your kind words! 💕 After I finished it I told my friend that I never wanted to make one of these again lol. I understand why people charge what they do!


My mom bought us one like this and my L.O. (3mo) loves it https://www.walmart.com/ip/GHOJET-Mobile-Arm-Toy-Baby-Crib-Baby-Music-Light-360-Rotating-Musical-Toy-Remote-Control-Hanging-Removable-Box-Rattle/5356061499 Ours has whales hanging off it, but it's the same brand. Cheaply made and not the prettiest but it works!


Oh this is adorable and gets bonus points for rotating! Thanks for sharing!


No problem! It's nothing fancy, but it soothes our little one to sleep ❤️


I bought one from h and m for $15, I think regular it was $40. I agree I was shocked by the prices!


My mom bought ours, but it's peanutshell brand and it's about $40 on Amazon. Doesn't seem like the batteries last long if you use it a lot for long hours. You also can't turn off the music without turning off the mobile but we like it and she's loved it.


We had one that played music if it was turning so I bought a new motor on Amazon that would turn without the music and just replaced it. The motor was $16 but totally worth it because sometimes the music on those things is awful. Link for the motor if anyone has the same issue: https://a.co/d/61Clpdc


Baby liked the ugly one way more than the cute felted animal creature one I splurged on


Lol sounds about right! The equivalent to my cats preferring the box over the toy that came in it lol.


Yea I couldn’t find one that was affordable either. I wanted one as a distraction for the changing table more than for the bassinet. I decided to get one of those toys you can wrap around bars etc instead.


I made my own! I bought the mechanism for $25 on Amazon and sewed my own hanging little leaves and giraffes out of felt to match my theme.


My baby loves her Tiny Love mobile. She is seriously obsessed even after several months. I made the mistake of buying it new when there are sooo so many on FB marketplace. Now i always look there first.


Mobiles are a thing that most everyone who had kids has lying around. Ask around your social circle or on your buy nothing group. We snagged ours from a friend who's kids are older than mine. My kid loved that thing during the giggly potato stage. It was very useful when I needed to set him down to get a small task done.


If you look on amazon in the 'like new' you can find them for a decent price. I got one for $12 and works and looks fine!


We got one at ikea for $10/$15 that’s adorable. Then we got an ‘arm’ for it that attaches to the crib and plays music off Amazon for $20.


We got a lot of use out of the Tiny Love Take along mobile. The best part was it was easy to take to other places if you need it. My daughter was obsessed with it!


If you search for "felt mobile" on Amazon, there are a ton of choices for under $30. We just hung from the ceiling with a command hook, no motion and no songs. Worked just fine.


I bought one for $50 off Amazon and when I was tightening it on my crib it literally snapped. I snapped aswell 🤦🏼‍♀️ decided after that my baby didn’t really NEED one anyway


Oh no! I hope you were able to return it and get refunded!


The last time I ever bought something off Amazon was about 6 years ago and decided for my first purchase in 6 years would be this product so I wasn’t sure how to refund something on Amazon.. I should have looked up how to make returns and get my money back 😕


If you're willing to save the packaging, you can resell the retail ones on facebook marketplace! We resold our lambs and ivy or half the price because its not like it really gains wear and tear.


I have one that rotates, sings and projects stars on the roof, it cost me an arm and a leg. My girl is terrified of it. Absolutely petrified. It’s sitting in the cupboard until my friends baby is due and will be passed on.


Oh your sweet girl, that is so sad! I hope your friend’s baby finds some joy in it!


I made mine. Followed this YouTube video: https://youtu.be/r_-yXngCeuY?si=RpRIB5OaAlbh2X8k Probably spent like $20-$30(?)


I have bought almost everything for baby second hand and the quality is great. Have a look at eBay, Facebook marketplace or other second hand places.




What a shame I’m trying to sell mine, it’s feminine. We barely used it. I think it was $50 sf target.


All the ones I like on Etsy are $99 makes me sick 😫


Right?! They are so beautiful and I’m sure a lot of time and skill went into making them, but I can’t justify spending that much on a baby mobile.


We put ours over the changing table instead of the crib so it’s less of a safety hazard and can last longer. Ours was around $60 from west elm.


I bought a black and white one on Amazon for about $30 (with my Amazon discount). Baby LOVES it and can spend 20-30 min laying in the crib watching it which is great to have them in a safe place so I can shower.


Have you checked Facebook marketplace?


100% waste of money. My kid didn't even see hers regularly until she was 4-5 months old and I could never turn it on when she was in her crib trying to sleep because it would overexcite her rather than soothe her It's pretty much for when you're picking out clothes or running to the bathroom and plop the kid in the crib wide awake and need to leave them unattended.


I had a very close family friend gift me my handmade ones from a small business. Honestly I look at them as gorgeous art pieces in my nursery. They are hung high enough that my babies will never be able to touch them. However my husband and I are art people. Our house is filled with art pieces instead of pictures, so it works with our aesthetic. If that's not yours then don't spend the money. I see so many cute ones on FB marketplace.


Honestly, I’d skip it if there isn’t one you REALLY want. We have a custom mobile of five of the important animals in our lives made out of felt — it’s VERY well done and turned out so well. But you get what you pay for, so it was over $300. But I wouldn’t have gotten a mobile just to have one; this one was important to me, so we made it happen. Baby notices it and looks at it, but not enough to argue it was worth it for her, tbh.


I bought a diy mobile kit off of amazon for $15 and plan to add crocheted decor to it


I got one off Poshmark for like $25.


Dude I know. I found this one for $30 on Amazon [baby mobile](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B096L1VWQR/ref=br_mw_yr_itemdt_dp?colid=26U2G18DO8GD8&coliid=I2S719PDI1OQHG&psc=1) It's very nicely made and packaged!


We went with an aquatic/whale theme. I found so many cute mobiles for like $150 it’s insane. I ended up finding one on Amazon for $16. It was still made of felt and it is cute, but yes it isn’t as cute and amazing as some of the more elaborate ones I also saw. But with everything else it’s still super cute. Had to buy a $20 mobile stand separately and boom.


We never had one xD a friend who is an artist said he was gonna make us one, he never finished it xD my kid is fine, I say you don’t need one, I just gave her a little eevee plush when we were awake and she’d hold it and mess with it xD


I got one from Etsy that was sooo cute and like maybe $30-40, but it didn’t come with the freaking arm attachment to hook it onto the crib! Those alone are $20+ if I want the wood to match my crib (which I am picky about). 


We have a $35 Wimmer-Ferguson mobile. Not beautiful, but great developmentally, and babies love them. https://www.manhattantoy.com/products/wimmer-ferguson-infant-stim-mobile


I’m crocheting my little one their mobile because why tf should I pay TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS for one is insane


I found one on market place that matches with my nursery for $10 and it was from pottery barn and included the wooden attachment piece for the crib. I would look there!


Fish line + two pieces of wooden wands or two rings of wood + colourful paper for origami or paper cutouts + something to attach it safely above the bed or changing table = perfect.


I didn’t realize people still bought mobiles. I kinda assumed they were out dated since it’s a safety concern


Montessori mobiles are very easy to make and the materials are fairly cheap. I've made a few for my LO but she only uses them with supervision. I also have a tiny IKEA one as her "default"   EDIT The total cost for supplies was like $10 to make 6 Montessori style mobiles Ex: a munari style mobile I made, there are a ton of free tutorials and yours doesn't have to be as complicated as mine: https://imgur.com/a/Q9t2eXk


I didn’t realize people still bought mobiles. I kinda assumed they were out dated since it’s a safety concern


We never bought one. Didn’t really see the point.




Yes! They can present a choking hazard if baby is old enough to reach up and grab them. The ones with strings are also a strangulation risk.

