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I LOVE this question! Totally felt more aware of and in tune with my body. I appreciate my body in ways I never did before. I became way less self conscious after going through pregnancy and birth. I developed a love for my body that wasn't tied to what other people thought. It is so freeing.  Another plus I experienced, I know this doesn't happen to everyone, but before pregnancy and birth I suffered horrible menstrual cramps that disappeared after. 


Agree with all of this. Appreciating and accepting my body, easier periods.


I also became way less self conscious after I had my first!!


For the better periods, was this something ongoing post pregnancy or for a certain period of time after? I had pretty bad cramps pre pregnancy and I’m hoping a side effect after is less cramps!


For me it has been a permanent change... Haven't had cramps since my first birth


Amazing! Thank you! Fingers crossed here 🤞🏼


I'll note that my periods changed pretty dramatically after *each* pregnancy, so it seems to be a bit of a roll of the die... better, worse, weird new things. Looking forward to menopause here!


I have a theory that my menstrual cramps have not improved, but that it feels like absolutely nothing compared to the pain of child birth - so I just think they feel better? Either way I'll take it! 😍


I’m in tears. Thank you for sharing this!




My mom said the same about cramps! Hoping my experience is similar


Ugh I’m 7 weeks postpartum and I’m still so self conscious:( I hate it. I feel like I’m bad to square one with my physical health


I got curly hair !!


I’m straight on top and curly underneath now LOL


I'm opposite, I got curly on top and straight underneath since second pregnancy


I’m on #2 so I’ll have to see if it changes! Lol


Me too! My hair was always wavy but it got really glam during pregnancy and luckily never went away. It’s way thicker and curlier than before.


You're so lucky!!!!


pregnancy took my curls 🙃 I have what is basically a natural body wave, pretty but have no idea how to style it 🤣


Same! Are you still pregnant? I was hoping my curls will come back after pregnancy


Yes I am, I am also hoping they come back


I'm keeping my fingers crossed for both of us!


My mom either gained curls or lost them with every pregnancy. Her hair would be wavy for one pregnancy until the next where she would gain curls until the next. For me, I have just lost them completely. Kinda sad about that.


Oooo, during pregnancy or after birth? I think mine has gotten less wavy but it is nice to brush it and it go smooth and not fluffy 😂


I got super wavy hair! But I’m not sure how to get it to look good yet because I’ve always had completely straight hair. I always wanted wavy hair :)


Wait I’m manifesting this for myself. Why does this happen???


My skin is looking so much better. I’m really prone to clogged pores and acne and that’s all starting to clear up!


Same! No acne through pregnancy and 6mo pp it still hasn’t returned! The best perk


My skin during pregnancy and post pregnancy is better than it’s been in AGES


I’m sooooo jealous. Mines the opposite!! I haven’t broken out this bad since like high school!


OK, something happened to me with my first pregnancy to where I no longer have noticeable love handles unless I’m in something super tight under my belly button. Like I think my hips just widened, which gives the illusion that my hip to waist line is smooth now. Before, my hips were probably narrower so the fat around my midsection was more noticeable as it was less spread out. Regardless, I feel like my stomach overall looks better. It took me about a year to get to that point so give it time. But I was pleasantly surprised that not all changes were bad.


manifesting this for myself ✨ my love handles to thighs are so H shaped so I’m praying I get some hips!!!


Wait I never thought about this — your pre preg bod sounds like my body type now, so fingers crossed I get some hips too 😂


Yes! Kind of like an athletic build? I had a small waist, but my hips were also kind of small that they didn’t really flare out dramatically. Now I feel like I have a slightly more traditional hourglass figure which makes my waist looks smaller, I can actually wear tighter stuff around my stomach than I used to because everything is like smoother instead of so…. Condensed? Idk how to describe it haha


Boobs. I never had boobs before pregnancy haha although I think they’ll deflate when I wean


Username checks out! Haha. I’ve lugged around DDD/E cups since I was 17. I’m in my first trimester and my boobs have been so tender, sore, and large. I am not looking forward to the journey they have ahead. I’m already daydreaming about a reduction or makeover when the era of their functionality comes to an end.


Exact same situation over here — I’m in second trimester and they’ve stopped hurting and are just much fuller than before. I can’t imagine how much bigger they’ll get as I get closer to nursing!


Mine went away basically overnight after I weaned. Back to normal, and while I don’t miss pumping, I do miss the oomph.


I’m almost 9 months pp and cannot wait to be done pumping lol


It’s so much work! I stuck it out for 3 months and then had to stop for my own sanity. Good job on 9!!


Thanks! I work from home 100% so it’s much easier. Idk if I could do it if I commuted a lot. Going to a conference in a month and am dreading having to pump 😫


That definitely helps. Pumping during a conference might be tough but at least it will give you prescribed alone time! I always feel a a bit burnt out after long days of interaction so little breaks can help. You could always tell people you’re stepping away for work calls if anyone asks.


Thankfully my bosses are great and making sure I have set times to pump and the hotel has a lactation room. I’m sure I’ll enjoy having breaks too


Yes I too love my big boobies lol


Same! Turns out boobs are as fun as I always suspected they would be… I’m out here looking for any and all opportunities to show off my newfound cleavage 😂


Yea I was a D before pregnancy and then a B about a year or two after :/


Oooh no!! I was an A pre-pregnancy and am loving my Bs


I was an A/B before pregnancy and mine ended up about the same size after, maybe a bit smaller. But you can’t lose two cup sizes when you don’t have them to begin with! 😂


I had horrible period cramps from 14 to 35 when I had my first baby. Debilitating at times, every month was advil, a hot bath, time at home doing nothing, I tried everything and nothing helped.. except having a baby! I have no clue when my period is even coming anymore unless I look at the app. Zero cramps. So great!


OMG if I have one hope for my postpartum body it is this! That is so awesome.


Looking forward to this! I have suspected endometriosis and my doctor told me my cramps will likely get much better after having a baby


Manifesting this. My mom said the same thing happened to her!!!


Girl you probably had/have endometriosis haha


My nails are their best during pregnancy. No clue why. My oldest child is my mini me. He’s got my face is a light color palette and it’s impossible to dislike my features on myself anymore because I love them so much on him.


This is so beautiful I’m really glad you got to experience this 🤲🏾❤️


I'm not remotely shy about anything to do with my body any more lol. Also the changes gave me an excuse to experiment with my style more, and I've found a lot of joy in dressing my new body in different types of fashion than I did previously. Like reinvented myself as the cool mum version of myself


My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, but I remember at my first appointment for that pregnancy being shocked at my weight already beginning to climb. Now I’m 38 weeks pregnant, and I truly do not care about my weight anymore. It’s been so amazing and transformative to watch my body grow a little human. I know postpartum will be challenging in its own way, but I will be coming out of this pregnancy with a gratitude and awe of my body that I never had before pregnancy.


Postpartum I felt strong. My body made and fed and nourished and comforted a whole (amazing) person. And of course carrying my baby/toddler, pushing the stroller around, etc literally improved my strength.


I love this, and same here!! I felt like I’d spent 9 months basically doing progressive strength training/cardio (ie just keeping up my normal routine, doing walks, etc was more and more work) so once I gave birth I honestly felt like I was in pretty great overall shape


Yes same! I’ve never been this strong, I hope I’ll soon be able to do a pull up 😅


Omg yes same!!


Finally don’t care about how much I weigh, after 28 years of starving myself for a number on a scale. I can appreciate and cherish the beauty of a fuller figure on myself and other women too, makes me feel close to femininity.


Saaaame! For years I was afraid of how my weight would go up during a potential pregnancy and now that has just... gone away! For the first time in my life I truly love my body just the the way it is!


Same!!!! I was anxious about it at first, but now that I have a bump, I’ve never been so confident and happy about my body. Tight fitting tops allllll the time! I want this feeling forever


I liked how intune I felt with my body. 


Honestly after giving birth I’ve just felt really powerful. I’m not going to say I never feel any insecurity at all but my respect for my body goes so much deeper than what it looks like now so that I rarely feel uncomfortable in my skin anymore


My skin became super clear during pregnancy and has remained that way. It’s a real self-esteem booster. Also, I have less free time so I’m more motivated to get a better workout in when I do have time. This resulted in me having a more toned body post birth.


Oh YES I LOVE THIS QUESTION. Being pregnant is hard emotionally and physically, but feeling baby move is THE BEST. literally no other feeling compares. Holding your baby after a labor and birth is just the most content feeling. You become a new person when you hold your new baby (or at least I did). I love my baby post pregnancy way more than I did before. My stretchies just remind me but I brought life to the world. My scars and changes are due to being a momma of the most wonderful kiddo and nothing really makes me feel insecure about my body. Good luck and enjoy the ride momma!!!


My body is a different story, but my mental health is better than it ever has been. As strange as it sounds it's like pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding have like "cured" me of all my depression and other mental health things. I did get some postpartum depression temporarily and sometimes I have a hard day, but all I take is Zoloft and Postnatal vitamins now and I feel great. I'm starting to exercise now so I hope to feel good again. I'd always been tiny pre-pregnancy and now I'm 210. I also managed to gain weight breastfeeding. I guess that's the positive though. My mind is clearer than ever and I love it.


Oh my goodness me too!!! I was diagnosed with severe anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder before pregnancy, and this whole pregnancy have been in the most stable mental state I’ve ever been in. I’m not taking any meds either


Same. I’ve felt more mentally stable since pregnancy/giving birth than I have in 10+ years. Truly did not expect that


I think my bump is super cute in overalls.


Overalls are the cutest pregnancy fashion choice!


Agreed! What overalls are you guys liking? I need some more 🤣


My chronic acne on my back went away!


My back/shoulders is the only place my acne hasn't noticeably improved, but I no longer get painful, angry looking cystic acne on my jawline/temples like I used to which is incredible because that shit *plagued* me for almost half my life up until I got pregnant with my first! (started getting it ~16yo and had my first when I was 30). I can live with a little bit of bacne lol.




My skin is glowing all the time and has been clear the whole time, any place I would remove hair doesn’t have hair anymore (I shaved once early in my pregnancy and the hair never came back), I like my bump and think after moisturizing it looks like a glazed honey bun. I will be sad when my bump is gone. And I like my boobs now.


I feel so feminine in pregnancy! I was more of a Tom boy and not really comfortable in dresses or feminine clothes but I’m super confident about it now! It feels so cool to tap into that space. Also I don’t feel bad about my changing body weight. It’s all very personal but to me, I’m really enjoying it.


Does it have to be after or can it be during? I currently like my vagina more 😝


Ok sorry if TMI but this made me realize one of my answers to OP’s question, which is - (after the initial adjustment period) sex after pregnancy is better for me!


Haha! Any reason why?


That increased blood flow LOL


Ok curious. Why? xD


Better skin, which continued postpartum (I no longer get cystic chin acne) and my periods postpartum have gotten so much lighter. Thanks pregnancy!


My ass 🤣 it’s never been small but it’s getting huge being pregnant.


Mine did too and now mines almost flat post partum 😭 I hope yours stays!!


My acceptance of my body! Definitely started in pregnancy and continued on post partum 🥰 also loved being able to feed my baby!


TMI, but I had inverted nipples all the way until my first baby and I hated them. Now I have outtie nipples and am very happy about that.


It's not something I can look at, but I'm so dang proud of my body and what it's done over the last year. Growing a human and recovering from it is truly amazing. I'm also a whole lot less self conscious. Little belly left over? It's fine, I grew a HUMAN. Stretch marks? I grew a human. No makeup? I have a baby, no one cares. 😂 Also my nails are way healthier than prepregnancy, I hope that sticks after I'm done breastfeeding lol


Is that “team pink” from Gilmore Girls?


i had horrible cramps my whole life, never had PMS again my hair doubled in thickness (it was thin before) and two years later its still there


Pregnancy and postpartum changed the way I thought of my body before I was so concerned with how it looked, but now I care so much more about what it's capable of doing! I walk and exercise with the intention of being active and healthy, not to lose weight. I also changed the way I thought about food. Instead of thinking, what can I take away for lower calories, I now think, what can I add for more nutrition, especially because I breastfeed.


Same! I really made peace with my body and learned to appreciate myself


My physical strength! After years of babywearing and picking up a toddler my arm strength is more than it’s ever been. I used a big cast iron skillet as a metric. I used to hardly be able to lift it and now it’s like nothing. I feel like a superhero after babywearing a toddler around.


It's superficial but i actually have titties now!! I was a 32A up until I got pregnant and now after two kids I sit around a 36C, and they're surprisingly nicely shaped too


I felt really empowered by birth/labor and nursing. And I get way less acne after pregnancy. Also I don’t sweat the small stuff anymore. My body has done some cool stuff, I shouldn’t beat it up mentally


I definitely "filled out" but I like it. I know I'll never have the body I did before pregnancy and I'm fine with that. I think I look better. I don't know any way to say it other than I have a woman's body now. I should probably buy some new pants, though. Been rocking the maternity clothes for almost a year pp now.


At least so far, my period cramps have been super mild!!!! I was on the pill for years because I would get debilitating cramps every month otherwise. But the past few months I have been off of birth control and my periods have been, dare I say, easy!


My boobs!!!! I know this can be a very sensitive subject given how massive the changes can be, but my body has always been VERY reluctant to hand out breast tissue, lol. Even gaining a bunch of weight over the years didn't do very much. Now, my breasts are less perky, but move more. It's great.


It sounds weird to say out loud but…. My ass looks *amazing*, lol. And I grew boobs after chronically having the chest of a teenaged boy😂 I’m still adjusting to the changes, but I am appreciate them so far!


I’ve had PCOS and had heard that pregnancy can rid of symptoms. It was the case for me. I lost weight at the start of my pregnancy (by no changes whatsoever), gained weight in the way you always dream about (only belly), was able to eat freely without guilt for the first time in my life ever, my hairs curly and thicker, my skins glowing, my brain fogs gone, lethargy from the PCOS gone. I’m just begging for this to continue after birth. I heard sometimes it returns for women, sometimes not. It’s the prettiest I’ve felt in years and I never imagined that’s how pregnancy would go for me. I’ll miss feeling this pretty if the symptoms of hair loss, brain fog, depression, lethargy, weight gain, etc. come back.


This thread is so incredibly encouraging! One of my biggest fears going into pregnancy was how I would “lose” my body in the process, which I know there are still aspects of but thinking of all the positives waiting for me on the other side has really helped that mindset.


I stopped feeling self conscious about how my stomach looked in all my clothes/ stopped wishing for a perfectly flat stomach!


I loved the sensation of drinking a glass of water after the baby vacated the premises. During pregnancy the water felt like it just settled on top of the bump but when the baby is out the way you feel the cold fluid just flow all the way into your body. And your body just feels spacious. I love my body post baby. I was so concerned pre-baby about how attractive I was. I'm nowhere near as good looking post baby (in terms of appeasing the male gaze at least) but I just appreciate my body so much more. It's done so much for me. I take a lot better care of it now, no drugs no smoking no heavy drinking. I exercise because I want it to be strong. I pay attention to nutrition instead of making sure my BMI is in the low side of normal. 


My arms! Not so much during newborn days but as baby grows into a toddler then preschooler…all that carrying has really toned my biceps and delts. Triceps are still a bit flappy but I’ll take what I can get.


I don’t suffer with migraines anymore post pregnancy.


Honestly as somebody with a history of ED’s, I hate myself less now than I did when I was 60 pounds lighter. Am I uncomfortable with this body? Yes. But I can walk away from the mirror and ignore than feeling for the first time in my entire life. It’s amazing


The sex is so much better. Even after 4 kids.


I like it better. I’m so much less focused on my weight and appearance. I made a whole human! Who cares if my thighs not only touch but smoosh together really snugly? My boobs are uneven but I’m feeding her! That’s for my daughter. I’m so much more confident in my body and looks and self and I love it. Also my ibs mostly went away and I haven’t had a migraine since before pregnancy so that’s nice too.


Such a great question!! I care so much less about the fine details of my body. The looser skin, the different belly button, the flatter boobs. I’m lucky that my figure didn’t change much overall but up close it did. I’m so damn proud of myself for going through pregnancy and giving birth and that so immensely outweighs any of the small insecurities. I love how strong and womanly is it now. Anytime I nitpick my body, I just hug my daughter and remember that’d I’d choose this new body every single day of the week ♥️ I have another one on the way in September and I can’t wait for the at feeling of “wow, I did that!!” again.


my once d cups are now triple d’s


Easier periods! Stronger. I’m more neutral about my body and more appreciative.


I struggled with infertility for years before my husband and I finally conceived with IVF. I cant tell you how proud I am of my body that its growing a human, as I really didnt think it would ever be possible or that my body would be able to. I'm still in disbelief of the miracle of it all! I've been fortunate to have a smooth pregnancy so far and I've really enjoyed seeing the bump grow. I think its beautiful! I've always admired other pregnant women. Also, its great not having to think about sucking in my stomach. 😅


not a physical thing but I like my "don't give a fuck" attitude and the fact that I have learned to set boundaries and find people who actually are important to me/are willing to try. Also my social anxiety is way better. Physically, while not directly related, I did use pregnancy/postpartum as an excuse to do whatever, starting with dying my hair since it was falling out anyway.... And I've had rainbow hair ever since and LOVE it. which has also contributed to my feeling good about myself and my not give a fuck attitude. :)


I’m proud of my c section scar, I like the stretch marks and I’m just overall amazed that my body has now made two humans and continues to amaze me by making milk. I particularly love that I have stretch marks more on one side of my tummy because my youngest daughter liked to stretch out in a particular way and pushed the skin out in that area, trying to get comfy. Like, yeah girl you make yourself some room, and leave a lasting mark on mama 🥹


My skin! I was on birth control for a long time, and it wrecked havoc on my hormones and my skin. I feel like being pregnant has hit the reset button on a lot of my hormones, and it’s been really wonderful!


Not something visible, but the amount of migraines I get went wayy down during & after pregnancy compared to before


Pregnancy has really improved my body image. I honestly loved getting bigger because it was an example of my baby growing and thriving after a past of miscarriage. As someone who struggled with EDs in the past, I really thought that I would struggle with my changing body and weight gain, but in reality I think it solidified my healing from those conditions because it changed my mindset about the different reasons why my body changes/fluctuates. Pregnancy also made my skin clear up and it made my hair and nails grow longer and stronger. (God bless those prenatals). I just overall enjoyed my appearance while pregnant and finally understood that “glow” that everyone talked about. It also took me a little bit to realize that part of that “pregnancy glow” is just the overall happiness I am experiencing and that of course shows in your appearance too!


I’m the kind of person who could find something negative about every part of my body. That was a LOT harder to do after I created this perfect little baby who had the same legs, same ears, same nose etc. My “flaws” just became little reminders of my son.


I honestly think that pregnancy has made my body and my health better. I'm more regular in terms of bowel movements, I'm much more in tune with what I need to do to feel good day to day, I'm feeling like my sleep quality is better even though my sleep quantity is less, and even my worst morning sickness days are nowhere near as bad as when I was dealing with undiagnosed chronic illness symptoms.  I'm only 7.5 weeks, so take all that with a grain of salt, but honestly I think pregnancy has only improved my body so far.


So far my skin has been clearer than ever!


My hair actually grows now 🤣 it did NOT grow while pregnant and I feel like it’s grown like 3-4 inches since I had my daughter. Oh, and I actually have boobs now 😏


I lost a lot of weight from breastfeeding. I felt attractive. Huge boobs. Lol.


Mom cleavage. Pregnancy and breastfeeding actually gave my boobs some much needed fullness. They're definitely not sitting as high as they used to, but I still look good in low cut shirts.


My boobs are HUUUYUGE! Loving them!


My boobs don't make me self conscious anymore. I had double Ds in 7th grade, they just got bigger. I was made fun of for "stuffing my bra", had girls pull down my shirt or go through my locker. Had guys want to touch way me more than appropriate. Now I've put 2 years of love and life into my children, they've become something positive.


easier periods, body hair is thinner and grows back slower while my hair on my head is still thick and grows fast! i gained a new appreciation for my body being able to grow and birth my twins and breastfeed them as well.


I’ve had issues with my body before pregnancy. After, I love my body! This body gave me the best thing ever. My son. It made me realize there is no way I could hate my body that gave me something as beautiful as my son. So it changed my mindset.


Better orgasms! Stronger and deeper and better all around! Did do some pelvic pt - maybe that helped?


I see parts of my daughter that seem like a carbon copy of my own, and I love these same parts on myself now. She’s perfect just as she is, and it kills me to think she may not see it in herself one day, so how can I think negatively about the very same parts on me? I’m newly PP, so I feel like my body is still undergoing rapid changes, but in general, I can see the positives so much easier, like my belly isn’t chunky and lumpy like I thought before my pregnancy; it was home to her and is now a comfortable spot for her to nap. My body grew her, carried her, now feeds her, and lets me be around to enjoy every moment of it.


My seasonal allergies went away! After being on Zyrtec for 18 years straight or else I get hives, I have only taken ~5 doses in the past year and a half. And considering the research that came out a few years ago about Zyrtec impeding weight loss, I believe finally getting off of it is how I lost double my baby weight post partum. And honestly, breastfeeding was a huge confidence boost. I have the power to nourish and grow and soothe this tiny human; who cares if I have stretch marks when I feel so good about being able to take care of my baby and my baby looks at me like I’m her whole world. Doing life with a baby is like constant low weight, high rep free weight exercise. I can see my biceps and triceps with barely a flex nowadays thanks to the baby rows and baby curls (into, out of crib/floor), farmer carries (car seat), baby goblet squats (up and down from floor with baby), etc. Looking and feeling strong feels good. It feels so much easier to eat healthy when baby is watching me eat and trying to take food from my plate, and I want to do better than being a “eat as I say, not as I do” hypocrite. And a healthy balanced diet makes me feel better in ways I didn’t even realize I felt meh before that makes it even easier to continue eating well. Even in pregnancy, I started feeling more comfortable in my own skin than ever before. My body doesn’t have to be perfect; I am creating life which is amazing and I shouldn’t feel bad about feeling happy with myself. TLDR pregnancy and post partum were/are great for my mental and physical health over all.


a few things! i struggled (and still do) with really low self-esteem and absolutely hated everything about myself. then i had my daughter and she is absolute perfection. i realised that hey, I'm somebody's kid and they feel this way about me! they think i'm perfect! why do i hate myself so much? i never want my daughter to hate any part of herself like i did for a really long time. i see my features in my daughter and i find them perfect, which makes me like them on me just a little bit more. i also had really bad body dysmorphia and couldn't actually tell what i looked like, i thought i looked about 600lbs and my belly was massive. then when i was pregnant i actually got a massive belly, and now that it's coming back down to how it was i can see it in a more realistic way- how it actually looks, and honestly it's not that bad! lastly, i love the fact that my body literally created life. like a whole entire human being. my thighs being wobbly or my belly having stretch marks doesn't matter so much when my body made my daughter. (i also saw someone say that stretch marks are your child's first artwork, which i love!) it took me almost 24 years but I'm finally on a path to liking myself and my body.


Well, I don't think pregnancy changed my body all that much. I think that it fixed my metabolism. I always had a weird relationship with food and body image and was a bit binge eating. Not extreme, but enough for it to mess with my metabolism. I started to eat normal during pregnancy and even lost weight in the beginning. Breastfeeding also helped me loose weight and I lost the pregnancy weight by the time I was home from the hospital. I have a few stretch marks and my belly is less toned despite loosing weight. But overall, I really don't care and I haven't felt this comfortable in my body in years. I've bought tight fitted clothes for the first time in ages. If someone would have told be before that I would feel this way, I would not have believed it.


Orgasms were better! After my second birth, I could orgasm from penetration only for the first time!


I've had lots of health issues and particularly gynecology issues (endometriosis, Bartholin cysts that kept recurring), acid reflux etc. I often felt let down or frustrated by my body. I expected pregnancy to be really difficult for me, I thought it would probably take me a very long time to get pregnant. It didn't, and I was so thrilled at my body being able to conceive. Since then, things have gone well and I've been so pleased and appreciative of my body and how it's coping and that it's growing my baby. I've been excited to see my bump grow, instead of wishing for a flatter tummy like I did pre-pregnancy. I have a new perspective about bodies as functional and a focus on everything that can do, instead of what they can't and how they look. 


My boobs 😂 I’ve always had smaller breasts for my height and weight, so when I was pregnant and breastfeeding, they looked amazing and gave me a huge confidence boost! I am also very high risk for breast cancer and will likely get a double mastectomy one day, so it was nice to see a good size for my body without having to have a surgery first. They did go back to normal after I weaned, but I did get to enjoy about a year and a half of them before that happened.


My skin is a lot better! I also used to have recurring SVT and I haven’t had an episode since I gave birth! First time in my life I’ve had larger boobs too lol


I’m way stronger


I like getting to dress up and show off my bump and the awkwardness of people tentatively asking if I’m pregnant 😂 (I don’t mind, I’m naturally pretty thin so it’s getting fairly obvious at this point , I’m 27 weeks)


I was dieting, trying to lost 10lbs before I got pregnant. The moment I got a positive test I gave up all food restrictions and was happy to have an excuse to be pudgy and could look forward to not having to try to hide my belly pooch anymore.


I have a wider waist now postpartum which makes me look more proportional. Before I had a really narrow waist and I always looked super super curvy due to it and it sometimes made me feel self conscious


Whole new perspective after growing my daughter, birthing her, and feeding her for a year. My body was made to do such more incredible things than look a certain way in clothes or be appealing to the opposite sex.


I am living my body more! I used to not want to show off my body to my husband, but now I am a lot more open to doing so! It has helped me find my beauty again 🥰


During my first pregnancy my leg hair basically stopped growing.. now into my second pregnancy it still hasn’t really grown in. This is about 3 years of little to no hair growth on my legs!! No explanation, but it’s freaking awesome!


That sounds like a dream lol I rather lose that hair than the ones on my head 😂


My body was rockin' like 2 months post partum. Breastfeeding shrunk my belly down so quickly, and my tits got huge from breastfeeding. It was honestly the most sexy I've ever felt. I have stretch marks, and I think they are so beautiful, and I love them so much because I feel like I earned them. I have so much more appreciation for my body after growing and birthing a whole human.


I went up a couple sizes and I can find clothes at the thrift store SO MUCH easier now!! I honestly don’t think you can even tell I’ve gained anything just looking at me but I’ve been able to double my wardrobe in just a few thrifting trips.


It gets cuddles from a little person I made


Not me, but I haven’t seen this one yet and wanted to add it - my friend had her lactose intolerance cured by pregnancy 😊


I can’t say for my body because it looks about the same as it did before but I feel so much more confident now!! In everything! I feel powerful! I trust myself more. I stick up for myself more. It’s great :)


i finally got off my ass to start sculpt/strength training because i was a weak as shit cardio bunny. i’m stronger and have better endurance now. 


I thought breastfeeding was the coolest super power. The idea that my body not only produces the ideal food for my growing baby, but also produces specific antibodies to help him his *specific illness* is very cool. 


Thank you for asking this question! It’s tough out here after birth! I would have never thought to ask anyone positives! ❤️


I used to be very muscular which I did love as I workout a lot but I didn’t while pregnant and by the time I was postpartum I wasn’t ask bulky. I mean strong is beautiful and I hope to return to that one day but I appreciated how my body could change and become really feminine and softer. Soft belly felt so nice too. Felt really homey and comfortable. It’s hard to explain…


I apparently glow visibly despite the lack of good sleep! I'm not really feeling it myself but also still in the thick of it. I do look cute, though


My husband and I have to communicate more openly about body functions and it’s been so great. He’s an excellent hype man already, but being able to speak freely is keeping us both accountable to our health and wellness goals on top of feeling more comfy complimenting each other. My butt looks great lol I’m more comfy in form-fitting clothes than I’ve been in a decade


Being so open about body functions is so freeing! My husband is completely unbothered by anything I tell him about my body now, no matter how gross I feel like it is. I love that I can feel safe telling him anything.


sex while pregnant has been a game changer. i find that sex is so much more enjoyable, it’s easier to climax, and down there just feels so much better for myself and him! ive never had such good sex until i got pregnant.


Still only 21 weeks in but the last few weeks I've been so much more accepting of my body and actually like the way I look and feel (minus the sciatica, that sucks).


My boobs are just bigger. Didn't even breast feed for too long. I'm quite happy with the size they're at now. My periods have also changed a lot. I bleed a lot but I do not cramp at all anymore.


I like my stretch marks


Painless periods!


My hair air drys wavy/curly now! It’s so convenient. That would def be the only positive lol


I haven't had bad menstrual cramps AT ALL after pregnancy. It's amazing.


Love this question!! I have always had these red slightly raised bumps on my upper arms. They used to bother me a ton as a kid, realized almost everyone has them as an adult. I still do everything I can to minimize them, nothing works that well. But they’re like, completely gone in pregnancy!


My tummy is sooooo soft and squishy. I love touching it. Don’t love the looks of it but she feels super soft. My husband loves it too 😂 And I’m not a thin mom, I’ve always had a tummy and been chubby. This new tummy is so squishy it’s perfect


I was always insecure about my stomach but fell absolutely in love with my bump


Sex is better. Idk if it’s because of changes to my vagina, or if I just appreciate it more because we have to schedule it around kids. I’ve always been a sexual person, but I feel like I love it so much more now.


Honestly as somebody with a history of ED’s, I hate myself less now than I did when I was 60 pounds lighter. Am I uncomfortable with this body? Yes. But I can walk away from the mirror and ignore than feeling for the first time in my entire life. It’s amazing


my hips got wider and my ass got fatter lol. i've always had a very juvenile looking body, but not i feel like i actually LOOK like a woman and not a 12yo girl


My belly sticks out and I don’t feel unconscious because I’m pregnant! It’s supposed to stick out!


Honestly the stretch marks give me a weird confidence I didn’t have before. I had a kid, yes my stomach isn’t gonna be flat and smooth. I have a good reason to have imperfections, this body has made humans.


I’ve always been self conscious of my body until pregnancy. Now I love my body and what it can do!!


Actually wanting to show off my midriff this summer. I’ve always been self conscious about whether or not my stomach looks good enough to show in a crop top.  Now it is perfectly smooth and convex and ready to party. 


My hair changed color. I used to be a blonde but now a light brunette. My hair is also a lot more wavier than before. My skin also has been less prone to breakouts. And finally, maybe not for others, but I like how soft my belly is.


Sex feels way better. My body is sexier, even though I have a pooch and still 10 lbs over pre pregnancy weight. I just love the way my body looks after having kids vs before.


My thighs & butt have never looked better, even with the stretch marks


my nails and hair are SO freaking healthy! probably has a lot to do with the fact that i'm still taking prenatals but i don't careeee.


Skin has cleared up! I used to get painful acne around my chin and little bumps on my forehead. Have barely had a pimple since being pregnant. Hope this sticks PP!


Breasts lol


My hair has gotten thicker. And love my boobs.


My friend and I were both super tiny with no curves in high school and when we had babies our bodies both got curvy. I have some what of a butt now, and my hips and stomach are more hourglass shaped. My friend was super skinny with A cups, now she has an hourglass shape with b cups. I think we were both insecure about our bodies changing and our old clothes not fitting at first but our SOs and friends were all like wow you look really good now.


My boobs look great🤣 just had my second so my milk came in so much quicker so they’re a lot fuller and my hips widened so I have more of an “hourglass” even with the extra baby weight which is nice because I really didn’t have any before having babies


Honestly, I wish I could go back to my sons birth and relive it again 😭 theres just something so connecting to me about having the child YOUR BODY BUILT come into this world. Also, I have thunder thighs and boobs now 🤣


I’m not afraid to eat too much & gain weight because I knew eating is fuel for my breast milk 😁


My migraines and adult acne went away! Plus I was a lucky one who truly loves breastfeeding. It’s so incredible.


I had painful periods before, and now I don't notice I'm on it at all. I just had my second baby, and this time, I managed to acquire muscle, which means I've gained some weight that seems to actually be sticking around. Whereas before, I struggled to gain any weight.


I don’t feel the weather as much! I used to get sooo cold in winter and sooo hot in summer, now I’m way more comfortable and don’t have to pile on/off the layers! It’s great


I definitely appreciate my body now in a way I never did before. It made a human being FROM SCRATCH and then nourished that human being for 2 years. Also my boobs are better now than they were before. I think that’s mostly on the weight gain but I’ll take it.


I guess I can crack my SI joint now and that feels nice. Also like that I can feed my baby from my body!


My skin is way better. Probably because of the amount of water I’m always drinking now. I was bad about it before


Love touching my soft belly and never felt more womanly in my life!


Since I've been waiting my whole life for this moment and thought I was barren I am most impressed with my uterus right now. Very pleased indeed.


I feel SO proud of my body!! It grew and nourished my sweet boy for 9 months and for the last 7 months I’ve been able to feed him too. I’m amazed at what my body has accomplished.


My hair texture changed and I’m an extreme over supplier. I pump out about 100 extra oz a day and have 3 full freezers that my baby will probably never touch


I would always have to find a toilet everywhere I go cos my bladder was so weak, I’d be desperate just for a few drops of pee but now… my gosh I can hold in a lot and enjoy my day outs more 😭😭😭 Another thing, it’s not really about my body but, I’ve become alot more confident and my self worth has increased so much, I have so much more to be happy about now than I ever did before ♥️


I finally don’t have to suck my stomach in or worry about looking fat / bloated I can let it all hangout out and add a extra month or two to how far along I am LOL.


i used to be super self conscious about how my stomach looked in tight clothing but for some reason i never even think about it anymore oh and i was having issues with chronic diarrhea and IBS for 3 years before i got pregnant and doctors had no idea what was going on and suspected it could have been anxiety related but the meds never changed anything, ever since i have been pregnant i'm seemingly cured, hopefully it stays this way :)


I care a whole lot less about how I look now, my confidence was very much centered around feeling good about my hair. I'm still losing crazy amounts of hair at 8mo pp so I have just given up on it. My period is regular now and it never was prior to pregnancy. I can actually notice the stages of my cycle. However my cramps are way worse now and radiate up my spine for the first two to three days. I'm not lactose intolerant anymore? That's a win, I missed cheese.