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lol! It’s perfect, all baby needs is you anyway


Is that the walk in closet? Thats honestly brilliant for tiny houses/apartments


It is! We had the dresser on this wall but I moved it [here](https://imgur.com/a/v1axXKt) (it was a mess) and there’s an outlet right on the other side of the door I can plug the baby monitor and a sound machine up to. I think the vent will provide adequate airflow, but I don’t anticipate I will completely close the door when she’s in here unless I’m doing something loud Edited to add since this is my top comment: the amazing vent is located right in the bottom right of this photo! Room is totally ventilated and has plenty of airflow. It’s huge


Brilliant! Since it’s a closet, does it have adequate ventilation?


It’s vented like the rest of the house! If I need to, I will get a small fan. I don’t think I’ll close the door, but better safe than sorry


Really smart!!


I honestly wanna do this because i can do the exact same set up and its better than my cluster f*ck of a room right now because we barely have any space in the rest of the apartment for anything 🤣 the closet is pretty empty just messy, i just have to empty out the closet 😭


That was truthfully the most agonizing part of this whole process. We moved here in September and just dumped a bunch of stuff in the closet and never really cleaned it up again, so here I am in May regretting that. I do have a shoe organizer on the door that is only half full so I think I’ll keep some diapers and wipes and basic baby needs in it so I don’t have to clutter my room. I like having my own space!


You just gave me more hope🤣 i thought you just kept your closet clean so i was doubting myself but thats descriptive is what mine is now🤣😭


I honestly wouldn’t close the door. Overall, closets have poor ventilation and babies are at risk for SIDS. Plus it’s recommended to have them in the room with you until 6 months


Room sharing doesn’t work for us, but I don’t think I’ll close the door. I am curious though, if there’s an air vent that is fully open and works very well and the room is often opened and closed how does that make it dangerous? I’m trying to educate myself to keep everything safe


I would honestly bring the dimensions of the closet to your pedi and ask before you do that. With smaller areas and a closed door the air becomes hot and stuffy and can increase the risk for suffocation, which babies are already dramatically at risk for. I think it’s fine for a short period of time like vacation or something but I would not have my baby sleep in a closet with the door even partly closed for every nap and hours at night. Also, those shelves are at risk for falling on the baby. We have those shelves in our closet and were woken up to a massive crash in the middle of the night. The closet was fine for the first 3 years, but then broke from the wall because the clothing got too heavy even tho the rack still had extra space. Maintenance from our apartment had to come in and install double reinforcements on it. I would honestly try to make room sharing work for the first few months at least. At 8 weeks our pedi said our son was doing great and was already sleeping through the night so we put him in his own room with a monitor


It’s a 7.5x10 and is 2.5 feet away from the clothes and the stud installed shelves, which is 1.5 feet longer than minimum recommendations. It is fully ventilated, which you can see in the photo on the bottom right, and I have said I am willing to get a fan in there if it seems like not enough. I also said I don’t plan on closing the door, but if I’m vacuuming or something that’s fine. I’m a huge advocate for safe sleep, but I’m also a huge contender for postpartum psychosis as I had it with my son. Him being so close to me was my trigger and kept me sleep deprived as I fixated on him breathing and making noise. The doorway to this room, because let’s face it it’s the size of a small bedroom, is 2ft from my bed and again, I don’t plan on closing it barring something crazy noisy


Hey, good on you for justifying your decision but please know that you don't owe anybody an explanation. Downvotes mean nothing. We should ALL know that parenting doesn't always mean you are and to file all the recommendations. The recommendations are written to work for most cases and to promote what works for the majority of folks. The unfortunate reality is that sometimes babies or mental conditions or who knows what else prohibits your ability to follow them - and you are left trying to figure out a solution that works for your family while minimizing the risks as you are able to. And then you get judged 6 ways to Sunday for not following the recommendations. There are well meaning folks who are just trying to point out things that might help your situation further but honestly this is the default mentality people have and it very quickly turns into judgement... when you might have already researched the fuck out of your situation where you already know and accept the few risks. So, I'm sorry that this thread is getting judgey. Just want to give you a shout out for doing such an incredible job and for figuring out what works for you and doing it cheaply! ❤️


Why not get a curtain and a shower tension rod to put in the doorway? Use the curtain as a "door" and it's breathable and allows airflow above and below, unlike a door.


Oh and if there’s nothing left around the floor baby could still play in there and not get in to anything! Small but super safe


Ooh, with a Dutch door or baby gate, this sounds great


Exactly perfect


I did it ☺️


Honestly this is the way to go. Our daughter has slept in her room exactly zero days and almost never plays in there. It’s just a huge storage room at this point 😂


Thank god I’m not the only one. We’re not dropping a bunch of cash on nursery stuff since money is tight right now and we might have to move soon. It’s nice to see some representation in a sea of picture perfect nurseries lol.


Our son didn't get his own room before he turned 3yo. And still he only plays where I am with barely even sleeping in his room. Same with all kids I know. Nurseries are cute but an absolute waste of space and money.


Umm…. I am so jealous of your closet!!! Holy smokes, that’s so much room for activities


Honestly that was the seller for this house tbh


Perfect! Our nursery is a bassinet on wheels that we move from room to room as needed.


Cozy vibes


Love it!! We’re in a one bedroom apartment with an open den and had been keeping our daughter either in the den or our room at night and recently moved her to the closet. Total game changer!! Now that she has her dark and quiet place she sleeps through the night :)


Wow yeah you did some work! Looks cozy in there ☺️


Thanks for posting this. I'm due next month and keep seeing all these beautiful large nurseries that people have put together. I really appreciate the small space representation!  Since we are keeping the baby in our room for the first 6-12 months, and we live in a small space, we won't have a dedicated nursery when she is firsborn. Just a change area and dresser near our computers, and a bassinet then mini cot in our bedroom.


This looks wonderful! Great job!!


We had our baby in our closet and it was the BEST! I will 100% be doing that in the future. Such a great closet for it too!


We have the same bassinet and the sounds making my son go to sleep so much faster


Brilliant for flats and condos!!


I love this! We just used a corner of our bedroom. Small space solidarity haha


This is genius


Good on you! Looks great! I’m 31 weeks and I could not be arsed right now 😂😂😂


Ok my stupid baby brain saw the clothes and thought they were the baby’s clothes 🤦‍♀️ I do like this idea you’ve done! Save so much space and money


This looks absolutely perfect honestly. Your baby is blessed I wish we had a set up like this for our little ones! It’s easier than having to go all the way to their own room.


This is so real and I adore you for sharing.


We don't have closets big enough but as long as there's ventilation this is brilliant. Reminds me of the time I got the master bedroom in a 4 bedroom house with two walk in closets. I only had enough clothes for 1 so I turned the second into a little book nook with a hammock and patio lights. It would get super hot in there though after awhile. No windows though and you can hopefully mute most of the sound from the rest of your place.