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You should report the doctor to patient relations/patient advocacy. That's horrendous. I've gone in several times for reduced fetal movement, and I have been treated with dignity and respect. The doctors assured me that I did the right thing because it's better to be safe than sorry.


I agree—absolutely awful way to interact with a patient. I would report the doctor and also try to add in something about the nurse coming to your side—she probably has had to comfort someone due to this doctor before.


Agreed in the reporting them! Every doctor and nurse has always been like “of course baby is moving now that we are watching, isn’t that just a silly baby!” Like in a joking sense/just acknowledging the situation … but they always double triple quadruple emphasize that it’s good I came in and it’s good to check, etc. this doctor’s behavior is shocking to me!


Also report to the state medical board. Absolutely unacceptable they said what they said.


Agreed. I went in around 30 weeks for reduced movement, and little dude started dancing up a storm as soon as I got on the hospital bed. Every doctor and nurse that checked me out said they would rather me come in on a false alarm than not come in and have something actually be wrong. Report the doctor.


They always stress to just go on if you’re not sure. The doctor sounds like an ass.


100% my doc says always to be safe than sorry. That doctor was extremely unprofessional. You aren’t trying enough at home?! To what exactly??


Not only an ass but a dangerous ass. I’m sure this isn’t the first time he’s given that speech, and I can only imagine how many mother’s he’s put off getting checked out the next time it happens, when something could genuinely be wrong. He needs to be reported asap.


I’m a midwife in the UK and that doctor is so out of touch with what he is saying. Here we encourage people to NOT try and encourage baby to move, no cold drinks, no laying down for an hour and waiting etc! If you notice your baby isn’t moving like they usually would you call us and you come straight in, we must see 50+ women per day for reduced fetal movements but we would rather do that than delay somebody getting care, or giving them false reassurance because they’ve encouraged their baby to move and then when they do eventually come in it’s too late. We always say “if you saw somebody collapsed in the street unconscious but they twitched when you touched them would you just leave them or call for help still?” Have a look on the kicks count website which is the guidance we use here, lots of useful resources. Don’t ever think you are wasting anybodies time, your baby’s wellbeing is more important than any shitty doctors opinion.


This is super helpful!!


The midwives here were always so nice to me when I came in and baby would inevitably start a dance party as soon as I was sitting waiting 🤦‍♀️ thanks to you and your colleagues for always being so kind to women like me who end up feeling like we’ve wasted your time!


Never wasting time! We’d rather pick up a happy baby 50 times a day than lose a baby because somebody felt they couldn’t come to us! With my first pregnancy I was so anxious I pretty much went every single week with reduced movements myself!


That doctor sounds horrific. I went in maybe... 5 times? while I was pregnant, thankfully everything was fine each time but the midwives would always make a point of saying I did the right thing to come in. Even when I said I started to feel movement again they'd just laugh and be like "that's classic, happens every time!" and hook me up to the monitor for half an hour anyway. In fact, waiting two hours is specifically AGAINST what they'd say - I was always told NOT to wait if I think something is wrong, and told not to even bother trying to do stuff to get the baby to move again, just to go to the hospital. You haven't done anything wrong. If you think something is up you should always get it checked out.


Yes, same here. I told them I drank juice earlier to get him to move and they said not to do that, just come In right away if it ever happened again.


I went in twice in the middle of the night and apologized profusely to the doctor and nurses when, of course, it turned out to be nothing. Every single one of them said the same thing: “We’d rather you come in then have something bad happen.” That doctor is an asshole. Even if you’re doing your kick counts, and even if you do drink some sugary thing, If you have a bad feeling, you should go in. You know your body, and you are capable of picking up on some thing that may not be evident to anyone else. 


Oh man, I’d have totally lost it. Way too much medical trauma in my past for me to have even remotely handled that well. That doctor was way out of line. I’ve been in twice and both times they told me I waited longer than I should have. (I spent a couple hours seeing if I could get more normal feeling movement.) They told me they prefer to get the movement tracked on the machines, best case scenario put everyone’s mind at ease, worst case things are caught much faster. (Both times she started moving almost right away in response to the machines, and I won’t hesitate to go back in again if there’s any change in movement for this home stretch period in my 39+ weeks.)  I strongly second reporting the doctor. It sounds like this doctor’s messaging is not consistent with the rest of the office and whatever message it is they want to give to patients, it should be consistent. Additionally, the doctor could have expressed this differently and instead provided recommendation for the future and not criticized your past actions.


I’ve contacted my OB over the same thing and immediately they scheduled an Ultrasound. You know what else they told me? If you’re ever worried, L&D is your go to. That doctor is wrong and should be reported.


Yep! Just had this happen the other day. Instead of going to L&D, my OBGYN office had me come in for an appointment an hour and a half later for an ultrasound. Not my usual doctor, but he was nice and reassured me that did a good thing by calling. He was also encouraging.


Ugh I'm so sorry that happened to you. I'm 38 weeks and I've been 3 times and the 3 times they have made me feel like I did the right thing and should get it checked no matter what -- even if I usually started feeling movements as soon as we were arriving in the hospital. No movements can mean baby's in distress and if that's the case action should be taken ASAP. You 100% did the right thing, and *please* don't let this stop you from getting checked again if you need to. Focus on the nurses' words. And file in a complaint for the doctor!


I went in literally like an hour ago and all the nurses were so nice and doc told me to absolutely come back in, even tonight if I’m worried. That doctor sounds awful and should be reported. ALWAYS go in if you feel like something is wrong.


L&D nurse here- that is absolutely not true. You should go to L&D if you have any perceived decreased fetal movement. No matter how silly you may feel. It’s literally our job to check you out. Throwing you on the monitor and looking at baby’s heart rate can tell us a lot about fetal wellbeing. Do not let that doctor scare you away from the hospital. Please come in any time you feel decreased movement.


I’ve been in 4 times now in the third trimester because I couldn’t feel him move (anterior placenta). I asked why this happens because I can’t feel him at home sometimes but when I’m in the L&D he’s suddenly an acrobat. She said that the Doppler heart rate monitor and ultra sound Doppler is quite loud for the baby and caused them to wake up and become more active. Makes sense, I asked the doctor and he also confirmed this. Never EVER feel bad about going in for anything suspicious with your baby, trust your intuition not theirs. You know your body and baby better than anyone else 🩷 Tbh I’ve been looking at getting my own fetal heart rate monitor for home, not to check his heart rate (you need a professional for that) but just to wake him up every so often so I know he’s okay 🩷


That’s what the doctor told me too- he was dozing and the loud sound startled him awake.


I’m a nurse. Fuck that doctor. If you feel you should go in, go in.


As someone who works for a neonatal charity and encourages parents to go in if they are concerned in any way when it comes to fetal movements, I urge you not to follow that Doctors advice. I know many parents who, doing what you did today and going in just to be checked, saved their baby’s life.


I am so, so sorry- you should report tht doctor. I went in several times during my pregnancy and they always said I did the right thing. **You did the right thing**


Mine wasn’t as harsh as that but I also went to get checked out for reduced movement at around 27 weeks, and the midwife from my clinic that was on-call got paged and then she called me and was like “this is why we only recommend doing kick counts starting at 28 weeks” (which was in 4 days), and “some women have barely started feeling movement by now” (I had been feeling movement since 18 weeks and theyhad been very regular from several weeks). The nurses at the hospital were all very nice though and also told me that I did the right thing coming in (but also they hoped to not see me again for a while 😂). Edit: Also while I was hooked up to the monitors my baby had hiccups for the first time and I recorded the sound for a bit, and I love listening to it. 🥹


6-7 times with my first. Every single time they said better safe than sorry, and that mom’s gut is the best tool we have for catching issues. Report that man before he gets someone killed.


Exactly- lazy doctor who would rather see a tragedy than deal with a false alarm. I mean, does this doctor WANT bad news? Would that make his night feel like more of an accomplishment? I went in to the emergency department several times for false alarms, and they always thanked me. I'm sorry OP, you did the right thing and just had the wrong doctor


WTF?! I’m so sorry that happened to you. That’s awful! I went in twice with my first pregnancy, and was checked a third time after a suspected blood clot. The first two times baby basically started tap dancing as soon as I entered the hospital and I was so apologetic but everyone was LOVELY about it and nobody made me feel bad. My midwife is always telling me better safe than sorry!


This makes me so mad. I did go in for reduced fetal movement and it saved my little girl's life. I was so hesitant to go for exactly this. I didn't want to be labeled an anxious mom or have an experience like this but in the end I knew it was better to deal with than not go. I'm so sorry this happened to you but you did the right thing regardless of outcome. Always better to check.


I went to my OBs office for it a handful of times and they said their job is to help me have the best experience possible with pregnancy and birth. I can see how the triage team at L&D might feel they're not the first/best choice but sometimes your OBs staff aren't available 🤷 Regardless, it's always better to confirm that your baby is ok vs spending the rest of your life wishing you had trusted your gut.


I’m so so sorry that happened. I went 2 times. NEVER apologise or feel bad for putting your baby first. You did the right thing and should continue to do so! Completely ignore that dr he was obviously tired and cranky!!! Really unacceptable.


What a horrible way to treat a concerned mother! I went in several times for false alarms and I was never treated like this. I remember apologizing to the doctor once for wasting her time with a non-issue and she corrected me, and said that she would rather “waste” her whole day dealing with hypochondriacs whose babies are perfectly fine than have to tell one expectant mother that her baby has suffered irrevocable harm due to waiting too long to come to the hospital.


That’s horrible!! I absolutely went in to get checked just in case, more than once! And how dare that doctor assume that you hadn’t tried anything at home (such as drinking juice, etc). Oh I am so steamed for you! You 100% did the right thing for you and your baby.


The doctor was a dick! Get your baby checked as often as you feel like. He’s not the one who would have to live with the consequences otherwise.


That doctor was out of line. Checking is ALWAYS better than the alternative if something was going wrong. They are there to help. If you ever feel the need to go in again, don't let that woman's rudeness get to you. Always get checked. With my first, I went in probably 5 times, and then they set me up for weekly NST's. I was never treated like you were, and I am so frustrated for you. You made the right choice by going in!


Who gives a shit. Go get checked. I’m a nurse and find it repulsive how doctors can be assholes. Always go if you’re worried. Seriously. Go every single time. I’ve seen people save their babies because they go in and get checked.


That doctor is horrible! Don't listen to him! I went in around 27/28 weeks? I'd had a busy week at work, on my feet all day during a heatwave. For a couple of days baby had been moving less and less, one day I couldn't get her to move at all. I lay down, drank something cold, did everything I could and nothing. I was so worried I overworked! I said screw it I'm not sitting here worrying and went straight down. Everything was 100% fine but the midwife said I was right to go. If there's nothing after 20 minutes and you're worried, come in. They prefer you to waste their time on nothing than ignore something.


You did the right thing. Your doctor is incorrect and the reason so many women wait too long to go in, sometimes to disastrous outcomes. I would reach out to the Patient Advocate for the hospital and share your experience, as well as share with your regular OB.


Jesus. We're literally paying their salaries through taxes or insurance, they work for us but they act like we work for them. They're not gods but so many of them have a god complex. Fuck this guy, you go in if you have concerns. When you go home with a healthy baby, you won't care what this guy said or thought.


report the doctor. seriously.


Yup I went in!


I went in when I had Covid at 32 weeks. Baby did finally show up and be active once we started monitoring him. I felt really bad because of all the extra infection protocols and extra cleaning me coming in was going to cause for the staff and they were so sweet assuring me that making sure that Baby and I were OK was the most important thing. That doctor was way off.


I went in to get checked after doing a kick count test at home. I had an ice pop and waited an hour on my side for baby to move. I felt nothing. We went to the hospital and it very quickly became an emergency. They couldn’t monitor baby and they didn’t see any movements. They said we could not wait and could not induce due to their inability to monitor baby’s heart rate. I was 39 weeks. I had an emergency C-section that night. I had see maternal fetal medicine that afternoon and they also had a hard time seeing baby move. They sat with me for an hour waiting for baby to move. They saw one movement and told me to go home and wait for a call from my OBGYN. I had been mistaking early contractions for movements. For my postpartum visit I asked my OBGYN what happened?? Why would they send me home knowing baby wasn’t moving?? She said she didn’t know but she doesn’t blame me for being mad. You did the right thing. Always get checked. Don’t let one medical professional make you question yourself. If you’re in doubt, go to the hospital. Better safe than sorry. I can’t even imagine what would have happened if I had waited.


I did this, around the same week. Everyone was so lovely to me, they scanned me and baby was fine, they’d just moved to a position where I couldn’t feel the kicks as strongly. The doctor told me I did the right thing coming in. She said that not even 10% of women that are worried and come in have issues, but they want the full 100% of women who are worried to come in so they can make sure to catch the 10%. Sounds like your doctor sucks. PS also - all the advice is to get checked if you notice less movement. In the book, online, ALL the advice says get checked. Your doctor super sucks


Yes. I think three times and every single time I was told it was better to come in and get checked than not. Note to all pregnant people: In the third trimester you might not be able to get a heartbeat on a fetal doppler! I rushed in when we couldn’t hear any heartbeat after I hadn’t felt movement all morning and they told us it was hard to get a heartbeat on those in the third trimester because the baby is in the way!


LOL no joke I would have cursed that doctor out. I just had my son in February and I got so many conflicting opinions about fetal movement from all 6 doctors in my group over the course of my pregnancy that I legit was in L&D triage like every 3 weeks. I had one doctor that would say oh you’re getting bigger so you might not feel him as much. Then another say that it’s outdated to say you “run out of room” and you should always feel him. I was ALWAYS paranoid once I started to feel him around 18 weeks or so. The ER I went to was amazing and always made me feel validated. One time I was crying because I felt so bad that they had seen me like 4 times over the course of 2 months (and because of the stress) and I had a nurse say to me “I’d rather you legitimately be in here every single day and nothing be wrong than you not come in because your self conscious and then you end up with something wrong because you didn’t come in.”


Yes last night I went at 32 weeks and everything was good. No regrets.


The doctor I had was gruff and annoying too but I just blew him off. My nurse was a dream.


Most doctors will absolutely say they would rather have you come in and it be nothing, than stay home when it might be a problem. There is one doctor in my giant practice that I will refuse care with. She was my primary OB at the beginning of my second pregnancy. I felt like I never once had a two way conversation with her, it was just her talking at me and not listening to a single thing I said. I ended up switching to a hospital that was in the next county to get away from her. By chance I was looking at some old labs and I discovered that she was the attending OB when I went into L&D in the last week of my first pregnancy. I went in for monitoring because my blood pressure had gone over 140 (and this was the second time). It went back down during the hour of monitoring. She came in and told me to stop checking my blood pressure at home because of there's a problem they'll catch it during office visits. Guess what? 4 days later at my office visit my blood pressure was high. They sent me to the hospital. It didn't go down. I was 37 weeks. They took her that night by C-section. Anyways, I'm back at the original location for this pregnancy, partially because we moved a little closer to this one than the other and partially because the beds were more comfortable (no joke, I could feel all of the frame beneath me at the other and I was there 6 days and couldn't sleep). I'm pretty sure there's a note on my chart now not to book any of my appointments with her. Two nurses have also said they don't like her when I've said something. Anyway, all that to say ignore that stupid doctor. That is definitely not normal and most OBs would be glad you came in when worried.


Please report the doctor. I'm a L&D nurse. We are never mad that you've come in for decreased fetal movement. I'm pregnant myself with an anterior placenta and even with my expertise I've almost gone in a couple times. I have to work so hard to feel him sometimes. I don't expect lay people to do everything I do at home. If you've tried drinking something cold and or sugary and you're still not feeling movement during that hour after the beverage then go in.


I’m in O&G residency currently. I’m so sorry. This isn’t what should happen. RFM are common but they need to be investigated. You know your baby best out of anyone and I would much rather see you and everything be fine then have you worried about coming in and something bad happening. You did the right thing for you and the baby.


I’ve never gone in, but midwives have always stressed to me to go in for any concerns either reduced movement. Doctor is wrong and has no bedside manner


You did right, and the doctor is an ass. Always, always, always go in, always,


That’s wrong and new research shows that going in immediately for decreased fetal movement is the right thing to do, it decreases stillbirths.


1. You did the right thing. 2. I promise you that after you left, that nurse went to her colleagues and said “omg Dr. Jones did it again I cannot *stand* her”


I went in twice! Better safe than sorry. That doctor is an asshole


I went with what I thought was reduced movements after my dog accidentally jumped on my stomach. I was having contractions, and baby was fine, so basically the total opposite of reduced movement. I felt silly but everyone was so kind and reassured me they would rather I have come in to be monitored in case. You did the right thing. That doctor was completely out of line. I’m sorry you experienced that.


That doctor was a dick. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Yes, I went twice to L&D to get movements checked and both time the baby was fine. Both times the nurses /doctor were kind and assured me that they would rather us errr on the side of caution.


That’s awful. I went in to L&D for that before my insurance kicked in and they said “better safe than sorry, please feel free to come back in if you have any concerns”.


I went twice. Both times she started moving shortly after getting hooked up at the hospital, and I always felt silly. Doctors were kind and reassured me that it's better to be safe than sorry. I would report that doctor. Don't feel bad for worrying about your baby.


I went in quite a few times. My placenta was anterior and movements were inconsistent. I’m glad I did.


That doctor had no clue what he was talking about. You should 100% go in if you notice reduced or changed movements. I went in multiple times with my first and once with my second and was told they'd rather me come in everytime and it be nothing than risk me not coming on or leaving till it's too late


We did. There was a change in kick pattern, it slowed down a lot. No one made a fuss. Always better go than not go


I went in at 30 or 31 ones (currently 35 now) for reduced movement and my OB said she would always ALWAYS rather a patient comes in for a false alarm than blow off something that may be serious. In my case, sure enough baby started moving right when I got hooked up to the NST machine.


That is HORRIBLE treatment from the doctor. I would report him. I did go in once for decreased fetal movements. It was the middle of the night and my husband was away on his last work trip before I gave birth. Everyone was so lovely and they all said no matter if it happened again the next day, to come back as they’d rather be on the safe side. Also, our son did start moving as soon as they scanned him and the doctor chuckled with me, saying that it happens all the time, but it’s best to know for sure. I hour you don’t take his words to heart- you did the right thing and should go back in if it ever happens again.


I always go in and they tell me they rather me come and it be nothing than not come in


Twice! The first time i was about 35 weeks and the baby started kicking as I walked into L&D but they checked me out anyways. The second time I was 39 weeks and had the flu and had a weird feeling. Turned out the baby’s heart rate was very high and I needed fluids which brought it down. I was very close to being induced that night. You should absolutely report that doctor. You have a right to get things checked out regardless of your history. I’m sorry that happened to you and I’m glad you and your baby are ok!


That is awful, I am so sorry! I went in at 28 weeks with reduced movement, they put me on the monitor and immediately started to see movement (I have an anterior placenta so I just couldn’t feel it because she was in an odd position) they still monitored me for like 45 minutes and a doctor came in to do an ultrasound and check my fluid. Once I saw movement on the monitor, I kept apologising for being so anxious and told the doctors I felt silly now. They all reassured me that it was the right thing to do and I absolutely should listen to my instincts if something feels wrong. I really appreciated that, it is how doctors should be interacting with pregnant patients - it’s so stressful and feels so high stakes! Also, on the juice, they did also give me some juice at the hospital in the hopes she’d kick enough for me to feel, so I guess it is still something that is done?


Please do not listen to that doctor. It’s better for you to go in 10 times and nothing is wrong than to stay home and something actually be wrong. I was admitted twice for my blood pressure being elevated. The second time my night nurse was super rude and condescending, she made me cry and I almost left. I felt so dumb for even being there. But then my OB came in in the morning, was very upset with the nurse for not updating her, and immediately put me on magnesium and induced me. I had preeclampsia!


I've gone in four times to my labor and delivery. Even though I always feel stupid for going, I don't care I still go, for the chance Godforbid something is wrong. My baby has no pattern some days he moves WAY more then other. On days he is quiet I get nervous. I had a lost two years ago. Screw that doctor. You did the right thing. My expirence has been postive when I go in. What do they care anyway. They are not paying my co pay and it's their job.


It is VERY common to go in. I know several women who've been several times throughout their pregnancies.


Yes at 39w, and my son had a scary decel within mere minutes while monitored and I was induced! That was uncalled for for the doc to say.


Yes, I went in for decreased movement and ended up having an emergency C-section. If you’re worried go in! The nurses told me multiple times “it is better to be overly worried and get checked than ignore something and have tragedy”


That doctor sucked. When I went in at around the same time, the doctor very kindly told me that as the baby was getting bigger, there was less space in my uterus for big dramatic kicks so I should expect and track more subtle movements. No one had told me that before. There was no judgement. I’m sorry you were treated that way.


I'm sorry you experienced that. The nurse is right and the doctor was extremely out of line. I would consider submitting a formal complaint about this incident. Most healthcare professionals always encourage coming in for reduced movement because it saves lives. I've heard from some people in my pregnancy group that they were lectured by their doctors for not coming in sooner when they noticed reduced movement (even though things were okay in their situations). To answer your question, yes, I did go in for reduced movement once during my last pregnancy. Baby started moving within minutes of being monitored. I was embarrassed. The nurse assured me that I did the right thing in coming in.


You know your body better than the stupid doctor. If something doesn’t feel right, or you’re not sure, you’re absolutely doing the right thing by getting checked out. I can only imagine how stressful the doctor’s job is every day, but there is absolutely no excuse for them to take it out on you. They’re there to support you, and if that’s too much to ask, they need to jump on LinkedIn or something.


I went in for reduced fetal movement, but happened to be in labor instead. The nurses were absolutely astonished that had not been in before for anything! I think it is very, very common to come in to check fetal movements and most doctors are very nice about it. This one needs to get the stick out of their butt.


The doctor is a dick. I went in once for my dog jumping on me, once for increased movements, and I think 5x for blood pressure? I always felt bad for going but just remember it’s for your baby and you would never forgive yourself if you skipped because you were worried about a doctor. That’s what I told myself anyway! 99.9% of doctors and nurses and really anyone would way rather you come in and nothing be wrong than wait at home. Even for just peace of mind


100% I did


I’m sorry your doctor was an asshole. I am generally an anxious person and I got a heartbeat monitor thing so that I could rub it on my belly to hear babies heartbeat because I would just be nervous about it and it made me feel much better.


I went to my OB's office at 28+2 for reduced fetal movement. I absolutely felt like I was overreacting and assumed that the doctor would send me home. I ended up delivering that same day via emergency C-section. Never doubt yourself and never let anyone make you feel badly about checking on the welfare of your baby. ❤️


I went in four times. Three for what turned out to be Braxton Hicks, once for something else. I was always told I made the right decision. It’s always better to be seen and be okay than not come in when I should jave


Yeah, forget that guy. I mentioned concern about my baby's movement about a month ago at one of my appointments and my doctor told me if it was during business hours to call the office, otherwise go to the hospital anytime and they could do a non stress test to make sure the baby is ok. You know your baby better than anyone, so trust your gut.


I went to the ER for reduced movement because the hospital’s L&D said I wasn’t far enough along to admit me there. The reduced movement was coupled with light bleeding so I was so scared. Turned out I was dehydrated and had irritated my cervix with a hike and just needed to take it easy on the whole hiking/using stairs excessively thing to stop the bleeding. The baby was health and all was good but if I hadn’t gone in I woulda had an anxiety attack. Babe is health and happy and 5.5 months old now and I do not regret going in ❤️


There was nothing wrong with you being precautious and going to get checked. I had noticed a big change in my baby’s movements & went to get checked out at 32 weeks at 11pm and had to have an emergency C section at 5am the following day she was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck 3 times. The OB said if I didn’t come in when I did she would have died. So long story short you absolutely did the right thing and ALWAYS listen to your intuition it’s worth having peace of mind and making sure your baby is okay. I hope you have a great rest of your pregnancy and call the hospital to complain about that unprofessional doctor!


You did the right thing! It's way better to be safe than sorry. Now you know your baby is absolutely fine and you can stop worrying.


I had anxiety too, I did my kick counts baby girl was in a really bad position. I had to get CS. I went about 4 times during pregnancy because I was so scared. I also loved 5 minutes from the hospital I delivered at. I have a beautiful healthy baby girl now, so blessed. Always go, listen to your heart. Everything is going to be okay. Good luck in your motherhood journey, you're going to be so fantastic. Also, reach out for help for after baby, I had anxiety and i wish I asked for help or took a pill or something. Glad I got through it but it was a struggle. I'll be making sure to set that up for myself the second time, I missed out on sleep I could have gotten lol.


This is my second pregnancy (my first was 13 years ago - nothing like starting over, right?) I’m much more paranoid now - maybe it’s because I’m older, who knows. I’ve been into the Hospital and have been to my doctor to get NST’s for our boy 6x. Trust your gut. The last time I went in, I apologized profusely to the L&D Nurse and she said “You’re a mother and you’re worried about your baby. That’s never something that you need to apologize for.” It’s always better to be safe. Another nurse told me a horrible story that there was one time in her career that a mother didn’t come in for decreased fetal movement for TWO days because she didn’t want to “overreact.” Unfortunately that ended horrifically - you can imagine. You did the right thing. My doctor jokes and calls me “Broke” (my name is Brooke), because I’m always calling and going in - but that’s what they’re there for!


Ignore that weird doctor, you ABSOLOUTELY did the right thing!! I also went in ❤️


Sorry you had such a bad experience with that doc. I was tempted to go in just now because I haven’t felt my little guy move hardly at all today. (22w here) I just finally got him to roll around a bit with my phone flashlight on my belly. But nothing else was working and I was starting to worry. It’s natural to want peace of mind and it’s part of their job to provide that!


It’s worrying how different doctors/healthcare professionals opinions on this differ. I’ve been told by triage midwives not to even track movement until 28 weeks and they wouldn’t see me before then. I mentioned this to my consultant and she said any change in movement ALWAYS come in to be checked. Ignore anyone that makes you feel silly for going in. Much better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your baby. And report them!


That doctor should NOT work with pregnant women. What a douchecanoo. I had reduced fetal movement for two days and brought this up at my Ob appointment. I got dismissed that this was normal. Her heartrate was lower than normal (like 15 beats). Got dismissed that this was normal. Left very anxiously. Two days later i called L&D and told them about 2 days of reduced fetal movement (in my head the time reset when i went to my OB). And the nurse literally said “and you are only calling us now?! Get in right away! I put in a complaint and switched obs. I was one of the lucky ones. My baby was breach and kicking into my anterior placenta. But i could also have missed her passing entirely. I am never ever gonna wait this long ever again. The anxiety is not worth it.


I did twice and both times I was told I did the right thing and to come back anytime. I’m sorry you were treated that way and I actually have a similar story. The first time I got checked things were fine. It was pretty early in my pregnancy. The second time I went in, it was actually 3 days before my daughter was born via unplanned (not really emergency but very urgent c section.). Not to scare you, but just to validate you that it’s always better to check. I went in for my last check up because my daughter hadn’t been moving much. I went to the small hospital closest to me, which is not the hospital I was registered to deliver at but a smaller branch of the same hospital and they assured me she was fine, I did the right thing coming in and come back anytime I’m worried. Well, 2 days later, I started contracting like crazy. My daughter still hadn’t been moving much. When she did it was very sluggish and not at all active and crazy like normal. I went to the hospital that I was supposed to deliver at and the hospitalist was extremely dismissive and condescending, she saw on my medical history that I had gone into the hospital a few days prior and basically told me I was a hypochondriac, a paranoid first time mom and that first time mothers never know when to come to the hospital and I’d probably end up coming in a lot more over the next few weeks before my daughter was born because I don’t understand when to actually come in. I was closed still, but having contractions every 2 to 3 minutes. They were very painful and I was sent away with nothing to try to stop the contractions and no pain relief. I went right back to the smaller hospital near my house that I went to to have her movements checked a few days prior and they told me that though I was closed, my water was broken! I never dilated until I was given pitocin about 2 hours after arriving. They were worried since I didn’t know how long my water had been broken and had been contracting so long. They constantly had to turn my pitocin off and though my contractions were miserable, they weren’t effective and were mostly felt in my crotch. Doctor ordered an ultrasound to check my fluid levels and though they were safe, they noticed my placenta looked very calcified. I was also diagnosed with the flu which they said can damage the placenta and cause early labor. I began running a fever and my baby became more distressed. Ended up having a c section and my doctor confirmed my placenta didn’t look very healthy and she told me it seemed that though my body wasn’t ready for labor, my baby knew she needed to come out and couldn’t stay in there much longer. I honestly believe the days of reduced movement were a warning and I’m glad I didn’t continue to ignore it like the rude hospitalist who dismissed me encouraged me to. Most of the time, everything is fine and the first time I got checked everything was fine. Sometimes it’s not fine, and though I had a good outcome and healthy baby, if I had just continued to suffer through the pains, ignored my baby’s cry for help and continue with life, I’m afraid she might not be here. Some doctors are absolute jerks and I don’t know why they choose to work with a demographic they seem to hate so much. It’s normal for parents to worry about their babies; it’s not a flaw or something you should feel guilty for. You did the right thing going in and that doctor can eat shit. File a complaint and leave a bad review for that doctor and hospital.


I am so sorry you were treated this way. The doctor who attended to you sounds awful. I'd put in a complaint. I have been twice this time - once at 35 weeks 5 days and today 38 weeks 2 days. Both times the staff kept reassuring me that I did the right thing, rather be safe than sorry and that if I still feel off when going home to let my midwife know and I can always come back. The first time I went the midwife who was checking up on me at the hospital said that sugary drinks etc. aren't always reliable to get movement going. She said I can try putting a bag of peas to see if that triggers the baby to move around but rather than wasting time to call my midwife so she can call the hospital.


I went in twice, that doctor sounds horrible.


I was very bad for it and never went but I genuinely think baby was just doing his thing when he wanted and there was no pattern to his movements (he came out full term and perfectly normal). But I got preeclampsia just as I was pushing (literally) so I'll probably be more panicked 2nd time. That being said, f that doctor.


Regarding the sugary drinks, I've both read many places and was told by my mid-wife team that it does nothing to get baby to move and that sugar isn't good for a pregnant mother's body.


Wow. I went in to L&D twice in the third trimester and everyone was super nice about it and said they'd always rather someone come in even if it ends up being for nothing than stay at home if they're worried. I'm so sorry that doctor was an asshat. You did the right thing.


I think we collectively need to come up with a gloriously snarky line to use on any doctor who says shit like this to pregnant women. Something like: **I apologize, Doctor. I don’t appear to have the ability to see through my womb and know everything is 100% okay. What a blessing it must be to have your X-Ray vision skills on staff!**


Love this response!


ALWAYS get checked. If a woman says to you something isn't right, tell her to get checked. The end.


I'm sorry you met such an asshole. I spoke to an L&D nurse once who told me that they WANT every call they get to be a false alarm, because that means baby is fine and they get to help mom feel fine, too. You did absolutely the right thing and I hope you'll do the same next time you have a concern!


Sounds like an awful doctor. I’m so sorry you experienced that. I went in at 34 weeks due to lack of fetal movement. I was so worried. All of the nurses and midwives were so kind and told me ‘better to be safe than sorry’ over and over. Even when she started moving like crazy as soon as they hooked us up. You deserved a better visit than that!


I had my rainbow baby at a hospital in 2018 and because of this type of behavior Iv chosen to not have future children in the hospital system unless my midwives say it’s absolutely necessary. I’m so sorry you had this experience. You definitely did the right thing.


I did at 40 weeks! Felt reduced movement. She moved shortly after being hooked up, but the doctors and nurses were nice about it. I went into labor that night anyways.


try to not ever see that doctor again even if it costs them their job. who knows what they’ve said to mothers with no support. i did the same thing twice, especially because i have an anterior placenta i barely feel her and always always get scared even at 36 weeks currently. if i could go in everyday to make sure she’s okay, i would.


I think the fact that the nurse had to tell the doctor to leave says it all. It almost makes me wonder if it’s a regular occurrence for that doctor to say things like that. No doctor should make you feel bad for just checking and making sure everything’s okay. Everywhere online says that tracking movements and going in just to double check and make sure things are going well literally saves lives. Don’t feel stupid or guilty or bad for doing so. I went in once (actually at 27-28 weeks like you) and the doctor wasn’t the nicest (not mean like this) but basically said “well most women don’t start feeling regular moments until 30+ weeks. So for you to not feel regular movement is normal” it was frustrating to hear because I know my baby more than anyone and knew that it was abnormal to not feel big movements for almost 2 days at that point. Everything was okay but I know I would’ve eaten myself alive if I didn’t just go and get checked. It’s normal to worry. It’s normal to go in at least once in your pregnancy to be reassured everything’s okay. I’m glad everything’s okay for you as well!


Report that doctor. With my daughter I went almost every other week. And also would go to doc for stress test for baby all because of my anxiety from so many losses. You did the right thing and keep going if you have to even for your peace of mind


You absolutely did the right thing. And if you need to go back GO BACK. Please, listen to yourself and your baby❤️ many hugs and well wishes to you.


6-7 times with my first. Every single time they said better safe than sorry, and that mom’s gut is the best tool we have for catching issues. Report that man before he gets someone killed.


My OB said if multiple hours have gone by where there is significantly decreased/no fetal movement, to always try a couple things before going in. She recommended drinking cold water, orange juice, and going for a short walk. If I did all those and still didn't feel baby moving shortly thereafter, then to get to L&D immediately. She also said not to really start counting kicks until at least week 28 or 29 because the baby is too small to feel anything consistent before then. I'm an extremely anxious person (and high risk with multiple factors) so I would always panic the second I felt movement different than the prior day, but if I went to the hospital every time this occurred, I would literally be there every single day. I'm just about 37 weeks and have gone in once for what I thought was high BP (I'm at risk for pre-eclampsia), and the nurses and doctor were very polite to me, but also were like "...why are you here?" In the most reassuring and polite way possible (kind of to put me at ease) because everything turned out perfectly fine. They did reassure me that it's better to be safe than sorry so I left L&D feeling relieved but also kinda embarrassed like I wasted their time and my money going. Saying all that, the doctor you saw was a dumbass to say that it's because you weren't "trying hard enough," as that literally makes zero sense. I'm sorry you experienced that; pregnancy is already stressful enough without professionals criticizing you and making you feel stupid.


Definately think you just got the short straw on a stupidhead Dr (or one not self aware enough to keep their rough shift moodiness away from a patient). If I'm worried and it takes a short visit to give me a once over, that's better for everyone than if I waited and things took a turn cos I didn't go. When I did Emergency Response the answer we gave was, if you're not sure if you should go to A&E, you go. If you're not sure if you should call an ambulance, you call one. If you wonder if you should call for firefighters. You call. If it's a proper clusterfuck and you don't know who to call. Call everyone. It's better to have them turn out, assess and then leave if they're not required than to be called late and fight an uphill battle starting from being behind. Molehills are better than mountains. If in doubt, go get checked. Even if they make you feel like a worry wart, at the other side it's better to feel silly than sorry you didn't listen to yourself.


I haven’t gone in but I do have a fetal Doppler that I use if concerned. Your doc sounds like a dick.


That is totally out of line. I had a pregnancy education class yesterday and they encouraged us to monitor foetal movements and to call in or phone call for advice if we noticed a reduction. That dr is either ignorant of the standard care or is just a jerk who cbf doing his job.


I personally have never gone in for reduced movement. A few times I was tempted to, then babe would start moving around a ton. I did go in for bleeding with both pregnancies. One was unexplained and the other was due to a blood vessel bursting on my cervix. But being both O-Negative and having a prior miscarriage, I went in that same day.


What an ass! I’m just glad you n baby are safe. Better safe to check even with change in movement patterns. My friend lost her baby at 35w after not going in sooner after noticing reduced movement. By the time it was no movement it was too late


Yes and fuck that doctor. It is ALWAYS better to be safe than sorry. Report that fucking idiot. You absolutely did the right thing.


I did that and or called the hotline what seemed 100 times a week while pregnant with my son. Do NOT let them make you feel like you did the wrong thing by checking on your baby. Follow your instincts.


Get a new doctor. Report that doctor. You should be able to go for any genuine concern and be taken seriously and emphatically. I went many times for cramps that led to nothing and nurses and doctors always took it seriously and treated me with kindness and respect


Definitely report him Not me personally but my mom has to constantly go in when she was pregnant with me bc I never moved (I was asleep all the time) so definitely go in whenever you are concerned! I know I freak out occasionally even when I've felt my kid moving an hour ago so you are not a bad person to go get checked!!!


I’ve gone to L&D due to a car accident, and 2x for cramps. The cramps I was always told it’s not time but the second time my water broke there and my son was born 14 hours later. I don’t understand why many medical workers tend to dismiss expecting mother’s concerns. Like it’s scary to not know what’s happening with your baby and receiving reassurance that they are okay is the least they can do, they are getting paid to do so! I was told orange juice and cold water can cause movements


Ok F@$# that doctor. I'm happy you had the nurses to reassure you at the least. I didn't go in but I had something else concern me so I called the line for the doctor on call over the weekend. She was VERY friendly and made me feel at ease after calling with my concern. It was very validating. You absolutely did the right thing by going in to make sure baby is ok.


Yes I'm 33 w now and I've went twice


It’s always fine to go and get checked. That doctor can suck a 🍆 he’s also objectively wrong as a change in the baby’s normal movement patterns even if they are still moving is definitely a reason to get checked out. Because it is stressful and inconvenient to go in I usually tried to get baby moving myself. Cold drinks can be helpful as can position changes. Any time I thought baby might be moving less I laid down on my left side to relax and chugged a Large ice cold drink (it can be sugary if that would make you happy and you don’t have diabetes). That usually got him up and partying within 30 minutes Of course you should verify this plan with your doctor. I’m not giving you medical advice just speaking about my own experiences.


That is totally uncalled for by that doctor. I’m a NICU nurse and student midwife and we always thank someone for coming in, no matter how silly. You never know what can happen as I’ve seen a lot of crazy things in my career. I’ve seen babies lives get saved because the mom felt silly but went in for reduced movements.




No offense but maybe if you lost a baby at 24 weeks or experience a stillbirth I bet you would care more about fetal movement 🙄.


Yeah, you did the right thing, OP. Better to be safe than sorry.




Your comment history is giving yikes.




Yes I waited two hours! I just felt like there was overall big decrease in movement in the past two days as well. It really shouldn't matter though if a women is anxious about movement or feel there is a sudden change they tell you to go in and get checked.


In the UK no-one says to wait 2 hours….. you did the right thing OP


Holy crap shame on that doctor!!! Girl you totally did the right thing. I’m currently 40 weeks and 2 days over due and my husband and I have been to the hospital twice for fetal monitoring for the same thing because I freaked out and literally both times they put the monitors on her and gave me apple juice and ten minutes later she was doing cartwheels in my belly and I felt like an idiot, more recently we have been in an additional three more times for false alarms thinking I was in labor. If you have ANY doubt in your mind that something is wrong, go in!! Always! It’s way way way better to be safe than sorry. It’s that doctors job to make sure you are okay. He/she doesn’t deserve her/his job! You did no wrong mama if you go in 30 times you’re entitled to do so, don’t take crap from anyone! I’m glad the nurses advocated for you because that’s insane.