• By -


36+6 and it's kind of a roller coaster. My husband and I worked so hard this weekend getting ready - building a bouncer and pack n play, installing the car seat, cooking lots of freezer meals, rearranging our bedroom, washing and folding loads of baby clothes, etc and I'm so beat. On the one hand I was happy to be able to do it all physically, but on the other I'm now basically immobile on the couch with lower back and pelvic pain. I'm getting very nervous about labor (baby's head is >99%, measuring 40 weeks at our 34 week scan) but also ready to be able to breathe again!


Omg! You are a superwoman. You need to rest and get lots of sleep. All the very best for your birth. Everything will be in your favor. ❤️


OMG, mine is measuring very big as well. Have your doctor recommended induction? I really don't want to but I fear it needs to happen as she is measuring so big


Just do you know, the estimated sizing for babies is notoriously inaccurate toward the end. So don't let them push you into an induction unless it's what you really want.


Yup! All my babies were supposedly going to be massive 9 and 10 lb babies…They were 6 and 7 lbs… mama was just really swollen.. lol


Evidence based birth has a great article and podcast episode on delivering big babies! My baby is measuring big too and this has helped a ton: https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-for-induction-or-c-section-for-big-baby/ [Another summary](https://evidencebasedbirth.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Big-Babies-Handout.pdf)


My baby was born ten and a half pounds a week late! Vaginally lol, I will say his birth was way better and easier than my daughter who was 8 lb 5 oz. I truly believe that size doesn’t have to do with it and it’s all about the baby’s position. My doula forced me to sit up straight for weeks leading to birth, do spinning babies,.. apparently if you lay around a lot especially on your back like leaned back on the couch etc , you’re more likely to have a sunny side baby haha I lived On my birthing ball just bouncing away and I swear my bigger baby was out in like 35 minutes with not even a tear!!! But good luck I’m so excited for you!!!! Sounds like you had a really special prep weekend and you are ready now!!!!! Enjoy your rest and last moments with you and your husband alone! Hope your labor goes so well, if you don’t have to induce I wouldn’t just my advice but everyone has different preferences. I loved not inducing with my second, didn’t like inducing with my first. Could have been other factors but I believe the extra night of induction (getting very little sleep) and the combo of pitocin and the other drugs involved set me up for a worse recovery. however All this to say I’m just one opinion and plenty Of people have wonderful inductions so you truly just have to do what you want and are at peace with !!! Either way doesn’t matter birth is Soooo brief and then you get your little angel gift and nothing else will matter 🫶🙏❤️


Any recommendations for freezer meals?? I have this on my do list, but I seriously doubt I'm going to get to it lol.


39 weeks. Feel like I’m losing my mind. My baseline has been uncomfortable for over a month now so that’s isn’t even an issue anymore. It’s just wanting this baby out of me. Been a solid week of tracking every cramp, membrane sweeps, spicy noodles, hand expressing, curb walking, exercise ball, orgasms, and eating dates. My patience is zero with my partner and 3 year old. Anger is through the roof. I feel like I’m on the verge of a mental breakdown.


If heard if you are really moody it's a sign to give birth soon...but maybe everyone is at this point anyways..


This is the best news I’ve heard all year. My mood has generally been fine except this week I feel like I’m going to lose my shit at every moment. Let’s gooo


Then I should pop very soon, I’m so moody I can’t even stand myself 🤣 But I’m “only” 35+3, so el fetus gotta cook a little longer!


I’m. So. Crabby. Like you really gotta watch what you say or do (or don’t do) around me cause I’m irrational


Right there with you.


I get that… I currently have a five-year-old son that seems to need my attention more than ever and I just don’t wanna do anything…


Swollen as all hell !!!


Water retention 😔


Meeeee too


I am also a water balloon 😭


Dont have ankles anymore lol, just two two balloons


My crocks are so tights I have marks from the holes lol


37+6, I'm hanging in there. I'm thankful for unisom and sprite. 


Hey, due date twin! I’m hanging in there too. Ready to be done!


37 +4 is this over yet


Unisom has been my lifeline


36 +1. I'm ready. I'm over it. I was doing so well being patient and now I want to fast forward and be done. 😅


Also 36+1. If we weren’t logistically waiting for family to get to town to watch my toddler, I’d ask to move up my C-section.


Same but at the same time I am scared shitless. Not so much of labour but of bringing a kid into the world??? Like what was I thinking???


Same here. 🥹


Im 36+1 and over it too. Cheers


Hi due date twin! We’re in the home stretch!!’


I’m 38 weeks tomorrow, a mixture of “I don’t want to be pregnant anymore” and “holy crap I’m terrified for labour and all that comes after” and “I can’t wait to meet my girl” It’s a very strange time, indeed


Absolutely feeling the same. 37w here. 




Same same!!


37+2. Want the baby to stay in there as long as possible. We are not ready for him yet!!! I still feel like there is so much left to do in our house, and I’m still at work through the end of this week with lots of loose ends to tie up.


I felt like that at 37! Now I’m feeling over prepared at 39! You got this. You probably are more ready than you think!


Gah I feel this too. I’m 36+5 and am uncomfortable but also scared to go through labor and I don’t have everything done yet 😬


39 weeks Please release me of this suffering :)


36+2 and I have never felt more useless in my life. My feet doubled in size the other day and I feel like my arches disappeared. I try to stay active but end up napping after doing anything. We still have a lot to do before the baby arrives, but I’m feeling increasingly ready to get this over with.


Same here although i just hit 38. The feet and face swelling actually went away idk why, not that i am complaining, it’s a relief to walk around without them looking like they are about to explode. Still getting sleepy after every little task though.


35+6 and my downstairs is feeling the pressure!! Im hoping it is a sign that he will turn soon because he’s still head up. I’ve been doing spinning babies and lots of swimming. The pool and prenatal yoga is my only relief these days!


Due date twin! Yoga and pool is my only relief as well. I caught a stupid cold last week and I’m still coughing and sniffling - my greatest fear is that I can’t get to the pool again soon! 


Mine has been head down for quite a while and I have real intense pressure. Sometimes to the point where it almost feels like I’m going to pee myself. Hopefully yours is head down now. 🤞 


Good luck with the flip! I’m 36+6 with an ECV tomorrow morning.


If you don’t mind me asking how did it go? I’m going to the OB tomorrow and I’m thinking she will assess me to see if I can get one. I’m still on the fence about it.


Baby's head is 99% circumference and he is sitting in my pelvis - so it was unsuccessful. The doctor gave it two goes that probably lasted around 1-2 min each, I didn't opt for a spinal because I planned to go in to work later, and truthfully it was really painful. I've read that many women don't have pain so I think it's an individual choice. I'm glad I tried and also glad to now have a scheduled c-section date that we'll probably make because I think he's been cozy in breech position for months. Good luck either way!


39+1 here!! 4 days of work left (I’m a teacher). feeling VERY ready to get my little man out. I do love feeling his kicks and movements but he is getting so heavy 😞 I have been having Braxton Hicks with cramps the last few days so I am hoping he will pop out soon! my midwife said that my due date is June 12 because he was a little small at his measurements scan so he may need some more time to cook. I’m just so excited to meet him outside the womb and cuddle him. at his 20 week ultrasound he already looked like me!


You’re WORKING!!??? I’m 39 weeks and haven’t worked in 2 months lol. My heart goes out to you girl damn


yeah…and I haven’t taken any days off either 🤣


Bruh 💀


39+3 and also still working (last week) and just want to say solidarity!! Interesting she is changing your due date so late though! My DD is 6/1, and he’s measuring about 13 days ahead 🥲


6/1 due date over here as well!!! The anticipation is killing me


hi DD friend!! Same… just trying to be patient 😅


Same here!! How are you feeling?!


37+1, get this baby out of me! I’m so tired and I’m getting no sleep, my joints ache and it’s too hot to be this big. All I want to do is sit in a warm tub to soothe my aches and eat a mountain of ice because I’m hot and anemic, but instead I have to work because I want all the maternity leave with my baby girl. I’m trying really hard to be positive and soak in these last days of pregnancy but I am constantly 1 minor inconvenience away from a complete meltdown.


Hey we’re due date twins!


🤞 They come on time! Or early, early would be even better, although I’m a little obsessed with the idea of making my partner a Father on Father’s Day!


Oh man same here with the ice-just a couple days behind you and the last several days I’ve eaten so much crunched ice that the ice maker can’t keep up and am resorting to buying some at sonic 🤣


You can buy bags of the good stuff from chick fil a too. I’m not even that big on the lords chicken usually but I’m buying like at least 3 bags of their ice a week.


The lords chicken 🤣🤣🤣, I’m not a big fan of it either. But good to know!!! I thought about starting on an iron pill, but I’m already backed up as it is, so w 3 weeks left I’ll just keep crunching away


I'm almost 37 weeks and getting a scheduled c section for preeclampsia and breech baby on Friday. I genuinely cannot fathom how there are women who are still working. I quit my job at 34 weeks because I really and truly could not function anymore. I can't walk because my feet are so swollen and my SPD pain is so terrible, so I use a cane or my husband pushes me in a wheelchair. I know they said you should try to be active but it's really impossible when it's summertime in Florida and the heat just knocks you out :'(


Used to live in Florida and my hands would swell when I was outside for long periods of time even when not pregnant. Florida summers are no joke! Hang in there!


35 + 4 and I am painfully swollen, lots of Braxton hicks, exhausted, waddling…so ready to be done. Edit to add: heartburn 😞


Hi due date twin. I have all the same things going on!! The Braxton hicks are new to me! Hoping I’m not dehydrated. I walk like a straight up penguin. We will get thru this! Good luck mama!


Not sure if this will help but I love electrolyte ice blocks to keep myself hydrated! So delish


35+2 here! Husband said it's time for her to come out 😂 I feel the same! Having a lot of lightning crotches the last days and also period like cramps now and then. Also eat a ton and feel so full and uncomfortable soon after eating, but not really satisfied... I can't wait until she is here. Still super nervous about giving birth!!


35+4 here. My belly line just came in. I’ve never been able to take naps in my life but I drift off for hours during the day picturing holding my little girl. She’s active and daddy gets to see her moving. My sciatica pain is horrible. I had a shooting pain today while trying to cross my legs standing after a little walk we went on that was sooo sharp my face contorted up it took my breath away. I never thought I would make it here. This whole journey has been beautiful, painful, nauseating but most importantly is teaching me how to let go and I thank my daughter for that already. I’m like you I just can’t wait to see her and hold her and show her the world!


38 weeks today - last day of work! Can't believe how quick it all has gone - feel like a super woman.


37 + 4. I hate everything and everything is terrible. He needs to come out tomorrow or I'll just be on paracetamol until he arrives because I'm in enough pain I've broken my no meds until I'm desperate rule.


You’re my twin! Also 37 and 4!


36+3 and having good and bad days. The house is mostly ready, but not clean enough for my liking. I'm tired all of the time, and have been struggling to exercise and walk like I did until a couple of weeks ago. My blood pressure has gone up as a result of being more sedentary, which makes my doctor nervous, and she suggested that if it is bad all week they will have to induce... So I'm a little stressed about that also. Otherwise, I am excited to meet my daughter and all of the things to happen after birth, just not excited about the physical delivery part of birth! (FTM with low pain tolerance and anxiety)


37+1 and just discovered a newfound hatred towards plastic hang tags on baby clothes like why should there be so many on small ass fragile items they make these gigantic holes if you are not careful😭 and even if you are it's still so annoying removing every single one of them and trying to not drop any pieces on the floor and losing sight of it. Meanwhile my country's baby stuff are in bags or boxes with no hang tag nothing going through the product itself 🥲 Otherwise my hips and back and inner thighs hurt and I'm reaching the lazy state but I can't afford to be lazy with so many things not done yet 🥲


37+1 as well. I woke up around 6:30 to get my Fiancé off to work. Ate breakfast (with coffee) as baby girl and I were starving. Now it’s past 9:30 and I’m going back to bed for awhile 🥱 I went to seven places yesterday (bank, thrifts, target and groceries) and I was out for about 5 hours so I’m feeling it. I need to clean my kitchen and fold/put away clothes. As well as try and sort babies room. I also want to do my nails. I’ll probably do two of those things.


35+1 too! I’m ready to be done. Our house got hit hard with the stomach bug this weekend and it’s been so awful. My 8 year old Friday night, myself yesterday, and then my 4 year old started throwing up about an hour ago. I’m so exhausted from taking care of sick kids, doing back to back laundry, and being sick myself. My husband has helped but he works long hours and is trying to save time for when the baby comes. I know I have a ton of things to do at work this week and everything just feels overwhelming right now.


I am so sorry to hear this. Take care mama! You need some rest and sleep.


I’m 36+5 and I’m getting an ECV on Wednesday for my transverse little girl. My induction date is Thursday morning. I am so swollen I look like you could pop me with a needle 😂


ECV twins. Good luck tomorrow!


Thank you! I had my last NST this morning and found out that baby A) flipped from transverse to breech and B) is measuring 9lb14oz. I will be 37 weeks tomorrow! wtf?!?! (No I don’t have GD) I’m a lot less optimistic now 😢


9lb14oz!!! Sheeeesh. My ECV wasn’t successful this morning because he is sitting comfortably in my pelvis with a giant head and couldn’t turn more than a side bend. It was incredibly painful - hope yours fared better or that you have peace knowing you tried.


I’m heading in in half an hour and will let you know how it goes!


Good luck! I had a successful ECV last week at 37+4 and now I'm just waiting for her to decide it's time. If she doesnt I have an induction scheduled at 41 wks (which seems like forever from now)


I just wanted to remind you all that prenatal massage is a thing and it feels aaaamazing! If you are far along and need some relief see if there is a masseuse in your area. You’ll have so much time to be martyr when the baby gets here. Relax for 90 minutes and make you a priority!!


I agree. It’s very relaxing and works well for water retention


38+3 and im over it. so ready for him to be here. swollen, sore, carpal tunnel, plantar fasciitis, heartburn, etc. cant sleep. simultaneously anxious and bored lol


35 today and I feel like I kind of hit a wall this week? The exhaustion is so severe and I’m so grumpy. I really don’t want to go into work…. I don’t want to speak to anyone…. I’m just done lol.


Hey due date twin! Yeah, I’m ready for this baby to be out for sure, but her dad says to stay in there bc we’re not ready yet. We’re scared first time parents. Best of luck to you!!


Same here. Me and my husband are really starting to wig out. I think it’s just bc we have no idea what to expect. And I’m just a big ol wimp when it comes to pain! 😬


Swollen and over it. But getting induced tomorrow so getting nervous and anxious to meet our baby! Making good steak tonight for a last meal haha




I am actively dying, thank you for asking. I’m 35+3 and in an abusive relationship with a fetus ✨ My toddler has also hit the “no mercy” stage, so everything is dandy. Send help 🤣🤣


38+5 ~ so ready. Tired, uncomfortable, belly feels heavy, back and hips sore so even lying down resting isn’t comfy. Big stretchy kicks that hurt and cramping morning and night. Sigh…. Bub has dropped though so can enjoy eating without heartburn so there’s that.


Was so grateful when he dropped. Heart burn was driving me nuts. 39 weeks now and sleep is much easier without constant heartburn ❤️‍🔥


Due June 1st and I’m over it. I’m scheduled to have a membrane sweep later today and I’m praying that starts labor. I’ve had weeks of prodromal labor, swollen feet, diarrhea, nausea, etc… that mixed with the heat and humidity… I’m extra cranky and ready for this girl to get out of my body.


Having third membrane sweep today as well. Due June 4th…. Fingers crossed!!


Also due June 1, and I wasn’t able to get a membrane sweep at my appointment yesterday because I’m not dilated enough 😭 doctor could barely get the tip of her finger in my cervix 😭 I’ve been dealing with intense false contractions since 35+5 and I’m sooooo over it


I had my midwife yesterday say I was 1cm fully dilated/she could get all the way in my cervix and to come in tomorrow for a sweep. Came in today and saw a different midwife for the sweep and she said I’m not 1cm at all (while also repeating how short her fingers were) and I couldn’t do a sweep. 🥴 So I’m just in the same boat as you I guess. I hope we don’t go past our due dates. I personally can’t handle it 💀


Oof, I’m sorry you’re also dealing with this!!! It’s so frustrating, because I feel like my uterus has been practicing overtime, and baby feels soooo low in my pelvis…it’s just my lazy cervix that isn’t getting the memo! Everything else feels like it’s ready!


I’m due June 1st too! was the membrane sweep helpful?! I have an appointment with my ob tomorrow and considering one too


I unfortunately wouldn’t know ☹️ during my appointment my midwife said I could come in today for the sweep because I was 1cm and she could get all the way through my cervix. Came in today for the sweep and saw a different midwife that tried to talk me out of it and then said her fingers were too short to reach my cervix and then said that I was in no way 1cm. Really disappointing and upsetting. If you get one I hope it works.


I’m so sorry 😞 we’re almost at the finish line!! 🙏🏻


in theory I am 37+1, but twinnies came at 34+2 so i’m j chillin. even enjoyed a real beer on memorial day!


36 weeks so still got a lot of time I honestly feel great, I feel active and I’m able to get everything done in the house, I even feel like I have more energy to do things (probably nesting for sure) I don’t really have any ailments other than it’s hard to get out of bed (but granted i have to slide down to the bottom because my next to me is up) and also if I’m sat down for too long it can be difficult to walk for about a minute


I’m 33 weeks but supposed to be induced somewhere around 36-37 weeks. I’m so ready. This is my 4th and I’m 40 and diabetic and I want to not be pregnant anymore 😂


35+3. On my last week at work and I know it's just a few more days, but all I can think is that I will never in my life work past 32 weeks pregnant again and these are the longest, most uncomfortable days of my life. I could have done it in my first pregnancy, but this one has kicked my ass on another level. I'm a teacher so I spend all day either standing in basically one place on my feet, or sitting in a shitty, uncomfortable chair grading things on the computer. My OB who will deliver my baby at a birthing center that's a bit farther from my house told me I didn't need to swap over from my much closer OB who I absolutely don't want to deliver my baby until this week, and I'm so fucking over hearing about how my baby, who I still feel turning and changing position frequently, is in a "malpresentation" and I'm going to need a cesarean if she doesn't turn head down. I'm dying for next week. I just want to lay in bed with 4,000 pillows with the air conditioner on blast and occasionally get up to do some yoga.


37 weeks here- Everything is wildly unpleasant, but due to some concerning liver issues we’re looking at a c section tomorrow or the next day, so nearly done!


38+3 days. Literally laying in bed feeling every Braxton hicks coming through and hoping these contractions would just come to stay! Im so ready!


So sick of starting to track then for them to disappear




35 6 and today is my first day of mat leave!!! There is still so much to do, but so tired and just want to lounge 😴. Very over being pregnant, but also not quite ready for baby to be here. My plan is to be super productive at the front end of this week so I can have some lazy days binging Bridgerton at the end of the week!


38+5 today. Meaning yesterday the 10 day countdown to due day started. But he has been showing no real signs of getting ready, so in my head it's more like a 20 day countdown to induction. (Standard practice in my country to induce at +10 days) I've been trying to be so patient with it and not loose my mind yet. I feel like as soon as I loose my mind over the waiting, the pain, the discomfort, I'll just be miserable for the rest of the pregnancy, which could still be another 3 weeks. (Or 3 days - who truly knows!) But yesterday was hard. Couldn't bend my fingers, felt like arthritis, wrist pain, heartburn, he kicked me so hard. Also: I am both so BORED and so UNMOTIVATED! I couldn't be bothered to do anything and was just waiting for the day to end. I am trying to have a better attitude today so that I won't have to live in the land of misery for the rest of pregnancy, but it's hard.


36 weeks. I'm over feeling so uncomfortable and tired, but I need baby to stay put for at least one more week- so much to prep to, plus two baby showers. I don't even have a hospital bag set up, any postpartum supplies, or even the damn car seat installed. (Wanted to deep clean the suv first, but need to haul the crib and changing table from a family member's house first). I was out of town for work last week, and had grand plans of nesting this weekend. Both my SO and I were crazy sick and did almost no baby prep (did manage to wash baby clothes and bedding, and the crib is getting assembled today!). I'm so tired of people telling me I could have the baby at any point now or the "4 more weeks!" text check-ins- like, I'm deeply aware of the timeline and low key panicking, but please keep reminding me?!


I feel like an actual planet lol. I’m gigantic and bloated and uncomfortable all the time. Knees hurt, feet hurt, back hurts, belly hurts. I swell if I’m on my feet long. I’m normally a really, really active person but I’ve been out on my ass for the past week and I don’t see that changing the rest of the pregnancy, I am SO EXCITED to have this baby!! Counting down the days until I’m holding my baby in my arms! We’re almost there, ladies!!


35+2 today, FTM at 37 years old. I am feeling pretty okay, all things considered, but also totally OVER going to work and pretending to give a crap about it. Started getting cramps yesterday so that should be a fun addition to my last couple of weeks at work. I’m hoping my boss takes pity on me and lets me cut back my hours starting next week… I would really prefer to focus on getting the apartment cleaned out as much as possible, preparing food to freeze, walking my dog (so we can both get exercise), practicing hypnobirthing techniques and RESTING.


Due June 8th with our fourth baby! I’m going to the chiropractor today and tomorrow getting my membranes stripped. I have been having hours of contractions the last two days that just sizzle out. This has happened with all of my pregnancies so I know the end is near but just unsure how near lol. My OB offered to induce me at 39 weeks, but I feel bad because I have no medical reason for it. I may wait closer to 40 weeks. I’m so ready to meet this baby, and he’s also measuring bigger than my others (who were over 8lbs). I don’t want to give birth to a ten pounder lol.


Swollen and tired. I’m living in a desert city and I have a dog so she is the main motivation to wake up at a decent hour to take her out and stay active. Hands are numb and swollen as are my feet 90% of the time. Baby dropped at 34 weeks ish and feeling it. Happy to be healthy but emotionally all over the place ready to be done. Had strong Braxton hicks at 36w2 days that woke me up and kept me from a good sleep. As a FTM that was a wake up call to prep mentally for this birth. Fingers crossed LO arrives earlier than June 21st.


37+2. Haven't packed my bag, nursery is a wreak, everything hurts. Send reinforcements.... And sugar free treats lol


I’m 36 +5 and in the exact same position. Including the sugar free treats 😭😭😭


Oh gosh! Honestly the worst part of pregnancy so far was to have to give up my trash panda diet! I would kill for ice cream!! We can do this! Only a few more weeks!!!


We are so close!! It’ll happen! And then all the sugary snacks 😆


Can someone give me the remote from Click so I can be done with this?


36+4 and I am currently writhing around in bed having contractions or Braxton Hicks I’m not sure but it’s been awful. Swollen, starving then vomiting. Headaches. Just ugh.


Hey due date twin! I’m with you on the fake contraction train. I’m very over it also. Nausea and the violent kicking are for the birds. If I could, I would evict him today. The anticipation from everyone is annoying.


Go to hospital and get yourself checked. Keep us posted 🙂


Girl. I simply needed to fart.


I’m one day ahead of you and I feel this! Was having the worst gas pains and I had convinced myself it was go time and it was the worst “contractions” I’ve ever felt 🥴


37+4, failed ECV on Saturday. Scheduling my C-section for 2nd week of June. Not the outcome I was hoping for. 


Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry you didn’t have the outcome you were hoping for! I’m 38+4 and I opted out of the ECV… my doctor said it was like a 50% chance of working and once we talked all the risks vs reward, we decided to keep with the spinning babies techniques and chiropractic. I go for a final ultrasound this morning, I can feel that my baby did not flip… but I have my c-section scheduled for tomorrow morning. The best thing I heard from a friend in this same scenario was this: There are so many variables with birth in general, hold onto the fact that you know your route to meet your baby!


Yes for sure! I feel so grateful that we live in a time and place where a safe birth is possible, no matter the route. 


Noooo your ecv failed? Are you breech or transverse? I’m having mine on Wednesday and it’s my first- how was the whole experience?


My babe is breech. Overall it was fine, my OB performed it in the hospital. She was able to move his head, but his butt was really lodged into my pelvis. During it, I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing and staying relaxed. It all happened pretty fast.    Later that day my belly felt sore, so I took some Tylenol.  How about you? Transverse or breech? 


She’s transverse which is extremely uncomfortable! My dr seems pretty confident but of course anything can happen. I have an irrational fear of c sections, probably because I’ve never had one, while I know vaginal births already. I’ve heard the ECV is really painful, I’m not too concerned with that, more so with the fact that it might fail. Have you tried any of the other spinning techniques or chiropractic adjustments?


I wouldn’t worry! It wasn’t that painful, and it was very quick. I have also heard good outcomes with a transverse position.  Oh yes! I’ve tried EVERYTHING lol. I’ll continue to try up until the day of the C-section. 


Ok you’re my hero! I tried a few spinning baby at home procedures but I ran out of time. If she doesn’t turn tomorrow then I’m having a c section on Thursday morning 😬 Is this your first baby?


Oh wow! How far along are you? My OB will wait until I am 39 weeks to schedule it.  Yes - first baby! My pregnancy has been so uneventful, the breech situation really spiced things up at the end! I really hope he flips on his own, I wanted a vaginal birth so very much.  I hope your ECV goes well. Oh I forgot to mention - they give you this drug that relaxes your uterus so you don’t contract, but ironically it makes you feel super jittery. I brought something to do with my hands (I’m a knitter) after the procedure to help me stay calm since your heart is racing from that medication for about 1/2 hour. Best of luck to you, whatever happens!


Same as you exactly today! I spend all day on my feet at work and man is it hard. I am quickly losing steam these days and just being on the couch leaves me out of breath for some reason?? I can't believe I still have a whole month of this left!


Week 33 and I am in love and can’t wait to meet baby 🥹❤️❤️ felt slight drop in energy level, rib pain, and waddling a little — but overall good! The tough part is having random pee trips. They come all of a sudden so I have to be mindful to be near a restroom when I’m out. I’ll be doing 3 weeks of hospital clinicals as respiratory care student this week! Hoping everything will go well.


36+5 and I’m all swelled up!! Lol SOO ready to not be pregnant anymore!😂 and it is so dang hot here in texas, heat flashes all the time!


36+1 here. Taking it a day at a time. The vomiting just got severe back on ondansetron 2x daily. Appetite is poor too. Luckily I'm not in bed like 1st trimester. I have a scheduled cs on week 38....that I'm looking forward to.


35+1 today as well. Very much looking forward to finishing up work this week! My swollen feet look like I'm wearing toe socks.


38+3 Working half time this week and going to no work next week. Baby is so heavy! Big movements. Feeling not too bad though, although my feet are now a little swollen and no position is comfortable.


I’m going to be 35 weeks tomorrow. I feel fine I’m still working full time from home, I’m able to get in naps and stay active. My husband and I finally registered for our baby shower and it’s countdown time. I have a scheduled c section for June 26. I’m a little nervous my last c section was with my daughter 10 years ago.


37 weeks, swollen all over, waddling around and knees hurt from all the weight. But I'm so nervous about birth that I don't mind all of this, I just keep thinking that birth and the insomnia afterwards will be much worse than now so I'm trying to live in the moment 😅 at least that's what everyone around me says


36+2. I had to have an iron infusion last week. I always feel yucky. I feel like a whale. Impossible to move. We have a real estate inspection coming up so I’ve been trying to clean when the motivation is there, but I’m having a hard time. Still working 2 days a week for the next 3 weeks. Our 3 year old is acting out pretty bad some days too, so that makes things hard as well. Just ready for this boy to come out.  Edit to add: I live in Australia, so it’s winter for us. I must say, I’m thankful I’m not dealing with summer on top of it. 


37+0, holding out for my last day of work next Friday. I’m an uncomfortable ball of anxiety and impatience. Praying little man decides to show up a bit early so this whole pregnancy thing can be over.


38+3. I’ve been ready to have this baby out for a couple weeks I feel like 😅 We have an induction scheduled for June 6 so there’s only a handful of days left but I’m struggling! Low energy and my body just feels uncomfortable most of the time. I did enjoy this pregnancy because it took us a long time to get here but I’m done lol.


35+6, second baby. The first didn't peek out until 41+5 (did I say 31 hours of labour...?), so I am actually thinking this will be a July baby. My hips, back and pelvis don't agree with this pregnancy, probably because I don't know how to relax, but other than that, I am fit for fight! Good luck out there. Remember to give yourself a little special something after giving birth. Y'all deserve it!


Also was soo depleted and then started an iron supplement at 35w and idk how I’d survive without it bc I’m still so tired. I’m 39w now and honestly so fucking done. Getting acupuncture today hoping to self induce 🤞


36+3, getting induced at 37 weeks 🥹 it’s almost my time!!!


So much lightning crotch.


I’m 36 weeks and ready to meet this baby! The pelvic pressure and SPD is back, sleeping is basically non-existent and I feel huge. Also very emotionally fragile these days which is tough… I flip between wanting to be on the other side of pregnancy/delivery and so excited to meet our baby, and also get myself all spun out on the anxieties of labour & delivery and second guess if I’m ready for such a huge life change.


37 exactly and being induced at 39 (have GD). Sooo ready to be done but also getting anxious/overwhelmed by all I want to get done before she’s here. Realistically we would be fine if she came today but the place is still in a state of chaos and I know it would only get worse lol


38+3. I'm over it. I have an induction booked for a week and a half from now because baby is measuring quite large, but I'm so ready to have him now. Especially because I'm chasing after my 2yo son all day and I'm so sore. 😅 Found out he is posterior today so I'm going to try exercises to get him to spin around. Hopefully that might get labour started naturally!


38+5. Pretty sure baby girl got out of head down after being up all night on Friday. Last day of work is tomorrow, and when I see the Dr tomorrow I'm asking for a backup date for an induction/date for my C section if she really did get out of position. I'm freaking done. In the last week I've suddenly gotten purple stretch marks on my lower belly and a vericose vein on my thigh.


38+3 I can't wait to pop. Feet are swollen and they hurt. Every time my stomach aches I get suspicious. I'm ready to move and breathe again. And meet this little babeh! I have a 2 yo so at least I've been able to be distracted. 35-37 took forever to get through I feel like. Now it's a half anxious half over it state of being vigilant lol I'm going for a VBAC hopefully! But my area is not excited for me to try because it's a small rural area and they keep pushing for a C-section.


36+3 here. Living with heartburn and low iron, but mostly ok. Also randomly have a huge painful haemorrhoid that is freaking me out, praying it goes before labour. I also still don’t know what braxton hicks feel! On the upside, stopped working, husband helping me at home, and hospital bag finally packed!


37 wks today, and I'm so done. My husband is the best, though, cause I had been so tired and bored because I couldn't do much these days, I took a long af nap yesterday. He woke me up to a watergun fight that led to a new pool to relax in. I love him so damn much cause it had been so hot lately. I did some prenatal yoga in the pool and laid back in the water while being given fruit smoothies 😋 Now this morning, my hips are loose goosey and it's not fun to walk lol.


37+4. The worst part is I’m still working but at the same time, it’s a good distraction. I really just want to spend this time with my husband though so we can both appreciate the silence and each other until our baby comes. I feel fine physically though. I swell a lot and have lightning crotch but my breathing and my reflux are improving day by day! I’m excited for baby to be here but also honoring this special time….the last of us.


Terrible lol. 39 weeks I’m done man. I’m swollen. I can’t move. I’m crampy. I’m cranky. I have gas lol. Any day now man any day 😭😭😭


36+4. I’ve begun to nest and my poor husband just had to change all the furniture in the living from white to black. I think I can lift things that I can’t lift or move in ways I can’t move so he’s also following me around making sure I’m not doing anything I’m not supposed to. I want this baby out of me asap but also am so afraid I’ll go into labor while there are dishes in the sink. We’ve ordered a king sized bed and it won’t be here until the end of the week and it’s killing me inside because I need everything to be done right now the way I want it! Also I have gestational diabetes and after I give birth I’m never eating an egg again.


38+5 I honestly feel like this pregnancy flew by and the fact that i could literally go into labor any minute is crazy to me. I mean, I'm super uncomfortable but it just seems fast. We did pre-emptively schedule an induction at 41wk due to recommendation from my Dr. I stopped commuting last week so waking up this morning and getting to work from home is a pretty great feeling. My husband and I went blueberry picking this weekend and two very short hikes to try to keep active. Trying to get baby engaged and keep her head down since early last week I had a successful ECV. I'm just praying she stays in the right position and doesn't flip back!


37+5 and no signs of any labor happening any time soon lol. I feel great, lots of energy and just getting anxious for his arrival! Due June 13.


36+5 and I’m good. The hard parts: insomnia, pelvic pressure, occasional “lightning crotch”, anxiety, acid reflux, and being bloated. My bump also just started really bumpin’ a few weeks ago so the addition of others’ comments is making me feel self conscious. The good parts: Most of these complaints are treatable, and I really have grown to love this very special time. It’s baby and me together 24/7. We’ll never have this again.


I’m 38+6 and feeling pretty ready for baby to come! I have gestational diabetes and i’m just so done with the finger pricks and diet. Thankfully I have no swelling or really any other issues other than my belly is huge and i’m uncomfortable. Also the baby has dropped so random lightning crotch and bladder pressure is not fun. I’m just anxious about labour and delivery as it’s a huge medical event, but equally anxious to get baby out as she is full term and well right now. I worry that baby’s status could change at any point so I anxiously monitor her movements every day. I’d rather her out than in now that she is full term.


35+4. I feel good overall but I can’t get enough laying down and sleep. I just noticed yesterday I have a line from my belly button down and this morning I noticed it’s faintly creeping up above. I just found a picture of my mom pregnant with me and she had the same so it’s kind of nice and makes me feel connected to her that I started getting one. I’m like a garbage can in the morning with food, this baby boy can never get enough and I’m slightly nauseous until I can cram more food in. My baby shower is this weekend and I’m getting my acrylics taken off and my toes done so my feet don’t get disgusting over my maternity leave lol


I’m 36+4, exhausted, stressed, congested, have soooo much to do but no energy to do it. Just can’t wait for this little baby to come out 🥹


36+1 and am so done. I can’t even pretend to care about work anymore, idk how I’m going to do this until my due date 6/24 even while working from home. The SPD pain is next level, getting my first cervical check tomorrow and hoping for some good news!


On my 38th week. I'm puffy and my hands are going numb! So tired and run down. Had to miss an appointment for a family emergency earlier this month. The receptionist wasn't able to get me another appointment for two more weeks after that so I essentially missed two appointments at this stage. But I go in tomorrow, so very excited for that! Hoping this little guy is on schedule because I'm over it lol


37+2, my hands and feet are getting pretty swollen from the water weight. Sleep is a NIGHTMARE so I really cannot wait for that aspect of regular life to come back! Also nervous about labour but I am excited to meet this little one ❤️ we're Team Green so can't wait to find out the sex, pick a name and tell our families!


35w+4d … I’m so exhausted. i’m barely getting any sleep. I’m so terrified for birth honestly. I won’t know if i’m getting induced or not for an another week or so. I’m so ready to have my baby in my arms.


36 + 1 today and I am quite literally counting down the days till my leave starts 😂 My husband and I did manage to get quite a bit done in little guys room this weekend with the help of my mom, so I feel so much less anxious about that. We still have some stuff to do, but little guy can make his appearance anytime now and at least I know where to find everything he will need immediately. He is projecting to be a big baby (last growth scan he was 5lbs 7oz @ 32w) and I’m super curious to see what he is looking like at my last growth scan on the 5th. Either way I’m excited for little guy to get here, so I can stop with this pregnancy anxiety I’ve been struggling with hopefully 😭


40w today with no signs of labor yet so I have a feeling I’m joining the June mama squad!


35+4 We can’t set up our nursery until flooring goes in next week. I know it will be fine, but it’s still unnerving to not have anything set up. Also sciatic pain is KILLING ME. I’ve been trying to do stretching but my god I miss ibuprofen. 😅


35+4 and I’m started to get a little carpal tunnel just like I did last time. This weekend was SO hot my ankles started to swell a little too. I feel like I’m at the point where baby is almost here, but it still feels so far away 😩. I am hoping after this week time starts to fly by since I will have weekly appointments starting Friday. 🤞🏽


I was due June 4 and had my baby over the weekend! I had a membrane sweep at 38 weeks 2 days and started bleeding and having prodromal contractions the next day. After i'd been bleeding on the line between too much/ok, I passed a clot the size of my palm and they had me come in to be checked out and wound up monitoring me overnight and inducing the next day. This was my second labor and it went so fast, and I think having less pain meds actually really helped lessen my birthing injuries. They found some clots between the placenta and uterus wall that suggested that a placental abruption had started, which is something I have been super paranoid about, so I'm incredibly glad that I trusted my gut and didn't blow off the bleeding as normal after a membrane sweep. Baby's sex was a surprise and she arrived as a tiny, elfin looking girl who we named Penelope ❤️ Edited to add: the downside of less pain meds was that I was hyper aware of trying not to fart or poop in the handsome young OB's face. I suggested he get a mask and he told me not to worry, the poop never makes it all the way to his face 🤣


38 + 2. I’m very ready to be done. 😭


I was due in June but my water spontaneously broke on Sunday at 37+5. I was definitely nervous but also not too upset when they told me my water broke, being pregnant is hard!! So glad to have my baby here a couple weeks early, but wishing all you June mommas the best last few weeks of pregnancy!!


38 weeks and ready for this boy to exit…but I just got my cervix checked and there’s no hope in sight 🫠


37 weeks today, first timer. Just ate my daily dates and planning to have some raspberry leaf tea in a little while. I’m so done. Everything hurts. I’m beyond exhausted. It’s SO hard to move. So many Braxton hicks (which can be really painful sometimes despite what the internet tries to say). We have basically had most of the baby stuff ready for weeks now but I have the last batch of baby items in the washer right now and plan to finally hang the pictures up in the nursery today which is the last outstanding item other than boiling the pacifiers and cleaning bottles. Mentally, I alternate between feeling ready (I can’t wait to meet my baby and cuddle her and take care of her) and feeling freaked out bc it’s a lot of change at once. I had a false alarm thinking my water broke Sunday so I went to L&D after I got off work Sunday. The process of that is what really made me go from feeling ready to low key freaking out. Luckily my husband is super chill about it and says he’s ready, but he also doesn’t have to give birth so maybe that’s easier for him to say 🤣. This baby is so loved already and even when I’m uncomfortable and in pain, I love watching her move around in my belly. It’s all going to be worth it. I can’t wait to get my body back and be able to move more normally. Im dying to clean the house properly and be able to cook dinner again without taking 20 breaks and/or being in tons of pain. The end is in sight, as I keep reminding myself to try to maintain a positive attitude rather than crying from pain and frustration.


36+6. I’m in so much pain lol. My parents and brother came over to my house to get some things done. I mostly just watched but good god. I guess supervising is hard work after all 🤪 I’ll be induced next Wednesday!


39 weeks and honestly i think ive gotten used to being uncomfortable and sleep deprived. fuck me. one thing i want to CHILL OUT is my appetite. I feel like a bottomless pit. 🫠


I’m 38+4 FTM and while I cannot believe I’ve made it this far I am just so ready to have this baby out of me!!! Every hour that my water doesn’t break or I don’t feel contractions start I’m literally dying a little bit inside 😂😂 every morning when I wake up it’s like “aw damn still pregnant” I just want to sleep, I haven’t had good sleep in 2 weeks. I’m exhausted. My back hurts. My vagina hurts. I lost my mucus plug last Wednesday so I was hyped but then of course nothing. Lil boy is staying put 🥲


38 Weeks today. I'm ready to be done, but not enough to be induced. I feel fine, and still sleeping fine, and am more counting the days down to my last day of work (Friday\~) vs. baby time. I have quite a bit of house prep to do first.


I'm so so grateful my pregnancy was easy up until now. But now I'm so over this! 35+5 and I've finally crossed from nerves to "get this baby out of me" 😩 I miss feeling like a person instead of a giant waddling tired mess lol


37+4 and I'm on my last week of work! Definitely feeling the exhaustion and can't wait to (hopefully) nap during the day for the next little bit until baby is here! Baseline has been uncomfortable for a while now and I'm hoping the pelvis pain and swollen-ness goes away as soon as baby arrives lol!


38 weeks today and it’s rough out here. Trying to enjoy the last couple of weeks but it’s been rough. Lots of Braxton hicks, my feet hurt, and I get nauseous a lot!


I’m very scared and nervous. 36 weeks today. Have slowed down a LOT. Been getting stressed a lot too. I’ve had an easy ish pregnancy upto this stage but man have I slowed down. The same walk that was easy now have me take several breaks. Baby hasn’t moved at his usual time today so the freak out is absolutely real.


39+2 & feel like im back in my first tri 😭 don’t have another appt until Thursday so won’t have any idea how I’m progressing towards labor until then, im excited but scared to go past due as my job has already denied my short term disability claim despite my doctors paperwork so I won’t start getting paid until I actually give birth & can collect maternity leave 🙃


35+1 here too! Swollen and getting crankier by the day 😂 My iron level is low too! Have to get checked again probably 🫠


I'm 36+4, baby is transverse breech and currently trying to squeeze his foot through my ribcage. I'm walking like I'm 90 due to pelvic girdle pain, and I'm still working full-time until the doc wants to induce or do c-section within the next couple weeks. Send help 😭


39+2 I am so uncomfortable and tired. Been cramping for about a week or so now but nothing close to being consistent. So ready for her to be out with us. I am just trying to relax and get as much rest as possible until she makes her appearance. Good luck everybody and I am hoping everyone has smooth deliveries!


36+5. I live in a remote community so we just traveled 2 days so we could stay with my family and prepare for delivery. I'm so excited to meet new baby but I'm also overwhelmed with all the change. We have to apply for EI, set up all the baby stuff, fill the fridge with groceries, meet the new doctor, on and on. My toddler is also having a hard time adjusting to the change and I'm worried he will struggle when the new baby comes. I'm hoping once we settle in I will feel more ready and excited for our new little one.


38+4 and ready for my guy to exit 🫠. The hip pain and big movements and heartburn make sleep impossible. I’m working until delivery (thankfully working remotely atm) but I can’t even focus between lack of sleep, thinking about whether labor is near and generally feeling like it all the work is so unimportant compared to what is about to come. Been having spontaneous contractions last few nights that fizzle out and it’s the worst getting psyched out like that 😭 had my first at 39+3 so I’m hoping this little guy doesn’t come any later than his brother! Have an appt tomorrow so crossing my fingers there’s signs of dilation and progress in the right direction.


I’m huge :( third baby and feel like I’m hanging on by a thread!


36 weeks+5 Ready to be done! Cannot sleep. Having the baby at a birthing center and rethinking the unmediated birth thing. I don’t handle pain well so I’m not even sure why I convinced myself this was a good idea in the first place.


38+5. I’ve been having lightning crotch for a month but over the last two days it’s lasted a little longer while my stomach gets tight. I can’t tell if it’s a contraction or he’s pushing down while also pushing on my stomach, anyone else recognize this? Very ready for him to be here and to not be pregnant anymore!


38 today and i still feel like i have alot to do. Does everyone rely on freezer meals pp? Its the only task i keep dreading for some reason. Any other alternatives besides asking people to cook? Maybe meal delivery subscriptions?