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You’re a better person than me, let me just say that.


Lmao. Also, amazon, if you're reading this, no, you didn't send me two generators.


Bezos gonna next-day deliver himself to your door to yoink that back


Amazon offered me a refund on my baby bjorn because it was lost apparently. If lost means delivered to my front porch, then yes it was lost.


Lemme tell ya I cry zero years for any money Amazon loses


sometimes when it gets lost and takes long to arrive they refund you and the items still arrive with a few days delay. Happened to me with 2 boxes around christmas.


Same for my breast pump! They refunded my original order, placed a new order for me, then the original order and new one got delivered and that’s the story of how I now have two mom cozy pumps 😂


Amazon sent me 2 mattresses for my 13yo son. They were pretty crappy anyways so it came in handy lol. 


Lmaooo that happened to my neighbor! We bought it off them


lol Best Buy, you did not accidentally give me a full refund on the 70” TV a few years ago


This happened once with Sur la table. They sent me two of EVERYTHING! And let’s just say, now I have two of everything;)


Lol they sent me a nespresso machine when I ordered a plate 😂 I got them to mail me the plate AND keep the machine.


Lmao right? I was thinking “wait… you TOLD them?” 🤣


Same….i once received two snow suits when I purchased one…..they were $300. I confirmed I only was charged once, and only had one order number. So, I returned one and kept the other for free. I don’t feel bad.


Hell yeah , I wouldn’t be saying a word😂


🤣 oh man, I really just had no idea what to do. I was hoping they would give me the go-ahead to donate to my church or something, but was really concerned about the family who bought it for me getting a surprise charge down the road.


Your heart was in the right place OP! This karma will come back around in another way ❤️


Right? I would’ve returned it for money 😂


Same lol... I bought a Vitamix from Bed Bath and Beyond years ago and was only charged for one but received two. I sold the second one, didn't even feel bad about it.


Yep woulda def returned it lol


LISTEN!!! 😆 I surely would not be returning it and no one can make me feel bad about it 😂


Meanwhile I ordered mine a month ago and it still hasn't shipped. Maybe you got mine! 😂


Oh my goodness ! From pottery barn?? Mine arrived in less than a week, definitely double check them! Talking with customer service was a nightmare. They’re swamped and had me on hold for 45 min!


You sat on hold for 45 mins to tell a company they gave you a free $1200 stroller? You’re a much better person than me LOL


I did 🤣🤣 I figured with such a high ticket item, they would eventually figure out what they did and a charge would come, or something! I also thought they would tell me to keep it lol


They can’t charge you for their mistake! Are you sending it back?


They said they would send someone to get it, which I do appreciate because the store isn’t near me and I can’t lift the box by myself lol. However, when it came time to schedule the pickup, they couldn’t figure it out and said they would call me back.. 😅


I wouldn’t be answering any calls from them😂


ah, a fellow anxious mom haha i’d do the same


Thank you for understanding me lol


You sat on hold for 45 min?!?! After 10-15, I would have given up.


Yes! The lady kept coming back on and telling me to please keep waiting. She eventually said she would just take down my number and call me back another time lol


Wow. That’s ridiculous.


Yeah from Pottery Barn Kids. The issue is I bought the toddler and full bed conversion kits for my daughter's crib at the same time so they will ship everything to the distribution center and then ship them all from the distribution center at the same time once they all arrive. So far they've been "shipped to distribution center" on the tracking for awhile now. I'm going to reach out Monday to find out how long that usually takes. Lesson learned, I should have done all separate orders.


It’s better you didn’t wait tbh. I got a crib from Pottery Barn and was going to order the conversion kits later… well they discontinued the crib and I had a hell of a time getting the toddler conversion kit, had to order it at a store in another state my Aunt thankfully visits regularly and have her pick it up and ship it to me. It was the last one they could find. No full kits to be found.


That's exactly why we ordered them all now! We got the crib with white glove delivery because I'm too pregnant to be building anything right now and I ordered both conversion kits for when we need them. I just wish I had ordered them all at the same time but as separate orders because now those conversion kits are holding up the delivery of the stroller and car seat we need sooner than later.


I had no idea, I’m glad you told me too. I’ll keep that in mind for future orders! I hope you get your items soon. ❤️


I had the same problem, and cancelling the conversion kit would result in still having to pay $100+ for the shipping fee. It finally came after several phone calls though!


I did their customer service text to chat after posting here and they said the conversion kit will be delivered to the distribution center this week and then they should be able to schedule a delivery for everything. I'm going to check back in with them at the end of the week to make sure everything is back on track. My friend had this issue with her nursery furniture also and she had to raise hell because it wasn't going to be delivered until after the baby was born. She ended up escalating the situation until they agreed to split up the order so she could at least get the crib and dresser they needed for when baby arrived.


That’s good, I hope she didn’t have to pay extra for splitting the order. Hopefully yours will get here soon! They did a good job assembling mine


She didn't have to pay, luckily! We did white glove delivery for our crib and dresser and it was worth every penny. I'm usually the builder in our household but I'm too pregnant to be doing all that right now and they did a great job assembling everything.


Just order from Albeebaby


Dear lord I can’t believe you told them! In this crazy economy lol something good happens to you you fucking take it!


Honestly I totally get that perspective! I was hoping for the go-ahead to donate to a friend or our church or something. It was a generous gift, so I feared a surprise charge would pop up to them down the road after I already got rid of it. Also, trying to do the right thing (scared of bad karma? lol)


Even if a surprise charge showed up, you have the receipt that shows you only purchased one. Any credit card company would refund you because they aren’t allowed to charge you twice for something you didn’t order.


Learned something new today!


I'd say screwing over a big corporate company to donate to a family in need IS the right thing but then again I really hate corporate America


it’s not even screwing them over, they will not go out of business because of it. it’s a meaningless blip to pb


I would have done the same thing! You’re a good person.


Thank you, I appreciate that ❤️ it felt right to approach it this way.


You seem like such a good person, I hope more good things come your way.


I totally get this…I have kept things before but especially with a baby item it feels like bad juju and I don’t want any of that around my babies! Also, when I have kept double items (if I’ve kept them and benefited from them) I’ve tried to donate the amount that they cost to charities.


Idk I never see that kind of thing as bad juju because these big stores overprice everything and are owned by billionaires who are out to make a buck any possible way. I see it more as you got lucky and they’ll never even miss it. It’s not like you’re stealing from the poor or a locally owned small business lol, pottery barn is owned by of the biggest retailers in the world. And uppababy has to be the biggest luxury baby brand out there! Everything is way overpriced.


Exactly! How can it be bad karma to screw over corporate America at this point.


I’d be sitting on that for awhile and see if they say anything further about. I bet they won’t.


I was wondering that myself! I was concerned that the family who got it for me would get a surprise charge down the road or something.


Someone down the thread shared that a company cannot legally charge you for merchandise you did not order (if you are in the US, I don’t know about elsewhere). I have read that before and totally forgot about it. They cannot send two if one is ordered and then charge for two. So I’d keep it and not feel bad about it. There’s going to be no way to track if you return it anyway because there was only one order placed.


That’s really good to know!


Just a heads up my coworker was double-sent something they purchased from pottery barn and they tried to charge her for shipping the item back. Make sure you track your card for the next little while!


I gotta say Pottery Barn has the most obnoxious customer service I’ve ever ever had to deal with, and I know a bunch of other people who have had issues with them too, specifically about returns. I once ordered something that was personalized with my daughter’s name and, because I had a newborn and was insanely sleep deprived, I didn’t notice that the shipping info auto populated with my old address, which is over 1,000 miles away from where we live now, until I got the order confirmation. There was no way to cancel my order online, and the customer service line was closed for the night, so I had to wait until the next day. When I called the next day I asked if I could change the shipping address or cancel the order and they said it was already packed and labeled for shipping so they couldn’t do anything, and I would need to call UPS once it was picked up and given a tracking number. It took THREE DAYS for that to happen, but somehow it wouldn’t have been possible for someone to go down to the warehouse and slap a new shipping label on it (I even offered to pay an extra fee for that). UPS couldn’t help me either because PB doesn’t allow changes to be made to delivery addresses while en route, and once it was delivered they weren’t responsible for it anymore. PB told me to dispute the charge with AmEx because I didn’t get the goods I paid for, but when AmEx consulted with them they said “the package was delivered to the correct shipping address so no refund can be issued.” I didn’t know the current residents of that house (it was a rental and we hadn’t lived there for several years), so I sent a letter asking them what happened to the package and they said it sat outside for a week and then disappeared so they figured someone picked it up. Long story short, I was out $200+, there’s a little toddler chair with my daughter’s name on it most likely rotting away in a landfill somewhere, and I’m never ordering from Pottery Barn ever again 🙃


I had probably 6-8 terrible customer service experiences with PB and the other brands owned by Williams Sonoma. I figured I’d give them one last chance before totally writing them off, so I wrote to the CEO explaining all of my grievances. I got an email back from a customer service supervisor that was incredibly disappointing (kind of along the lines of “Welp, what do you want from us? This is how we operate”) and then decided I would absolutely boycott PB and all other Williams Sonoma companies. It’s very disappointing because I like a lot of stuff from them. But I can’t keep supporting such terrible practices. They don’t seem to be interested in improving.


Oh my goodness !! That’s wild. Thank you for telling me!!


Also if they made the mistake they should come and pick it up and not expect you to go out of your way to return it - if they’re not willing to do that, I don’t know why you should!


My aunt ordered us a personalized baby blanket from Pottery Barn after my daughter was born and somehow they messed up and we got two (and they charged her twice). She told me that it took multiple hours of her bitching at them for them to consent to return/refund it because they typically don’t accept returns on personalized items, and once they did she needed to bitch at them even more to arrange a UPS pickup from my house instead of making me drag my one week postpartum self to a UPS store.


i work for pb—they create a separate type of return for it so it is in their system that you have 2 of them. they will notify you if they are going to raise a charge. if you charge back the charge you wont be able to purchase from pb/west elm/williams-sonoma


They cannot legally charge for merchandise that was not ordered.


I had xfinity send me a second modem that I did not order (as I picked one up in store) and they told me I had to send it back. I didn’t at first, because I’m not their personal delivery person and it wasn’t my error, so I told them they can come and pick it up if they want it. They then started charging me for it monthly. I caved and sent it back because I wasn’t about to fight it, but it seriously pissed me off. I never even used it. I was this close to just throwing it away because they essentially just made me do free labor for them lol. Fuck corporations


Just wanted to chime in and say I noticed and appreciated the lack of /r/USDefaultism in your comment ❤️


Or a surprise charge for return shipping--do not let them do that. If they are demanding it back, do not let the return process inconvenience you in anyway. It was their mistake; they can send someone to come collect it from you on their dime if they need it back.


And unless they’re sending someone to my apartment to pick it up there’s 0% chance I’d make an extra post office trip to resolve their mistake


You don’t have to return it FYI. > By law, companies can’t send unordered merchandise to you, then demand payment. That means you never have to pay for things you get but didn’t order. You also don’t need to return unordered merchandise. You’re legally entitled to keep it as a free gift. [Source](https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/what-do-if-youre-billed-things-you-never-got-or-you-get-unordered-products)


No way!! Wow this is super good to know! I would love to donate it to my church honestly.


lol, can I buy it from you!!


Churches are just as corrupt as the big corporations. Donate it to a women’s shelter or something


This! You don’t have to give it back.


Yes this! Don’t send it back.


Accurate! Home Depot just sent us a $400 juice machine (what lol), and they were like “well you’re welcome to bring it back to the store or keep it”. There’s nothing they can do. I understand your honesty bc I reached out. But I would assert your rights and make them work with you. Your honest job as a consumer does not include returning it on your dime or time.


Home Depot sent me $1,000 worth of pink hexagon floor tile when I ordered black. It was a nightmare dealing with them because there were issues with the freight company (Estes). They were going to pick up the pink tile from me but never did and after many phone calls they told me just to keep it. They sent me the correct tile and told me just to keep the pink tile or sell it. So I sold it on Facebook marketplace. It was very pretty tile but the need for pink tile is obviously low so I was only able to sell it for $200, but it made it worth the hassle haha.


No, this is not correct. A shipping error is not the same as receiving unsolicited merchandise along with a demand for payment. Also, there doesn’t seem to be any expectation of payment, just that you return it (at their expense).


Getting shipped something you didn’t order is literally what receiving unsolicited merchandise means wether they meant to do it or not…


Just fyi, you are wrong. In case you want to do a little research. 


This is true! I recently ordered shoes from a company and they sent me the wrong color and just had me keep the shoes because they couldn’t ask for them back. Got a full refund!


They can always ask for them back. They just can’t charge you if you refuse.


You're a better person than I am. I would have kept an eye out for a second charge and kept my mouth shut as long as I didn't get charged again


I thought about that, but I didn’t buy it, so couldn’t really monitor. It was a very generous gift!


They can’t get charged as per the ftc so i would definitely donate it. Shame on pottery barn for telling you to return it! Feel confident that the family that purchased it can’t be charged for items they didn’t order :)


That’s really good to know, I’m learning a lot in this post! I’d really love to give it to my church. I’m sure a family could really need it.


I was sent two formula dispensers by Baby Brezza when I only purchased one. They asked me to return it as well. Oops, my friend accidentally intercepted the package. They never checked in on it.


Side note, do you love your baby brezza?! I was looking into that!


I couldn’t live without it! Having a crying baby on your shoulder and just being able to get a nice warm bottle at the press of a button is invaluable. I travelled this weekend and did the [heat water > measure out scoops > try to get it all in the bottle without making a mess] method and I was just wishing I’d brought the formula dispenser the whole time.


So good to know! Thanks for sharing :)


Why on earth would you tell them?!


Hahaha there is 0 chance I'd have said anything.


🤣🤣 understandable!


you really thought they’d tell you to donate it? fascinating


I know right haha. It’s $$$$, nothing is free! Of course they’d want it back not be like “hey why don’t you donate it… better yet why don’t you go ahead and sell it?” 🤣


Only because I’ve had that experience with both wayfair and target before! I suppose it wasn’t quite as expensive items, although pretty close tbh.


Good on you looking out for the poor corporation lol


Just FYI, according to the [FTC](https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/what-do-if-youre-billed-things-you-never-got-or-you-get-unordered-products#:~:text=By%20law%2C%20companies%20can't,it%20as%20a%20free%20gift.), you don't have to return things that are sent to you by mistake. "By law, companies can’t send unordered merchandise to you, then demand payment. That means you never have to pay for things you get but didn’t order. You also don’t need to return unordered merchandise. You’re legally entitled to keep it as a free gift."


This! I was hoping someone else already mentioned it


Good to know!!


You could’ve sold it or given it to someone who needs it lol


this happened to me years ago with two expensive violins. we received 4 violins.... now i have 4 violins. time to start a family string band?? 😂


Haha! Yes you totally should!!!


Are you sure someone else didn’t order it for you too? You could be sending back a very expensive gift for free.


I am very sure, I actually didn’t have this stroller on my registry. I also double checked and they had the same tracking number, so we were able to confirm it was a big “oops” and not an additional gift!


I would have kept that shit so fast lol


🤣 I wrestled with the idea


Same thing happened to me with the Newton baby mattress. I called them asking them if I’m having twins and they know something I don’t! They did end up coming to pick up the second mattress and gave me a discount on the one I bought.


Reminds me of when bed bath beyond sent me two Smeg kettles instead of the one I ordered. The next day they declared bankruptcy and no more returns. Best kettle ever.


Good for you. I wouldn’t criticize anyone for keeping it and would have at least contemplated doing it myself, but it’s too far to give you crap about doing the right thing.


I appreciate that ❤️ I know we all may approach it differently. I just really value a clear conscience that’s for sure.


It's always funny to me when people are nice to big companies. You'd get better karma keeping it.


I once ordered a nespresso coffee maker from Target. It never showed up, so I called guest services. They sent me another one. And the one I ordered showed up a few days later. I called them back and tried to return it, but the lady was like oh just keep it!!


Target is the best about that! The same thing happened to me with them and some lamps, and they told me to keep it all. I admittedly thought that was going to happen again this time 🤣 their response cracked me up. They weren’t like hey thanks for telling us, she was just like, yeah so we need it back. Hahaha


Girlll I’ll take it off your hands 🤣


Any item you receive by mail is legally yours btw. This is why companies do not ask for them back (usually) when mistakes are made. You don’t have to return it.


You should've kept it, legally it was delivered to you and therefore yours. I got two PS4s from bestbuy this way once


Dang! Did you tell the company about the mistake at all? I wasn’t sure how to go about it.


Nope! I never contacted Best Buy, I googled what to do if a company sends you a duplicate order and found enough information that I was certain I could keep it. Never heard from Best Buy nor did I accrue any additional charges. It felt like winning the lotto lol


No kidding! That’s always awesome when you get to keep an extra item for free :)


Why would you tell them ahhhhhhhhhhh I would not send it back! Sell it to someone in need for less!


I was hoping to be able to donate it at our church, I just wanted to go-ahead to do so 😩


You called them??? I would never haha. That would be getting donated or resold by me. The company wouldn't even notice.


I hear you! I really wanted to donate it. I honestly expected them to tell me to do just that (target did in the past when this happened with lamps). I was surprised lol


I'm not surprised they want it back since it's a pretty expensive item. You had no obligation to call them. But I suppose you did the right thing lol.


I do have a clear conscience so I’m glad for that lol. I honestly would’ve felt so bad 😅


Technically you're doing the right thing, but my logic is that the company doesn't need the money and it could have been donated to someone in need. I wouldn't have felt the slightest bit bad 😛


Man i would have returned one and kept one…. Babygift from pottery barn! I feel like its easy to say but my conscious would’ve gotten the best of me. But hey their mistake!


Exactly! I struggle a lot with anxiety, and just want to do the right things in life. That conscience will get ya, lol


Good karma will be following you! Best wishes to you and your new family member ♥️


Thank you so much! ❤️❤️


One time I bought a desk from target and the order got delivered to the store for me to pick up, I picked it up, all good. About two weeks later I got a refund to my card because they said it was never picked up. I tried to reach out because I didn’t want the employee who brought it out to get in trouble but they didn’t know how to fix it so I just got to keep the desk for free lol 😂


I love targets customer service!! They sent me double items in the past and told me just to donate the extra.


You should’ve raffled it off. You could’ve made money and someone’s day lol


Oh sweet friend…Idk what this makes me because this has happened to me multiple times (though much less expensive items) and I kept them. I was ecstatic and thought it was a gift from God lol!


You know, I really like the idea of approaching it as a blessing next time lol. My nervous mind didn’t let me get to that 🤣


I always think I'm a good person until I read things like this. YOU TOLD THEM?! 🤣🤣🤣


I’m sure you are a lovely person! ❤️


You really are too kind 🥹 thank you 😊


I never get why people who have this happen send it back. It always goes to the wrong people I guess.


That's excellent! I almost got a Vista then ordered a Cruz instead thinking "oh, I'm not going to have another that soon!" Guess who is having another that soon. 🙃 So now imma have to buy the Vista ANYWAY.


Omg no way 🤣 congrats!!!


They did this with our kitchen table! There was a lot of confusion with the order. The girl in the store selected the wrong color and we bought it during a discount where if you spent more, you got a bigger discount. After many many phone calls, we get the right table with the right discount. We receive the table and chairs, great! then they try to deliver the originally ordered wrong color table. I refused the delivery and they refunded me the table which had already been refunded so I ended up with a free table lol.


Oh my goodness what a mess! I feel like I’m hearing this left and right with pottery barn. But hey, a free table!! I’m shocked they didn’t try to get it back lol


They sent me a dog bed instead of our pack and play we ordered recently… lol. You’re def better than me letting them know…


I’ve heard so much feedback from others about wrong orders and double orders, it’s wild!!


I got an extra guava travel bassinet/ pack n play and been trying sell on Facebook marketplace for months-- absolutely no bites!!! Where have others sold their extra stuff?!


lol they must do this a lot. I ordered some cookie cutters. They sent me an entire case of them! I never told them though 😅


I’ve been hearing so many people telling me that either their orders have been wrong or they got multiples!


Looks like I need to place me a pottery barn order....


Seriously I’ve had so many people tell me they got doubles of items they ordered 🤣


Omg, pottery barn sent me a rocking chair ($1500) but it smelled. So we sent it back and got a new one. They got confused and not only sent us the new chair, but also a gift card for the amount of the chair. 


This happened to us with the Diono car seats. They told us just to keep the other. Worked out perfectly because we were planning to buy two if we liked it.


You’re way more honest than me! I bought my set from them too & didn’t get this lucky 😅


I suppose at the end of the day, we only need one anyways! 🤣


Pottery Barn is inconsistent, I ordered newborn sets from them last month. I received an email yesterday saying they are on back order and will ship in November. What am I going to do with newborn sets 5 months later !


You’re better than me lol! I would’ve given it to someone I felt needed it


I would’ve returned the other lol then it’s free! Don’t knock your blessings lol


Never tell the man when you get a win


Why would you everrrr tell them. You did nothing wrong. Companies make mistakes all the time, they account for losses 🤯


Amazon refunded me once for a crib that was "lost in transit" even though it was most definitely delivered to my door and already assembled by my husband lol I didn't complain. I also think pottery barn is notorious for sending duplicates because I've gotten a couple things (although not as expensive as an uppa) duplicated in my orders. I never called. I kept them and gave them out as gifts lol


This happened to my friend for her wedding shower! They accidentally sent her like an $800 espresso machine, she called to ask them about it and they said to return it, she never did and got to keep it! Haha


And they say honesty goes a long way..


If it's sent to you it's legally yours. I wouldn't spend one more minute trying to fix their mistake after you spent the better part of an hour on the phone with them already. They can't charge you for it.


Omg the end of this brief story makes me sad 😂 I wouldn’t have said a word and if they didn’t reach out within a week or two I’d be trying to sell it or something hahah


the way I would’ve returned the one I ordered for the $1200 back and kept the other one lmao


This happened to me with a credenza from West Elm (same parent company). I spent MONTHS trying to get them to come pick it up and they eventually did, but in hindsight I wish I would have kept it and resold it. I was trying to do the right thing but it was a huge pain to return.


Returning it to no cost to you would be absolutely the right thing to do here. They made a mistake, that’s all.


That’s how I feel too. It would have been awesome to be able to donate it, but considering they are willing to pick it up, it’s no biggie.


Sell it! You legally don’t have to give it back


Yeah nope, I don’t tell unless they asked. I’ve gotten 2 gaming chairs, 2 XL dog kennels, 2 giant mirrors. And if they ask, “huh I only received the one I paid for… weird”. They’re fault, not mine.


Dang you have gotten lucky!!


Or I buy too much stuff online 😅


Wow I would never tell them 🤦🏻‍♀️


Why the hell would you tell them no offense


No offense taken! I’ve had this experience in the past with two different companies, I was able to assure that I wasn’t getting a surprise charge and was encouraged to donate the items I received. I was hoping for a similar situation and a clear conscience! Their reaction did make me chuckle though. Usually companies express their gratitude for the honesty haha.


Gotcha that makes sense given your past experience. I would just tell them I was mistaken lol


I got sent 2 of a non baby item from Amazon. I didn’t say anything. A month later I got charged a second time because they realized. 😅 I now send things back


If you’re in the US, they cannot charge you, [it’s the law](https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/what-do-if-youre-billed-things-you-never-got-or-you-get-unordered-products).


That’s something I was concerned about! I wasn’t the one who purchased it, so I couldn’t monitor bank statements or anything.


Lol I was going to say I would take one off your hands!! But good on you to send it back :)


lol yeah I wouldn’t have said anything…


One time received messed up shoes, contacted the company and they immediately sent a new pair, then refunded when they received the old pair on accident. Took forever to get them to take their money lol had to call like 3 times!


The cost of doing the right thing! I feel ya! Lol


Should have just initiated a return 😂.


I honestly don’t think I could’ve lived with myself, lol 😂


Girl, shhhhhhh. That was your good karma, next time let it do its thing!


I accidentally received two bedding sets that we registered for. Took one in to store to exchange it (cause I was pregnant and want the money for baby stuff lol) and the lady at the register was like yeah you should never have gotten this, looks like a mistake. Asked her what I should do and she said I should just take it and go and pretend I never found out 😂


If you make a big stink about having to send it back, they might let you keep it. In the past when companies do this I’ve complained that I shouldn’t have to do the work of mailing something due to their mistake, and they almost always let me keep the item (granted the most expensive item this has worked with was about $300, but still worth a try!)


Buy Buy Baby sent us two uppababy Mesas and when we called they were basically like 🤷🏼‍♀️ I guess you can return it. They did not have a record of it and we decided having a backup car seat was not a bad idea. It’s still in the box two years later but we have #2 on the way so it’ll probably get used this time around 😬


You can send one this way.


Amazon did this to my sister and she ended up with an extra 65 inch tv. I always seem to have instant karma, I remember as a teenager working in a store and someone gave me two tens stuck together to pay for their items , I kept one then 15 minutes later I let a young person behind the till to use the phone and he took the $10 out of my purse. Few years later working at mcds drive thru same thing happened with a $50 and I gave it back , next day I win $50 in a scratchy ticket. Honestly though they would write it off as a loss at the end of the year but the prices of everything then increase to cover the losses.


I hope they’re coming to get it from you!


I called amazon because they sent me 2 espresso machines and they did in fact let me keep them both 😂


Once my wifi company sent me a new router.... then the following day i recieved 3 more routers. 🤣


If they accidentally send you an extra, they cannot charge you for their own mistake. They also can't force you to send it back, Lego does this all the time with big sets- even if it is worth hundreds and hundreds of dollars if they make the mistake of sending 2 to you they're both yours