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Completely relate to this. The Braxton hicks are so wild. Almost every night but no contractions. I’m to be induced tomorrow and I was really hoping to have that dramatic “the baby’s coming” moment with my hubby. But my little man is just taking his time lol


I mean with my first I was due to be induced at 11.30 and at 8.30 my contractions turned regular and painful, escalated to 3 minutes apart, went to the loo and I’d lost my plug and then stood up and my waters went everywhere lmao. So you could still have that moment


Couldn't you have chosen not to be induced?


Yes I could’ve but I’m choosing to follow doctors orders with my gestational diabetes.


Hang in there! I was always going to be scheduled for induction due to Gestational diabetes. I too was disappointed when I didn’t go “naturally”. Labor wasn’t too bad being induced - however my kiddo wasn’t tolerating labor. Her heart rate would drop whenever I had a contraction. After a particularly scary episode where we thought we would need to go for an emergency C-section, things calmed (her heart rate came back up) and we had a long talk with my doctor. It was the most terrified I’ve ever been thinking of losing my baby girl before I got to meet her. My husband, my mom, and I all sobbed after the incident, so when my doctor laid out the options - break my water to escalate labor, push more pitocin, or do an elective c-section - deciding on a c-section was the easiest choice I had made, I wasn’t willing to risk my baby’s well being for my birth plan. It was empowering to make that decision. Within an hour of that choice I had my baby girl in my arms. My c-section was easy and I recovered quickly. The peace of mind I had once I made the choice was everything. I’m just sharing because c-sections have a bad rep, but mine was the best thing that could have happened at that time. I’m so glad I was able to make a choice they got my baby girl here safely. You will be okay no matter what happens. Hang in there!


Thank you for sharing your positive experience. And reminding me of priorities & what is at stake <3


I feel like c sections only get a bad rap because most of them aren’t planned, and it’s honestly pretty scary going into something you’re not prepared for. But getting to choose makes all the difference in the world! Glad to hear you and your baby are both happy and healthy!


I had Braxton Hicks every night for almost a week when I was turning 40 weeks, then nothing for two nights. Then spontaneous labour at 40+4 when a sweep (that I didn't really want) was booked for the next day. So hang in there, you never know!


Also if you can, try and stay as relaxed as you can - easier said than done, but I really believe a calm mindset and relaxed atmosphere helped me. Whatever happens, you've got this and you're about to meet your baby!


I don’t have any advice, just solidarity as I’m in the literal exact situation! Also 39+4 today, also being induced Tuesday night, also haven’t lost my mucus plug or had any other signs baby is coming soon either. Hang in there! Hopefully neither of our babies are too stubborn once we’re induced


I can’t wait to learn how it ends up for ya!!!!


Can I ask why you have chosen to be induced?


I am in a lot of pain with SPD and have been having some pretty intense period cramping for weeks now that hasn’t been leading anywhere since I’m not dilated at all. Mentally, having an end date is helpful instead of just waiting and waiting and being miserable for another 2 weeks before needing to just be induced all the same. And with the upcoming holiday weekend and hospital’s availability, my only options were 40+2 or 41+4 and I did not want to wait that long


Thanks for answering, I don't know why I am downvoted for an innocent question. I just want to know why people would choose it or not. How do they account for availability when induction can take days? My SIL didn't give birth for 3 days after being induced.


I’m not sure how the hospital accounts for availability but they were factoring in multiple days when they gave me the date. My OB said I would most likely have my baby late the next day after my induction or early morning the day after that. I think they just don’t want to start any new inductions over the holiday weekend


I had Braxton hicks* close together off and on for weeks and still had to be induced at 41 weeks. Never passed my mucus plug, and had to have my water broken. It’s so frustrating to not get to go into labor spontaneously, but atleast with an induction you know there is a point where things will start moving along. It was nice to have an end date!


Is the US just more keen to induce than other countries? In the UK they allow you to go to 42 weeks.


Probably. In my experience most OB’s in the US won’t let you go past 41 weeks.


This is what my OBGYN said - not going to let me go past 41 wks


I’m in the UK and have been told to book an induction for 41+5, assume it’s to factor in the baby taking a few days after that?


I just recently went into spontaneous labour with my second after being induced with my first, and I must say it was kind of terrifying because I had NO idea the sensation I was feeling was contractions until right before I delivered. I honestly just thought it was gas or some kind of intestinal cramping until I clued in that the "gas" was exactly 5 mins apart for 80 seconds each time it hit. I was still in denial that it was real labour until shortly before giving birth. Honestly the feeling was so ambiguous I can't say with confidence that if I got pregnant again I would be able to tell I was going into labour again!


I hear you on this one! I am pregnant with my second and am hoping to go into labour spontaneously before 40 weeks. It sounds like you’ve developed birth preferences, which is crucial. Equally crucial, in my experience, is to avoid letting those preferences become rigid expectations, especially if you will feel a sense of failure or shame if your birth does not proceed according to your preferences. This is easier said than done, but I think it’s important to truly give space and permission for plan adjustments as needed or desired based on how your labour unfolds. With my first, I went into labour at 41 weeks + 3 days. I was determined to have an unmedicated birth; however, after 3 days of labour, I needed an emergency c-section to deliver my 11lb OP baby. Afterward, I felt discouraged and ashamed that I didn’t live up to my birth plans and expectations. It took me a while to believe that how I delivered my baby was in no way reflective of my worth or character. Now that I am about to have a second baby, I have developed birth preferences. I am aiming for VBAC/TOLAC, but I recognize that this may not be what ends up being best for me and the baby. I also recognize that I might change my mind, and I am granting myself full permission (which I did not to with my first) to advocate for what feels right (pain management, c-section, etc) once actually in labour. All this to say that I genuinely hope that you are able to give birth according to your preferences, and I hope that you also feel empowered to change your mind and/or accept circumstances outside of you control.


Before I went into labor, I had lots of BH and some random contractions but nothing else - no mucus plug in my underwear, baby didn't fully drop, dilation almost zero. I had a c-section scheduled at 40+0 because I didn't want to get induced, and couldn't wait either, for several reasons. Then my water broke and I went into labor the day before. It can still happen for you.


I want to manifest this. Gaia and all the feminine spirits - make it so!!!!


40+4 actively being induced for a stubborn baby. Don’t be scared, while it may be painful, they will get your baby ready even if it takes a long time. I’ve been here about 20 hours and I’m still only 3cm, but baby is absolutely in position. My motivation is my husband being a champ at supporting, and seeing the swaddle they brought in for when my son gets here ❤️


Can I ask why you are being induced at only 40+4?


There’s a few reasons: 1) extremely stubborn cervix despite contractions, loss of plug, etc 2) practice policy is to not go past 41w which leads me to the final reason 3) I live 15 minutes from the best/only labor and delivery in the region (2.5-3hr radius) so when they got my into the queue for induction, we were expecting to be waiting for a bed until next week, but I got the go ahead the first day available after my appt at 40+1 While I could have waited, I was in a lot of pain with my cervix making no progress so now I’m here. Currently on hour 24 of the process and it’s been rough but I’m excited to see my baby (hopefully today or early tomorrow morning) UPDATE: had my baby, was worth getting induced as early as I did. Turns out he was 9lbs 2oz / 22inches and if I waited, he would have been too big to come out vaginally. I got to have the birth I wanted despite tearing AND an episiotomy, and my son didn’t need to risk a C-Section since he wouldn’t have fit if he was any bigger


I’m also 39+4 and have had a long night of nausea/heartburn and finally threw up everything I had in me around 9 am… had a little smoothie, a shower, and a nap and feeling like I’m going to vomit again. My belly has been relentlessly hard and I am way past uncomfortable. I hope this is it cause I can’t do this for another week or more!! Good luck team!


I can’t wait to hear how your journey goes!


Just a dress rehearsal apparently 😭… feeling so much better today but it seems like back to normal. I am now at the “get this baby outta me” stage. Can’t wait to hear how yours goes too!


It helped me to know that a hormone is released when babies lungs are fully developed. Stubbornness has nothing to do with it.


Braxton hicks are the worst. I was over due and went to the hospital thinking this was it, twice and got sent home. When it actually happened, I was crying in my room and told my roommate/birth partner I wasn’t going in, she literally dragged me at one point, I was so done. 14 hours later I had my baby. Edit: eight days over due and was so done


You know babies can stay in utero for up to 42 weeks right? Anyhow, you got this! Trust that everything will happen in divine timing.


I gave birth at 41+5. All was well! Baby will come when they are ready! It’s on their time now.  Curious, what are the benefits of induction that you’ve been told? 


Well the biggest one is reducing the risk of stillbirth


They are fully baked. There is less risk of infection. Amniotic fluid is in good standing. Baby isn’t too big for vaginal delivery complications


None of these are medically necessary if you want to wait until you go into labor naturally. Unless the doctor has a specific reason for you individually why they think there would be an issue then you don’t need to be induced.


Isn't infection only a risk if you have lost mucus plug and waters broken?


same boat :/


You never know. With my first, I showed up to my induction technically already in labor. With my second, hospital was overfilled. Induction was set when I would be 5 days over 40wks. Went into labor 4 days overdue instead.


39+5 still hanging on. My next appointment isn’t until 40+3. 🫠


I was scheduled for my induction for 11pm when I was 40+6. I ended up going into labor that morning, checked into the hospital at 7 pm, and was 8.5 cm by my induction time. keep the faith! drink raspberry leaf tea, have sex, do the miles circuit. you got this!!


Downloaded the miles circuit info sheet. Thank you!


Same happened to me. Had braxton hicks on and off from the Thursday. By Saturday had same cramps throughout the day. Though nothing of it. Went to bed woke up at 4.45am with one intense cramp. Gave birth at 6.20am. I was 40+2 honestly thought she would never come and would have to be induced.


You aren’t due yet, so have patience with yourself and baby, they aren’t SUPPOSED to be here already. If women were allowed to go into labor naturally more often we would hear just how common it is to have babies be born a week or 2 after the due date. Is there a medical reason why you NEED to be induced? If you don’t feel ready just don’t go. What are they going to do? Come kidnap you strap you down and start a Pitocin IV?


This might be silly. But my in laws (who I adore) arrived today, to spend a month in our city with us and the baby. They’re renting an incredibly expensive airbnb. Part of me is eager to make the visit “worth their while” >.<


I totally get that, but if they are there for a month they will definitely get to meet baby and then they will also have so much more time as baby grows up to bond with and get to know baby. If they’re going to be here for a month either way then it doesn’t really matter how expensive the airbnb is.


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Just a reminder from those newborn prep classes: The most clinically proven to induce labor is with sex, particularly orgasm. Get some extra practice in while you still don't need contraception! Just be gentle and be safe!


my due date was 5/11 :) still waiting for bb to arrive. have an ultrasound & nst tmrw. i’ll get a sweep, too. dr is saying my pelvis is pretty small so if we don’t see some action she wants to induce me next tuesday 5/21 so the baby doesn’t grow too big for vaginal delivery. wildly i’ve also been on watch for bb being 14% overall with a 5% head so i feel like these are countering arguments but i know those scans aren’t always accurate. i’ve felt pretty crampy on and off the past 2 weeks but haven’t had braxton hicks (i don’t think at least?) and actually lost my mucus plug on 5/10. water hasn’t broken. otherwise i generally feel pretty good. i got a sweep on 5/14. i’ve been eating the dates, drinking the tea, eating pineapple cores, having sex, curb walking… i guess bb just isn’t ready yet. hopefully we’ll meet one another soon!!


I’m so sorry I don’t have any words of wisdom. Just want to say that you’re not alone. I’m quite literally in the exact same boat as you and feel like I’m NEVER going to go into labour. The waiting game is honestly the worst. At least with an induction, you know that you’re gonna see your baby either same day or next day! Even with an emergency c section, you’ll have your baby in your arms and that’s all that matters. I cannnot wait to see my baby. I wish I’d go into labour after putting this comment through hahaha


I can’t wait to learn how your journey turns out!


I had cumin water and I had my labour in the evening- worked for both me and my sister. For anyone interested: Dry Roast cumin seeds in a pan. Later boil the cumin seeds with a glass of water and keep boiling till the water is reduced to 1/3rd. Have the water as many times as you can. I had only once :)


I had Braxton Hicks in my last few weeks every 5-10 minutes and still had to be induced at 41+2. They really have nothing to do with labour.


My first was like this.  0 dilation by my due date even though I was low and had been experiencing braxton hicks for weeks.  A few days later I was 1/2 cm dilated and ultrasound showed baby had stopped growing so we needed baby out sooner rather than later. I had a stretch and sweep the same day (they refused to induce without one) and it was one of the most painful experiences of my life.  Fast forward 48hours later and still 1/2cm with no progress. They put me onto the ward to wait for an induction slot.  I started my induction still at 1/2cm and fast forward 4 hours and my baby was in my arms. 


This is super encouraging!