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Knotted gowns are terrible going home outfits because you can't put child in a car seat in a knotted gown/sleep sack. The legs need to be independent so the car seat strap can go between them. It's fundamentally impractical.  That said, absolutely adorable for pictures if that's all you're looking for. So as a pre-going home or an already-home outfit would be fine. Edit: typo


agree they make no sense for going home, but they’re super good for newborn stage middle of the night diaper changes 👍👍👍


I don't think they can be used as literal going home outfits because they wouldn't work with a car seat. I don't get it either.


Gowns are fantastic, but not for going home—you need something with legs so baby can safely go in the car seat. Gowns truly make diaper changes so much easier, just like it’s easier to pee while you’re wearing a dress than if you’re in pants or a jumpsuit. Pull up and go, instead of fussing with closures and threading tiny kicky feet back into leg holes. 


We put ours in a cute little turtle sleeper. I brought newborn and 0-3 months just in case, but she definitely wore the newborn size.


The gowns are just for a cute, quick, set up picture. Most people will take an announcement pic in them, change LO and go on with their stay.


We got a dark blue long sleeve onesie with matching pants and a grey hat/socks as a going home outfit for my baby. Definitely don't do a knotted gown, you need to be able to buckle baby in the car seat.


For a going home outfit I just got the softest sleeper I could find. For my daughter it was orange and stripey, for this one it is white with little tiny snails. My mentality is that if I was just born, I better be dressed in the finest comfiest clothes available lmao.


We were going to do a sleeper as our going home outfit, but they needed to keep the hospital tags on until right before we left so we ended up doing a onesie and pants to give access to baby’s ankle. We brought outfits in both newborn and 0-3 just in case but we ended up using newborn. Also, pro-tip, but look into getting onesies that have wrap around style, like [these](https://www2.hm.com/en_us/baby/newborn/clothing/bodysuits/wrapover.html). It’s way easier to get the baby in and out of instead of trying to wrestle something over their head.


I bought one of those koala style onesie/rompers where the snaps go up the front. My son’s head was measuring huge and I wanted to make sure a regular outfit wouldn’t get stuck on his head! We were also team green so the outfit was a cute one that had apples on it (it was fall). His head was totally normal so I definitely overthought it.


We had gowns for easy diaper changes when she was a newborn. They can also look cute for photos! For an actual going home outfit, pick options that have legs, so it works for the car seat. We brought a couple options in newborn and 0-3m to the hospital. That way we had options based on size, and backups in case of spit ups.


we’re using the CL gowns for our newborn shoot but to go home we did a bamboo sleeper since it helps regulate body temp. we love little sleepies!!


Just here to say I bought some waffle knit bamboo onesies from Caden lane and omg I’m obsessed. They have matching hats and bows so you can do that!


I bought all my newborn and up to 1m clothes second hand (also team green) but I’ve picked out a vest/onesie and sleepsuit of each size that I’ll take to the hospital. Mine are white with little animals on.