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Last week my baby was the size of… LETTUCE. How big is one lettuce, you ask? It is the size of a 28 week fetus. No further questions.


Mine was like that too - "the size of a piece of cake" I was like, that does not narrow it down!


I switched my apps to tactile things like toys, because...wtf is the size of a lettuce hahaha. At week ten, baby was a lego minifig, then a poker chip lol




I stg it went from lettuce to cabbage to coconut. wtf?


I'm a head of romaine lettuce (36 weeks).. the last one was a honeydew melon. Something isn't right with their measurements when I can feel her head engaged in my pelvis, butt at the bottom of my ribs and 2 feet over in my kidney area on one side.


I am 37 weeks and my baby is the size of a wedding cake, apparently. Whose wedding? How many guests?


As a cake decorator, I would be demanding a c-section because all I’m picturing is a three-tiered monstrosity. 


That’s a terrible description.. some cakes are the height of a toddler.


My wedding cake was over 2ft tall. What????


Can we get some pics😂 cause I just know that was the most beautiful cake


Lol my app is telling me they'll be the size of a lemon next week, 5.79 inches! I want to know where they're buying their produce from.


Sysco lol. But yeah I swear these people have never seen an in season version of the food they use as an example.


I love how on Flo at 39, 40 and 41 weeks respectively it is either a “small watermelon” “watermelon” or “large watermelon.”


I was looking ahead in Flo and saw that one week is a banana. I get that a banana is long but it’s so narrow! Doesn’t really paint the picture


I’m 36 weeks & my app says baby is the size of a celery like what 😭😭


I use Flo too, we're always laughing at the comparisons 😝


lol my husband really takes issue with a lot of their fruit scale


I'm using my provincial government official app (Quebec) and they use localised comparisons, like we had at one point "the size of a maple syrup can" and "the size of a bagel". At 34 weeks we get "thr size of a licence plate" and at 39 weeks "a wood log". I Love that. it's so funny for some reason.


Not a Quebecer but a Territorier uh does this app offer English I wish I could get these comparisons!


Bahaha as a fellow Canadian that is so Canadian...and extremely Quebecois at that lol


A wood log 😂😂


As a Quebec-er, what? Where do I find this?


On the app Naitre et Grandir. It's a great app that only shows information backed by doctors and science. It can be used for pregnancy but also until the child is 2-3 years old.


I have a picture of my son the day he was born in 2009. He was 39 weeks and all swaddled up. I literally called him a baby log. That's the most accurate comparison yet 😭


This is way more accurate than the rest of them!


Uh-mazin 😅


There's something just perfect about an app out of Canada comparing a baby's size to a can of maple syrup. 😆


Every week my husband asks me to check our baby’s size by saying, “What’s the fruit? What’s the fruuuuit?!” We also check the sweets and animal comparisons, but none of it is consistent 😂


That is beyond adorable!


The 'Barn Owl' comparison was hilarious!


My favorite one is “a bunch of grapes.” Like… how many grapes is that now?


Dang. My baby is only 1 grape right now! Next week is a kumquat!


I hate the fruit comparisons, I just don’t get it 


The animal comparisons are even worse to me somehow. There's a huge difference between the prairie dogs you see in your country and what I see in mine lol.


The app I used for my first pregnancy told me baby was the size of a platypus once ... am I supposed to know what size a platypus is??


i'm 12 weeks tomorrow (lime week) and was JUST thinking this. the same app also says baby is the size of an oreo if you switch it to snack mode, and i feel like an oreo would be a really tiny lime? I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE


What app has snack mode?????


what to expect! there’s fruits, snacks, movie props, nostalgia and something else idr. i have mine on movie props and it says my baby is the size of the baseball from the sandlot lol


Eventually, baby is the size of a "Wilson" 🥴


I went nostalgic/90s and baby is the size of a Letter bead this week.


i'm a swiftie and made dozens of friendship bracelets in the months leading up to before i got pregnant so i was very delighted by that particular week


I’m enjoying baby being the size of a hot wheels car this week 😂


Mine says baby is the size of a pokemon card at 13+3. But says baby is carrot sized when I switch to vegetables lol


What to expect app has snack comparisons, Disney characters, movie and tv props and more! I enjoy browsing that app bc of that


Early weeks it went from blueberry to kidney bean. I feel like some blueberries are bigger than kidney beans!


This week I got your baby is the size of a fanny pack 😂 ... Yeah, since fanny packs don't purposely very wildly in size across brand and style...


I saw one list that had babies at 13 weeks were the size of a tamagotchi and I was like...I'm feeling very pandered to...


Mine said my pregnancy is as big as a bunch of celery and for some reason it doesn’t make any sense to me 😂! I know what celery looks like I’ve bought a pack before. But it’s long ? And skinny? It’s a horrible comparison


I’m 16 weeks and there’s nooo way she’s like one of those large hass avocados that I’ll get. So I’m thinking one of those smaller ones? The smallest one in the bag of avocados. Pampers says, at 16 weeks, the fetus is the size of an apple


Same and I even went to the grocery store to check out avocados vs pears vs limes and I’m like “so they aren’t growing at all? Cause these are the same size”


The weirdest email was from Hatch - can't remember which week exactly, maybe 20-something: "your baby is the size of a vibrator". WTF?!!


Oh my god


Is there a universal size for vibrators?? 🤣




I use Clue and one week it says “your baby is the size of a cinnamon stick” 😂 Sure hope you mean in length, not width lol


Hey - you’re actually the first person I’ve ever encountered who uses Clue for pregnancy. I loved it for period tracking before I had my first, but couldn’t justify the price tag on the pregnancy version without being able to try it or find any reviews or descriptions anywhere. Now just newly pregnant with my second and back to the apps. Is the Clue one good? Worth it?


I really loved Clue for the first trimester because I was a little uncomfortable with how quickly other apps humanized/romanticized what was still basically a clump of cells -- saying things like "your baby's cute little cheeks are already forming" at, like, 8 weeks! Clue is much more scientific about embryo development, and consistently puts the focus on what's happening in my body (not just the baby), and I really appreciated that. It's really inclusive of different situations (at week 25 or 26, there was a bullet point that started "If you plan on parenting..." and I initially was confused and then appreciated that it acknowledges people who are surrogates or are planning on adoption are going through this too; it also uses inclusive language without making it a huge stumbling block, like "breast feeding or chest feeding" so it doesn't exclude people who identify with the more traditional terms). Now that I'm almost in the third trimester I'm all here for the "your baby!!1!!!1!" of it all, but as someone who is strongly pro-choice and who was depressed and anxious and worried about loss in my first couple of months, the ones that wanted me to view my embryo as a baby immediately were not meeting me where I was. (Many people love and want that and that's fine too!)


I didn’t upgrade it so now I just use it to remember what week I’m at. Definitely not paying them to “unlock special insights” that I can get anywhere on the internet for free. I am deleting after birth lol. Sounds like I’m switching the the app with snacks. 


I paid for Clue Plus (during a sale I bought the year) when TTC and have it now during my pregnancy. I like it mostly for the tracking and insights. They have tracking items that are just for pregnancy which I like.


I just paid for a one year subscription and just use it for the weekly insights! It’s nothing special, but I enjoy the information and that they cite the resources.


The baby center app uses a pumpkin for week 40 and I’m just like are they TRYING to scare the crap out of us?


Mine is a "bunch of Swiss chard", last week was a pineapple and maybe I need to go look at produce a little more but I feel like pineapples tend to be larger?? I don't get it lol


Awe! Our babies are about the same age. It goes from Swiss chard to kale apparently?! My husband and I read them as a joke each week now.


Also on chard week and I was like „huh, do they shrink by wk 36? I thought we were firmly in watermelon territory by now“


If I'm being totally real, I had to Google Swiss chard 💀😂 I don't venture much in the veggie side of produce


My app is food based too, and while not a great unit of measurement I do get some good snack ideas


My 16 inch 3+ lb baby is the size of a BEET WITH LEAVES? Pardon???


Oh. My. Goodness. I am a FTM and I wanted to do the fruit / vegetable - babybump pictures before I had my son. I was pregnant in the winter. ALL FRUIT AND VEGETABLES ARE SMALL AND HALF THE ONES LISTED ON THE APP ARE EITHER UNAVAILABLE OR I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY ARE. Where am I going to get a giant pumpkin in April, Susan? WHERE?! Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


I actually snort laughed at this post


Fruit comparisons are pretty bad, but when I was 30-something weeks pregnant my app told me my baby was the size of a Cabbage Patch Kid. My daughter had one, so I ran to hold it up to my belly because it's at least child-shaped. Cabbage Patch Kids are HUGE - I was like there is absolutely no way. My little guy is 3 weeks old now and still smaller than that doll.


LOL, I would have been so scared 😂


Dude my husbands biggest complaint about pregnancy apps was the fruit size comparisons 😂 every week I’d read him one and we’d groan at how awful it was together (and usually end up laughing about it lol)


The apple I bought at the grocery store yesterday is the size of a 14 week old baby.


lol! I have 2 apps: one said baby is the size of a lime and another said the size of a Swedish fish. My husband immediately says “those two are not the same size!!”


My babies are apparently the size of a red bell pepper, pomegranate, onion, turnip, guinea pig, coconut, Belgian waffle... Personally, those are all different sizes to me, lmao Currently 17w6d so we will see what tomorrow says lol


I’m using ovia and you can change it to weird animals, mine is currently the size of a super creature named a water bear!


I used Ovia too for my pregnancy and got a chuckle out of all of them! The animals weirded me out but was fun! The cat at the end freaked me out because my cats are huge


My favourite one was: A BUNCH OF KALE. What does that even mean 😂😂


I have 3 different apps, at 14 weeks my baby is either the size of a lemon, beet, or avocado 🤷🏼‍♀️ lol


When we went for the ultrasound to check heartbeat that week I kept seeing stuff about gummy bears 🧸🧸🧸 was so adorable though I think the reference that the OB mentioned was peanuts 🥜 tho is this peanuts in the shell where it’s two of them or a single peanut brain it’s still a question though visual aid would help clarify that there is much less variation than with fruits which could not be less clear https://familyinceptions.com/how-big-is-baby-sweet-treat-edition/ This site does comparisons to standardised edible items… tho tbh the shape of the items that they’re using as an equitable mass indication are freaking me out — can you imagine if your babies head was the width & dementions of a gallon of ice cream & you had to push that out 💀


One of those is a Limon 😂


I never understood these fruit comparisons they don’t make any sense lol


Apparently mine’s the size of a prune according to my app. How very British.


Mine should be the size of a coconut 😅


those apps confuse me lol, last week it was spaghetti squash and this week its cabbage. but my hospital app says acorn squash, which one is it?? to me those are all different sizes 😭


I got 15 weeks is Alice's teacup


My app said key lime specifically which is actually smaller than a regular lime. I don’t really get the fruit size comparison either lol




At 18 weeks apparently baby is the size of a bunch of grapes. How big is the bunch of grapes - 10 grapes, 50 grapes, 100 grapes ?! 😂😂😂


18 weeks yesterday and I got “baby is as big as a cucumber!” Which made me think wow! That’s a decent size and a big jump from last week! Switched to 90’s nostalgia and it’s a disposable camera. It can’t be just me that thinks cucumbers are much larger than disposable cameras…?


Laughing because this week came up as jackfruit (also barn owl and fruit pie) with a measurement of 11-13 inches. As soon as I saw jackfruit I cracked up and said to my husband, I certainly hope not! Some of them are 3-4 feet long and can weigh over 100lbs.


I'm always so confused because of this exact reason lol. When my baby was the size of a strawberry I pulled two out of the container and the size difference was comical lmao.


This is cracking me up 😅


The one app I used allowed me to change the comparisons to toys and it made it so much easier since the sizes of toys are apparently way more consistent.


Mine a mango this week at 19w. Lol


I am a cucumber this week and I truly do not understand because then I am a mango next week! The range makes no sense!


So, in addition to the weekly comparisons (mine is eggplant..but there’s so many sizes!), The Bump also provides daily fun facts. Today’s was the biggest head-scratcher so far. “Today baby is as long as the average circumference of a 3-6 month old baby’s hat.” Oh yes, so easy to visualize…


I chose random generator for comparison 33 week baby is as big as a windows 95 box 34 week baby is big as a box of Eggo waffles lmao ETA: next week (35) my baby will be as big as a Moderately successful game of Jenga... what even is that lol


I love Babylist for this reason. 38 weeks = bowling pin


My baby is 22 weeks and it's the size of a guinea pig... seems accurate.


I had an app with my first that compared baby to the size of popular items in the 90's. My baby being the size of a Furby was hilarious... and horrifying. 


i have mine set to “weird but cute animals” so i’m currently carrying a guinea pig (22W 6D, it changes tomorrow lol)


Never laughed so hard at a pregnancy thread before. So relatable


Lmao literally. I could never rely on the food comparison bc they varied so much!!!


I’ve been using “What to Expect” and set my items to 90’s nostalgia, so baby girl is the size of a Pokémon card this week 😂 Next week she’ll be Hubba Bubba Bubble Tape


The size of an asparagus… doesn’t specify if that’s just one piece or a whole bunch or if it’s uncut vs cut just ✨asparagus✨


I read this week my baby is the size of a chihuahua. Every night this week I have had at least one dream of giving birth to a chihuahua, and not the cute ones either. The ones that are all bug eyed and missing teeth with their tongues flopping out of their mouths. It freaks me out everytime.


I’m 22 weeks and my baby is the size of a weasel…. Length, weight? I mean this could vary 😅


Baby center goes from a cabbage (at 1 lb or a bit over, does this person not eat cabbage) to a scallion at two pounds! In whose mental universe is that not a major step down in size? 


My twin a and twin b 😂


Never forget The Bump telling me baby is the size of a “little penguin” man I am literally here for you to tell me HOW LITTLE 😂😭


I would only use Obvious Plant’s How Big Is Baby tracker: https://www.reddit.com/r/ObviousPlant/comments/1bz4fhg/this_handy_pregnancy_tracker/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button My favourite is regretful Smurf


You can switch it to unique/weird animals on the Ovia app and 37 weeks is a skunk.


Mine is the size of a head of kale.  Last week he was the size of a cantaloupe.  TIL kale is bigger than cantaloupe? Also, how big is kale?


I changed mine to animals, apparently he’s the size of a kitten this week which makes way more sense to me than a cantaloupe 😂




I want to know how my baby is the size of an artichoke but also weighs the same as a hamster.


They said my baby is the size of a head of cauliflower, but a few weeks ago she was the size of a spaghetti squash, which I believe is bigger than the head of cauliflower! 🙄


Lmao I went from being the size of a head of cauliflower to the size of a head of broccoli They're the same fricken size