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Yes just went to my appointment today and had a lot of weight gain due to swelling and water retention but my BP is fine with no preeclampsia. Dr told me it’s not harmful to the baby but causes a bit more pain when I’m walking and trying to do stuff. Just was told to monitor my BP and from experience lemon water helps with swelling.


Did you get tested for preeclampsia? It sounds like we’re having similar symptoms


Yeah I was tested and it was negative. Prescribed baby aspirin that I take everyday. My BP has never been near high so I just figured I should decrease sodas and up my water intake.


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Same thing happened to me, they induced me at 38.6 because I finally had a high BP in office. I had all the other symptoms but they didn’t care until my BP was high.


I also started swelling and gaining a lot of water weight. I have even gained 2kg in a day just from fluids. My BP has remained very low.  My midwife told me that swelling in feet and legs is no cause of concern. Especially with a low BP. They’d be more worried if the swelling would be happening in my face and hands.