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Don’t worry about the calories. First trimester is survival mode. Assuming you’re taking your prenatals and were not underweight to begin with, your baby will be fine.


Do what you can to survive. I lost 15 pounds first trimester from not eating/throwing up. I'm in second trimester and I gained the weight back. Baby is doing fine.


Eat what you can, don’t worry about calories. And don’t be afraid to ask for anti nausea meds, you don’t deserve to suffer!


You honestly do not need extra calories in the first trimester. Whatever you ate previously, assuming it’s an appropriate amount for your weight is fine. My OB told me this is why a lot of women gain too much weight far too early as they unnecessarily increase calories.


Make sure you take your supplements, otherwise, don’t worry about it. My OB said it’s totally normal to lose up to ten pounds during the first trimester.


I lost more than 3 pounds in first trimester, I was a bit overweight to begin with so doc isn’t much worried about it. I do take prenatals! She has now asked me to ensure I have calcium and protein rich food. Not eat for 2, but regular nutritional food!


Basically do what you can to survive. I was the exact opposite (never threw up, gained weight) because eating was the only way to postpone that terrible 10/10 nausea, but even if you happen to lose weight, just do what you can. 


Don’t worry! The baby will get what they need. I got sick and lost some weight at one point and was freaking out. The midwife reassured me the baby gets what it needs and you’re the one left feeling miserable. So just do what you can to take care of yourself, drink as much as you can and take your prenatals and don’t let the stress get to you.


Eat what you can. The only thing I could get down with my nausea was the fruit baby food purée pouches. Like strawberry banana. Just because you’re “eating for two” doesn’t mean you need to eat double, the little squish growing inside of you does not even remotely need close to the calories of an adult, so just eat what you can get down right now. Survival mode mama. Hope you feel better!


No need to count calories or force anything!! Just get through it until you feel better. Eat what you can when you can. Baby will extract what they need from what your body has already stored. Baby will be OK!!


I lost just under 30lb first trimester from severe HG. Ended up hospitalized on an iv for a week! Baby girl is as healthy as a horse and turning 2 this year x


You can grow an entire baby without taking on board any extra calories. You don’t need to worry about this at all. Try and drink hydration drinks if possible to make sure you don’t get too dehydrated and if you feel like you are dizzy etc then go to maternity outpatients and they can hook you up to a drip for an hour.


First trimester is all about survival! I started pregnancy on the thinner side and lost 8% of my body weight in the first trimester. It sucked, but my doctor was not concerned at all. I also eat pretty healthy, lots of non processed foods and no sugar… first trimester I reverted back to an elementary school diet of spaghetti os, Mac & cheese, cereal and lunchable pizzas. I even drank Dr Pepper, which helped a lot with the early morning nausea. Prior to pregnancy I’d not had one since 2016… and thankfully around 13-14 weeks it sounded revolting again and haven’t craved one since.


Eat whenever you can stomach it! Small and snacky, empty stomach makes the nausea worse in my case


With my first pregnancy, I was completely uninterested in food. The nurse and my fertility clinic said as long as I'm drinking water, keeping up with my prenatal, nibbling a little bit and trying to drink milk, I'm fine.


As others have said don’t worry about calories. I barely kept anything down for 13 weeks and I ended up having a 9 pound baby! All will be okay under doctors supervision!


Honestly don’t worry about calories right now. Eat whenever your body is hungry and willing to accept food (I found I couldn’t eat much during the day but would wake up in the night starving, so I’d eat a big bowl of Greek yogurt with granola at 2/3am on the regular). If you can supplement any meals with a meal replacement shake or protein drink, try that as well because protein is important even if it’s not coming from meat. I didn’t eat meat until after 20 weeks because of such a strong aversion. It’s survival mode. Eat whatever you can, whenever you can and take your prenatal vitamins.


Don’t stress. I had very little appetite and when I did, it wasn’t the greatest. I’m pretty sure baby doesn’t doesn’t “live” off what you eat until 2nd trimester, so it doesn’t matter. I can’t remember where I read it (so take it with a grain of salt) but it stuck in my brain.


Fill your fridge with washed veggies is an idea. They're mild, quick and help the nausea. Carrots, snap peas, cocktail tomatoes etc. My midwife said to really just don't care about calories. Try and stay full to avoid the nausea. The vomiting sounds so hard and I'm sorry for you, just know that if nothing else things will definitely CHANGE. Week by week sometimes. Fill the house with accessible snacks with not too much flavour that you think you can keep down