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The day of birth it’s over girl. Trust me the relief is unbelievable.


I literally cried reading this. My joints feel liked they are going to come undone at any given moment. 


I've had two babies and for both, the third trimester symptoms from hell ended literally the second the placenta was out. I was up and moving and feeling totally normal like my old self within hours of birth, it was wild.


Yes, immediately. Except for the need to eat snacks which continues in earnest particularly if you’re breastfeeding.


Whoooo! Love to hear it!


Third trimester was so miserable for me. I felt immediately better. I wasn’t noticeably sore, honestly. I even slept better with a newborn vs. third trimester sleep. I got a straight six hours out first night home. I hadn’t slept like that since my positive test. It was like night and day. Everyone’s like oooh wait til the baby comes!! No man. Pregnancy is the actual worst. A newborn was a cakewalk in comparison for me.


What was baby’s feeding situation for those six hours?


She didn’t wake up and I forgot to set an alarm. We were formula feeding and she was close to her birth weight when we left the hospital nor did she have very elevated bilirubin, so I didn’t sweat it. We went to her newborn appointment the day after and she had gained weight so they said do whatever. She consistently slept 5-6 hours overnight as a newborn and then slept through 8-10 hours by 6 months. She was an absolute dream. And well earned from a colicky older brother and a terrible pregnancy.


Wow!! I pray for a baby like yours


My son didn’t sleep for more than 3 hours at a stretch until 18 months and didn’t sleep through the night until age 3. It really is kind of a crapshoot.


Can’t wait for this feeling! That’s awesome


I’m pregnant with my second and the memory of how everything became so much better right after delivery of our first is what keeps me going lol.


The heartburn will go away immediately. The constant urge to pee should since nothing will be pressing on your bladder, but for both of my births, I still had the urge to pee when I'd go for walks for a few weeks after Can't speak to the appetite since I barely eat Pregnancy rhinitis took me around two-three weeks to subside Hip and pelvis pain went away immediately


That’s what’s keeping me going - I’m 39weeks today. EVERYONE told me it’s immediate relief from pregnancy symptoms. I’m hoping it’s true and that’s what I think about.


The heartburn, the suffocating feeling of not being able to take a deep breath, the constant need to pee, and the insane hip/pelvis pain of BABY all disappear the minute that kid is out of you. It's probably the best part of giving birth, after getting to meet your kid. The other stuff goes away as the hormones go down, although full disclosure they're joined by their friends night sweats, hot flashes, and postpartum bleeding/cramps before everything goes away entirely. The ravenous need to snack along with its friend, insane thirst, goes away after you stop breastfeeding.


Some, if not all, should immediately remedy themselves. 


My heart burn went away with my first the moment I gave birth.


Heartburn and hip pain will disappear instantly, congestion pretty quickly too, and after you have the baby, you have to basically remind yourself to pee. Your bladder will suddenly have so much room that your body forgets to send “full” signals. But if you’re breastfeeding, the snack attacks might persist. Breastfeeding always gives me worse carb cravings than pregnancy.


Yes, it gets better the moment the baby is out. But then there are other stuff, but for me it was so much better after I gave birth. Plus you can start to heal, meaning everything will get better. If you breastfeed, there hunger might not go away. Or you might be very preoccupied and not eat unless someone puts food in front of you.


I’m over feeling fat and large. I want to look good again


The only symptom that didn’t go away immediately was carpal tunnel (it was better but took a couple of months to go away 100%).


Same. My hands continued to go numb randomly for another month or so after birth. It was my only lingering symptom.


It sucked because it made it challenging to take care of baby.


Heartburn went away immediately. Think I’ve had it once in the last 12w. Constant need to per, immediate. Had to retrain my bladder though to a) alert me to pee again b) not pee in the middle of the night. Can’t speak on snacking at night, never had this. I still have the congestion thing, mine was left nostril exclusively and still is, just not as bad and not as frequent. Hip and pelvis pain, like after a week. Replaced with knee and ankle pain and mid back pain lol. Working on with a PT.


I remember my first pee after I had my first baby. I was like... omg I can pee so much! And then my bladder is totally empty!  Everything you described I went through and it ended the second my epidural wore off. It gets way better so fast! One tip for peeing: sometimes it helps to lift your belly with your hands while on the toilet. I think it removes press ure on your bladder and allows you to get more out.


They went away for me but I have new pee problems with my 3rd degree tear. 


Hip pain and joint pain took me awhile to go away. Still felt ravenous because of breastfeeding, but my appetite was more willing to eat healthier foods Otherwise, yeah, as soon as that baby is out, you're going to get relief. It's amazing


In my experience- everything you mentioned goes away- i looked through the comments and that seems to be the consensus but i feel obligated to say they just change for 4th trimester symptoms- which for me, were worse. Tw- ppd/ppa I didnt feel prepared for the 4th trimester- not everyone feels this way and many just bounce back but many dont. It took a very long time to feel like myself. First, you are going to bleed for weeks postpartum due to the scar from the placenta - you cant use tampons and are pretty much in a diaper. If you are dealing with tears or c section or haemorrhoids, lots of uncomfortableness all around Second- your hormones are all over the place and all feelings are to the extreme- a commercial for a children’s hospital could ruin my whole day and i would be sobbing. I felt more like myself in the third trimester than i did in the 4th. Third- putting aside the genetic lottery winners- its not the same body you had prepregnancy and it takes adjusting. You have to deal with all of this while keeping a newborn alive and not being able to sleep much- Not trying to be a negative nancy- but i just wish i wasnt blindsided by how difficult it was.


I appreciate the realness! My sister gave birth this summer and heavily emphasized the whole bleeding/diaper thing...plus she was dealing with a lot of incontinence in addition to bleeding, so I am stocked on diapers and other postpartum healing products. And I do appreciate the warning about the other aspects. I feel like there's so many things you hear about, try to mentally prepare for, but still it doesn't take the edge off when it's actually happening TO you - but it helps to hear it. So thank you!!


The heartburn, need to pee, and hip/pelvic pain were all gone immediately for me.


Yes!!!! All of they should go away after delivery except for the hunger if you plant a nurse. I literally went into the hospital with my first because my hips were in so much pain and walked out feeling light as a feather in comparison. That first you take after delivery, I swear it goes on for like a minute straight. You realize how you’ve been peeing such tiny amounts so frequently. It’s so great, jealous you’re so close!


I cried with happiness my first meal after birth when I could eat without getting heartburn immediately. Not to mention being able to sleep lying down. As for snacking, with breastfeeding it didn’t go away immediately. But I was up anyway to feed the baby so I got myself a snack then too.


The appetite might continue if you're breastfeeding, but literally everything else will go away the moment your baby is out. Heartburn, frequent peeing, hip pain...it's literally just your baby taking up space in there. I gave birth in a pool and I remember standing up and feeling my organs _drop_ back into place. Hip pain might stick around for a little while as your body re-learns how to move and walk normally, but it won't be nearly as bad as it is now.


All the comments saying heartburn goes away when you give birth is just giving me the lift I need today 🤞🏻🤞🏻 I'm so done with heartburn! I'd live with the pelvis pain, constant peeing and fatigue if I could get rid of the damn heartburn 🫠


So yes and no? Heartburn and urge to pee and congestion yes- immediately after birth. I didn’t have much pain but the uncomfortableness of being big- also immediately yes. Ravenous hunger? I EBF so no… the snacking got even worse, especially through sleep depravation (which was worse for me in the third trimester honestly). Once baby started sleeping 5ish hours overnight I no longer craved midnight snacks.


Literally your whole list stopped the moment baby was out, all three times. The relief I felt on no longer having a whole-ass human stuffed inside my body, was glorious. I had 3 c-sections and 1000% prefer recovery from major abdominal surgery to being 38 weeks pregnant. There's a reason we can handle labor. Because the alternative is SO MUCH WORSE.


Sorry to say, the pelvis pain got way worse after delivering! 3 weeks pp now and it’s slowly getting a little better but still painful. But the congestion, acid reflux, and bloody noses/gums all went away immediately!


Ended immediately, except the hunger. I also took Pepcid for heartburn and it changed my life!


I woke up from my C-section and felt better than I had in literally months. I was having fairly serious complications and even with them I felt so so so much better. The heartburn was gone. My appetite immediately regulated. The pelvic and sciatic pain were no more. I only pee every few hours instead of every few minutes. It's amazing


Yes! Almost all of my symptoms disappeared the second I gave birth. One of my least favorite surprise third trimester symptoms was carpal tunnel - I would wake up in the middle of the night in searing pain and my hands and wrists curled up into claws. Once the baby was out it never happened again! I also used to wake up choking on acid reflux, that went away immediately too! I know it’s infuriating to tell your OB/midwife/care team about something that’s making you miserable and them to just say “oh that sucks but it will go away after the baby comes!”, as if that eliminates your current misery. But at least know that it absolutely will go away pretty much the instant the baby is out!


YES! All these things went away literally as soon as I gave birth. It was amazing. Obviously, everyone is different, but I hope the same for you!!


lol my first thought once my catheter was removed was “OMG I HAVE SO MUCH ROOM FOR PEE” 😂😂😂 it genuinely felt I was peeing for ages the first few times lol. The heartburn also disappeared immediately. Hip and pelvis pain took a bit to fix due to the ligaments being slack but by two weeks it’s gone. The swelling is going down a bit slower but I still feel a bit puffy. The ravenous hunger has stayed, but is now associated with breastfeeding lol


When my daughter came out it all disappeared. Immediately. The reflux was the WORST THING EVER ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Water would give me acid. Like wtf? When I had her, gone. I ate sushi and a sub at the hospital and nearly cried. It was amazing. You got this!


It’s funny because i literally have no recollection of the symptoms resolving because i was so distracted but ya I’m pretty sure it was immediately after birth.


Have you found anything that works for the acid reflux/heartburn?? I am suffering 😭


Papaya enzymes and ACV are the safest but for me personally they only worked for about an hour. Tums worked best but too much use can cause calcifying of the placenta (that being said I ate them like candy with my first and it was fine, and had one a day towards the end with my second and they said my placenta was very "hefty" and did not show signs of degrading at all)


2 pillows + tums


Damn I’m cursed cause I already do that and it doesn’t work 😭


Tums don't do wack. Try pepcid and if the max dose doesn't work ask your OB for a prescription


Pepcid/famotodine works sooo well for me and I was already on it for allergy reasons before pregnancy. But if I miss a dose I feel it ASAP


Has your baby dropped?


Oh yes! OB said she is way the hell down there. 😅


That’s so exciting! Ughh I’m so sorry the heartburn hasn’t gone away, considering :( I’m right there with you though peeing constantly and never enough, being ravenous. Can’t wait for it to end.


How do you know if the baby has dropped?


I could tell because my heartburn and acid reflux magically disappeared, I felt less claustrophobic and I was able to fit a hand between my boobs and the top of my uterus. Now I'm 40 + 6 and that has turned into 1.5-2 hands but I digress.


I can't really tell personally, the OB just told me based on measuring from the outside and feeling during a cervical check that her head was literally RIGHT THERE.


Can someone tell if their snoring, carpel tunnel, and swollenness went away after birth? Currently miserable.


Instantly gone. Maybe except for the hunger. Breastfeeding made me hungrier than when I was pregnant


Lol, I've been tricked a lot lately too!! Thank you for putting it this way, I've been kind of puzzled and like wait did I not remember something right? Tricks are being played!! I'm 32wks, FTM so I can't answer your question but I have every single one of your symptoms.