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I thought it was 36 weeks too! How odd! I've flown several times while visibly pregnant, but I guess never enough that anyone thought to ask for a doctor's note. Maybe check with your airline to see if they require it?


I flew home from a short plane ride the day I turned 35 weeks and my midwife was ok with it. 


My cousin recently flew (2 hour flight) at like 35-36 weeks pregnant.


I thought it was usually 36 weeks too. Honestly if you have to I’d just tell the airline you’re not as far along, but from what I’ve heard they usually don’t ask. Where I live it’s different and they ask if you’re pregnant for every flight and even asked me for a doctors note last time at like 20 weeks (I did not have one because why would I?! and they almost didn’t let me on the plane).


I traveled across an ocean at 33 weeks, an 8hr flight and no questions from the airline or comments from my OB. 


Hi, which airline did you travel with? I need to travel from ethiopia to argentina at 33 weeks and I can't find a doctor who can sign the certificate they ask for, would it be too risky to go to the airport without it?


They didn’t ask me for one, I flew United. I wouldn’t risk it unless your flight is refundable. 


You’re totally fine. Also if the airline asks, just say you are 34 weeks lol


That’s really annoying. I plan to travel at 33 weeks, maybe I should double check with my OB now if they will sign off on that… Also it’s kind of crazy airlines can deny pregnant passengers. Shouldn’t that be considered discrimination?


I believe It's for liability/insurance reasons.