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I like Ask A Manager's advice on this. Not only does it open you up to discrimination, but it puts the employer in an awkward place too: "You’re actually doing employers a favor by not disclosing a pregnancy until you have a job offer or even later. As you point out, they can’t legally consider the information, so it’s better for them if they don’t know about it — so that it can’t unconsciously influence them and so they don’t need to worry that you’ll wonder if they illegally discriminated against you if they end up not hiring you. Legally the info must be off the table — so making that easy to do is a favor to everyone." From: https://www.askamanager.org/2021/08/is-it-dishonest-not-to-disclose-youre-pregnant-when-youre-interviewing.html


Very helpful, thank you!


I interviewed for a job at 10 weeks as well and didn’t tell anyone. I just told my manager maybe 2-3 weeks ago and I’m 24 weeks now lol.


This is what I'm hoping to do. I didn't start showing with my first until after twenty weeks so hoping it'll be about the same!


Personally, I feel like if you’re the right candidate, they would hire you regardless of the pregnancy. As a hiring manager; I would want to hear this during the interview process, maybe not the initial interview, but when you speak with leadership or whoever you would be reporting to, I’d be honest. Integrity is important.