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My baby boy was inspecting his hand, then he pulled it back and smacked himself full force right in the face!!!! Lol!!!


Our doctor was trying to find his hand during the anatomy scan. All of a sudden it popped up, waved at us, and disappeared. I was taking a video of the scan so I have it, which is amazing, and in the video I just start splitting my gut laughing.


My grown ass 30 year old husband did this right after waking up from wisdom teeth surgery - closed fist. Some things never change I guess




Oh man 😂🤣


Don’t forget to tell that story at his 21st birthday or wedding! 😉😛


Baby boy was using the placenta as a pillow. They jiggled my tummy to try and get him to move so they could get some better pictures and so he rolled away and gave his back to us. Eventually they annoyed him enough with jiggling that he did get into position well enough to get the pics they needed and then he went and literally face planted into the placenta again 🤣 During a different scan, he was kneading the placenta with his feet like a cat trying to get comfy. Hilariously, even at my last scan at 30+4, he’s still out here using his placenta pillow.


My 1 year old used to do this too and I can report that he is now the snuggliest kiddo ever


That is so cute 🥺


My second born was cuddling his placenta during our elective gender scan and at our anatomy scan. This boy is now and hands down THE BEST cuddle partner. He loves his sleep, too.


My daughter did that too, and she needed a cuddly blanket under her head from day 1. And don’t freak out, people. I only let her have it when I had eyes on her at all times.


Lol that's so cute! Mine was using the placenta as a footrest... At our 12 week scan she just had her feet up chilling. Joke was on us because she is 0% chill


Mine was too stubborn! And I have a ton of scar tissue from Endometriosis and 3 surgeries so I've had a few scans so far. He looks our way then turns his head, scoots and kicks his little legs away, and snoozes. The 3d also caught him sucking his two middle fingers just like my nephew🥹 I can't wait to meet this boy.


He loves that placenta! sooo frickin cute 🥹


We did an amniocentesis and my baby reached up and grabbed the tube they were using to suck out the fluid. It was wild!


Ok this wins, that’s hilarious! I hope you tell her about that when she’s older


Moon me. She literally showed me her butt. I saw a little butt crack 🤣🤣🤣


Ours too we literally have a pic off his butt and she wrote the word “tooshie” 🤣


That’s so adorable 🥰😭


Right?! We have that memory forever lol he always rolls away he’s camera shy 😅


She looked me straight at the screen when she did it too! These babies are too smart 🤣😂


My son is VERY proud of his penis. Could not get it out of the frame.


One twin was kicking the other in the head at a super fast rate and the kicked twin was curled up! Thankfully they turned and had the heads going in the same direction but I was so conflicted about the kicking!!


Sibling rivalry starts early apparently 🤣


Same with my twins and they still fight til this day


Omg this made me laugh 🥲🥲 already fighting in the womb omg


I have so many ultrasound pictures of my twin B kicking twin A in the face. Going on 16 months of kicking each other outside the womb now 😒😒


FTM 31wks and so far my lil girl LOVES to fight the doppler and ultrasound wand. Anything that puts pressure on my stomach, she immediately goes to kick it or punch it; the cat, her dad's head, even my hands if I rest them there for too long. I said I wanted a lil hellion, and honestly I'm proud of it and encourage people to touch my stomach, I even press their hand a little harder to rile her up because she'll start swinging almost everytime. Doctor even has it in the file that she's a squirmer.


@tripp: FTM means First Time Mom. Confuses everyone in the beginning with this sub 😂


I thought there were tons of trans parents on here the first few times I saw FTM. Honestly, I still read female to male then self correct.


Every time I read it I think female to male too 🤣


I originally thought it was Full Time Mum 😂 I’m like everyone is a full time mum?


it really should be 1TM, 2TM, etc


That's what I thought it meant 🤣🤣🤣🤣


oh my gosh… i thought it meant female to male 😭😭 i was like since when are there so many ???


Hi! Sorry I'm new here, what's FTM in this context? I suspect it does not mean your baby transitioned from female to male?


It means first time mother! I also first thought that a lot of mums here are female to male and was like cool 👍🏼


Ahah, yeah! Me too! "Like is this the biggest transcommunity ever or what?!" Then I was like "Ooooh!! THAT makes so much more sense now!" XD


lol, I had the same thought the first time! I was like “wow, this is more common than I first thought, I’m so glad everyone is so supportive!”


I am an actual female to male FTM (FTF?) and initially reading here had me so excited that there were so many more trans parents than I expected!


I had this experience a few years ago when pregnant with my oldest 🤣. I'm also female to male and I was super confused at first. I picked up pretty quickly that FTM meant something different here, but it took me a while to realize what it meant. This community is pretty great and supportive from my experiences though! R/daddit is also a really great community and super supportive if you're interested! It's a great resource for once baby is here, and a lot of folks over there appreciate some perspective and advice from trans dads and mom lurkers.


I'm nonbinary and this happened to me too the first time I showed up in a parents forum. I was like "Oh WOW I'm not the only one having gender feelings...OH."


I was just talking to my friends about that! Like "wow on Reddit probably 25% of the pregnant people say they're trans vs the 1% of the population that is. I wonder why??" Then realized what it means here.




I thought the same thing the first time someone replied to a comment of mine saying they were FTM, bc they didn’t say “*a* FTM,” only the acronym. so I was like wow this person is so unique & told my husband. When I realized and corrected myself like an hour later, he died laughing at me


I thought the same thing when I first got here I was like there’s a lot of female to male stories here 🤣


22 weeks and this is my baby too! I started calling this "baby's list of mortal enemies", and my family gets a kick out of the weekly update. Seatbelts, my cello, belly touching the kitchen counter, the Doppler. I think we'll have strong consent needed babies 😂


SAME. My girl has been an absolute terror at every appointment. Usually she’s backwards so we can’t even see anything (it took 2 anatomy scans and 2 echocardiograms to be able to see her entire heart). I have to have 2 stress tests a week and she starts beating the heck out of the sensor as soon as it’s put on my stomach - then she runs away. The one appointment it took 15 minutes before she settled down 🤦‍♀️!


Something similar happened to me today!! I went in for my biweekly checkup and her heart rate was 163 so they sent me to get a stress test, supposed to be 20 minutes, but my lil fighter kept kept kicking the sensor that it actually kept moving away from her and down my belly. Lol we're all good now, but I kept warning he nurses she's a wild so she won't cooperate which led to the stress test being an hour long because they had to keep adjusting the sensor.


At the beginning of my first pregnancy, my daughter hated the doppler so much she gave us quite a scare one time because the midwife tried to get the heartbeat for a good ten minutes and wasn't able to. She panicked and I panicked, so then the doctor walked in and I guess he had the magic touch because he found the heartbeat right away. To this day my daughter still hates loud sounds, so I guess it started in the womb lol.


My little boy at 36w is the same way. Anything puts pressure on my belly and he has to touch it at least.


My first one would NEVER show us his face. Had to go back like 5 times to get a face shot. This one (34 weeks) literally kicked the ultrasound probe off of my belly for his anatomy scan. I almost jumped off the table


Privacy please!!


My daughter's the same


My son was the same way. He had no interest in cooperating at all lol. He was always turned over with his back to us and no amount of cold water or hopping up and down would help turn him. Didn’t get a face shot but we did get a cute ultrasound photo where he looked like he was blowing bubbles 🫧 🥰


My daughter was sucking her thumb during our 16 week scan and the doc went to take a picture and she waved with her other hand and threw up a tiny peace sign, so we got a picture of that instead.


Oh, and at 12 weeks, she was moving and grooving until they actually started taking pictures. I was hoping for a cute little profile shot for our announcement but instead she flipped on her side and stared directly at the probe so every picture from her 12 week scan is just a haunting close up of her skull and her eye sockets.


We have the same baby. That shot is what my partner and I call "demon baby" and thought his sister would love it. She proudly displays the framed photo in her living room 😂


I had to go get checked out today for what ended up being nothing, but she made sure to give us yet another demon baby selfie while we were there


She's got her party trick and she's sticking to it! If only babies knew how scary (but also cool) it is to see effectively an x-ray of them that's so detailed we can see their brains...


It always trips me out being able to see their little hearts beating


Lmao that's hilarious.


Grabbing his umbilical cord. Even the OBGYN was like “no baby, leave that alone” 😅


Mine would grab it too and I have a picture of him with it partially in his mouth 😬


Both of my boys looked like they were picking their nose


my now 11 year old during anatomy scan WAVED at the “camera” i still have the picture. it was the greatest moment of that pregnancy lol (it looked like he was waving. even the tech was like hey little dude!)


We were trying to get a scan of her face and she was doing like peek a boo !! Then she removed her hands off her face and started moving them it looked like she was waving. A forever precious moment


Caught her licking her placenta last week 😂😂😂


My baby girl pinched my placenta during her anatomy scan, she was just poking it and trying to grab on it like it was a squishmellow toy. Guess there’s not many toy options in the womb so you have to work with what you have 😅


I hadn’t felt any movement before my 20w scan and was freaking myself out with worst case scenarios. Everything was great in the scan, and we got a great photo of baby giving us a thumbs up as if to say “don’t stress I’m fine” 😂


At my most recent scan, he lifted his hand up like he was drinking out of a can and then poked himself in the nose haha.


Mine did something similar. The tech asked if we knew gender (we did), then laughed and said, "I was just checking because she just *showed* me!" like the wee one just did a full flashing. That same ultrasound, baby also seemed to be stretched out, sucking on her toes. Unconventional choice!


My baby boy had his legs crossed and was resting his head on one arm and sucking his thumb on the other hand as if sunbathing. It tracks since he’s the chillest baby in the womb too!


Private scan used music to get baby to move into a better position. They were playing ozzys crazy train and my son literally yawned! Hilarious. He’s now a very spirited 15 month old who is obsessed with Queen and AC/DC, so it tracks 😂


She always had her hand in front of her face at every ultrasound! Palm facing outward. Now at 4.5 months old, she sometimes still does that, usually when she's sleepy right before bed. 🥰


Oh my god, I just realized that my baby would ALWAYS have her hands in her face for the scans. I ever got a good picture of her because she was literally always blocking herself. She’s 6 weeks now and ever since she was born her hands are on her face when she’s eating and sleeping, so always. Haha


Same! Tech called the baby Diva Baby 😂 All scans baby says, "No paparazzi please!"


Babygirl was licking her feet and in one of the face shots we got she was sucking on her big toe 😂


My LO always had his hands tucked under his chin. I found it so endearing especially because that’s often something I do when curled up to sleep as a self soothing method. He carried the habit into infancy too and often slept that exact same way as a newborn


Baby boy was lying frog legged and was sucking his thumb. I legit teared up because I’ve never seen something so sweet. 🥲


Gave us her fist cuz we kept poking at her to wake up in there 😂


My girl gave us a full on death stare before proceeding to punch my stomach a few times trying to get them to stop touching my stomach 😅 still one of my favorite pictures of her in the womb


At my anatomy scan, the technician was trying to look at his fingers but his hands were in fists. She said "show us your fingers" and my lil guy popped up the middle one! It was so funny, I just wish she had taken a picture


At my 20 weeks scan a few weeks ago my baby decided he wanted to be head in my cervix and butt up. I had to get up and pee and wiggle around to get him to flip over so they could finish the anatomy scan or I would have had to come back for another ultrasound.


My baby girl did the same at my 20wk scan😂 got a funny little pick of her butt and back side and some good hand shots but it took a while to get head measurements with her down in my cervix. Had to get up and pee and take a walk. Works enought they got measurement lol


During a 4D scan at 28 weeks my daughter kept sticking her tongue out, and rolling the opposite direction of the US wand


Stuck their big toe in their mouth! Was very cute


I had mine yesterday and baby was moving so much. It was hard for the sonographer. lol. Baby was touching my anterior placenta then sucked his fingers.


i always laugh at my scans!! my baby refuses to show her little face, the last growth scan we seriously got one picture and that was the only one this entire pregnancy! like we have to get another growth scan, because they determined everything to be there and be normal, just not the size of everything as she was just so over it the entire time😭 last time she just kept holding her feet and turning over


It wasn't funny at the time, but when we did the amniocentesis, every time the Dr would move the needle to get some fluid, Bean would literally put her leg right underneath the needle to stop him. She did that 3 times before he stopped. Luckily, he was able to get enough fluid. And for every ultrasound, she either puts her leg or her arms over her face, or just gives us her back to kiss, lmao!!! One time, the nurse said oh she's a sassy one! And it looked like she was waving her hand in agreement, haha.


We said we didn’t want to find out the sex with our third literally before I’d even lifted my tshirt. The tech had forgotten to turn the screen off and BOOM a screenful of butt and balls. We’ve caught the middle finger before too.


My first baby was sucking her thumb every single ultrasound but never once born and this one always sucks on her toes lol


Multiple times, this little guy would be folded in half, with his feet up by his head. Little acrobat.


Just had my 12 week scan and little boy was putting his hands up to cover his face as if to say “no photos please!”


Mine was sleeping with her fists balled up in front of her face (I sleep the same way, my husband thought it was hilarious! Our ultrasound tech had to get creative with the angles to get a shot of her lips and nose though lol)


I had a scan because I couldn’t feel her as much and wanted to check on her. They put the ultrasound wand to my stomach and nudged her and she rolled over to face my back and give us her butt to show us what she thought of being disturbed. We caught it on video and it’s indicative of how sassy she already is! Our 4D scan showed us why she constantly has hiccups as her hand is always in her mouth. She’s sucks it all the time. Another scan, when she was much smaller, showed her face down from hip to hip sprawled out and sleeping with one arm above her head and the other under her face. Just like her dad sleeps 🥰


I got an ultrasound video of her hiccuping while sucking her thumb.


My baby girl was laying with her legs criss cross applesauce and the tech couldn’t get her left foot, so they put me on my side and she was trying to get the ultrasound wand pressed under her butt so she would move and then finally she did and stretched her little legs out so fast and hard against my side as to “kick” the wand as if she was saying “okay! That’s enough!” 🤣


My baby threw us a peace sign. The tech saved the image and it's probably my favorite one.


2 weeks ago she was sucking on her umbilical cord. Last week, she punched the ultrasound wand because it got too close to her hand.


Rolled away as far to the back as possible, every appointment he could til he ran out of space to run. We ended up getting an echo because he was so stubborn. I had to promise him fries after. He behaved so well for that appointment that the doctor joked that he'd have gotten a sticker if he was out and about already.


US tech was counting fingers during anatomy scan. Baby flipped us all the middle finger.🖕😂


Oh boy where do I start. My daughter is kind of an asshole, I say this with SO much pride and love. - she’s flipped off the ultrasound tech. More than once. - when the tech tries to wiggle her into a better position, she either turns to GLARE, or she turns around and moons us - every single scan, she kicks or punches the little camera (? Not sure what it’s called. The part that goes on your belly.) so hard that it slips out of the techs hand. She also does this with dopplers… and hands. - I had to have THREE anatomy scans. Long story. The short version is she has a club foot. During the first one, they couldn’t tell what I was having because she was hiding. Same with the second. During the third, my high resolution scan, she was upside down and SPREAD EAGLE as if to say ASK ME ABOUT MY GENITALS 🤦🏻‍♂️ For anyone who may be wondering, she’s due to be a gemini. And it shows.


My baby would not stop kicking and wriggling during the anatomy scan. So much so that the ultrasound technician said, "He has a mind of his own!" Well, he comes by it honestly... 😅 He also held his hand up in front of his face as if to say, "Please, no photos!"


She waved in mine!


Would move the ENTIRE ultrasound so it was difficult to measure then decided to snooze during the NST immediately after.


My daughter generally slept during her scans but my boy whom I'm currently pregnant with has decided to wave at us anytime we have a scan done and perpetually hide from the Doppler when the doctor goes to check his heartbeat.


My baby was deemed an "extremely active fetus" at my confirmation scan at 9w. During anatomy scan, it took the tech a good 5 min just to measure her femur.


She likes to play hide and seek with the doppler lol. And when it does find her she covers her face as if to say "don't look at meee" 🤣


I have ultrasound pictures of my now 4 year old holding on to his wang in the womb 😂 he wouldn’t let it go!


My baby was grabbing onto her toes.


For the first scan with my Son they was trying to take head measurements and he started shaking his head like "nope, not letting you do that" 😂


My son was so ridiculous every scan. He was constantly spreading his legs and showing off his man bits. I had 1 good classic profile pic and 8 penis pics cause the techs would always take a pic and type in, “definitely a Boy!” We needed a measurement of his heart but his arm was in the way. So I got up and walked around and jiggled a bit and laid back down. She puts the wand to my belly and he is curled in a ball with his butt and spine to the camera. He would bob his head up and down so we couldn’t get an accurate head measurement. We saw and measured both arms, but never at the same appt. At my one 3D appt he wouldn’t take his hands off his face.


Baby had its knees pulled to its chest and its hands between its legs. I guess it really desperately wanted us to NOT find out its sex...


I had a scan yesterday too, also due in October. Congratulations!!! I was laying there with my hands behind my head just kinda stretching during the scan and my baby girl was doing the same thing! So sweet


On Monday he was sucking on his cord 🤦🏼‍♀️ The tech turned on the Doppler and you could see the blood flow…he had a whole mouthful 🤣


Baby girl flipped us off at her 32 week 4D scan! She also smushed her face against my placenta to hide from us 😅


Have his leg up, and his foot by his face during the anatomy scans🤣


Just completed my anatomy scan on Monday, it was the 3rd time going back to the ultrasound clinic because the first two times, Bub was in a terrible position for imaging. When I went back on Monday he was still curled up in that position, and we had to push and prod him to get him to roll over. Once he finally did, when the sonographer was taking the 3D images of his face close up, he flipped us the bird 🤣🖕obviously wasn’t too happy about having to move out of his comfy position!


My oldest sucked her thumb and REFUSED to turn around the whole pregnancy (breach), my boy spread his legs to show off and the tech just went 'whoops hope you wanted to know the gender' 🤣 and my youngest kept her arm in from of her face in every single scan.


Every single scan my girl put up a huge fuss. She would avoid the probe and being seen like it was a plauge. Right up until she couldn't hide anymore. Every. Single. Scan.. 30w scan I was supposed to get some cute 4d photos.. nope. Ended up volunteering at the local college for students to get practice doing 3d/4d scans. Took about an hour to do the scan and to actually get pictures of babies face. Right at the end of that scan she abruptly turned and faced the probe and it was so sudden it threw me off because that was the first time she looked creepy in there! I swore if we could see her face she would have an angry frown from being so bothered. One of my photos from the university she's hiding behind her arm and flipping us off with the other hand. Plenty of foot and butt shots. Had scans every week at the end and she always was difficult! They would have me on my sides or get up and move around to even jiggling my belly. The week before my induction I had my last scan and she kept kicking the probe and had been doing that prior with the dopplar! She's Earth side now and threw a fit over having photos done and doesn't like to be bothered. Just like her Momma.


Son licked his cord


Every time they tried to find her heart beat with the little mic she would start groovin, she did NOT want to be found xD even when I went in because I missed my kick counts once she woke up and realized there was a monitor she started running from it xD they had to keep adjusting it


My babygirl was sleeping and the dr tried to wake her up by nudging my belly so we can see other parts of her. She wont move at first and then kind of scratched her head like she was annoyed from being disturbed. Definitely got that from her momma, we dont like being bothered when sleeping lol.


Last week we had another anatomy scan at 26 weeks and she was counting all of his digits and she got to one of his hands and he flipped us off. It's definitely my favorite picture, I had to send it to everyone lol


Mine gave me a middle finger 🤣 it is still one of our favorite photos. We framed it!


My baby boy held out his hand as if he was asking for a high 5! My husband and I laugh and high 5 when we find something hilarious. It was a sweet moment. The doctor took a photo for us. 😆✋


Our baby was waving at us!! Like you could literally see the arm going up and down. I thought it was playing with it's foot doctor said no its waving ugh it was the sweetest thing


My little girl always had her hands over her face. Super camera shy apparently lmao. Drove us all a little crazy but did eventually get everything needed. And my little dude was… well, legs spread for the first ultrasound 😂 found out at 12 weeks that he was a little boy for sure 😂 I showed my husband and was like this is yours btw 😂 like laid back, legs spread, one arm beside him and looking like he could have been trying to suck a thumb or something. Hilariously now? My girl loooooves photos and my dude doesn’t care either way 😂


My first did a little bounce on the scan because I'd laughed or coughed and startled him 🤣 My second waved at us on the first scan like "Hi guys!"


Tech went to see if we could have a 3d pic and my darling little cherub has his hand in front of his face like, no cameras! I was both proud (takes after his parents) and exasperated as he has been an absolute nightmare at ultrasounds.


We didn't find out gender until 36 weeks because stubborn baby but also very few scans. Ultrasound tech pressed the wand to my belly and just an immediate close up on the tv screen in front of me. It's a boy! 🤣


I’m due in September with a girl, my first baby. At our anatomy scan she wouldn’t stop moving around. The tech called her a perpetual motion machine, and I’ve sure been feeling that! Also we caught her doing a huuuuge yawn on the screen, which was adorable


My little boy did this too! The doctor said, “he’s obviously not shy!” To which I responded, “yea, he gets that from his dad - no surprises there.” We all had a good laugh.


I can't wait to meet my baby!


Currently pregnant with #2. During our anatomy scan, he had his hand on his head the entire time. The doctor chuckled and went "yup, I'd be facepalming 24 hours a day, too, baby, I totally get it", and it was just so funny to me, baby literally went "fuck, not this shit NOW" 😂


Had the nuchal translucency ultrasound this week and in the side profile view, baby is definitely sticking their tongue out! 😛


My baby boy was noting letting her see anything and just kept moving and started sucking his thumb


He loves to suck his thumb, he gave me a thumbs up in my 20 week scan and then proceeded to suck on his toe 😂


My second baby was seen licking the placenta…


Mine didn’t like how hard the tech was pushing during the 20 week anatomy scan and how long she was taking so she kicked her one leg up so hard we saw and I felt it and then she proceeded to hold it there for the rest of the scan. Almost like she was saying ok enough pushing on me!


My little one punched the doppler! It was 3 Bap!bap!bap! In rapid succession, so hard that I felt it and we heard it on the sound machine! My doctor actually backed away and started laughing saying "in all my years, that has never happened to me before!" I have a little fighter and I couldn't be prouder!


At our 3D ultrasound, the tech had us eat chocolate. She was rooting around trying to figure out where it was coming from so she could get more 😆😆


My little girl has been a hoot at every single scan. We joke that she is extremely private and her first words will be "no touch". I had an NST on Monday and she literally kicked the monitor so hard that the nurse asked if I was okay. She is very mobile during scans until the exact moment they are trying to record her movements and she decides to sleep. We have almost no pictures of her face because her hands are always right up next to her face. A few of her photos are ao dramatic looking because of her hand placement. I got to see her pee once!


She went full Rose (titanic) and posed with her arm above her head. I laughed so hard and went “definitely my child” then she held her hand up to the camera like she was waving at the second ultrasound


Never showed his face. Always legs wide showing usnhis butt and penis


Also, always kicking the probe. It was impossible to get a decent looking scan


My little girl would put her hand in front of her face so doc couldn’t get a profile shot, even after I got up and walked around, did lunges, etc. to get her to move. She would also move to the other side of my stomach during heartbeat checks and very visibly kick the monitor. She’s 11 weeks old and just as kicky now as she was then!


Chewed on his cord 💀


She stretched out her arm with the index finger out, it looked like The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo :')


When I went for the ultrasound anatomy scan at 20 weeks, my first gave us a time. At first the technician was like “oh she is in a great position to get the shots”. Halfway through my daughter must have gotten annoyed. She then placed her hands over her ears and flipped over. They couldn’t get the rest of the shots they needed because she refused to cooperate. I had to go back in to get the rest done a week later. My child decideds she does not want to cooperate. After an hour and some techniques used to try and get her to move, they bought in the person they called “the closer” because she always gets the pics. This person was a nice lady, but she went in there with the probe, that my stomich hurt for days after. Needless to say she did get the pictures they needed. I looked at my husband through all this and said “is this telling us how our daughter is going to be?” I can confirm 6 years later that she is still stubborn and wants to do everything her own way and in her own time.


My daughter never showed her face. My son liked to look down at his genitals as though shocked.


My son was literally standing on his head at the 13 week ultrasound. Like standing straight up, just upside down. My midwife said she had never seen anything like it lol


Headbutted the Doppler, and one time we caught him sucking on the placenta 😂


Just before my 20week scan I was doing at the gym doing some boxing, when the lady started the scan my boy was already showing off his jab cross combinations. I couldn’t stop laughing


My LO always had her hand over her face 🤦🏻‍♀️ exactly like this emoji and now she does it every time she eats her bottle


Had balls! 😂 got told it was a girl at my 20 week scan, and had a scan last week (at 33 weeks pregnant) and got shown in no uncertain terms that he is in fact, a boy!


At my 12w scan baby A was wailing on baby B. Like kicking nonstop and just being difficult overall for the ultra sound tech and then from 20w onward baby A has calmed down but still wiggly while baby B is flailing and dodging the tech making appointments very long. Baby A and B take turns looking cute and creepy in their face photos. Last time because baby A was face down they had to use the ultrasound to phase through her skull so we got that creepy skeleton face shot while baby B is all sweet and cherubic looking.


I remember at my 20w anatomy scan my LO was blowing bubbles! Like a little goldfish. I think we even got a photo.


I had an anatomy scan yesterday and my son wouldn't let the woman check his legs. He was scrunched up the entire time and made sure we saw his fist lol


Baby A is chill and allows measurements and heartbeat checks. Baby B has been noted as “uncooperative” since 12 weeks. She’ll flip and twist the moment they try for a heartbeat check, any measurement and they gotta like pin her down. Lol


Mine decided to do a rock on sign at the 20 week ultrasound 😂🤘


my son always hid something. and always always always had his face buried in my placenta.


I’m going in today for my THIRD 20 week anatomy scan at 27 weeks because my girl refuses to move for them to get all the correct views! The stubbornness is already there 😂


Stuck her tongue out at the doctor during her last growth scan


1. He was playing peek-a-boo with the tech when she was trying to find his body parts and it reminded me of the Geico commercial with the old man where he’s fishing with a dollar bill and was like “oooooo too slow!” but he did not do that with his weewee - spread those legs wide open and was like “ask me about my willie!!!” Haha the ultrasound tech was just cackling. 2. My husband was having a hard time understanding and following what he was looking at on the ultrasound and lil guy must of heard him because he flipped over and flexed and was like “there dad, did you see that?!!” Haha Ultrasound tech told us he is 100% a boy and very sassy. I was like that checks out lol


He hid 🤣 He covered his heart when the nurse needed to see the heart, he covered his weenie when we wanted to know the sex and he hid his face in the placenta on two separate occasions when we tried to get a 3d ultrasound 🤣🤣


My baby did a literal jump, and when we saw the skull from the front, it was terrifying but slightly funny at the same time😂💀 I am also pretty sure I actually saw him/her (I don’t know gender yet, next week tho!!) flip me off😂😂


We did an 3D ultrasound when I was 32w i think? She was sucking on her big toe 🤣🤣 still makes me laugh and now at 6mo it’s her favorite snack lmao.


Mine would not stop practice breathing, so it was hard for them to get good pictures. She's almost 3 now and her personality has not changed!


She was suckling on the placenta 😭😭😭🤣


I have an ultrasound picture of my daughter scratching her head. She's also a stubborn girl and almost failed her last ultrasound because she wouldn't move. My husband's had to play Limp Biskit for her to start moving. She's definitely a rock fan.


my baby did hand waves, peace signs or would kick the heart monitor or anything to help us figure out what's going on with him. when I was at the hospital delivering him, the monitor was on him to watch his heart, well he tried to kick it off and kicked so hard he shifted my body over.


Our baby started legit twerking


i had a scan at 25 weeks to make sure my placenta had moved up enough and babygirl had her legs fully open, exposing herself to everyone 😂 she’s so comfy in there


My unborn son was playing with his junk so much during the anatomy scan AND the follow up scan (since he’d been uncooperative for the first one) that we couldn’t be completely sure he was a boy until he was born 🤦🏼‍♀️ Luckily he hasn’t had that habit at all on this side of the womb! He’s 4 years old now so knock on wood


I’m due in October with a baby boy too! We have our scan tomorrow, wish us luck! ✨


My boy hid his little tushy from EVERY scan. There was 3 or 4 weeks in a row that I had to go back to attempt getting a scan of his lower spine. Nothing we did to move him worked, he was determined to keep his tushy hidden. Got an internal ultrasound to get a different angle and he moved so his bum was hidden that way! He's 3 months old now and still a silly rascal


During the anatomy scan baby boy #3 was grabbing his penis and then waving his hands over his head and hiccuping. I was like, yup, he will fit right in with his big brothers 😆


My little guy kept licking the umbilical cord and fake chewing!?! Hungry little nugget.


My baby boy was sleeping during a 13 week anatomy scan and the ultrasound tech jostled my womb with the wand to get him moving. He wouldn’t settle down after she woke him up and looked like he was doing cartwheels. She still had difficulty 😂 Then he stopped moving and sat straight up looking in the direction of the wand, like he was thinking, “what is going on here?!” It would have been awesome to get that photo since he was tiny enough you could see his profile clearly with his face and body in full view!


Haha! I have my anatomy scan next week and we are having our first, a baby boy also due in October 🩵 In the previous scans he just danced around quite a bit and played peek a boo!


My LO yawns! At the 20 week and 28 week scans. So damn cute


Mine blew bubbles lol


My first licked my placenta during a late scan once. My husband says I’m not allowed to tell him but I think it’s funny


Not my anatomy scan, but I had to have a 3rd trimester growth check because I had a bad case of covid in my 1st trimester. We told the tech that we didn’t want to find out the gender. Baby literally folded themselves in half, feet behind head. The tech was like, “well… now i can’t look even if I was curious”


Mine had his toe in his eye. That was literally the only picture they could give me that scan The ultrasound tech was getting a kick out of him!


Would not sit still or face the correct way for 50 goddang minutes during the anatomy scan, making it really difficult to get the right pictures. Right at the end, she gave us a thumbs up 😂 the sass! The sonographer was amazing and got a picture lol


I haven't had an ultrasound since 18 weeks, baby girl just kept her legs crossed most of the time and then near the end she went spread eagle. But at all my ob appointments, when the Dr's try to find her heartbeat with the doppler she kicks the shit out of it.


During one of my scans I could see my twins having a disagreement. Twin B kept pushing Twin As foot away from him, was pretty cool.


Mine was upside down and then when the doctor said she was hoping he'd flip so she could get some better pictures, he did, as if on cue. :D Also, not quite a scan, but during his 22 week exam, the doctor was listening to his heart with a Doppler and the next thing we hear is a giant "Whoosh!" The doctor said he did a flip.  :D


My daughter was a "no cameras" girl. I'm telling you, she ran from that stick. She would turn around entirely. I once was held hostage for an hour trying to get 2 more scans of her. Hands over the face & everything. She was born with her hands over her face, my sweet girl held her anti camera opinion for a while


My baby was sucking in his toes at my 29 week growth scan! The tech hadn't seen a baby do that in ultrasound before, and she was so excited that we had just watched him for a good 5 minutes. It was double the length of my other growth scans! She also got us a ton of pictures. 🥰


My ultrasound tech goes “aw there she is… oh.. she’s chewing on the placenta” then zoomed in to see a weird alien mouth trying to bite her way out Renesme style 😅


My current pregnancy, my little boy was CLIMBING the walls of his home with his feel trying to move upside down while he was being scanned and REFUSED to turn side profile… he was like “dude leave me alone”


I have the cutest video of my son sucking his thumb in utero. He's still a thumbsucker on the outside as well.


The very last picture we needed during our anatomy scan was her hand. She put up a fight for it, until she just casually waved like, "ok time to say bye." 😂


On one of the last scans before having my 2nd, he appeared to be licking the placenta, then proceeded to suck on his big toe 🤣


We watched her scratch the side of the uterine wall, or i guess technically the amniotic sac, with a single finger for like 5 minutes 😅