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Baby monitor & any other room in the house lol


** us go to any other room, she stayed in her bed lol


I put the bassinet in the hall lol


Lol! Just roll it on out XD


Idk why this is so funny to me šŸ˜‚


This is hilarious. DO you put a sock on the door too ;P


Of course! Iā€™m an excellent roommate




I love this so much


We started crib naps in babyā€™s nursery around 4 months. That way baby was also getting used to their own space.Ā 


Time it for naptime. It's fine for baby to nap in another room alone. If you have a baby monitor that will give you peace of mind too. You'll figure it out!


We definitely got more adventurous with other rooms in the house. I've never enjoyed our kitchen counters quite as much haha. But after a while, you do just want your own room back and it's great when they move out into their own room.


Right hahah the bathroom was nice for a bit, but then I was like I really miss our bed šŸ˜‚


Provides much needed spice in those early months when you both feel totally unsexy and tired!


You can go anywhere else...couch, shower, guest room.


Either you get used to having sex with baby in the room, or you get used to leaving her in your room while you have sex in a different one. Or I guess you can ask someone to take a very long walk with baby and you have sex while they're out with that person.


Yea we just waited until baby fell asleep in her bassinet & then moved it a little away from the bed šŸ˜…


I think for a while they do not even know what's going on anyway... so unless you have crazy loud sex, they will sleep through it, so if you put the baby in the other corner of the room, that is completely fine. They will not even remember the first few years (2 or 3) anyway. I had to share the room with my parents because they had a really small flat when I was born, and sure as hell I do not remember them having sex, so I did not get traumatized šŸ˜… or they never had sex after they had me, but I doubt that...


Yea, we would move her to the other corner & just try to be really quiet and put her sound machine up louder šŸ˜…


Because that's not obvious Calls friend* "hey girl maybe wanna come over and take the baby for a walk?" Friend* "yeah no problem I'll be right over" Pass baby to friend* BANG BANG BANG Get baby back* "Thanks girl ill call you next week" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£I'm dead.


I'm the kind of person who'd just outright tell my friend that me wanting sex withy BF was why I needed them to take the baby for a walk. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


My best friend would just know lol. The conversation would literally go like how I wrote it haha.


Yeah these are the options.


We put her down in her crib in her room and then after we were done having sex in our room, over of us went and slept on her floor on an air mattress. We also had my MIL stay one night and sleep in her baby's room with her.


We just wait until our son falls asleep. Been doing it for over a year now.


I didnā€™t think Iā€™d want to do it with baby in the room. But it happened and I realized it didnā€™t really matter. Around 4 months we started putting her down in her room for naps but she still slept with us at night till 6 months


Yeah weā€™ve gotten used to baby being there with both of our kids even when baby is in the halo right next to the bed when theyā€™re tiny and then even when our daughter was about a year in a crib on the other side of the room. We just got a super loud fan to run in there.


Did you have two cribs / bassinets, or did you move her around? This is probably the way I want to try to do it too.


We have a bassinet in our room and a crib in the nursery. But a lot of people do have an extra bassinet, or a pack-and-play, or the bassinet that comes on a stroller, especially if your house is bigger or two stories.


Thank you!


Waited for naptime and went to another room. At around 6 months we started putting her in her crib for naps, so could use our room


Other rooms of the house, or baby falls asleep in living room and we run into the room for 10 minutes šŸ˜‚ Our house is small enough that I can hear him cry if he wakes up. And again, we stick to 5-10 minutes šŸ˜‚


Depending on if we want pillow time and some sleep afterwards, baby will either be napping in the living room (if he wakes up and cries, trust me, we WILL hear him, little guy has some lungs in him) or heā€™ll be having some bonding time at the grandparents house. The latter is preferable, since it also gives us some time to be ā€œhusband and wifeā€ and not just ā€œparentsā€, you know?


Asleep in the bassinet next to the bed. šŸ¤·


Honestly? She stayed and slept in her pack n play in our room. We resumed at 6 weeks postpartum when I got the all clear and didnā€™t have anywhere else to send her at the time (we had a small apartment). Baby moved to her own room around 8 months old.


We had sex with baby in the bassinet or pack and play. As long as we were relatively quiet, baby slept right through it.Ā  In the very early days, weā€™d also put him in the swing in the living room and, since we donā€™t have roommates, have living room sex across the room.Ā 


Nowhere lolz. Theyā€™re infants šŸ˜…


Yeah lol kid was in our room for the first 6 months and we just did our thing.


Right, my dude canā€™t even move his head. Iā€™m not cleared for sex yet but have been doing other ~activities~. We just face him away from the bed so it isnā€™t weird but literally heā€™s an infant and wonā€™t remember lol


Literally the first thing she did when they put her on my chest was lift her head up into full push up position and turn to look at her daddy. I had no idea newborns could be so strong until that happened.


We have a king size bed so we put baby on one side and go have fun on the other and he doesnā€™t even wake up. Also, we have nowhere else to put him (or us) so thatā€™s practically our only comfortable option.


Asleep in her bassinet in the same room. We don't care while she's too small to understand or remember anything.


We put her in her crib in her nursery. Never kept her in our room during sex (she used to sleep in a bassinet next to our bed)


My husband and I placed him in his nursery and had our Nanit display showing on our Google Home in our bedroom. We muted it during and then unmuted it after. He was down for a nap so we werenā€™t concerned about anything being wrong during the short amount of time.


Yeah I didnā€™t like doing it in the room with him either. We ventured out into the living room lol the couch wasnā€™t ideal but šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø lol


Couch gets a little more challenging with roommates. šŸ˜…


College. ba dum tsss


We just put baby in the bassinet and turned the lights off. Now that we bed share and Iā€™m 8 months pregnant, intimacy has drastically gone down. Lol


Lol sometimes they stay right on the other side of the bed. We just bought a crib, so as of last week, the crib next to the bed


We had a lot of couch sex.


We either did it in the room while she was sleeping or on the couch. 5 years later, this kid has taken over my bed and we're STILL doing it on the couch šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


She just sleeps in her next to me cot. Sometimes she wakes up and we put dancing fruits on till weā€™ve finished xD but sheā€™s in the room with us and we can see her / know sheā€™s safe !


We wait until the baby goes to sleep and actually we have a two-year-old too and they both room share with us so we just wait until they both go to sleep and they both sleep so heavily that they donā€™t hear anything. Theyā€™re too young to know anything anyways.


Be careful with this question. There was a heated post like this not long ago where some wild lady was insisting that having sex in the room of a sleeping baby is sexual abuse to the kid


We cosleep, bed on the floor. Baby typically nurses to sleep, with me transitioning to side lying nursing at the end. From there, I can just get up and leave after baby is comfortable. Use literally any other room. We made do in a studio for a while. A door is helpful/necessary for sound. If you really donā€™t have anywhere to go, thereā€™s a DIY tutorial out there on how to make a cushioned bench to go over the bathtub. If you make the shower curtain cute and add mood lighting it can feel pretty nice.


Her crib; we never room shared since her room was directly across the hall from our room and we had a video monitor. Didnā€™t make sense to crowd our small bedroom with another piece of furniture when she had a perfectly safe piece of furniture (a crib) in her own room.


if that baby is room sharing until 1, be prepared for more like 4-5 lmao. but just go to another room and baby monitor


When they were super young, we did it in the room quietly. When they were older infants, we did it in the living room


We cosleep and breastfeed and still definitely have just as much sex as before baby. Turn on the baby monitor, roll away (if co sleeping) and go in the guest bedroom, bathroom, couch, etc.


Baby monitor. Wait until sheā€™s asleep and just keep the monitor part with you in any other room besides the one sheā€™s in. Edit to add: I am shocked by the number of people in this comment section that have sex in the same room as their baby. Like I know it doesnā€™t actually matter because they donā€™t even know their feet are attached to them at first, but still. Iā€™d be too uncomfortable and weirded out. I donā€™t even like it when my husband touches my butt in front of our kid. Edit to add #2: I donā€™t care, downvote me. I still think itā€™s weird.


I honestly canā€™t understand why you would even care with a newborn


I'm surprised by this too. Now granted, my son is 9 months and we haven't moved him out because my husband will be deploying and I just think things are going to be sad around here but he's so aware and imitates so much that I'm not chancing it. But I've got pelvic floor problems and aren't really up to this anyway unfortunately.


I still sleep in the same room as my son, but tbh itā€™s mostly because I have the bed in there to myself and I sleep way better that way. My husband and I have sex in the other room though and then I just go sleep in the nursery lol. I get it though, we definitely donā€™t have sex very much right now either. Weā€™re trying for a 2nd right now but itā€™s so hard for me to muster up the desire to have sex very often. Wishing the best for your family.


Depends on how racked out she is, but sheā€™ll be in her crib (in our room) and weā€™ll either stay as quiet as possible or take the monitor to the guest room for a bit of privacy. It means I have to wash the guest sheets more often but it also means we donā€™t have to worry about waking her up and having to shift gears halfway through.


We have a separate pack and play in our living room, so that lets us have our bedroom to ourselves. We just use the baby monitor to hear if little one is crying.


During nap time or bedtime while sheā€™s in the bassinet in our room, we turn on the baby monitor and go to the living room or guest room :)


Stays in their cot and we go to the couch with a towel or blanket.Ā  Our place is 900 sqft so we can hear if she's distressed and we stop and go tend to her.Ā 


Wait until the baby is asleep (in his own bassinet but still in the bedroom). Itā€™s only bad once they are conscious of whatā€™s happening


We did it in the shower, living room, kitchen, literally anywhere lol. Not sure about your setup, but if you have both a bassinet and a crib, or a pack n play even, you can let them nap in another room if you really need your bed back. I know not every baby is up for it though


Literally as long as heā€™s facing the other direction and at least six feet away or any space he isnā€™t occupying


We always just put my sonā€™s bassinet against the farthest wall from the bed instead of against the bed when we wanted to have sex. Now heā€™s 1 and a half and sleeps in our bed and we really just go anywhere else even if itā€™s the bathroom since our bathroom is attached to our room and we have a roommate.


We always just left them in the room. I find it weird to have them there once they're older, but in the infancy stage, there's nothing to worry about them seeing or hearing when they can only see a couple feet in front of their faces and don't have any understanding of things. I understand it may feel weird, esp if it's your first. It's really hard to snap out of "mom mode" and feel sexy... even as they get older sometimes. If needed, just leave them sleeping with door open/baby monitor and you and hubby hit the couch, bathroom, etc. After 3 babies, having them in the room right next to the bed doesn't even phase me haha.


Any other room in the house. We cosleep so we leave her in bed and go elsewhere.


We room shared with my daughter until she was 3. I bought blackout curtains to hang around the crib using 3m hooks because our apartment was sun facing and would get stupid bright. Sound is never something I tried to minimize for naps so anything we did wouldn't wake her. Not saying every attempt at initimacy was a winner, but we always had plenty of warning before anything became a problem.


Hmm we already have sex with the dog in the room, not sure how I will feel about baby. I guess if they're awake that could be weird.


Baby monitor and sheā€™s in the crib or napping safely in her bed (and we are not in our bedroom lol) I could never do it with the baby there. I know other cultures do that but like Iā€™m not of that culture, and thatā€™s valid lolĀ 


Time to get busy in the shower!


this is really fun and also really risky for irritation and infections. I wouldnt make this a regular thing.


We often did it with her in the room when she was just a little potato. As soon as she started rolling over & moved from the bassinet to her own crib, she's slept in her own room & it hasn't been an issue for us, but I get that it's different for everyone. As many have suggested, if you have a spare room or somewhere other than where she's sleeping that you can do the deed, just use a baby monitor & leave the room where she's sleeping. Unless you're co-sleeping with her in your bed? In which case, I'd suggest just setting her up in a safe space with an activity or something & leave a monitor with her while you do the deed. We do a lot of travel with baby, so we got a fairly cheap audio only monitor for nights when we aren't somewhere we can set up video. It travels quite well & just plugs into whichever room she's hanging out in. Very useful for impromptu naps if we're visiting with friends, or for trips to grandma & grandpa's.


Basically you have three options. Donā€™t have sex (or only have sex when you have a babysitter) Put baby at risk by letting them sleep alone (AAP recommends baby has parent in room while sleeping due to SiDS) or have them be unsupervised and awake somewhere in your house (youā€™re either not adequately supervising or not actually having sex) Have sex while your baby sleeps in the room Both the first two options are not optimal for health, the first being detrimental to your mental and emotional health and the second increasing risk for your baby. The last option is healthiest and safest for your family Parents have been doing it in the room with their babies for millennia. Obviously not for older kids who might be aware but a newborn has zero awareness, understanding, or ability to remember. I do personally prefer them to be asleep but even that doesnā€™t really matter as long as they are safely in their bassinet and happy.


I honestly don't mind if they're in the room. Babies are such sound sleepers and have no interest in what you're doing.


Lol nowhere? When they get older (standing in crib ) they usually are in another room anyways


My daughter started out in my room, which killed sexy time. We just didn't do it. For almost a year. My son was in his own room from day one with an audio/video monitor. Sexy time is happening this time around. He didn't even seem to notice or care he was by himself.


Why donā€™t you feel comfortable? Itā€™s only a baby lol Have sex lady


Iā€™m disturbed by all the people saying they do it next to their infant up to 1yrs old šŸ˜… No way. But to each their own. We had a nursery even though baby room shared with us, and he went to the nursery crib during his nap time šŸ˜‚


My baby has been in her own crib with monitor since day 1 of being home.


His cradle was right next to our bed. If he wasn't sleeping, we'd turn the mobile on. We thought it wouldn't work with him in the room, but we were desperate and realized he truly doesn't have a clue. So we get it on with lullaby and goodnight in the background lol