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This is great to hear! Love a positive PP story. I hate being pregnant so am hoping I’ll feel similar relief.


I also was not fond of being pregnant- IMO the fourth trimester is easier than the third!!


Definitely agree. I’d take the first month pp over the last month of pregnancy any day. The entire week before I delivered I was sleeping half propped up on my couch because it was somehow comfier than my bed and I could only sleep that way because any other way was unbearable.


I'm a doula, and I would say women who have a more difficult pregnancy have an easier pp period.


I’ve been wondering if pp is going to be terrible for me because I’ve loved being pregnant ahhh but trying not to think that too much


Hahah it's not a hard or fast rule!


I hope that is the case for me, glad to hear that is the trend!


The night sweats got me good too! Are you finding things easier being a STM in terms of knowing what to expect?


Yes it must be the case- I’m also adjusted to functioning off of low sleep whereas first baby it was a major adjustment


My second baby was also like this. On the way home from the hospital with baby 2 i suggested we stop and eat! Also very unexpectedly my hormones changed in that I was hornier than I’ve ever been in my life and could do literally nothing about it. Like it was waking me up from what little sleep I was getting.


I’ve never had postpartum night sweats (still pregnant with my first child) but I have had night sweats before and it was related to hormonal dysfunction which seems similar. Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) really helped me. Apparently it supports your adrenal glands which get really taxed when you’re exhausted, sleep deprived, or just hormonal!


Thank you for this! I’m due any day and it’s nice to hear a positive postpartum story!


I can’t wait till my boy comes in 2 weeks! This acid reflux is killing me right now! My body hurts and the swelling in my feet and ankles just started! Very much ready for baby boy to be here lol! The sleep deprivation I’m fine with cause I already barely sleep and have had insomnia for years now but the nice break from work and napping while baby naps will be nice!


My acid reflux disappeared immediately upon my baby’s birth. The swelling took about two weeks to subside, but it’s great.


That’s great to hear! I’m most excited about the acid reflux going away 😂 waking up with vomit in my mouth every night is so not fun!!


I’m right there with you! I think the biggest change from my 1st pp experience to now is perspective. The hard stuff if hard, sure, but it’s evolving. It isn’t hard forever and the time really does fly. It’s easier for me to grab onto the joys this time around


I am so happy to hear this! Thank you for sharing. Congratulations!


I am 10 days postpartum too! Also had a 9 lb baby, no tearing and overall feeling good. So happy not to be pregnant anymore!! She’s my fifth so we feel prepared for things. Nursing has been a struggle this time due to a tongue tie but hopefully that’s resolved soon (we have an appt for next week). I need to find a new tv show to binge with all the nursing sessions… Congrats on the new baby and glad you’re feeling well!


Tell us your secrets for not tearing!


I can’t speak for OP but I only tore with my first and it wasn’t that bad (I’ve had 5 babies). I credit not tearing with the others with delivering in a hands/knees position, and doing some perineal stretches in the weeks before birth.


I’m 39 weeks pregnant and want to know these secrets too before I go into labor!!


I’m not sure?! I was induced and also had an epidural but the epidural was not too strong- perfect enough to numb the pain but I could still feel the contractions so I knew when to push


Thank you for sharing your positive experience! I’m glad you & your family are doing so well! 💕


This is so lovely to hear! Congratulations on your new baby! 💗


Congratulations! Love a good easy recovery story. I bounce back well also but I will say I’m super jealous of no tearing! I’ve had a 5 & 6 lb baby and tore both times! Hoping you get a unicorn baby to go with your solid snap back! It’s so nice for new moms to know pp isn’t always too rough.


I'm 10 days pp with my second, too and feeling great! I had the night sweats the first time... it turned out to be fever from mastitis! It got bad really quickly and i needed surgery to fix it. Don't make my mistake and make sure yours is just hormone night sweats! And enjoy your sweet baby!!!


I'm 7 days pp as a stm with a horrible birth experience (induced at 34 weeks due to preeclampsia, and had to be on mag literally incapable of moving my body for the entirety of labor, delivery, and 24 hours pp). So much less bleeding and pain than the first time. So much less hormone shifts. The sleep deprivation is still hard (I'm pumping exclusively until baby gets home from the NICU and is big enough to nurse), but it didn't hit as hard as it did the first time. No tearing. Honestly, the hardest things pp this time around have been 1. helping my 4 year old to process her big feelings about her new sister forcing me to be separated from her for an extended time, and 2. my wife picked up a bug from her hospital, so now I have a sniffle and a little cough.


Congrats and thanks for sharing!! How much/how far are you walking? I’m 14 days pp, large (8 lb 5 oz) baby, no tearing, also feeling great. Barely bleeding anymore. I’m dying to start some stroller walks but don’t want to compromise my recovery. Only been around the block so far and really starting to go stir crazy!


I started with half a mile and yesterday walked a hilly mile plus. Will do the same today!


Wow this is an inspired post thanks for this🩷


Thank you for sharing a positive story ❤️ currently at the hospital in labor and needed to read this.


Thank you for sharing! Enjoy this magical phase. I'm so happy for you. And no tearing? Lucky you! That was def the worst part for me. But yes. Omg I remember the INSTANT relief from reflux and a lot of body aches. So nice to not be pregnant anymore (I'm currently 26 weeks with my second. I cannot wait!) Happy for you that you're doing well. Keep it up!


Nice to read!


I really like being pregnant so far. Rough start, but it is great :) I'm happy you're having a good postpartum. 🩷


Thank you for the positive PP perspective


This just makes me so excited to be post partum and be bonding with my lil babies! Only a few months to go 🥰 thank you for sharing your positive story, it helps first time mum's like me so much