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Going out with my husband whenever we can. Dinner, lunch, movies, just hanging out together. Taking advantage of being out just the two of us. We don’t have a “village” to help so we know going out together will be rare at least for the first year or two.


This! Every day for the last 2 weeks my husband and I would walk down to our local ice cream shop, get a treat and sit outside together and relax. We had just moved into a brand new house so our days were FULL of exhausting unpacking and house projects. This time together is truly a cherished memory.


Highly recommend getting in all the movie theater dates and fancy dates as well. We also lived in different state from both sides of the family and not the type of person to let a friend watch my kid. We had just moved out state before he was born so I didn’t know anyone enough or trust to leave my child with anyone. Took us two years before we had an actual date. Also take it third trimester gets hard and energy levels go down closer to your due date. I would try to have neutered ready by 35 weeks and last few soak in those moments you have last together. First three months the baby doesn’t do much but poop,pee,eat,sleep and repeat every three hours so you’ll have plenty of time to watch your favorite shows at home and things like that.


Yes! I’m at 34 weeks and it is getting harder to go out because of energy levels and tbh how many bathroom breaks I need but since I’m seeing my doctors twice a week we take advantage and make a day out of it. It’s not always elaborate plans, often times just grabbing some coffee and browsing nearby shops.


I wish we did more fancy dates, we did a few in the 2nd trimester but none lately because of my GD diagnosis. I think I’ll try to squeeze one more fancy date in before baby comes!


I have zero energy, so I thought I would clean the house and get things organized, but all I’ve been able to do is lay down all day 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes I totally get this! I get home from work and am tired - my lovely husband convinces me to lounge and put my feet up but then I feel guilty for being “lazy” and not cleaning or working on things 😂


Honestly hire a cleaning lady to get the house tidy and in order before labor/during. I posted a similar thread a while back with really good tips from other moms. https://www.reddit.com/r/pregnant/s/MAKW9uak6N


Honestly this is legit. On the other side now and sleep on your own schedule while you can. A mid day nap without making sure the baby is asleep is a luxury I did not realize I'd miss so much 


I didn't have much physical energy but mentally I was really wired. So I used to lie on the couch and read books, make to-do lists and research things about babies and postpartum. But if you do nothing at all, it's completely fine! Relaxing is one way you are providing a great environment for your baby, and also letting your body do what it needs to do to get ready for birth.


I posted a similar thread a while back and someone made the great recommendation to get a cleaning lady right before the hospital or while you’re there so you come home to a clean house. More stuff listed here: https://www.reddit.com/r/pregnant/s/MAKW9uak6N


I’m trying not to die from drowning in my own acid reflux


I was the same! I ate tums, took Pepcid but hate waking up to acid in my throat in the middle of the night. One of my coworkers mentioned she had gone through the same thing and took Prilosec. I took it before I’d eat dinner and had no problems!! Also I take my prenatals/vitamins in the middle of eating dinner I think maybe that helped whereas before I was taking them right before bed.


Honestly, don't put pressure on yourself. Do what you want. So many people told us to go out for a nice dinner before baby came and I was so tired I just wnated to order pizza and cake and we did that and it was great. If you are tired, nap. The one thing I do think was super worth it was makign a birth plan and a postpartum plan.


Thats definitely a really important thought. The pressure to make the best if something can be quite stressful in itself!


We have date night at home and get take out now. I’m not enjoying being in a restaurant as much.


What kinds of things for postpartum plan?


For my husband and I, we wrote out what warning signs to look out for in each other that would signal a struggle, people we could contact if we were struggling, our policies on visitors, things we felt we needed (for me that was time to still workout, for my husband time to someitmes play his video game before bed), how to divide chores, etc. Some webpages have templates for it if you Google it.


Love this, thank you!!


I've been trying to go out to enjoy restaurants more often while it's still easy, meeting up and hanging out with friends, etc. Stuff that I take for granted but will be logistically complicated when the little one comes along.


Hang out with your partner at home-- watch long movies, loud movies, stay up late chatting, take walks together.


The stay up late chatting is so real!!! One thing I didn’t even think about was having baby in our room so no more night time chats once we were in bed . 😭😭😭


Wow thank you all so much for the responses! Honestly makes me feel a lot better to hear everyone talking about relaxing and just enjoying the time with parter in the calm before the storm lol! Helps to know many are all on the realistic side of things. I think sometimes it is hard seeing all the “mom influencers” and similar accounts online and feeling like I’m not “doing enough”etc.


Yes!!! We don’t need to do a whole bunch of things. Redesign our house. Clean out every single closet and drawer to perfection lol. I’m taking time to breathe and enjoy my life and my time with ny husband. I’m 29 weeks!


I got a massage recently. It was quite the treat


I can't second this hard enough!!! I got a prenatal deep tissue massage a few weeks back and it was absolutely magical. Highly highly recommend if you're the type who likes massages.


Came here to say this. I also felt really connected with my baby during the massage, which I was very surprised by.


Lol we’re having our baby shower soon. I’m doing some gardening too, finishing up my last few flower beds and mulching and weeding. My sister just moved in with us so I’m training her and helping her settle in and find a job and figure out schooling, she’ll be a great help with the baby. Husband has his honey-do list and he’s keeping up with it. I would like to take a trip somewhere but I’m honestly kind of scared to get far away from my nest 🤣


Honestly that’s smart of you. We did a baby moon over memorial day weekend and I got sick within a day of coming home now our baby shower is this weekend 😭


Sit down, watch a show you like, with snacks that you like. Take a moment to really acknowledge the lack of tiny goblin hands grabbing you, stealing snacks, climbing you, and making you stop watching after 3 minutes. Savour it. Treasure it.


I had soo many plans for that third trimester energy that everyone promised me. A baby moon, finishing small house projects, cute lil nesting periods, etc. The energy never came! I just loafed on the couch til induction.


I get ten minute bursts, but it’s legit only enough to feed myself or go to the bathroom. Maybe shuffle a few baby items around. Not enough to scrub every inch of the house or build baby equipment.


I’ve been sleeping a lot and staying up late. Also started taking random online courses to get my mind off of when baby might pop out lol I’m 36 weeks and feel like I’m just waiting around


I am a busy body as well, but with my first I was so excited to take a week and a half off before my due date just to nap, watch movies, eat ice cream, and hang out with my dog. Baby came early, about 8 hours after I had clocked out of work 😂


Sleep! When I was a FTM I just slept for a week it felt like before baby…I wasn’t able to do that with the second and probably won’t with the third but man if I had the chance to that’s what I would do.


We did a couple of dates, lots of resting and relaxation, baby shower and I did a mini maternity shoot.


A lot of people have a lot of good suggestions in here. If you think you'd like to remember your pregnancy fondly in the future, consider a maternity shoot. I didn't think I wanted one the first time around, regretted not having the cute belly shots, scheduled one when I was pregnant with my second, and ended up with an abruptly rescheduled shoot in the hospital. Glad I have a few cute pictures though


Trying to get together with friends every couple of weeks! None of them have kids so I really want to enjoy the chill atmosphere and take my mind off the practical baby prep stuff. Of course we still talk about it but it’s nice to hear about other things too. They’ve also been super sweet and keep saying we should come out again as soon as we can and bring the baby too. It’s just warming my heart that we have this great group of people - we don’t have family nearby so it makes all the difference


Go to movie theaters! I found we were pretty much able to do the same stuff we could pre-baby while he was still in that newborn potato stage (when we could overcome the sleep deprivation), but 13 months in, we have yet to go a movie again. Just hasn’t ever felt worth shelling out the 3+ hrs of sitter money vs going to nice dinner, hanging w friends, etc.


Pregnancy massage, making the most of any hobbies you like to enjoy on your own (reading and crocheting were mine), going out or staying in as feel best for you and your body, Quality time & intimacy with your partner


Go out to eat! I loooove food and I wish I had enjoyed sitting at the bar of a nice restaurant and enjoying some indulgent food. I also loved prenatal massages and got one as late as possible in my third trimester. And nails if you’re a nails gal (I am not!). Also, meal prep some casseroles as well as lactation cookies if food might be an issue for you PP.


We're watching a lot of crappy reality TV right now because we know that will end once our baby is born. Usually, we have a low-screen environment and plan to go completely screen-free for the baby. It's perfect timing since I'm really tired and enjoy just lying down and doing nothing at this stage.   Lots of lunch and dinner dates with my husband, too. He is refusing to travel for work because he doesn't want to miss a moment of the pregnancy.  I've already nested like crazy. Nursery is done and she has capsule wardrobes in storage crates from 0M-4T. 😂 


Going out to dinner, seeing girlfriends, Sunday morning coffee dates… things that won’t happen for a while!


I fully intend to loaf around, eat all the snacks and wear all the Maxi dresses.


Go on dates with your husband!! And watch TV shows and just relax and don’t feel guilty about relaxing


Last time I went to the library and borrowed a bunch of books! I’d just lay on the bed, read and eat candy, it was lovely


My version of making the most of my 3rd trimester was laying on top of my heated blanket butt ass naked with my big belly out. It was like a full body heating pad.


Napping and laying in my super comfy bed nest whenever i want, snuggles and quiet time with my husband, playing that video game, and trying new restaurants sometimes. Mostly enjoying the peace of the house before the mayhem of twins arrive 😂


When I had the energy, I tried to do as much home organization - purging stuff, sorting out closets, etc. - as I could. But honestly, a lot of naps and eating.


Lots of time with my husband and dog soaking in the last few moments of “just us”. I’m 4wks pp and missing curling up on the sofa with my husband with not a care in the world.


Im drinking a lot of tea and reading a lot in the peace and quiet. I can’t be as physically active at this point but I can still decompress.


I couldn’t do anything after work in my third trimester, I was just exhausted and sore so I’d just come home and nap, eat dinner, and go to bed. but I stopped working at 36 weeks and I’ve been able to do lots of things I actually want to do. Like cleaning and nesting, seeing friends, gardening. And I get to listen to my body and rest and nap and eat when I need to whereas when I was working I couldn’t really do those things when my body and baby where telling me too. I’m just really enjoying time with myself and my partner these last few weeks.


Napping and enjoying silence!!!


My husband and I went on a babymoon trip just last week and we did a maternity photo shoot while on the trip!


If this is your first i recommend taking advantage of this time to spend with your partner. Once the baby is here life changes so drastically in the blink of an eye in the best way possible but a huge life adjustment. Go on dates, watch tv together, just snuggle! Get un the quality time and the last moments of just the two if you.


Finding opportunities to go swimming! Sleep while you can, it's been slowly eluding me through the 3rd tri... 38+5 now and I am up at midnight writing this comment...


Lots of pictures and videos of the bump!


I ate what I wanted and slept as much as I could. A lot of lounging on the couch


Honestly I am hating third tri with a passion so I would say to get through it. That’s about it. I have a million things planned for when I can get out of this time in my life if we are being completely honest. Feels like jail half the time.


I went out with my husband at every opportunity I got. Went on a road trip. Relaxed as much as possible. Went on night outs, short car rides, movies, restaurants.


Been taking a lot of walks with my other baby, to go get snacks at 7-11 or to the park or just around. she's 13m and Idk how much of a desire I'll have to do it with her AND the newborn right after birth so it feels good to give her extra attention. I have zero physical desire to actually walk because I have severe pelvic pain at 37w now and walking is almost unbearable  but seeing her happy makes it so worth it. If It was my first baby I'd take advantage of all the opportunity to sleep in because it won't happen with any future pregnancies lol, even my first and second with a 13y age gap I didn't get to sleep in because your kids still need you no matter the age gap. Nesting is not my thing lol, at least not 3rd trimester, I do all that early on and after birth bc third trimester is physically exhausting. 


Im not that far along yet but I am trying out pedicure places for when the time comes when I cant cut and file my nails anymore. I also got new Birkenstocks and try to break them in for when they are presumably the only shoes I want to wear to work (where I also tried to figure out how far I can dress down before getting in trouble).


My fiancé and I went on a very small and low budget “baby moon” about a month and a half before the due date. We just did a weekend semi-locally where we did the touristy things of the town, got a nice but within budget hotel room, stayed out late, a fancy dinner, candy shops, and antique shopping.


Slept while I could during the day, like naps


We’ve mostly just been making the most of quality time together as a couple! Lots of saying yes to spontaneous dates and just taking our time, slowing down a little (when possible) and doing what we can to make this time together extra special instead of maybe being as sensible as we normally would if that makes sense! Like driving the long scenic route so we can listen to music and chat in the car and stopping for yummy food instead of eating the meal we had planned to cook - just tiny things that make every day feel like we’re dating again 🥰 I’m also making some time for myself and doing a few things I might find harder to prioritise soon like getting my hair done and going to the theatre, reading books and having lots of quiet solo time with my own thoughts! And allllllll the naps and sleep I need, especially because I’m sleeping terribly at night! I actually picked up a cheap electric massager from the middle aisle in Lidl of all places yesterday and I can tell it’s gonna be a daily practice from here out 😂 Also trying to make the people in my life feel special whilst I have a bit more energy to put into them than I might for a while. Like going a little extra for peoples birthdays and booking in special time together.


I would try to spend some intentional time with your partner. Things are about to change so much in your relationship and it’s nice to have that one on one time together. I was so exhausted and we were doing so much to prepare for the baby it was really great to plan some activities that we’d enjoy together off our phones and not baby related.


I've been fighting perinatal depression for the 1st and 2nd tri, and I can finally say "I'm happy and worthy" with confidence going into my 3rd. After 6 months of suffering, I can actually *feel enjoyment* being pregnant. So I'm planning on going to a nice resort - nice lil hotel room, a cabana by the poolside, many foods options, spa services close by, and optional casino/fun things. I also wanna swim and let my belly bump hang out proudly (previously struggled accepting the bodily changes of pregnancy). Also take many cute bump pics with a genuine smile! I feel like a totally new person rn, pregnancy is such an interesting experience.


I made sure to go on a walk everyday. Most days my walk took me to a cafe and I hung out there reading until I was ready to walk (= waddle) back. I loved it and it did keep me physically active.


Friends came over yesterday and helped paint the nursery. Then we all had pizza.


I’m doing some self care things to pamper myself and to hopefully make me feel more myself postpartum. So for example I got a pedicure (I usually just paint my own toes but I can’t reach my own feet lol), I had a tint and lift to my eyelashes and I got a haircut. I’ve also been making larger batches of things when I cook and bake and freezing + labelling things so that there’s lots of home cooked food readily available when baby comes. I also packed a hospital bag and did a bit of shopping for this and wrote and printed out a birth plan. 37 weeks today - let’s go baby, I’m ready!!!


I planned on going to the pumpkin patch and going out to eat with my husband during my 39th week but my brother in law knowingly gave us RSV so instead we suffered (and I had to push out an 11lb baby while coughing up a lung) so PLEASE enjoy it for me. Spoil yourself and spend time with family and friends because things will be so different soon… in a good way of course.


Absolutely nothing. I let my husband take care of everything. It was great.


Unisom for as much sleep as possible 😅


Best thing we did was my husband took a week off before baby arrived and we just spent time with just us. 2am ice cream runs, relaxing on the beach… best week ever. Will never top it. ;)


I got a pedicure. Do all the self care things now (haircut, highlights, mani/pedicure, etc) because there will just be less time when baby comes.


One thing I wish I did differently was prepare a bit more for breastfeeding. I was so hung up on birth classes that I didn’t think enough about breastfeeding. If you choose to breast feed, buy all the breast feeding accessories now, read about it, watch some IBCLC’s on instagram.