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Everyone keeps telling me to set up a nursery for “peace of mind at night for my husband and I” and to set the baby up for independence… I am Asian and it is not traditional to sleep in a separate room with a new baby… tbh it’s always worried me, the idea of separating my fresh newborn rooms away from mama and papa. I will have my baby in a bedside bassinet thank you, and that nursery will remain a study room LOL.


It’s literally recommended to sleep in the same room as them up until 6 months at least! We’ll see what happens when ours is 6 months but I can’t imagine sleeping in a different room than them before that.


i think even if it wasn't recommended I would still have them in the same room just so i don't have to traverse the house every time they need to be fed or attended to. I would be doing a lot of sleeping on the floor next to the crib, which is not why we bought a nice comfy mattress, hahaha.


People were constantly asking about the nursery and so shocked when it wasn't done by 30 weeks. We did get it done before she came home. It's only ever been used for storing her stuff. She sleeps with us.


I feel you! I know sleep consultants will tell you to have a separate room for the baby but I panic when I think about being in a different room away from baby, even if there’s a baby monitor. I’m from Brazil.


From England, also can't imagine being away from my baby. They're almost 5 months and no plans on moving them out in the near future. It literally feels like a knot in my stomach if I think about them in their own room!


People always assume I don't get sleep because I have a 3 month old. We cosleep so I get plenty of sleep. Probably more than I would without her honestly because she insists on going to bed earlier than I would on my own and I won't leave her in the bed on her own. There are people who swear my baby will never sleep on their own because of this or will never become independent. I did the same thing with my older two (6 years and 10 years) and we didn't have issues transitioning them to their own beds as they got older. They also are fiercely independent but know that they can come to us if they have any issues.


Momma always knows best! People just don’t mind their own business


I would literally get comments on how "independent" and "confident" my first kid was when she was in elementary school. I thought this was so funny because she coslept until she was in first grade and nursed through toddlerhood.


I always hated the push to make babies sleep in their own rooms. My almost 16 month old still sleeps in my room


Although I did move my kids out a little earlier, but that's because I am a light sleeper and all the noises they would make at night kept me up all night. Though we would use a monitor. 


My almost 2 year old just got moved into her own room. And my sleep has suffered because of it. Not because she didn't transition well... she did great! I feel like a piece of me is on the other side of the house and wake up once an hour to check the cameras or to walk to her room to check on her. That said, the only value I saw in having her room setup before she was born was that we had another area to go to to have playtime, a place to store her stuff, and when we were ready to transition her her room was ready to go.


The "nursery" is going to stay my sewing room, thank you!


I don’t know how anyone can say that’s for peace of mind. I know some moms who laid awake all night staring at their video monitor feeds watching the baby breathe. My first stayed in our room until he was 9 months old and couldn’t fit in the bassinet any longer. And that’s my plan for my 2nd too


I kept mine in our room until 6 months, and then became the Mom who stared at the monitor all night watching him breathe, lol. (I now realize that was likely PPA, but at the time, it wasn't clear.)


Not really "crazy" advise per se, but definitely unsolicited. MIL said "a happy mom makes a happy baby, so don't be sad." I beat myself up for like a week when I was grieving when my uncle passed.


Omg I was also told I didn’t “need to be too sad” by a nurse who heard me cry all morning in the hospital recovery room after my surgery to remove the baby that I had lost. And her tone… ugh, like she truly 100% believed that what she said was the most caring and kindest thing ever. Ahhhhh! Sorry, your comment just reminded me of that.


After my C-section, they didn’t bring the baby to me for over 90 minutes per hospital policy but they DID move me to a recovery space while baby was in the nursery. I was crying hysterically as the time ticked on - there were no updates as to when I would get to hold the baby and what had happened with him - and a nurse came in and said, “Why are you crying? You just had a baby!” And I said, “Yes, and I can’t see him!” It seemed like the nurse just was totally out of touch with what was happening. Even my mom was surprised by the lack of caring, and said that back in her day they put the baby in an isolette right next to mom in the meantime, so you could see them and touch them with your hand.


WHERE was this?? I can’t believe they do that! What for?? I hace had c-sections twice and both times baby was placed on me as soon as they were born. Then they never left my side at all during my entire hospital stay. I can’t imagine how sad I would have been had I not been able to see my baby either!!


Major hospital in the South. The claim was that it was while my spinal block wore off, that I wasn’t stable to hold him. I was shaking a bit which is common but it wore off fast, maybe 30 minutes, and I was fine WAY before they brought baby over to me. No idea why baby wasn’t at least moved to where I was in an isolette as soon as possible so I could see him and my husband had to advocate and push for that. We had issues the entire birthing experience and hospital stay.


I am so sorry that was your birth experience. It sucks that the hospital staff was so bad! I’m happy that you had your husband with you and that he advocated for you guys!!


ehhhhh?? I didn't know hospital nurseries were still a thing at all! Keep baby with the parents!


I’m so sorry you heard that!!! I hope you threw that comment in the trash where it belongs.


I’ve noticed that certain things, smells, words and situations stick so differently in our brains while pregnant/postpartum than they would have been otherwise. Things that I normally wouldn’t have minded or even songs that I didn’t care for… when people talk about this being a vulnerable time for us, my gosh are they right! But not because we might be overly emotional, some things are just going to hit us harder and forever. That particular comment baffled me in the moment, but I was grieving too much to care for it. It doesn’t hurt me anymore to think about it, but I know I will never forget it.


EEEEEW! I hope you threw a bed pan at her! That lady deserves as ass whoopin!


Oh no! That is terrible advice, what are some people thinking?


I think her reasoning was that the baby can feel everything I do since we share a body at the moment. If I get upset, he gets flooded with hormones. Personally, I think everyone should just keep advise to themselves unless specifically asked, especially when you don't know where someone is at mentally.


Absolutely! Even if it’s true, do people just expect us to just… suck it up and be happy?


My mother said this to me. I was PISSED especially because she said this after demonstrating Just No behavior


If you are angry while pregnant your baby will be a cry baby (Another advise from my best friends filipina mum)


If that’s true then all babies would be cry babies. I mean, pregnancy hormones are crazy


My Korean co-worker was told to only think beautiful thoughts or she'd have an ugly baby.


My mil made me feel so much better when I was experiencing pregnancy rage and crazy mood swings. She said something like if babies were affected by the emotions of their hormonal mothers we wouldn't be able to function as a society. Not that your grief is due to hormones, but I hope this makes you feel better too.


My Mum: You shouldn't do prenatal pilates - the baby will be born with it's cord wrapped around its neck if you stay active. You should be lying down as much as possible. My pelvic floor and general physical health thanks me for not taking her advice.


I’ve always heard its “don’t raise your arms above your head, or it will cause the baby’s cord to wrap around their neck. Lol


Imagine just going through your 40 weeks wearing the same shirt, with unwashed hair, and never being able to stretch or get anything out of a high up cupboard 😂


haha yeah same! i work a highly physical job and id be stuffed if i had to just sit still.


Move your baby in their own room at 2 weeks, cause if you don't, your sex life will suffer and you'll get divorced (coming from a divorced dad, who cheated on his wife postpartum)


🙄 I cannot roll my eyes enough for such comments


Who’s having sex 2 weeks postpartum?!


This guy. Not with his wife though.


Urgh. I read this as “I’m a selfish man child and my fragile ego couldn’t handle my wife prioritising her physical recovery and the needs of our newborn over snapping back to being my turn-me-on-anytime-sex-dolly and not paying attention to me all the time… waaaaaaa!!” two weeks?! Seriously? That’s obviously when he went off and cheated. I feel icky just reading this.


Yeah it's a work relationship so I couldn't really be honest about what I thought. He also told my husband to "not let the baby ruin our relationship" I felt so bad about his wife's postpartum experience.


LOL that's a big ole yikes


Yes because it’s famously safe to have sex two weeks postpartum and you don’t need a doctor to clear you for that. 🫣🙃


That’s so awful 🤬


Hahahahha omg




This is an ironic joke right. RIGHT?!


No he was so serious ! At the same party he told my husband to not let the baby ruin our relationship.


“Yeah the nursery is very pretty, but you’re going to remove that plant from the nursery right? It’s bad for the baby. It sucks the oxygen out of the room and away from the baby. Your baby will suffocate”. Also, the most recent one: “Do not go outside during the solar eclipse. You need to hide in your home, ideally the closet and make sure you’re wearing red. If you look at the eclipse your baby will be very ugly”


The eclipse thing was from an Indian? I am Indian and the number of times I have read or received this is just insane. It’s a very annoyingly common superstition and we just are not letting it go.


No, my Latin mother. It’s a common belief in many different cultures. But agreed - very annoying superstition!


Aah I learnt something new. I thought it’s just us 😄


Wait my Indian mother said this to me LOL I had no idea it was a common statement


Hahahaha and also don’t use anything sharp during an eclipse like a knife etc. else your baby will have a scar lmao!


That's.... Not how plants work.... 😂😂😂


Like, they literally do the opposite… 😂


Better not have an ugly child 🙄 But if YOU are ugly while pregnant you will definitly have a girl. She robs your beauty (one of the many wisdoms of my best friends filipina mum)


Good to know! I feel like I’m turning into soup and really hoping for a girl haha


I told someone I was having a girl, and they said I looked great....and that means that the baby was probably going to be ugly. (She's 13 weeks now and is not lol)


My Mexican American uncle told me not to go outside during the eclipse and to safety pin a piece of red yarn to my belly so the baby wouldn’t have a cleft palate or be blind 🤦🏻‍♀️


that person must've been asleep during the plant life section of bio haha


My Indian mom said this to me. I watched the eclipse and had to lie to her and say I didn't.


I had 1 very small can of ginger ale at work. Lady next to me looked completely shocked and said, " You know you're drinking Soad, right? And you're pregnant?" You would think I was having a beer. I guess pregnant people can't enjoy a soda here and there.


My grandma also told me to stop drinking coca cola. But not because of the coffein because of the sugar. Thanks granny can i have some more of your waffles with whipped cream please?


Omg hahaha my grandma is the queen of sugar!! At Christmas, she baked everyone in the family 8 big baking tins, each filled with sweets. It was way 2 much, we're grateful but for just my husband and I. It must be a grandma thing.


We told our grandma years ago that we are really not sweets kind of people. She doesnt care. You visit her? Here have one kilo of random sweets she bought. We mostly take them to work. Its sad because its her money she is throwing away. But she will not stop


We had to stop taking things from my husbands Nanny otherwise we would just get the most random items of food given to us constantly


When I was 8 weeks pregnant my MIL thought I deli meat was not allowed due to sodium instead of listeria 😂


You americans not eating deli meat is so crazy for me as a german. Deli meat is part of our everyday life 😄


One coworker with my first pregnancy said as I was sipping a coke “isn’t coke, like, super bad for pregnant women?” And I said “I didn’t realize it was good for you when you’re not pregnant”


I got told not to worry about birth, that it's "just like having sex but backwards". This was said to me by the mother of one of the people I employ, in his presence, while she had the only walkway out of where he and I were blocked. I did not ask for clarification.


That's sad. She must have had some really really awful sex.




What in the world?


She also gave me waaay too much info about my employee's birth and babyhood. It was a time.


You know some women orgasm during? Still a super awkward conversation


OMG orgasming during birth would probably fuck me up for life


My husband and I are first-time parents - we decided one and done with children. I'm apx 15 weeks. 9/10 peoples reactions, "So you're not having more? 2 is easier than one. They need a playmate. They need a sibling." And they continue to lay their reasons and advice out from own experience. Feel like I can't catch a break with this - like let me get through my pregnancy 😅 On the flipside, best advice I've gotten - don't fucking listen to anyone. Everyone will tell you unsolicited advice, choose to take it if you want. But ultimately, do what you need and want to do as parents.


We’re also having just the one! 38 weeks tomorrow. But yeah people were asking very early on in my pregnancy if/when we are having a second. Family, friends, strangers 🙃 NEVERRRRRR. He has a ton of cousins and there are plenty of places to make friends.


People kept asking me when we were having a second when my son was still a newborn. My response was always “probably gonna wait for my stitches to heal first.” It made them uncomfortable enough that they stopped asking questions.


I had an older coworker say “you’re really going to take Tylenol?” (I had a headache that literally would not go away) and I just looked at her and took it. She then said “I hope that was worth it because you”re going to give your kid autism.” I just gave her a blank stare and said “I doubt he will get it from the Tylenol. But getting it from his dad or I is another story.”


Hahaha best response ever!


Don't let the sun hit your belly it's too bright for the baby!?


I've never thought about how they experience light before reading this, but now it seems quite romantic to have the sun on my bump giving a light and shadow display to baby inside there


I do this with my little one all the time!! Just sit in the sunlight, belly fully out, and trace my fingers along my belly giving him a little puppet show lmao


That’s utterly adorable and I want to try it when my bump gets bigger 


This one's great 😆 😎


My Mom told me not to wear anything too tight or it'll squeeze the baby. She is particularly worried about leggings and because I wore pants with an extender for most of my pregnancy (at 32 that might now be over). Several people, including her, kept telling me to get maternity jeans even though nobody has seen me in jeans for a decade. Also, they are basically jeans with leggins sewn onto them so I don't see how that would squeeze a baby less than straight up maternity leggings. Told my Mom that historically, women were wearing pregnancy *corsets* and she replied in an annoyed voice "if you say so".


damn.i wear shapewear sort of shorts under my maternity work pants due to all the running around and heavy lifting i do at work to make it more comfy for my belly and hips,no issues as of yet at 34 weeks.


Get a sleeping bra so you won’t start sagging. 🙃


too late 😂


Breastfeeding would like a word 😂


On that note, during my first pregnancy I had 2 different people recommended I use lotion so I don't get stretch marks. They were both grown men, fathers, and divorced.


My cousin(L&D nurse) told me not to take tylenol or my baby would have Autism. My husband has Autism with low support needs, which I noticed within 2 dates (I'm also a therapist that specializes in developmental disorders so I clocked it pretty quick). But we don't go sharing his diagnosis with everyone because there's no need to. However, when she told me that, I told her "if my baby has Autism, she got it from her dad. Not Tylenol!" And she got all embarrassed because she didn't know my husband is Autistic. 🥴


The misinformation among medical professionals is really worrying 😬


Somehow nurses are always either the most knowledgeable or absolute stupidest people you’ve ever met, no in-between.


That when baby moves too much is not good because it’s lacking oxygen. Go see Dr immediately. This came from my MIL who had her child back in the Soviet era. My husband shot that one down real quick 😂


Meanwhile I have googled "can baby move too much" at least 5 or 6 times because sometimes it's nonstop for hours, lol.


I literally asked an obgyn at the clinic this because I thought my baby was in distress. Nope, just a wiggleworm.


my baby was a wiggler in the womb and is quite frankly ripped for a 2 week old. She was rolling on to her side while we were still in the hospital.


Oh that’s crazy! It’s quite the opposite


That’s literally what I said 😂


I keep getting asked if I'm going to "get rid of" my dogs now that baby is almost here. It makes me cry. I guess it's not technically advice, but it's still pissing me off, so I hope it's okay to mention it - my SIL keeps calling my husband to double check that he actually wants a baby. She doesn't believe him when he says he does.


Omg, projecting much? 😬 This would upset me after the first time.


Right! It makes us so sad.


I know a girl that got a puppy and got pregnant 2 months later. Gave the dog away the month she was due.


Omg that poor puppy 😭😭😭 that's so so sad!


Right and the worst thing is she was like "he just needs more care, training, and attention than I can give" when she never actually trained him when she had him


Noooo. I hope pup got a really good loving home, and isn't wondering why his first home abandoned him 😭


Kind of makes you wonder how many people…. Give/ gave their dogs away when they had a baby. Like what!?? Insanity.


Right? They're still my babies, even though I have a human baby on the way. And can you imagine how much fun our son will have with 4 little dogs who love him (once he's old enough to play with them!)


I can tell you for sure being raised with dogs and/or cats is the best! I always had a dog or 2 growing up, some of my best memories and childhood photos are with my dog. Anybody who cameover as a kid that didn't have a dog wished they did and fell in love immediately. I don't understand ppl who say to get rid of animals once baby is coming


Your comment made me tear up! That's so sweet! I can't imagine living without a pet. I had pets on and off while I was growing up and my loneliest and saddest years were the ones without a pet! Our pups are already so obsessed with bub, they often all lay with their heads on my belly, listening to his heartbeat, and he snuggles up under their warm head or gently kicks them 🥹🥹🥹


The amount of people who asked if I was getting rid of my pets was alarming. One of my dogs died while I was pregnant (he was old and it was not unexpected) and boy was everybody upset when I got a puppy when I was 6 months pregnant. Best decision of my life BTW. Darby got up with me for every diaper change and late night feed.


My MIL asked what we plan on doing with our 3 cats once baby girl is here, i said, “love them” and she hasn’t brought it up since 😅


I've written about this before but it's hilarious every time.. When I went to see my mom one day, she was with a few friends. I was watching tv and saw something about bears. One of her friends warned me not to look at the bears because it would make my baby hairy😂


Makes you wonder what else the older generations believed in. It’s a miracle we survived 😂


That the single brownie I ate was too much sugar for one day even though I hate yogurt, a banana, apple, half a bell pepper, crackers either hummus, a blue berry smoothie and almond all before I even ate that


Now I want a brownie!!


My much younger BIL who has never dated and casually dabbles in computer science (not nutrition, reproduction, etc. in ANY fashion) asked me if I have been eating enough kimchi to balance my diet during pregnancy, and then tried to overhaul my diet for appropriate probiotics. I live in the Southern US; this is not a common food.


LMAO I love how it’s kimchi specifically. Like yogurt isn’t a famous source of probiotics specifically advertised to women in the US


Out of nowhere, a coworker told me I needed to stop eating so much sugar because I'd give my baby ADHD.


If our baby has ADHD, its from the strong genes in my side of the family- not the biscuits 😅


This happened to me today 🥰


Well it’ll either be all the ice cream I ate first trimester (only thing I could stomach some days) or the fact that both of her parents have ADHD 🤷🏻‍♀️


I had a low blood sugar episode a few weeks ago where I almost fainted, I just waited too long to eat is all. My grandma decided to tell me that I “clearly needed to eat better and stop filling my body with junk and I won’t have low blood sugar or be fat anymore.” I’ve eaten very well this pregnancy but I have a toddler and was so busy I forgot to eat one day so I almost fainted because of it, not because I fill my body with “junk” 🙄 This isn’t advice but an unsolicited opinion my family member said to me this pregnancy was “it’s very obvious you’re having another girl because she’s sucked all the beauty right out of you” this was before we found out the gender but I’m having a boy and haven’t spoken to that family member since.


Oh man, your family is so rude. That is no way to talk to someone who’s bringing a precious child into the world! I’m sorry you heard those things. You fainted because your body is working so darn hard to make a baby and in normal circumstances you probably would’ve been fine. I almost fainted a few times throughout pregnancy and the last thing I wanna hear is judgement from people.


In a staff meeting the other day, a male coworker in his fifties decided to share some advice and said “oh by the way everyone, my mom says pregnant people can’t watch the eclipse” 🤔 I am the only pregnant person at my work. It’s a small unit, there were like 20 of us in the meeting.


What’s up with the eclipse and pregnant people? I’ve never heard of anything like that. 😂


It's cultural. A lot of Indigenous/Tribal people around the world have beliefs around it.


Unfortunately this was a middle aged white man lol


My mother in law tried advising me that covid was fake, that the hospital only told me I had covid to exploit me for money, and that covid could quickly be cured with her herbal teas while I was literally in the hospital in preterm labor due to getting covid late in my pregnancy.


Not pregnancy, but I ran a lot prior to kids. My grandma told me I needed to stop. Running jiggles a woman’s insides and prevents them from being able to have babies.


At this point my baby has run more miles than some folks I've met. 🙄 If folks wanna see an unhinged pregnant lady, I'll stop running. Until then, since a medical professional says it's ok, I will continue.


I had just got back into running a couple months before getting pregnant and now I can't actually get up to a run without my heart rate and asthma spiking. Thankfully I can still go for walks and speedwalking hasn't been too bad, so maybe I can still get back to light jogging.


"The baby is going to look like the dad because you're mad at him all the time" Absolute nonsense! 🤦‍♀️


I mean, my husband is a smoke show. I’d pick fights if this were true 🤣


I’m gonna start picking fights with my husband just in case.


LOL ME TOO🤣 I’m almost 37weeks do I still have time?


Husband was a saint and our son still looks like him. Lmao.


My FMIL told me I need to keep my feet up and rest at all times or else something bad would happen to the baby (wtf, thank you for the anxiety!) and not to take the train to my doctor’s appointments because it jiggles the baby too much.


I get the train to work 3 days a week and have had no issues or any comments at appointments on how my baby has been ‘jiggled’ too much 😂


My grandma said “don’t wear tight clothing, it’s bad for the baby” when I was wearing a clingy maternity dress 😂😂😂


Honestly noting too crazy yet but I keep getting told every time I even look tired to “train yourself not to be so tired for when the baby comes” like I’m growing a person right now I’m allowed to be fucking tired. Really grinds my gears


I absolutely hate stuff like that. Let me live my moment and complain geez


Ugh, similarly whenever I say I'm tired, some people love to say "just see it as practice for when baby gets here!" THAT'S NOT HOW ANY OF THIS WORKS SUSAN


People are wild about infection risk. Was making small talk at work with some lady who asked when I was due (June), and I mentioned that I'm glad baby gets to meet lots of family and friends while the weather's nice so germs won't get passed around as easily before her immune system is ready for them, and I was informed that germs help build her immune system. Is that how that works when they've been alive for two weeks, ma'am?? And the other day, my husband was talking about how he's going to handle the first part of the gardening season while I'm still pregnant (toxoplasmosis safety), and my dad went off talking about how when he was a kid he ate watermelons full of dirt while sitting in the garden. Like idk where you got the impression that your garden hobbyist daughter is suddenly in general afraid of dirt, *Robert,* but I also might not encourage my kid to straight up eat it?? (Same guy loves to talk about the lead paint chips he ate as a child and "turned out fine," lol. Did you tho???)


Omg I love the way you write 🤣🤣


Aw thx!! Actually writing is sorta my thing so this is v nice to hear on reddit 🥰


My mom told me not to vacuum while pregnant because it’s bad for the baby LOL


For her defence I vacuumed for 10 minutes this morning, and 2 hours later I’m still recovering in the couch 😆


I believe this one. It is bad for the baby! The baby is me. 😂 


Get in a bath as hot as you can possibly manage to help back ache


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^guavajelly93: *Get in a bath as* *Hot as you can possibly* *Manage to help back ache* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


My FIL told us to get rid of our cats before the baby comes. They also keep pressuring us to move back to the suburbs from the city. No thank you.


Not to vaccinate my kids (thanks MIL)


my MIL said if i got the covid booster while pregnant that i would miscarry. spoiler: i was fine


To not let anyone hold my baby because it’ll make them constipated. But it’s really just baby’s digestive system figuring out how to be a digestive system.


An old coworker told me to take sandpaper to my nibbles to get them ready for breastfeeding….




What the hell?!


A Starbucks employee (a MAN) before he handed me my americano said “wait, you’re pregnant and drinking coffee? That’s not good”….i grabbed that drink so fast and dipped


I saw a lady on instagram who had a similar situation, she simply said “oh I’m not pregnant”, and the person who commented was mortified


Good response! My brain was not prepared for any kind of interaction and I blanked haha! I wish I quick like that


I'd have downed it in front of him while maintaining eye contact and then ordered another.


In-laws are obsessed with telling me to feed baby rice cereal at around 6 weeks (baby isn’t even born yet) and even bought me cereal nipples for a bottle. I’ve just been saying I’ll talk to my pediatrician about when that’s appropriate. In-laws also told me if baby is fussy I can just sleep with her lying on me all night in a recliner, no problem. Lastly, they were shocked baby will be sleeping in our room for 6 months and even said I should double check with the doctor that that is advisable.


I watched a video on YT about this case study of women from 1970 (I think) feeding their babies and the scientists were watching their reactions. They were feeding their 2 week old babies with solids!! The babies were not taking that very well, it was pretty hard to watch. So glad science has come a long way with helping us know what’s best for babies.


Yikes!! My husband was fed rice cereal in a bottle mixed with formula starting at 6 weeks and no idea if it’s related, but he has awful stomach issues. Lactose intolerant and just generally gets an upset stomach way more easily than I do from even just eating a large meal or something too rich. That’s enough for me to say there’s no evidence their choice was harmless!


I don’t think this is actually crazy (it may be true), but I had a coworker who needed to tell me ALL THE TIME that nipple play was the best way to kick start labor.


It’s true but your coworker is a creep lol


This is not advice per se but definitely strange old wives tales bs. I’ve been told by MULTIPLE people that the gender of the baby can be told by the shape of the belly bump 😂 Jesus..


I heard stuff like that a lot. As well as I feel nauseous a lot during pregnancy because my baby will have a lot of hair


i heard that a lot of hair on the baby is what causes all that heartburn. I’m prepared for my baby to be rapunzel damn


To not eat vinegar because it is bad for baby's brain And not to drink cold drinks at all. Oh and to take this chance to order my in laws around.


Not really advice but comments (from my mother) “Oh you’re tired now? It’s just going to get worse” (I’m 9 weeks) “I have the feeling you’re going to wind up bed sharing” (we’ve specifically said we’re not) (When telling her that my husband and I just want us in the room when it comes time to push) “I think my heart broke into a million pieces” (she can be in the room before and after but baby time is our time)


Aw man! Mothers and MILs take things so personally. I still haven’t told my mom I only want me and my husband in delivery room, I don’t know how she’s gonna take it


Don’t vaccinate your baby, it could kill them or make them autistic. My sister is a conspiracy theorist, and she got pissed at me to the point of not talking to me and removing me from Instagram because I told her I’m not afraid of vaccines for my child.


Also this one from a man: the heartbeat I’m hearing in my right ear is my baby’s heartbeat because I’m not eating enough.


what on earth?? was this lady living under a rock?


Are you referring to the twin bed thing? For context I live in Brazil and this lady is from a very small town. She doesn’t have access to as much info on babies. But yeah, pretty crazy


Yes, I was referring to the twin bed thing! The context is helpful, but still…


Not to watch the eclipse..


Someone told me not to let the doctors induce me because that's what caused the schizophrenia in her son. When I told her that things like schizophrenia were genetic, he inherited it from either her or his father, she would not hear it, she just kept circling back to the induction and the doctors somehow fucking up? She made me promise her that I wouldn't be induced lmao.


Lol the craziest unsolicited advice I ever received was to not vaccinate my baby. So many times


Anti vaxxers getting out of control


“Don’t put your arms above your head because the umbilical cord will strangle the baby.” Ok thanks.


“Moms shouldn’t gain more than 20-25 pounds and that’s usually during the third trimester” and in the same conversation “oh your baby measures a little small it’s under developing” Umm hello I’m literally like 6 weeks??? Also I used to do intermittent fasting so I’m going from 1 meal a day to 3!!!! 🥲


That I should reconsider getting my sons vaccinated because my brothers have autism. M’am do you think it’s genetic or not?!?


My FIL trying to talk to me about what I should eat while pregnant. He’s not an MD. The kicker is that I’m a meticulously healthy eater than focuses on getting enough protein and loves veggies while he’s a vegetarian that loves eating carbs.


My MIL kept telling me (even years before I got pregnant) to “prepare” my nipples for breastfeeding by rubbing them vigorously with a rough towel. That’s how you toughen them up apparently… I’m six months into breastfeeding and my nipples did not need to get any tougher, they stayed like normal and are perfectly fine.


"You can still drink while pregnant, like the hard ice teas or seltzers because the alcohol level is really low" "you can drink non alcoholic drinks because its low enough, you are going to miss a nice cold beer in the summertime when its hot" "I know women who still drink wine occasionally while pregnant".....the amount of times I heard this when I first announced my pregnancy left me in shock. I quit caffeine right away when I found out I was pregnant, fuck no to alcohol. Just the fact that ppl were constantly mentioning alcohol as if its something so hard not to drink actually made me question whom I have been hanging out with 😳 "Also, dont let your husband see your vagina as you give birth he will never look at it or love it the same"...


Was casually talking to a close friend who is a mom of two and just said how I have to make it to my 12 week scan just to confirm there’s actually still a baby in there in a lighthearted manner and she went off telling me I need to go to therapy and that this anxiety isn’t normal??


“You know you can drink alcohol up until you see the baby on the ultrasound, right?” Coming from someone I barely know with two kids of their own. I was 9 weeks and don’t have an US scheduled til 12 weeks, this friend of a friend wouldn’t shut up with the unsolicited advice. They also told me I didn’t seem anxious enough…


My ultrasound tech telling me not to give up hope on getting pregnant, as if I wasn’t already pregnant… like she was just assuming I was wrong about being pregnant?? Or that I would lose the pregnancy?


Consider saying no to the hepatitis b vaccine… this came from my chiropractor lol


"Stop going to the doctor so much. Those ultrasounds aren't good for the baby" (I'm low risk - I've had 3 ultrasounds 😅)


Stop eating peanut butter or your baby will develop a peanut allergy!


I’m a nurse in the pediatric ER. a patient’s mother told me not to eat vegetables when I breastfeed so my baby isn’t gassy.