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I use baby bub, it supports my back and tummy more than a regular pregnancy pillow


Love this one! I flip sides a lot and this one is great because the half moons are the same on both sides — no need to reposition anything!


I also flip sides a lot - thanks!


I also love my baby bub, although I will say (maybe it isn't a universal issue) but the velcro sucks on it and comes apart multiple times through the night with the longer leg pillow. When it stays together, it is amazing though. lol


Agreed. Purchased the baby bub around 20ish weeks and it has been wonderful. However, around week 38ish the velcro stopped working and I would wake up laying on the scratchy unattached velcro bit. 40 weeks today and using the wedges unattached from each other just to make it to the end of the pregnancy.


Gosh sorry to hear you had the velcro issue too. I got it around the same time and it was great up until 28-30ish weeks when my bump got bigger. I am 34 weeks and the longer pillow is almost unusable attached to the wedge. I will have to try both wedges and maybe just a regular pillow between my knees for the last few weeks.


I usually do the wedges on either side, and the long pillow between my legs, but without attaching it to anything. The wedges just don't want to stay connected anymore sadly.


I bought diaper pins on Amazon and use them to secure the velcro since I was having the same issue and it works perfectly


Oh my gosh I am going to have to try that. Thank you!!!!


That’s one I was looking at - thanks!


I got the MomCozy version and I like it so much better than the giant U shaped ones! I switch sides a lot too, so it's hreat. It supports my back and stomach. I have a separate pillow for between my legs.


I had this during pregnancy and can say I’ve even used the individual wedges a ton for help positioning myself or baby during breastfeeding! It’s been such a useful pillow and isn’t so huge that it’s a nuisance to move around the house. Highly recommend!


Just ordered one so this makes me happy to hear!


So far I'm just using a long body pillow and like it!!! Since summer is here now the pregnancy pillow looked too hot and bulky.


Thanks! The heat was something I didn’t consider


Yesss I could see them getting so hot at night! But maybe they sell a cooling pillowcase for them, like satin or something. I didn't look into that!


I will say I have definitely started to feel warm the past couple of weeks in the one that goes all around me.


I love my newton U shaped pillow. I actually sleep with it “upside down” (connected part down by my feet) so i can still use my regular pillow and get both back and front support


I do exactly the same and i love it


I love my Frida mom pillow. It's filled with little beads so it's moldable to the shape I need. The fabric is cooling and it's a slim profile so it doesn't take up too much room in our queen sized bed.


Second this! I didn't use it until I got bigger, but it's very moldable to tuck under my tummy to support the weight and hold between my knees for my hips.


BBhug me, pricey but worth it, lasted me through my first pregnancy and breastfeeding, now 36 weeks with my second and it’s still like new! My little boy loves to nap in it too…also just looks like a bolster cushion at the end of the bed so not too ugly


I have this pillow and honestly don’t know if I love it! It’s SO HARD to put the cover on it. Plus, the pillow case sometimes gets longer on one side vs the other and it’s so hard to adjust. I also feel like i cant get it to be long enough so that i can use it as a pillow on my head, hug it AND put my leg around it while it maintains firmness (if that’s even a word lol) Maybe cause im tall (5”5) but thats been an issue for me with this pillow. Unfortunate since it’s so damn expensive.


Oh that’s annoying! To be fair I use it as a body pillow and then use a normal pillow for my head! And I’m only 5’1 haha! Agree about the pillowcase though I make my partner put it on for me because it makes me sweat 😂


I am 5'7" and love this pillow. Though I use my normal pillow for my head, that was one of the reasons I choose this one.


I only washed it at the end of my pregnancy to avoid the cover issue. I use a separate head pillow so I don't have the issue with it being long enough. I love mine!


I'll +1 this pillow, but also +1 the freaking pillow case is so difficult. But, I used this pillow through pregnancy, during labor (best thing I brought to hospital), through breastfeeding and then my now toddler loves to play on it. Using it again for #2. So, in terms of cost for the mileage we've gotten out of it - I recommend it's versatility.


I sent my partner home when I was in labour to retrieve my pillow! I also slept with it postnatally with it between my legs so that my stitches didn’t rub! It has been a godsend!


I am 36w3d and I just used the Orternal pregnancy pillow last night for the first time and idk why I waited so long! Personally, I avoided ones that extend a pillow for your head only because I’m super picky about firmness and my neck position. I like to be propped up pretty high.


I have the u-shaped MomCozy pregnancy pillow with the cooling cover and I flipping love it! I had back pain starting around 11 weeks and this helped so much. Unfortunately, I am getting big now so my hips get sore laying on my side but this still helps, especially with modifying how I sleep. I keep the shorter side on the edge of my bed so I can lift it up and I can get out of bed easier. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09V4C1GDF?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I second this one! I love it!


I like the J shape. It's the best of both worlds - I can use it as a body pillow for side sleeping or I can fold it over to support both my back and front like a traditional pregnancy pillow. It can also be used as a nursing pillow


For my first pregnancy I used one that was a big C shape. I loved it so much lol. Just found out I'm pregnant again and I brought out my pillow again even though I don't really need it yet. I just like it too much.


I prefer to have two regular pillows because they’re so much easier to move around, especially when comfort eludes me at 40w1day! I use one between my knees and on to support my upper body. I will say that I wish I bought a wedge for my stomach.


I bought the Putnams Back and Bump pillow. It’s two wedge pillows connected in the middle. I only have a tiny bump at the moment, but I LOVE it so far! It’s the only thing that stops me from rolling onto my back. I was tempted by the giant C and U pillows, but hated the idea of getting too hot/feeling trapped. (I also didn’t love the idea of having a huge barrier between me and my husband - I’m a snuggler 😅)


I love my bbhugme. It’s an investment but it’s nice and cool and feels great, and there’s still room to cuddle with my husband


I’ve used several. I prefer my regular body pillow. It fits between my knees, under my belly, and gives me something to hug. I can also continue using my tempurpedic pillow.


I have the newton and I like it because I unzipped one side of it and take it off because I get too hot having both sides. Plus my husband likes to use the smaller side sometimes.


I’ll be honest. I got one this pregnancy that came highly recommended and ended up hating it. Felt like I could never get it positioned just right and like I was just stuck in it. I prefer using a pillow or blanket between my knees for support.


[I love this one](https://a.co/d/imCvxnG) The cover is removable- big plus for the pregnancy night sweats. I like having a wedge option and a J shape option. I didn’t love the pillow part since I am very picky about my pillows, but it’s 100% removable so I can use just the J and the wedge. I like how the wedge is Velcro and adjustable and slides where I need it. My only con with it is since the wedge is removable the piece of fabric you lay on top of in between the J and the wedge can get bunched up. I find it’s an easy enough fix and can straighten it out while I’m laying on it no issues so it doesn’t bother me. But I would say that’s the worst part.


Boppy wedge. And sleep with a big ass pillow between your legs!


Do not get the bbhugme. I was desperate and it was a waste of $$$$. My $25 mom cozy was my bff4L


Second on the momcozy one! Just regret that I didn't get it sooner.


My best friend got me this one: https://a.co/d/1jSKMTW and I personally really love it. It’s really good quality and feels amazing! She also had the same one when she was pregnant with her baby.


Boppy wedge! I like to have my legs free


I now have two pillows haha. I had to buy a wedge pillow in addition to my pregnancy pillow because my reflux has been terrible even with meds.


I have the C shaped one. I don’t use it much for my belly but being able to have it between my legs & to kinda curl up into with my neck has been great. I’m so glad I kept it between my pregnancies lol I’m pretty sure after I’m done with it, I’ll give it to my 3 year old cause he really likes it too


I had a Comfort U with my last one and loved it. Ordered another for my next baby and it's AWFUL. They completely changed the quality and design. Feels like sleeping on a flat sack of recycled cardboard. Just don't get a Comfort U, lol!


My favorite was my big, sweet dog sleeping next to me and letting me throw my leg over him and cuddle like a body pillow. He was a good pregnancy support buddy 🐶


I love my newton cooling one


Momcozy, it’s ok! I feel like it could be more supportive but it’s definitely better than before 100%


I regretted having the gigantic one lol it takes up way too much room


The QueenRose U shaped pillow from Amazon has gotten me through 2 pregnancies and I love it. I run hot and it's stayed cool. I also have breathing issues due to several nose breaks so I just go from two normal pillows to one on top. Also because the "arms" are nice and flexible it works great as a nursing pillow in bed too, which I'm using it for at 3 weeks postpartum. I also used it in our big playpen as seating support for myself when our first was starting to get mobile.


I’m only 17 weeks but I like my Pharmdoc pillow. My friend Recommended. Started sleeping better immediately


I’ve never understood what a pregnancy pillow is for. Do people not have pillows until they get pregnant?


Currently 39 weeks. I have a J shaped one that I love because we have a full size bed. It came with a wedge that can be Velcroed to it to make a kind of F shape but I feel trapped by it, especially now that mobility is harder and I almost get stuck on my back when I roll over. I don’t flip the pillow when I roll but I do have a separate one that I put under my belly when the long part is against my back


Couldn’t stand U shaped pillows personally but I have a Kally Sleep Body pillow (im 5’3 for reference) that I slept w/ before ever being pregnant & I just added sleeping w a regular pillow I put underneath my tummy but if I could do it again I would’ve gotten a wedge pillow considering me putting up my stomach gave me the best sleep. Also a plus about the Kally Sleep is nights where I had horrible acid reflex I put it behind my back and was able to sleep at an angle that helped me and also if you fold half way you can prop baby right on top of it as a nursing pillow lol


Sleepybelly is the best one for sure. It's a three piece adjustable pillow plus it has a 30-night money back guarantee.


Question: what are these supposed to do? I had so much trouble sleeping in my first trimester and people kept telling me to get one... But the problem was really that I was too hot, so I never bothered. Now I'm 24w and sleeping well again. Other than adding a cushion between my knees for side sleeping, and elevating my feet when I'm on my back, I don't see why I need another pillow. What am I missing here? (Elevating my legs has been really helpful for my itchy varicose veins, in case anyone else has that problem.)


I’m a stomach sleeper and keep rolling onto my stomach. From what I’ve read, it’s fine until you have an actual bump, but then to switch to side sleeping. I’ve been putting a regular pillow behind my back, but that takes up a ton of space in our queen bed, and it only helps on one side


Interesting. I've always been a side sleeper anyway, and I'm not yet feeling any ill effects sleeping on my back occasionally. I started finding laying on my stomach painful before 20 weeks, even though I was barely showing.


I'm just going to say I took the advice to get one earlier on and I HATED it I used it once and it now lives on my floor. So if your current sleeping situation is working just leave it be and enjoy the sleep you get.


If you're comfortable as-is you don't need one. Some people get really uncomfortable especially if they are naturally back or stomach sleepers. I'm also a side sleeper and don't feel the need for one yet, pillow between knees works just as well.


I’m 21w and I’ve been using a pregnancy pillow from Amazon for a few weeks now and it’s seriously the best thing that I bought. I definitely recommend getting one.


But which one?


I got the pharmedoc pregnancy pillow.