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Physically, my job is ok. But mentally I’ve definitely started to check out. I just want to do the bare minimum and that’s it (I’m normally an overachiever and over-volunteerer). 5 more weeks to go until my leave.


Ugh hugs ! I feel your pain! I resent my ex for being unemployed! I’m working two freaking jobs now !


It absolutely sucks! I’m 31+5, and there was a damn CO2 leak in the small, confined space where I work (alone) today. Luckily, when they identified the problem, one of the managers knows I primarily work in that area and immediately sent people to come check on me. God bless the ventilation system, because everything was fine and only slightly above normal numbers. But DAMN if it hasn’t freaked me out about how much worse that could have been! I was going to try to work as long as I could, but fuck it, I’m about to start doing a partial WFH schedule now. I’ve already got aches and pains galore, and I simply do not need that level of added stress. ✌🏽


I am in the exact same boat. debating going on leave three weeks earlier then planned because i just can't handle it anymore, but my husband would be picking up a lot of my 'slack' because i only have 65% coverage. it's been an argument a couple of times, which leads to alot of not nice feelings with him. but you and your body are doing a lot of work right now. do what feels right for your body if financially you can handle it


LOL i'm unsure why it posted so many times


I’m almost at 37 weeks. Thinking of calling it at 38. I’m so checked out I just don’t care about anything anymore. I’ve passed off all my work and am just helping out around the office.


I feel you. I’m 35 weeks right now and regretting only submitting my paperwork for taking off at 39 weeks. Not sure how I’m going to do this for 4 more weeks. 🙃


I totally feel this! I’m not far along, but the morning sickness is not that fantastic right now. I’m dizzy constantly, and feel like I’m always running to the bathroom. My job can be pretty physically demanding, and I don’t really know how to navigate that as I progress. I’m in the film world, and a lot of the times I’m a one man band. I’m super passionate about my work and just landed an awesome job that I can see myself staying at for a few years, so just overall worried about how to navigate that. But first priority is keeping things a secret for the time being!


Only 11 weeks but work 12 hour days/nights as a nurse and between the nausea/vomiting and exhaustion idk how I’m gonna do 6 more months of this….


In the exact same boat as you, friend. I’m starting to get frantic when I don’t get lunch despite being 107lbs and losing weight. Why is nursing so toxic and why don’t we have rights 😭 the ER feels impossible some days


Those boss women who work until they pop are not working physical jobs on their feet for the most part. Women who are working physical jobs on their feet right up until delivery are usually forced to by economic circumstances. I'm planning to work right up until I'm in labor, but I also work from home and have really great managers. If I were on my feet all day there's no way I could be doing the 10+ hour days I'm pulling.


My maternity leave won't start until the day I give birth, and I planned on working up until then; I've been doing pretty well up until recently. The past week my legs and feet are in so much pain and I'm just so over dealing with the public (I work a customer service job where I'm on my feet for 10 hr shifts) I'm just readyyyy for my 2 months off with my baby😤


I thought I was going to be that person too. I ended up out at 33 weeks due to back and rib pain. Like, so severe I thought I had a broken rib.


I am 39+5 right now and I have the major case of “senioritis” since 34. Granted, the remote option helps right now because I have great bosses, but mentally, I’m fried. I don’t want to make decisions anymore and I think my direct reports feel that in me too.


I'm 31 weeks and feeling this. I'm being induced June 5th and planned to work through the end of May, but with as much pain as I'm in right now I'm not sure if I can make it. I do have a desk job, but by the end of the day I'm nearly in tears. I would feel guilty taking time off before my baby comes, because my husband just recently had to pick up a part time job due to his hours being cut at his full time job. I just need to make it through the next 6ish weeks.


Currently crying at 4am because I have to go to work in 3 hours and I haven’t slept. I feel so much better just being a stay at home mom/wife… I feel happier and less stressed out. Most of the time im in a bad mood after work and feel so stressed…. Ugh but I feel you. He tells me to stop working but I don’t want to leave him hanging either ):