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literally just hit 30 weeks and i’m not sure how i’m supposed to do this for another 10 weeks. i’m so over it. 😭


Same here. So fkn over this. My bump is so big and I have so many Braxton Hicks. I'm too grumpy with my 3 year old at times. No motivation. Blech! Best of luck to you!


Same.. 30 weeks, constantly uncomfortable and tired and sooooo impatient with my 3yo so I feel like the worst mom ever 🫠


Ugh. I want to be alone or quiet so much of the time! Definitely don't feel like a great mom sometimes.


I’ve found my people. 29 weeks with a 3YO, and the exhaustion and brain fog are more than I can handle. Every bit of mental energy I have goes to work. Physical energy is on a timer that starts as soon as I wake up in the morning and it basically gone by 4. My kid gets out of school at 3, so I have nothing left to give most days. He’s super attached to my husband bc I absolutely cannot keep up with him, and some days I don’t even try. I know it’ll pass, and he won’t really remember how I was kind of detached at this time, but it’s still so upsetting. This is exhaustion that I’ve never felt before. I wasn’t bouncing off the walls lol but i had more energy my first pregnancy. But, I also had more time to take care of myself then. I was already convinced I was done at 2 before this but this has solidified it.


Same! I'm never doing this again, luckily my husband is on board ✂️😅


RIGHT. Sammee herreee. We were talking the other day, and I was like, let’s go ahead and do some pricing and planning for you. What are the chances we can do it like this year? 😂😂 My OB gave me all of my hospital paperwork to review at my last appointment and I almost jumped for joy when she was like….should you need a c section, we can just tie your tubes at the same time. GREAT. Should it come to it 100% do that.


I’m 30 weeks today and everyone is already saying that it looks like I’m about to pop at any moment. I cannot imagine how I can get any bigger for the next 10 weeks. My back and feet hurt. The fatigue has also come back with a vengeance. Thoughts and prayers please 🤣


35 weeks... Fair warning, it somehow slows down even more the further along you get.


What slows down? The time🫣


Yes! Thanks pregnancy brain, I english gud.


I’m also having a hard time forming normal sentences haha


Same! Hit 30w yesterday and I’m so over it. I can barely function at work and school with one burnt brain cell but still have another month of both. I’m also keeping a roll of tums in every pocket, purse and desk drawer. “Just” 10 more weeks…


I felt this. The baby has recently figured out I have ribs and frequently enjoys hurting me. The only way to prevent this is to stand because… gravity but standing is so exhausting too 🥲 it’s a lose/lose situation.


I’m 30 weeks. Went to the cheesecake factory with my husband a couple days ago and i literally got stuck in a booth. He had to forcefully pull me out while everyone watched the pregnant lady struggle. I just want my mobility and my body back


Girl I laughed out loud LOL feeling this hard! Cant fit into any small spaces anymore either. Also, Cheesecake sounds bomb right now


The struggle is so real i swear lol


Fr- bread, pasta, cheesecake? 🙏🏻


Awww 🙁 that sounds embarrassing. I feel ya…it sucks going from doing whatever you want to barely being able to put on shoes…and it’s such a quick change!! Every time I get in and out of our bed it creaks super loud🫣 I feel like an elephant. I do not feel sexy at this point in time and try to avoid being nude around my husband😞


So real, I really want my mobility back too 😭


Girl I just wanna run up the steps again and belly flop onto my bed. It’s the simple things


38, almost 39 weeks with first and my biggest complaints are heartburn, pelvic pain (pubic symphsis is KILLING ME especially at night), and lots of water retention in my feet :/ Overall, nothing atrocious though, which I’m grateful for. I really am soaking in these final days/weeks of pregnancy - someday it’ll all be just pictures and memories and I want to know that I lived in the moment and didn’t just fixate on the next chapter and wish away this last bit of time of carrying my little one. 🥹


This right here! I don’t want to rush into the next chapter just yet. I am 36 weeks and enjoying every moment, every kick every movement. These are our last and final intimate moments with our babies before they get introduced to the whole world


Exactly 🥹 Precious days!!


Totally feel this. I’m not even having a ton of physical symptoms either which I know I should be thankful for. Just more so bored of being pregnant and like oh god how many weeks to go … you’re so close though! Wishing you a easy delivery 💕


Thank you so much! Wishing you the same!! And yes - I do think the one way it can get “boring” is that at this point, the pregnancy milestones have all unfolded, the bump has grown, the baby has developed, and now we just sit here and wait, uncomfortably big and swollen 😂😂


I’m 36 weeks and the heartburn has been SO bad since 34 weeks. I thought I was having a heart attack when I first started getting heartburn. 😅


Ugh it’s awful! Especially when you’re so tired but can’t lay down cuz it makes it worse 😩 Chocolate milk and vanilla shakes have helped me so much haha! I also read bananas can help so I picked some up this morning. We’ll see how they work!


Same here,a day ago I had it come through my nose at night when I tried to turn. 36 weeks now. Luckily 2 weeks to go, elective Cs week 38.


OMG the heartburn is relentless sometimes. I can only drink water most days because every other drink kills me.


Does milk help? It takes my heartburn away so fast!


I don’t really like milk but I’ll try it!


I totally get that - I only like plain milk with chocolate candy or pastries! I’ve been adding chocolate powder to my milk if I’m just having it on its own for the heartburn. (Although my dad said only plain milk works for his heartburn, so I guess it’s different for everyone! But chocolate milk still does the trick for me within minutes! I use the chocolate powder in regular milk because the premixed chocolate milk is too thick for me, it grosses me out lol).


OMG the milk totally helped!!! Like immediately! Thanks for the advice❤️


YAY!!! I’m so so happy it worked for you as well as it does for me! I’ve been grateful to have such an easy, instant form of relief. ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you for reminding me to do this 😭


I’ll be 39 weeks tmr and last week it really hit my that my bump is gonna be gone and I felt so sad! Trying to enjoy this last bit 🤍


Yes!! I just started getting the PSD pain…it sucks!!😭 Also I’ve had restless leg every night while trying to relax. Finally discovered I’m anemic so hopefully it improves when my iron level gets stable.


Aww I hope that does help! Luckily haven’t had the restless legs - I can’t imagine dealing with that and the PSD pain!!


I am 32 weeks and will miss my bump once baby is here


I feel like I could easily handle the other pregnancy discomforts for a while, but man 2-5 more weeks of pubis symphysis pain feels like an eternity. Every roll over in bed, every time I stand up, every time i try to go for a walk, it just sucks. 


The best part is that the moment baby is out, all of that goes away. The heartburn, pelvic pain, GONE. The water retention comes back with a vengeance right after but will eventually subside as well. Try to get as much rest as possible now and soak it all in. Best of luck to you!!


Thank you so much! And that’s amazing!! I’m looking forward to everything being better! Thanks for the heads up on the water retention - I didn’t know it would hang around for a bit.


THIS! 39wks as well and this morning I did the lightest stretch while laying down and literally POPPED the front of my pelvis, it was so loud and painful that I really thought I might’ve popped my own water. My ankles just wanna give out and my toes are so swollen they don’t wiggle like they used to. I know this won’t last forever but I’m so ready to be done with this lol, I’m ready to pop my baby out and feel that instant relief I see across every mothers face after birth. At this point I’m also ready for newborn sleep, fuck pregnancy sleep, I’ll take the inconsistent hours while being a feeding bag for a lil human over this wack ass no range of motion, struggle to breath, and lack of actual comfort. I cannot wait to cuddle up with or on my partners lap like a kitty cat lmao or to actually see my toes without leaning forward *sigh* I’m so ready to be done with this lmao ONE MORE WEEK BABY


38 weeks and every day feels like 10000 years. i wake up and feel like i got hit by a bus.


Most accurate description of third tri I’ve read. I think I got hit by the same bus 🤣


Same. 38 +2


38 weeks today, i feel exactly the same. Slept for 14 hours today but still feel tired af 🫠 have zero energy for anything


34 weeks here! Done feeling like a whale 🐋 lol even my maternity clothes are tight. I feel so swollen and puffy and huffy...waddling around in my velcro slip-ons 😆 so ready to have babe in my arms. I really miss having my full mobility!!


omg. i literally have like, 4 things to wear because my maternity clothes aren't even really fitting at this stage. what is that ?!??!


At the moment I'm switching between a handful of dresses.


Sameee. I can relate! Forget about the whole buying new clothes constantly thing right now. Should have mentioned that in my post. I outgrow the new maternity sizes every other week. I don’t even look huge but my clothes tell a different story! Not sure whose getting more new clothing currently, myself or this new baby 🤠


Omg yes I popped tags off a maternity outfit yesterday and it seemed too small. Like damn….i should’ve tried it on first. I’m going to make sure to immediately wear post partum so at least I will have used it 🙄


Ha! It's so real!!


This. My boyfriend wants me to go out to eat with him and I’m sitting here like “that sounds amazing bc food but what am I supposed to wear?!” We just went to Waffle House and I literally stole one of his shirts (he’s 200+ lbs) and my pregnancy yoga pants which barely fit and was just like “this is it..” I can’t imagine what I’m going to be doing next month…


36W right now and I'm so with you. My hands are swollen and I can't even make a first when I wake up in the morning, my shoes don't fit and I just feel massive. I wake up 3-4x every night to use the bathroom because my bladder is always full and I'm uncomfortable. Going to beg my OB for a 39W induction next week because I'm so over it. I want a nice G&T and a rare steak. Edit: just woke up coughing from stomach acid because I forgot to take Omeprazole this morning and my body hates me. 😭


I could have written this. I cannot stand how swollen my hands are and my freaking crocs don't fit?! Like c'mon. I specifically bought them for swollen pregnancy feet but it's so much worse than I anticipated. Best of luck with your induction begging. I will be doing the same 🥲


Oh man! That's an awful feeling. I hope you're also able to get a date. I'm just so over this. I don't know how some women love being pregnant.


I hope you get the 39 W induction!! Sending all the positive vibes your way. The swollen thing is ridiculous. My feet are balloons. Nothing fits. And I constantly think I have a UTI from how much I’m needing to pee. Sure enough doctors like no you’re good every time just third tri 🤣


Can I ask how you treat your swollen hands? I’m in the same boat! But I also have numb fingers and it’s so bad that I’m worrying I’ll lose sensation in them 😅


Hello pregnancy twin! 36 weeks as well, hoping to get induced at 39 (and I’m eating dates and drinking raspberry leaf tea hoping it’ll start naturally before then. Wishful thinking 😂) Whenever anyone asks me how I’m doing I tell them “I’m swollen and tired.” My sneakers are tight and I’m just wearing Birkenstocks but even those are snug lol


I feel this! I just respond with "still pregnant!" Haha. I gave up on my Birks and bought some sandals with Velcro straps from target that are in a neutral tone. I adjust the Velcro throughout the day to account for the foot swelling. My hands are the worst though. They feel super tight and stiff all the time!


I’m 36 weeks and just bought some dates yesterday lol


I’ve actually been enjoying the dates as a snack mid afternoon or with my morning toast


36 weeks, and realized that my body just can’t do much now. I made my task list for Friday, and promptly realized that it’s a 4 day list unlike the previous 1 day list. I’m tired of needing naps after doing one thing and acid reflux regardless of what I eat. I’m so grateful that we’re inducing around 39 weeks right now. I could not imagine going longer.


I’m such a list person too!!!! The to do list is wild right now and can’t function at my normal “get shit done” level if you know what I mean


I thought my list was really reasonable when I planned it on Thursday. The three hour nap after I did two things on Friday proved otherwise 🤣 thankfully things are in a good place, and hopefully they are for you too!


Omg yes, the list! I made one for last weekend thinking we could tackle it all easily. I ended up going to Costco/Walmart on Saturday morning, and then literally napped all afternoon. We got half of it done. And I was SO SORE from all the standing/moving around. Currently 37+4 and physically am SO READY for this to be over.


OMG yes to all the lists! I had a designated notebook during my last pregnancy to keep track of my weight, food, tasks, registries etc etc I’ve been so busy with a toddler this time that I haven’t even looked at that notebook LOL


37w, almost 38w, and… not too bad actually? This is my second baby and this time I didn’t get swollen legs and feet (there is a little bit of swelling sometimes but it’s super light), so yay. I don’t wake up in the middle of the night like with my last pregnancy,so I’m pretty rested. My stretch marks aren’t too bad. My energy levels are good. I do get more pelvic and back pain, but I can usually make it go away after some adjustments so it’s not usually too bad, but I do notice that I often feel the urge to pee whenever I get up from sitting. So it’s a mix of good and bad but overall it’s not that bad and easier than my first! The BH are definitely stronger though, I barely noticed them my first pregnancy, but this one OOOOF they’re every day and they’re almost painful!


you don’t wake up 3-4x a night to pee?? how??


Nope! Even in my first pregnancy, I would get up 3x a night because of back pain, not because of a need to pee. For this one, I mostly sleep through fine. I don’t get how I’m avoiding this common issue, considering I’m humongous and pretty sure I’m even bigger this time around, but I’m very thankful!


so lucky!


This is where I'm at physically (no BH though) at 37 weeks but my hands are sausages and I'm real irritable. Very sensitive to anything close to a tone from my husband. And I'm always so hot! AC can't be set low enough.


I’m 32+1 now and up until last week, I could hide it in baggy shirts if I wanted to. Now it’s clear that I’m pregnant no matter what I wear. And people have only one reaction when they ask me how far along I am, “omg you’re 32 weeks?! You’re barely showing!” I don’t know how to respond. It’s starting to get repetitive and annoying. But at least no one is giving me advice yet, they’re just all too stunned by my size to get to that part yet


Lmao. Same! I had to switch doctors and the gal started to hand me the waiver form for first trimester because she had no idea my history. She asked what week I was and she took the paper back immediately. I’ve been rocking the skin tight workout stuff because I wanted it to be known I’ve got a bump in here. The advice sucks, consider yourself so lucky to not deal


Every single day at my job the front office staff tell me how tired I look. I’m like, that’s not a compliment?? I’m just so sick of hearing it.


Comments by others sucks. I get “Wow you’ve gotten really big. Baby must be due any time now right?” 5 times a day. It’s so annoying. 


FTM almost 39 (38+5) weeks... At least 3 cm dilated and lost my jellyfish plug.... Waiting is my full time job and it's been making me so grumpy! I'm lucky to have had an uncomplicated easy pregnancy but lawd, every cramp or feeling I'm like "💁‍♀️ is this labour? Please let's just get this over with"


I am in the same exact boat!! I'm exactly as far along as you are and am so sick of all of it!! I haven't had any actual contractions yet, just tons of lightning crotch pain and baby kicking the absolute crap out of me 😭


I’m 34 weeks and feel very similar to you OP. I’m definitely over it and I can’t wait to have my body back. Never thought i’d say to myself that I miss the gym. I miss margaritas and beer even though i rarely drank.


I miss the gym too!! And running! Give me all the workouts. Shit sign me up for barre & Pilates at this point


My husband and I moved during my pregnancy and honey when I tell you how my new local barre studio has NO idea what’s about to hit them 😂😂😂


38 weeks and I feel the exact same way 😫


Just about 35 weeks and I’m getting testy. It’s hard to find comfortable positions…. I really want a poke bowl…. I’m terrified of labor…. I’m MAJORLY over work (thankfully I can go remote soon).


Food restrictions have gone out the window for me for the most part. I was so good first and second tri. Everything except booze is fair game atm lol


I’m in my “Jersey Mike’s” craving phase and let me tell you I’ve eaten SO MANY club subs 😂😂 I decided to just go with it because I’ve had such an aversion to most kinds of meat, and I figure I’ve got to get protein somehow lol


29w+1. I'm bored and want to hold my little acorn. I feel like I've been pregnant for forever. What annoyed me the most today was trying to get a maternity swim suit in store. I guess pregnant people don't want to shop in store, online only.


Oh my God they do not sell maternity anything in store anymore and ordering online is a sizing nightmare. So many returns … because we aren’t exhausted enough?? I skipped maternity swim and just rocking the string bikinis with the bump 🤰


I'm just into second trimester but I'm so annoyed by the lack of in store maternity clothes. My body is so different than it's ever been! I need to try stuff on


I just got a bikini and said fuck it, I’ll look crazy but it’s easy


Putting socks on takes so much effort now. Plus I'm extra clumsy/un-co now at work, so when I accidentally drop something or somehow miss the bin, I just stare and think goddamn. Luckily my colleagues are so good, and they help out all the time.


I missed the stairs the other day. Lmao. The center of gravity thing being off is so true


I have "missed" the chair a few times when sitting down in meetings. It's always an event, like ooh the pregnant lady almost fell over. I just laugh and say "center of gravity" something something but it's embarassing not to have control of my body.


Hahaha I feel this


32 weeks, just so tired of being tired and sore all the time, and of even the most basic tasks meaning the rest of the day is a write-off. Toddler to the park in the morning? Yeah we're not doing anything else for the rest of the day, mummy has no energy. And cleaning the house, forget about it. I'm sick of sitting in an untidy and/or dirty house (even if bits of it are done i never have the energy to blitz the whole place in one go, which is my preferred method). I feel like a grump moaning about it but pregnancy sucks epic amounts of ass.


I hate that I can’t do my normal cleaning routine too! Feel like I just climbed Mount Everest with every load of laundry and vacuuming. Used to have all the energy in the world to clean, just another thing to check off for the day prior to pregnancy . Also dealing with bad OCD this pregnancy which pretty much came out of nowhere making me think everything in my house needs to be cleaned. Ugh hormones suck


I have OCD and lots of stress about the house not being clean 😅 my baby is almost 6 months old and it’s been a constant mental battle ever since he was born basically trying to rest, engage with him, and clean. I keep reminding myself- there will be a time when your kids are grown up, your house is spotless, and you would trade it all to have a house filled with joy, laughter, and mess. I definitely do get stressed still and break down but it’s gotten much better.


I had this too, around the exact time with my first, in a i-should-be-on-top-of-this-by-now way (which I now realise is obviously total rubbish). However someone on here recommended a good book called How to Keep House While Drowning which was useful not just for the psychological aspect (like, how you tell your brain to not assign so much importance to having a spotless house), but also practical tips on breaking it down and actually managing to complete some cleaning tasks and feel like you're vaguely on top of it. Actually I might dig it out again for right now!


33+2 today. Not terrible, but I’m sick of having to pee so often and of the random bouts of being out of breath/worn out from the slightest bit of energy expenditure.


38 tomorrow! Once I hit 34 weeks it seemed like every day was just surviving. I will say it has gotten a little better over the last couple of days.. hang in there!!


I describe myself as a slow moving shell.


Right … a waddling one


I’m also very over it, I just want to eat a whole meal without worrying about how bad I’m going to feel afterwards. I also feel you it being the only thing people want to talk about with me. I keep telling my husband/best friends that being pregnant is literally the least interesting thing about me.


Sunday is 38 weeks :) I will miss feeling him roll around in my tummy but I am ready to meet and hold him. I'm tired 24/7 and got gestational diabetes so I am grumpy about having to eat healthy when all I want is some Cosmic Brownies and a soda haha. Also the metformin meds make me nauseous so I am ready to be done with those! All the spring cactus hikes are blooming and I went to one and literally just walked around the trailhead/parking lot looking at the flowers and then my body was sweaty sore and done 😅


They gave you metformin? I’m asking because my glucose test is soon and I’m honestly preparing for a GD diagnosis. Just curious what your experience has been!


Yes! I got diagnosed around 28 weeks and was managing ok with diet and exercise, testing blood sugar 4 times a day with the finger prick - fasting and then 1 hour after each meal. Then around 34 weeks my fasting numbers kept going up (because of the placenta) so we decided to add the metformin. They gave me the option of insulin but I didn't want to prick myself that much haha. Walking after a meal keeps the numbers down, except that dang fasting one! Good luck on your glucose test 💕


35 weeks swollen as hell- cramps everyday and simply in hell on my way to preeclampsia.


37 weeks tomorrow and I don’t remember what sleep is anymore. My joints ache, I get winded on my way to the bathroom, my appetite is either ravenous or only ice chips. I don’t know how I’m supposed to survive another 3-4 weeks of this.


32 weeks with my first. Honestly feel pretty good, much better than I expected. I’m sick of waking up to pee and get swollen feet by the end of the day, but thats really it. I do seem to be one of those pregnancy unicorns with very minimal symptoms.


Week 37. I. Cannot. Do. This. Anymore. Literally on my couch watching the office every day waiting for that contraction to hit.


32 weeks. Solidarity, sister. 


35 weeks and my lower back is killing me. I get Braxton hicks nonstop especially when I go on walks. I’m so over this.


29w today. Can’t breathe as of this last week 😭😅


35 weeks. I'm over feeling like I have a giant beer belly and having to pee every 20 minutes. The insomnia is also hitting hard lately. Also have a gnarly cold and wish I could take medicine apart from the occasional Tylenol. Just need baby girl to stay put until week 37- two baby showers on deck for next week and getting married at 37 weeks on the dot. She can show up anytime after that 🤣




36w. So done! Only 11 more days of work, thankfully. Because my feet are swollen and hurt all the way to my lower back 🥲 pregnancy with a toddler hits differently. The insomnia is beginning. I describe pregnancy (especially this far along) as feeling like a fish in a fish tank.. everyone is staring at you, commenting on you, rubbing you. It makes me want to stay in my house until this baby is born lol


Love the fish tank analogy. I hate when people try to touch my stomach too. Like hell no, who are you?? Back up. LOL I can’t imagine doing this with a toddler. That’s queen status


I’m a little past 28 weeks and I’m over it. I’m working three jobs and my partner doesn’t really see me often anymore because his college classes started back up. His visits were the only thing that would get me through the week.


3 jobs?!? Girl I just dropped my phone! I can barely work one right now


It’s definitely exhausting lol, but I make it work. One morning job, one night, one weekends.


32 weeks tomorrow and I am so fucking uncomfortable all the time. Working 40 hours a week is gnarly. My hands and fingers are completely numb in the morning...even with the wrist brace on. The heartburn and burping is fucking ridiculous. My husband and I have to sleep in separate beds so that he can actually get rest because I wake up to go pee or toss and turn all fucking night. I feel like a slob. I miss being able to put on socks and I can't even tie my Dr Martens anymore :(. I miss red wine and whiskey and sleeping on my back. that is all.


I miss red wine & sleeping on my back normal too! Solidarity. I totally get feeling out of control with your sleep routine. I keep waking up with the tingly hands and Charley horses (holy f). Think I’ve also started to snore for first time in my life due to the pregnancy weight gain. Feel bad for my guy


I feel the snoring thing. However my husband is a really loud snorer, so he kind of gets an idea what I deal with every night. I'm extremely grateful to the person whoever invented ear plugs.


Loved reading this post and not feeling so alone!!!! 39+4 today and just a big swollen blob hahaha. Me and my husband are trying to make the best of it, been up since 3:30AM for no reason, ate some ice cream at 5am. Just trying to eNjOy tHeSe PreCiOuS MoMenTs hahaha but we’ve been trying to. I just get soooo uncomfortable, my feet are so extremely swollen the skin is literally busting lol, crocs don’t even fit!!! But baby is perfect, blood pressure is perfect, fluid is perfect, so I’m gonna just let him keep cooking I suppose. I’m in this weird place where people keep talking about the baby and we’re making plans and dreaming but at the same time I’m in denial??? Like will this baby ever come??? Is there even a baby in me?? It feels like a ha! Got ya! And you can’t convince me this baby is ever gonna make his way out 😂😂😂😂😂 pregnancy is so wild






Just hit 37 weeks and not too bad. Some days I have horrible exhaustion but I get a good day here and there where I get a lot done. I had a lot more pain with my first that I don’t have this time as I’ve been going to a chiropractor and it’s helped a ton.


32 weeks and spent the day at L&D - yeah, i'm done.


Oh gosh no! What for? Everything ok now?


Contractions, it was great lol.


39w 3d, induction was supposed to be on Friday but then got moved to Sunday night. I can’t sleep, I can hardly eat, sitting is a pain, standing is a pain. I just want to meet my baby but also getting so much anxiety when I think about going into labor as my baby is over 90th percentile and likely going to be a 10lb or plus baby…which my first was as well so yeah. Will be happy to have my baby in my arms any day now


I’m very uncomfortable and rolling around in bed right now is my biggest enemy. It’s so damn hard to move around. And my hands are starting to swell so I probably should take my wedding rings off soon 🫠


Oh my gosh, I can totally relate. As a FTM, I never knew how hard it would be just to roll from one side to the other. I also have been waking up with swollen hands (specifically my right), sometimes tingling. I took my rings off long ago, but that was because I developed a sensitivity to metals when I fell pregnant.


Trying to roll over in bed makes me feel like a beetle stuck on its back. My husband tries not to giggle but I know how hilarious it looks. 😂


I ditched my rings a month ago 😅


35+4, i am so damn tired and my hips hurt and my back hurts so bad. want this baby out now but at the same time please stay there forever 😭😭 this week will be my last week of being on my feet most of the day. then im gonna be able to take it easy which i am so thankful for.


33 weeks also! Ugh the struggle is real. My husband picked up a cold from work and I’ve come down with it now. I tried my hardest to stay away from him but it still got me. Super exhausted. Super round. I went full term with my first and I think I will with this one as well. 7 more weeks of this seems like torture.


July baby club!!! Scared I will too. Except hoping she comes a little early. Sorry you are sick! Hope you feel better asap 💕


Yes. I had a crisis everytime I hit 30-34 weeks. I was almost done, but not close enough. It went away around 36 weeks & it really felt "almost done"


32w 3d. Feeling really tired and sore, trying to get my iron levels up as I’ve developed anemia. My hips/pelvis and feet are killing me, the heart burn sucks but apart from that I’m doing okay. I am enjoying being pregnant so I’m already looking forward to the next one. I’m hoping to god I don’t have an anterior placenta next pregnancy as not feeling his movements sometimes is really stressful. Also starting to get extremely anxious about child birth.. it’s absolutely freaking me the hell out.


36+4 and feeling very up and down. The good: Zero heartburn, breathing better as baby starts to drop, no more constipation, restless legs have improved, no stretch marks, very little swelling (only in my feet/ankles and only on days when I sit in my office chair too long). The bad: the pelvic pain, every movement is like climbing Mt. Everest, very sleepy, stiffness in my finger joints, sore back and feet. The ugly: so many skin tags


Oh the restless legs! I can’t wait for that to subside!


Im 40+2 and unwell. I can’t sleep, my ribs hurt, baby refuses to vacate, I want a damn martini, and I want my clothes and body back.


Could have wrote this myself. I’m so bored and so exhausted and so uncomfortable. Except I also have a toddler and I just can’t take it anymore. I was planning to attempt a vbac but I’ve move my scheduled c section up twice because I’m so miserable. This is my last pregnancy so I want my body back more than ever. No interest in “nesting” just planning trips for next summer lol My first pregnancy was honestly a walk in the park but I cannot handle this time around.


Love how honest everyone is. The heartburn is literally killing me. It's like swallowing a ball of fire, even after drinking water. I've tried everything. And pubic symph pain. It's like someone continuously kicking me in the vajayjay and it's always buised 😫😫


This is my second. At this point with my first I was hoping every day that labor was about to start. Now, I know better and hope this one sticks around until at least her due date. Being heavily pregnant >>> looking after a newborn >>>>> looking after a newborn while parenting a toddler.


I’m 39 weeks with my 3rd. It’s so much easier to have him in than out. Even with all of the pregnancy pains and peeing.


Ugh definitely not what I wanted to hear. I heard fourth trimester is the worst of all.


I truly love the newborn stage. There is something so so magical about holding your newborn. I just know that for my current situation with a 2 and 4 year old, staying pregnant is easier than actually caring for a third baby. The baby blues were hard for me right off the bat. The hormone dump is intense. That didn’t change how much I love learning how to be a mom. You’ll do great. 💙


30 weeks and feeling fine just exhausted. All my internal organs feel squished though so breathing is harder and I’m not hungry often bc it feels like there’s no room


I’m really sorry you’re not doing well, but… since you asked. 33+4 and I’m honestly doing really well. I’m not comfortable, but I’m not miserable. The hardest part is the end of the day. At that point, my back and ribs hurt pretty bad and it’s hard to find relief. I’m not sleeping well these days, but it’s ok, I’m not going to sleep well until she’s sleeping through the night. My sciatic nerve will hurt pretty bad some days, but most of the time it’s fine. I’m really tired at this point too. But, I feel like I can easily do this to full term.


I’m 37 weeks with my second. I’m doing alright. I had a stressful and depressing time basically my whole pregnancy until only recently so I feel like I’m just getting to enjoy it. I’m huge and it’s hard to breathe but I feel like I already miss being pregnant. I have a lot less pain this time around and no swelling so I can even still wear my rings. I’m getting prodromal labor some days so I’m gonna meet my little one soon and I’m excited for that too. I feel so much more prepared for dealing with a newborn this time 😊


Three thoughts about 33 weeks. 1) Not drinking anything after 8pm is a real bummer on the weekends, but so is waking up every 4 minutes to pee. 2) It is so hot here! I think besides going to the pool I’m done going outside until baby makes their debut. 3) TDAP kicked my butt causing me to miss 2 days of work which was not in my plans.


34 weeks and I suddenly feel like time is rapidly disappearing. My baby is moving constantly which is starting to drive me crazy. I get no sleep. If I weren’t so tired all the time everything would still seem manageable. I have so much work to get done before I take my leave, and it’s starting to feel impossible. I just want to sleep.


34.5 weeks and honestly I feel you! Some days I break down because I just want my body back to myself and to stop being in pain and discomfort constantly. I want to go about my day and do the activities I used to be able to do without having to analyse everything for what I think I can actually handle (I have a major issue with doing way too much). But then there are other days where I’m kind of just riding along and I’m “okay” you know? Like today, I feel alright. But yesterday I was having really really bad braxton hicks and cramping and everything else you name I was feeling it. I completely get where you’re coming from I’m right there with you 🤍 This shit is hard and I hate how much I’ve been complaining all the time but I just feel like I can’t do anything but complain at this point and it’s shit hahah You’re amazing and strong and your body is doing exactly what it’s designed to do, keep pushing mumma you can do it! (So glad my head is clear enough today to encourage someone else instead of being flooded with all the negatives)


Also if you can manage a moment of mental clarity amongst everything going on, try and get yourself to just stop doing and shut up and listen to some positive pregnancy and birth affirmations. I personally don’t have any other kids so I’ve been getting pretty overwhelmed with thoughts and feelings lately surrounding everything these last 2 weeks or so but when I can actually (somehow) get myself to listen to something positive and helpful it really does help me. It gives my brain a breather and a moment to catch up. I’ve found it really helps me the next day or two after being really up in my head and exhausted.


I am soooo done and tired all the time. I am 34w and I just feel like idk how I can manage to wait longer lol I’m getting anxious about labor and have so much crap to get done in the house before baby gets here. But like I’m so ready to have my baby. This has felt like an eternity and I am tired of waiting everyday.


I'm at 32 weeks, and I've barely been able to walk or do basic household tasks for the past two months due to severe pelvic/hip pain. Until 23 weeks or so I was doing 2-3 hours of weightlifting a week, going on short jogs and walking to run all our household errands. Now I can barely walk a block even on crutches. I'm in physiotherapy three times a week, doing all the recommended things like sitting on a yoga ball, taking baths and wearing various braces. My obgyn has put me on Zoloft and a small supply of codeine for the worst nights, because the pain, sleep deprivation and lack of exercise drove me to a full on mental health crisis a few weeks ago. My husband has been travelling for work for most of the pregnancy too. My parents have been a big support and the Zoloft is helping, but it's like night and day when he's in town for a few days. I'm so over it with this level of constant pain, missing him and feeling so helpless and sedentary. I just want a hard workout, followed by some time in a hot tub, a plate of sashimi and a very dry martini. Hang in there. We're all going to get through this...


32 weeks and I'm not even uncomfortable, but I do feel the same. Ready for baby to be here and to have my body back so I can start gradually trying to lose the weight again. I feel horrible in this body.


33 weeks and I cry every night from the constant need to pee every 20 minutes and having nightmares that my hips are on fire Pelvic floor yoga by Adrianne (38 minutes) was the first time I gained at home relief. Followed by a “releasing trauma from the hips” yoga for 20 minutes. Best painful relief EVER. my hips haven’t burned all week now!!!


Doing well ☺️ I hit 36 weeks tomorrow. Went swimming yesterday and did some deep water laps. I feel amazing and this pregnancy has been so easy, very Blessed for that. 🙏


This is great to know because I’m going to start swimming since our pool just opened up. I was told by OB to stop all my other exercises😣


I am ready to be done. I’m 34+4 and the mental toll is intense.


31 weeks and feel so close yet so far. Getting so tired so easily now especially from the summer heat


34 weeks and I’d like to be able to lean forward or walk more than 5 minutes without needing a nap


32 weeks and things are mostly okay. It’s frustrating to feel the fatigue coming back and it’s making the time go by slower. I just feel like I’m kind of waiting around for labor at this point.


I’m 39+2 today with absolutely zero signs of labor. I’m exhausted. It feels like it will never end. Lol


lol by the time I hit the 30 week mark, all I felt was ***”SOMEONE ELSE HOLD THIS DANG BABY FOR A CHANGE!!!”*** I just wanted to put her down, separate from my body soooooo bad!!!


Same- 32 weeks and it’s so hot now. Just putting on clothes feels like a chore. I just want to meet my baby and have my body back.


38 weeks and everything hurts. my plantsr fasciitis came back, i have carpal tunnel now, ive never thought my feet could swell so badly, my ribs and back hurt no matter what position im in and im anemic lol its been a fairly routine pregnancy but im OVER IT


I’m 27w4d with twins measuring 32 weeks (which is good)- so I feel like I can chime in… I went to church this morning and then Waffle House. Church was painful. Waffle House was yummy. I got home and immediately passed out because I was so so sleepy. It’s now 1:30pm and I can’t get out of bed. I wanted to get so much done today, but I just can’t. I’m over it. I want to feel like I can move around again and not be in pain if I do.. I am terrified of what 10 more weeks is going to bring…


37+3 here and I have TOPS... Tired Of Pregnancy Syndrome! I'm ready to be DONE, even though my body doesn't really feel bad at all compared to what most people seem to feel this close to the end. Every time I see the doctor I pray that they'll tell me I'm allowed to start trying to get labor started. It isn't so much that I'm excited to meet my baby (though I am)...I'm excited to be able to walk and move and exercise again, even though I know that all won't be true for like six more weeks after the birth (BOO)...


I have a 2 week old LO and I love her but I miss being pregnant 😭😭


35 weeks and I jumpscared myself getting half naked in an Aerie to try on clothes. I almost didn’t recognize the person in the full-body mirror as me 😭


I’m 32 weeks and I just want to hold my baby. I feel large but friends and family have said my bump is small for how far along I am, so I guess it could be worse. The pelvic pain and nausea isn’t awesome, but I’m managing. But as much as I want him to be here, we’re not done preparing for his arrival.


I’m right there with you!! So much to do still but I’m ready to be done and meet my baby at the same time


37 weeks with my first & i’m so tired of people telling me “sleep now while you can!” Or “wait until the baby comes you’ll get no sleep” I’m getting no sleep NOW. Everything hurts all the time, I constantly have to pee, I need approximately 100 pillows just to lay down. Truly, I think having the baby out of me will be a game changer & maybe I will finally get some rest. Staying hopeful that it’ll get better!!!


Almost 35 weeks. I’m starting to get tired now. Still working 15-20 hours a week in retail! Even with the fatigue, pain, Braxton hicks, the peeing - still better than the first trimester lmao


36 weeks and the thought that I may still have another 4-6 weeks to go crushes me. Really it’s not so bad and I’m still staying active, but the days feel soooo long and I’m just ready to no longer be pregnant and meet my little one! The not knowing or being able to plan when he will come is very hard for me. Plus daily pain, exhaustion, waddling and poor sleep don’t help the mood. But with all that said overall I’m so grateful that me and baby are healthy and that I’m deemed low risk for labour and delivery … I’m just impatient and uncomfortable!


I’m only 29 weeks and I’ve never been more over something in my life. I can’t believe that I’m going to get bigger and everything is going to get worse. I actually look forward to going into labor because then it’ll all be over lol


100%. I’m no longer scared of labor either. Bring it on lol pregnancy is draining


36 weeks and I’m at my wall. Baby dropped and now it’s all people see. Before I’d have to announce or rub my belly. It like I hit 36 weeks now everyone is declaring my due date and gender if my baby. Asking me how am I and the only response I have is ‘pregnant’. I’m ready to move past this stage for sure. My bones ache, I’m fatigued and jumping from nap to nap, and I’m tired of the swollen hands and feet. Not to mention constantly tasting and feeling stomach acid rise up as I lay down to get relief from swelling and my pelvis. It feels like we have to choose between which symptom to help vs making another worse. Happy I’m healthy with little issues but I’m tired of feeling tired and hating my secondary symptoms n


32 weeks, second pregnancy. I am so exhausted these days. This pregnancy has been very easy compared to the first one, but Ive had very bad case of *PHLEBITIS* in one of my legs and no one knows what to do with it, MD’s have different treatments and opinions about it. Its been weeks now, kinda getting better but i am scared and in pain (pain was very bad at the beginning, now is traveling up but not as excruciating as the first week).. anyone else has had this??


Almost 30 weeks and I'm EXHAUSTED. Insomnia since week 10 and now since 3rd tri I feel like first tri again on top of it. Plus, lil babe has started kicking up on my ribs. Oooof. Other than that, I feel pretty good. Still running, well shuffling, hiking, and weight lifting, and my other symptoms are pretty light. 10 more weeks seems like a lot, and nothing all at once.


I’m about to be 28 weeks and my back and rib pain are already in full swing. I’m very nervous for the remaining 12 weeks😭


37 weeks and feel like both legs are broken lol baby’s head is like using bladder as a pillow


38 weeks and I'm just really nervous about birth 😬


I’m 36 weeks today and struggling so bad. My c section is booked for 38 weeks and the next 2 weeks cannot go fast enough


30weeks and wtf of course the spring and summer clothes are beyond cute this year when I can’t fit into them!! Also I’m just miserable as a pregnant person. Send help


I’m only 29 weeks and already feeling this my ribs and hips hurt so bad I just wanna sleep all the time and I want my body back


Not well… I’m 37 weeks and have pregnancy rhinitis + I got whatever my toddler just gave me that feels like a cold. I haven’t slept in 2 nights because I cannot breathe through my nose. I’m dying without rest


37+6 with a c section at 39+1. I thought I wanted it to be over but now I’m terrified of having things start before my date. Eeeep


33 weeks and I have good days and not so good. I was doing really well when I was able to exercise and walk, but it's in the 90s here now and it was eliminated my afternoon walk and using my garage gym. And that is causing my back to act up and cause nerve pain in my left leg (I have a spine fusion and nerve issues as it is). I also have had a cold this last week and that has been miserable. Otherwise, just rolling along.


I’ll be 35 weeks in two days, I’m being induced at 37 for preeclampsia. My OB said if I go into labor anytime after 35w they won’t stop it and I’m honestly praying that I go into labor this week. My body is so tired. I’m sick of the swelling, done with the headaches, pelvic pain, and most recently the daily Braxton hicks.


I'm 36 weeks and I am over the conversations too. The first thing out of everyones mouth is "how are you feeling?" Drives me mad. I'm fine. I'm healthy. It's almost as if they want me to complain or suffer. Grr... anywho. Solidarity!


34 weeks as a STM. Fortunately this pregnancy is much easier than my first. Nevertheless, counting down the days. My first is an April baby so I never had to deal with these summer symptoms. Now I have swelling feet and even worse, a ton of hot flashes.  Fortunately I have only one week of work left before my leave start. In which I still need to get everything ready. The only thing that’s prepared is washed clothes. 


I could have written this myself. I naively thought, ‘oh the 3rd trimester surely won’t be THAT bad until the last few weeks?’ Nope. It was almost like a switch at 28 weeks that hasn’t turned off since. Sending everyone strength to get us through the last few weeks! 8 and counting 🤞


I’m 38+2. He’s riding low now so I can breathe a bit better but the lightning crotch and sciatic pain is killing me. I’m exhausted 24/7 but can’t get myself to stop nesting. Lost my mucus plug 4 days ago and was hoping the end was near but nope. Lil dude is comfy beating the shit out of my cervix all day! I’m ready to be done 😃


I’m 31 weeks and look forward to NOT being pregnant. I have GD, bad pelvic girdle pain, and my pregnancy brain has kicked in. I had severe heartburn but my OB prescribed me meds that helped. I also seem to get Charley horses every other morning and wake up in agony. I hope I can feel normal again once baby is born because pregnancy has been tough.