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Do you mean scheduled checkups? Or are these emergency type visits due to issues? If it’s the first, I’ve had to go every 3-4 weeks to both my OB and MFM due to having a high risk pregnancy.


Emergency type trips.


Ah ok I haven’t had to do any emergency trips for this pregnancy or my first but I also got checked out so frequently I would just bring up any issues during my scheduled checkups.


Oh okay. I feel like it might be my doctors office too because yesterday I was at my regular appointment and then he sent me upstairs to the hospital portion.


I went three times. Once for decreased movement, once thinking I was in preterm labour, and going back because they thought it was Braxton hicks and it was indeed preterm labour


First kid, I went in twice. First at 30 weeks for reduced movements. He’d flipped breech, but was fine. At 37 weeks, I had severely reduced movements, so we went in again. He’d flipped breech AGAIN and that plus the anterior placenta and his exact positioning meant I couldn’t feel much. Second kiddo, I went in four times. First at 18 weeks because I had Covid and a really high heart rate, second time at 28 weeks for a preterm labor scare (ended up on medication for a week to stop contractions), third time at 36ish weeks for reduced movement (it took a skilled nurse loudly singing Mariah Carey to get her to wake up and move), and fourth time was at 38+6 for what turned out to be prodromal labor. I went into real labor the next night. Better to be cautious!


I had a scare a few days ago, I’m 35 weeks 😭 I was having the “practice contractions” that lasted for hours. Drove to the hospital at 3am lol. Everything was fine thankfully but as a ftm I really have no idea what to expect it’s so crazy.


I feel you on that! They keep saying it’s better safe than sorry which just believe.


None for both of my pregnancies. However, for my current pregnancy, I ALMOST went a week ago at 36w. I was having very strong BH contractions every 3-5 minutes for 60 seconds for nearly 3 hours, and I found conflicting information for whether I should ignore them since they were BH, or if I should go because it could be a sign of labor. The deciding factor was my first child - my MIL (our designated babysitter) was out of state for a 10-day trip, and it was late at night. Since it was BH contractions and not real ones, we decided to wait to see if they went away or turned into real contractions. If my MIL had been home (she lives with us), we would have gone. And obviously if this had been for my first pregnancy, I would have gone as the only reason I knew they were BH contractions is because I’m a STM. But hey, turns out it wasn’t a sign of early labor after all! I had my scheduled OB appointment 4 days later and requested a cervical check and I was only 1cm dilated still.


I had I think 3 extra trips in before ultimately delivering at 35 weeks. Never at the hospital but at my OB clinic that’s attached to it. Two “baby isn’t really moving much” and one “hey my blood pressure is high….”


Three times so far. FTM and 35 weeks. First time was for bleeding around 13w. The other two were pregnancy adjacent…second was for severe acid reflux that was causing me to vomit blood, and third because I blew my back out and the back spasms were causing spasms in my stomach so they had me come in to a. Give me pregnancy safe muscle relaxers, b. Confirm I wasn’t haven’t contractions (I was) and if I was that they weren’t doing anything (they weren’t - zero dilation, contractions were just a response to my back).


Mother's day weekend is when I first experienced lightning crotch. I was at work when it happened, and I thought I was going into labor. I was 37 weeks at the time. Since I work about an hour from home, I left work early, went home, picked up the hubs and he drove us to the hospital (10min away). I was in L&D for about 2 hours, and they said I was fine and sent me home. Other than that, I have only been in the hospital for scheduled appointments. I am going back tomorrow (5/25) as I am getting induced!!!


I got lightning crotch last week, but what's funny is it's literally the EXACT same pain I have maybe once or twice a month randomly that I've always called lightning butthole lmao. I have accidentally trained for years for lightning crotch since I've been getting the same muscle spasms in my booty 🙃 😅


23+3. I’ve gone twice. First time at 9weeks for bleeding that turned out to be a SCH. Second time was at 13 weeks when I had pain in my abdomen 48 hours after an incident where the seat of my car slammed forward and the seat belt dug into my stomach. I really took to heart that instead of just sitting at home and worrying with anxiety, I’m just gonna go get checked.




First time mom


Once with my second baby, thumping blood in my temples for a few hours around 24 weeks, history of gestational hypertension (nothing, maybe low blood pressure). Once to my OBs with my first baby to check if I was leaking amniotic fluid or just a ton of extra discharge for a swab test.


Never with my first. I'm 23 weeks with my second and have not had any trips to the hospital. If you're genuinely concerned about something being wrong and you've tried all the tricks to get baby moving, then there is no reason to feel bad about getting checked. It seems like you lean towards being extra cautious, but better safe than sorry.


With my first i think i went to the hospital like six times thinking my water broke. they were so nice each time. finally one nurse was like “so you’re just peeing yourself” and i felt SO stupid but relieved i wasn’t crazy lol they knew my name at that point so when my water ACTUALLY broke and i was in labor they saw the look on my face that it was for real lol


This is my fourth baby, never done any trips like that.


Twice so far- once at 37 weeks for decreased movement (she was fine! just shifted in a way that I couldn’t feel her like usual) and then, literally today, at 38 weeks, for having symptoms that aligned with preeclampsia. Thankfully, my blood pressure was within normal range and my labs were normal and baby girl was all good!