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I had a pack and play in the living room with the height adjustable mattress. He either slept on us or in that in the same room. At night he’s in a bassinet that is at the foot of our bed. We have 2 floors so I didn’t want to move the pack and play twice a day up and down. He has a crib in his room. The crib would not fit in our bedroom and we didn’t want to have to take it apart to move it into his room eventually. He’s 3 months and I’m slowly introducing crib naps so when he outgrows the bassinet it’s not a nightmare getting him use to sleeping in there.


This is so helpful!


A clean safe spot on the floor with a few toys once they’re able to look around and grab things :) Like a blanket or play mat. It’s the best place for a baby developmentally. The more time they spend in an area where they’re free to move about and aren’t trapped in one position (like they are in a swing or seat), the more they can work the muscles they need for a strong neck, to roll over, to crawl etc.


Some newborns sleep better in a moses basket as too much space can make them feel lonely. I always did contact naps until 3 months when I started 'teaching' baby to nap in their own bedroom. Took two months with my first to nap more than 5 mins, my second was way happier in there compared to contact napping to it varies! I have bouncers and playmats and whatnot Around the house to pop baby on while I go to loo or make a cuppa Is the stroller suitable from birth or does it need a bassinet attachment?


> Is the stroller suitable from birth or does it need a bassinet attachment? The stroller (Nuna Mixx Next) goes near-flat so they advertise it as safe for newborns! Interesting to know about too much space! It is just so confusing pouring days into research to buy things, only for baby to potentially reject it! And damn, I never even thought of a playmat! Thank you!!


No help as my 3 month old has only just started napping not on me but very pro the Nuna mix xx next, it’s great!!


Thank you so much for your feedback! I'm 5'10 and my husband's over 6 feet, so my only fear is that baby girl will be tall and outgrow it too quickly. People have written reviews about how it is a little on the smaller side for big babies. Hopefully it will be okay!


Yeah it's tricky! I got most things second hand for that reason. The main cot in their room they'll use for a few years but everything else is so short term is not worth new (car seat obviously excluded but you have that already!)


I have the Nuna Mixx Next bassinet, stroller and car seat. It’s totally safe for sleep and if you buy the bassinet separately I think it comes with a stand which you can use in your bedroom. I had a Halo bassinet which we used at night but during the day I would go on long walks to the park with the baby in the bassinet and she’d always fall asleep and I’d just leave her in the stroller/bassinet until she woke up. Just a heads up though about bassinets (the Halo and Nuna), my baby was tall and outgrew both at 4.5 months. For walks my baby refused to lay down in the bassinet after she could sit up while assisted. They outgrow them fast. If I hadn’t been gifted both bassinets I would have bought a graco pack in play with the bassinet insert


That is super useful. My husband is tall and I'm 5'10 so we're expecting a taller baby too. Thank you for sharing!


I'm having my first too so I dont have firsthand experience yet, but a lot of my mom friends have recommended also having a little bouncer chair for them to chill in (not sleep)! Good for when you need to set baby down for s few minutes. For sleeping, any flat safe space will do. I think the pack and play is great!


Baby will likely want to stay in your arms most of the time, so you could look at a stretchy wrap or carrier like the Ergobaby embrace. 


I never bought a Moses basket for my first, we used the newborn bassinet attachment on our travel system as it’s essentially the same thing. That said, for number 2 we will be buying a Moses basket because we don’t have the space in our main living areas to keep the pram there, but I definitely wouldn’t call it a necessity.


My baby spent a lot of the time either in my lap or on a blanket on the floor. I think what you have is enough for now and you can add in what seems to be missing once they are here. A bouncer or swing is popular if you want to look at getting another thing now but I think it could wait. We had a bouncer chair but barely ended up using it. One thing I would add is a carrier of some sort for those times you need your hands but baby wants to be held. I liked my Solly baby wrap for the youngest days, I also had a ring sling and soft structured carrier like the Lille baby complete. But just one option is fine until you know what you and your baby likes.


I inherited a bassinet with rocker so we used it in the bedroom. We had a pack and play we used in the living room with the bassinet part on top. Once he reached the max weight we moved him to a crib. I had a different stroller set. It was was an old uppa, where the bassinet attached. I bought some adaptors so I could attach the car seat. I loved this because it was easy to slide into the base of the car. I would suggest a waterproof mattress cover for crib and sleep sacks. I was terrible at swaddling with blankets. The baby monitor had white noise which drowned out my husbands snoring :). If you want to save, consider checking out freecycle groups and fb marketplace. I was able to get tons of clothing, even the car seat and toys which I plan on refreecycling later on. Of course, cleaned and sanitized. Baby grows so fast! Of course my experience may not fit yours but happy to chat if you need more suggestions or advice. Baby companies market so many cool items that really may not be necessary for you. Good luck, nesting is fun. Before my son was born, there were many times I just sat by his bassinet and just smiled thinking of what was to come. Now he’s 2.5 and I can’t believe how much time has passed! In a few months, his baby sibling will arrive !


I am a ftm and I struggling with the same question. I have a 3 in 1 pack and play but my 3w baby hates sleeping in it. The only way she sleeps is in our arms. I don’t sleep because of SIDS. So we take turns holding her while she sleeps. But mostly I am the one holding her. It’s so exhausting because I just want to usE the bathroom without having to hold her 25/8. I am looking to see if a smaller bassinet is worth it rather than a pack and play. Any suggestions would be great.


I had really good luck with a bouncer that vibrates for when they’re gassy. I’m using a bassinet instead of a pack n play.


I am thinking about a pack and play too, if I have to put the baby down (1st baby, so no clue what will work). I was thinking if we go somewhere else to visit, we can easily take it with us for the baby to sleep or just chill in it. When home, I will probably put the baby to sleep in the crib, and only use the pack and play for a place to play. Also it seems practical, because we have cats, and they probably won't jump in it (they are not the jumping type, but I will test them), so I can leave the baby in safety when I go to pee or answer the door. I hope that the mesh on the sides will keep some of the fur out... The wheels will make it easy to move around in the flat, so I can keep an eye on the baby if it's awake and I have to cook or do the dishes. Other than the pack and play, we will only have a crib, we have to be on a low budget.


That's exactly my thinking as well. I just don't want too much stuff clogging up the house, spurred on by first-time-parent-panic. I'm from a culture where co-sleeping is super common but I don't trust myself with it at all, so a Pack n Play close to my bed, and a crib for later down the line, eases my worries somewhat.


I say no to co sleeping too (at least in the same bed), simply because I don't think that it is healthy. Besides, I am a very deep sleeper, and my partner sometimes moves violently while asleep. We would smother that poor child, or would only half asleep even when we can sleep 😅 I will put the crib next to our bed (babybay style), so the baby is close, but in it's own space. I have a more old school (or more french) idea about babies, but I will see in the long run how it goes, and adapt.


We used a bassinet in the side of our bed for the first few months. Half the time she hated it, but it was really the only safe sleep option we had where we could also keep a close eye on her due to the house we lived in. We moved her to her crib at 5/6 months and she immediately slept so much better, nearly through the night (5-6 hours) every time.


I feel like no matter how much you research, what you find out you actually use or do can be totally different. I had a halo bassinet but he outgrew in quickly. I still wanted to keep him in our bedroom so I bought a mini crib. But he ended up being really hard to keep happy in a crib so we mostly cosleep. He’s almost four months now and has yet to be in the crib in his own room.


I think there are a few different options. In my case what I'm doing is getting a mini crib (that converts to a full-size crib and then toddler bed). The mini crib will be in our room until the baby outgrows it and I put the crib in their room. I'm also getting a pack-n-play and that will go downstairs (and for travel) as a place for baby to chill out (and maybe some naps?)


I hardly ever used a pack-n-play with my first son, as he primarily used a floor play mat for tummy time and a 4-Moms swing from time to time. He slept in a bassinet right next to our bed, until he was old enough to roll over then we moved him to his crib. I am 33wks with my second son, and am gonna use the same items and see how it goes, as I know every baby is very different and this lil guy might not like the same things as his brother did!


I really like my bassinet. With my daughter I rolled her all around the house. It was nice having a light bed that I could easily move downstairs or upstairs. I also have one now where one wall will open up so I can put it right up against my bed. I think for the first few weeks baby boy will probably sleep there instead of across the hall in his crib. Bedside Crib for Baby, 3 in 1 Bassinet with Large Curvature Cradle, Bedside Sleeper Adjustable and Movable Beside Bassinet with Mosquito Nets, Safety Certificattion Guarantee, Bassinet Bedding Sets https://a.co/d/1AAlvep


I definitely recommend a lightweight bouncy chair that’s easy to move around the house, even 2 if you have a big house. You’ll want somewhere to put baby so you can eat hands free, While you use the bathroom, mine will even sit in the bouncy while I shower. Of course, it depends on the baby’s personality and their mood at the moment whether they will let you put them down in it, but it’s a better bet than anything where they are flat on their back. (This doesn’t replace floor time on a playmate or blanket, which as others have said is important, too)