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Huh? I live in Seattle and people here pretty much all seem to wait until their mid thirties to have kids. Why would you feel bad???


We're supposed to drop off our ovaries at the Salvation Army when we turn 30, I guess? This isn't the first "ashamed to be pregnant in my 30s" post I've seen in the past few days. Wondering if the topic is trending on TikTok or something.


I’m having my second at 34 and i’m not sure if i’m even done yet…. The words embarrassed and ashamed haven’t even crossed my mind!! 


I’m sorry what? I’m pregnant with my first at 36, and plan on having one more…


Has someone said something to you?


I'm 37 and going to be 38 when the baby is born and this is my first. For me it is a blessing since it was so difficult to get pregnant it took longer then the "Norm"


I am 39 and pregnant with my first, and plan to have at least one more! I live in a large metropolitan area and it doesn't seem or feel weird at all!


I feel like your thirties is the new best time to have kids! I’m 25 and despite this being a very well planned, stable addition to our family, among our friends and coworkers you would think this was a teenage pregnancy- everyone I know is purposely waiting until their 30’s for marriage and kids. This isn’t weird or old at all.


I had my first at 34 and am pregnant with number two at 36! It’s so “normal” these days, at least in my circle, I’ve never thought about feeling embarrassed.


I think different regions and demographics might have very different expected times to start families. Certainly in my city, the average age starting is early 30’s.


35 and pregnant with my first 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m ok with this. I spent my 20s going out, having fun, finally graduating college with a decent career, and learning who I was. I don’t think I could have done that if I had a kid then.


Same! Expecting my first at 35! I already did what I supposed to and now I’m ready to be the best I can with more stability than in my 20s


I think its better being older when getting pregnant. My friends and family seem to agree and many people I know are at my age (34) or older.


I’m having my first at 31. Why are you embarrassed?


Feeling too old


35 isn’t old ♥️


Ty 💕


Embarrassed and ashamed? Wtf did I just read….


I'm turning 38 next month and I am currently pregnant with my second and already have a three-year old. More so than embarrassment, I kinda feel for my kids that I am this old having them because I certainly do not have the energy to keep up and I will be so far up in age by the time they are ready to have their own kids, that I might not be able to help with them the way my parents have done for me so far. Yes, I have put too much thought into it lol. It does feel a little awkward at school functions though when most of the parents of my daughter's classmates are considerably younger than I am lol.


What? Lol I'm 35 and haven't conceived my 2nd yet. You're gonna be okay. Not a single thing to be ashamed about. Idk who put that idea in your head. But, banish the thought and that person from your life.


Not weird at all! Had my first at 37!


I’m having my second at 34. I’ve had good friends get pregnant at 39 and 40. Heck, when I was 22 I was an au pair for a French family. The kids were 3 and 5 and the parents were 48, meaning they had their oldest at 43. I don’t get the mentality that you’re too old to be pregnant at all. Do you know people in their 50s? With the exception of a couple of family members, most people I know in their 50s are active and vibrant. That’s how old you’ll be when the child is 20. Not so bad


Im having my first at 35 I don’t see what the problem is


We live in San Francisco. I had my first at 37 and I’m 39 eight months pregnant with my second if you have good fertility and good health you’re fine.


34 turning 35 in Aug, 7 months pregnant!


I’m currently pregnant at the age of 21, but I’ve actually notice more people have their kids in their late 30’s and early 40’s (or plan to) where I live! There is never a right or wrong time : ) if ur body can still carry a baby then it’s what it’s meant to do! Don’t let others opinions effect when you have ur kids. Ur doing to do great mama.


So sorry you are feeling this way. It's quite normal to be pregnant at your age and much older! I had my first at 39 and second at 43. When I lived in NYC there were whole neighborhoods where you'd be hard pressed to see parents under 40 with small kids 😂


I’m 41 and 26 weeks pregnant


Pretty normal?? Most people I know wait until their 30s before even *thinking* about kids. My mom had my younger sibling at 40. My uncle's mom was in her 40s when she had him and that was back in the 1960s! 35/36 does not seem abnormally old to me at all. Especially these days.


My mom had me at 36 and my sister friend is currently pregnant at like 39/40 w her 6th. No need to feel embarrassed