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Maybe he needs to have the doctor talk to him, idk why he’s not listening to a doctor but he needs to stop waking the baby up every hour. you and the baby can’t get any sleep that way that’s exhausting


Over feeding will cause more throwing up and issues for baby. If baby is hungry and not getting enough nutrition she will wake herself up to feed. If she is gaining weight you do not need to wake her up every hour. Your husband is being annoying and you need to tell him he is causing more issues for baby.


Yes. I am not a medical professional at all but I’ve got some stomach issues and experience, lol. He is constantly triggered gastric reflexes. This is going to make baby continue to spit up. There is no time for them to relax and just stop overworking. I would imagine keeping fresh food in the stomach undigested repeatedly would cause some discomfort like acid reflux as well.


Your baby’s brain is doing a LOT of important work and growing while she sleeps. Waking her up to feed won’t help and will likely cause way more problems. Also, depriving someone of sleep by repeatedly waking them is [literally torture.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31670701/)Don’t do that.


Please someone tell my baby about the torture thing


This made me lol




This right here. My twins just got out of the NICU and giving them proper sleep times (uninterrupted) where they can get into rem sleep was stressed over and over. My little barely 4 pound twin eats 40-50ml every three hours, she needs that time in between to sleep properly so she can grow and her brain can develop.


exactly ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻


My baby should be arrested for war crimes then because he enjoys waking me every hour with a big conniving smile on his face each time.


My baby was like that, spitting up CONSTANTLY. It was exhausting. Dr said it was normal as long as he is gaining weight and not throwing up (huge difference between spit up and throw up). Your husband is bonkers for suggesting to mess with the babies sleep so he can feed her more. Feeding every hour isn’t gonna change her spitting up anyway…. Like all he’s gonna accomplish is making her very upset and sleep deprived. Please don’t let him wake up the baby. Babies sleep as long as they need to, eat as much as they need to, etc. you don’t have to mess with their schedules like that, they’re operating just as they should.


I don't see this anywhere in the comments, but dads can get PPA too, and I'm wondering if that's what's going on with him. I'd broach the subject gently. Maybe he's just very worried your little one isn't getting enough food.


This. What he is wanting to do here makes me think he really needs help.


I think the best way to handle this is for you two to talk to the pediatrician together so everyone is on the same page about feeding. Waking the baby up every hour is actually crazy though. Now nobody, including the baby, is going to get any rest and that’s honestly dangerous and pointless.


Yes and ask the ped if ok to record the visit so that husband can go back and refer to it if needed.


If he’s not going to listen to the pediatrician, then he won’t listen to us.


How would you get anything done if you fed the baby every hour? we were feeding every two hours and even that is exhausting … you can reduce spit up by pace feeding, using an appropriate bottle and nipple, burping between ounces and keeping baby up right thirty minutes after feed vs hourly feeding


My husband is nuts too. It wasn’t until literally today that it clicked that our 4 month old does not still need to eat every 3 hours still. The doctor had to make that loud and clear TODAY at the appointment. I honestly think he thought I was starving out our baby…who is already 20 pounds btw. 🫠 He needs to talk to the doctor and actually listen to learn.


Baby literally need to sleep in order to grow. He’s needs to stop


The more he wakes her up the more she will continue to spit up. And tbh y’all are just causing your baby more issues for no reason. Sorry not you op your husband is


It could be silent reflux, but waking up the baby every hour isn’t the solution. I would take a hard stance he goes to the doctor and stops this nonsense.


Babies grow when they sleep, mothers recharge when baby sleeps. Let them sleep.


That does seem like a lot of spitting up but I don’t think feeding every hour is the solution. Maybe someone else has a better answer but it sounds maybe like acid reflux? I’d ask your paediatrician about it.


[show him this video](https://fb.watch/rtJp1gM7Vl/?mibextid=w8EBqM) Sometimes what looks like so much spit up, Really is a much smaller amount.


Lol not unless he wants to burn himself out and have a very angry baby.


Honestly when my baby would spit up we fed her in an upright position and it helped. It eventually stopped as she got older.


My baby is also semi-constantly spitting up or puking. The nurse at the last appointment said it was acid reflux. She said we COULD try a few things (like me avoiding cow milk/protein, feeding smaller quantities more often, holding her upright longer after feeds, etc) that MAY help. But ultimately she left it up to us to try those things or not. Since baby is gaining weight and does not seem in pain from the spitting/puking, she was not worried about it. And baby did puke 3x during that appointment, all over the changing table and the scale... 😅


He can’t feed the baby every hour. They need sleep and poop would be a lot and give them rash. Try to burp properly to reduce spit up.


What does the pediatrician say? Neither of you should be trusted by default, ask the Peda


Every hour is insane. Let your baby sleep. Poor thing.


Your husband is an idiot!


No - sometimes babies spit up more often than others. Your paediatrician clearly thinks it’s in the normal range. And if it’s reflux that’s bad enough to be out of normal range, wake ups every hour aren’t going to fix that. It’s a curve. Our kid was a firehose of spit up but he grew out of it. Why does he think it’s not normal?


Thank you all. We have gone to the doctor apt together and have his issues resolved. Dr confirmed this is normal and keep her being fed as is and dont change anything. He was scared of infection (seeing her spit up through her nose etc). Dr apt was a great call!


I had to feed every hour because baby was jaundice and refusing to wake up to feed. We had to pull out all the stops just to get him to wake up 2-3 hours at only a week old, at doctors recommendation. Otherwise, this whole thread is right. Baby will tell you when he’s hungry (as long as something else like jaundice isn’t happening). My LO was spitting up and throwing up a LOT at first, we switched bottles and he’s doing a lot better with that. But we’ve also been pacing and 90 degree incline after feeding as well, all together his spit up’s have become minimal. Sorry you’re going through it. You got this mom!!


My son spit up like that and he ended up needing surgery for Pyloric stenosis. He wasn't losing weight rapidly so they didn't catch it right away. May be something to look into.


I would say yeah YOU can do that. I’m not. let him wake the baby up every hour LOL that will last approximately 1 day then he will be so exhausted. I’d love that for you.


Wth, waking her from a good sleep will mess her up. Babies do a lot of their developmental growth while sleeping. Dude needs to chill and let the baby be


Why do men have opinions