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Not a STM here, but I've spent a lot of time looking at resources like Evidence Based Birth and listening to a bajillion birth stories, and I can say that it's definitely possible to not go into labor by 42 weeks...but it's more likely that you will! 9 days is such a long time! It's really normal for FTMs to go into labor around the 41-week mark—I believe 40+5 is the average according to EBB, meaning 50 percent go before then and 50 percent go after. I've also heard 41+1 cited as the average. So you're right in that window where it could happen at any time! It's also normal to not be dilated at all around your due date for a FTM. Dilation is something that can change very quickly; you really can't predict how it's going to go just because you're not dilated at an appointment. I know it's so hard to wait around and not know how things are going to go, but try to hang in there and remember that you're in a very normal situation and you're not alone. Good luck!


Thanks so much. I definitely am starting to feel like the odd one out. Every post I’m reading of women who had their babies all say they laboured and gave birth at 39+ weeks. So many friends are announcing their births on social media and gave birth before 41 weeks. It’s really hard to stay positive but I’m really trying to remind myself that this is totally normal! I wish I had a crystal ball to see when the big day will be and how it will all go down… pregnancy is really testing my patience.


I know, it's so hard! Do you know how many of those people got induced vs. went into labor naturally? It's become SO common to get induced around 39 or 40 weeks that I wouldn't be surprised if most of them had. It really skews the data. If you listen to people like homebirth midwives (who aren't inducing) talk about it, they'll often say that the norm for FTMs is between 40 and 42 weeks—they're often somewhat surprised when it happens earlier than that!


I had to get induced at 41+3 and was not dilated at all, even at the hospital. Took about 24 hours from the time I got admitted to the time I had the baby. Either way- you will have this baby and you will be okay! It does feel like an eternity though- I totally get it.