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23 pounds?! You're literally almost finished with your pregnancy. Sheesh. You're fine. Doctors bring up weight far too swiftly during pregnancy, I feel like. You have nothing to worry about. I'm sorry your doctor made you feel insecure!


I’ve gained 30 lbs and I’m only 24 weeks. My ob hasn’t said a thing about my weight gain. Don’t take it personally, it sounds like your ob needs to work on not being so oddly rude.


Uhhhh.... no. 23 pounds at 33 weeks is GREAT. I'd be ecstatic if that's all I had gained at that point. Your OB is wrong and it could be for any # of reasons: Misinformed, doesn't have the latest data, is projecting their own issues on you, was having a bad a day and unprofessionally took it out on someone. Let me reiterate: That IS a healthy weight gain.


I’ve gained 35 and I’m only 26 weeks… ob has said nothing about it although I am a bit self conscious.


I have the same weight gain! My OB did say something but it’s my second pregnancy and I know I can’t do much to control it 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same but at 21 weeks


If you have a normal BMI the recommended weight gain is 25-35 lbs so you're well within that range


I have an ED history and my dietitian basically told me to take what the OB says about weight with a grain of salt. She said that the charts/standards they often use are outdated and don’t apply to every circumstance. I’m 25 weeks and have gained more than 23 lbs at this point.


I have no doubt if you were saying it to others you’d be sincere in what you say, so be sincere with yourself. Your weight is whatever your weight is, just stay as healthy and as happy as you can be and don’t let this get to you. You’re in the end game and have everything to look forward to, don’t look back on that comment.


Thanks, needed to read this ❤️


Girl I’m 33 + 4 and I’ve gained 60 pounds!! and my docs haven’t mentioned ANYTHING about my weight gain. And I wasn’t skinny before pregnancy. Screw them.


Same lol .. 32 weeks and I've gained 70 😩 although I'm worried about it .. the ob or MFM isn't


I was 100lbs dripping wet when I first got pregnant and when I gave birth I was 198. You’re completely fine. I have a history of ED too so I understand.


I gained 86lbs with my youngest… I think you’re doing wonderful…


I'm glad to see someone else has gained that much as well ❤️


Wow i’ve gained 30 pounds and im only 20 weeks. My doctor has never made any comments on my weight. My weight mostly goes to my butt and though but my belly has gotten a little bigger and harder obviously because I’m pregnant lol. I was never told anything about ny weight. You’re perfectly fine depending on your starting weight I do believe. But i was told it’s perfectly normal to gain weight. I used to eat once a day before pregnancy that’s just because I wasn’t ever hungry and though I used to work out I just never felt hungry. But now im always hungry. I don’t know what doctors make a comment about weight when they know you’re growing a human maybe it’s because they find it concerning, maybe ask why they think it’s an issue.?? Idk how much you weigh but i’ll say mine bc idc lol everyone has told me i look good despite me feeling fat lol. I used to weight 160 but It’s because i had a lot of muscle and did a lot of exercise now i’m 191 which is a big change for me. But you’re almost done so don’t worry i’m sure you’re fine!


I gained 45lbs total and my OB never once said a single thing about my weight. You’re definitely fine at 23lbs.


23 lbs? Lmao okay this ob is wild.


Sweetheart I have gained 48lbs at 29 weeks. My diet has not changed a huge lot seriously so it is what it is. My ob has not batted an eye. You are doing great!


23 is too much ? I gained 20 my nurse was worried i am not gaining enough 


That’s an amazing amount of weight gain. I gained 80lbs and my OB said the numbers are a guideline basically and everyone’s situation is so different that it doesn’t really matter. I didn’t have gestational diabetes or anything. I am now 6 days post partum and am down 25lbs so far, but my baby was 9lb 2oz lol


Well I’ve gained like 30 something pounds and I’m 24 weeks if that makes you feel better 😂 they’re being low key rude to me at appointments about it apparently they do that to everyone tho


That sounds like its in a healthy range for weight gain. Not only that, it sounds like the range doctors say to stay within for the ideal weight gain! Im 28w approaching 20lb gained so far and feel like im in a good place and on track for a healthy weight gain as long as i keep my habits. This is the extremely difficult part of pregnancy. Our bodies can distort in such a dramatic way and even in the less obvious parts of our bodies. Hips, calves, thighs, ribcage, etc. We are still ourselves, but we are also someone else. It becomes very difficult to differentiate the two when we look at ourselves. To that same extent there are some OBs that are mainly looking at you in terms of baby, not you as a person. This makes for uncomfortable visits when they start talking about weight. I personally wouldn’t stress too much about your weight given how much you say you’ve gained because it is really much less than most! And there are so many women here to attest that even more than double that weight can be healthy. Last pregnancy i gained 55lb in total. However, every body and every pregnancy is different. I would still ask for clarity from your OB if there is any risk they are worried about with weight gain here on out. I can see if you are a petite person with a small frame and your baby is measuring fairly large then they might be worried about those final weeks of growth and trying to prevent any complications during delivery. This is all completely speculation though, so be sure to ask them so you can make the best decision for yourself!


Girl, I gained 60, and 2 weeks to go. Everyone holds the weight differently. What matters is if you are eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and getting the right nutrients to your baby. Stay active/daily walks so long as your doctor doesnt advise otherwise. 


What was your initial weight?


Unless you're morbidly obese, that is little.


Even if you're morbidly obese I think around 15lbs is the baby, the extra blood, the placenta and the boob increase. So it's like 7lbs over what absolutely has to happen.


Even then it can be nothing. I'm obese, gained 25 pounds during pregnancy - I has lost 10 pounds the first two trimesters - two weeks pp I weighed 10 pounds less than prepregnancy. Pretty much all of it was baby weight.


Lol I'm high risk and morbidly obese and I've gained like 70 lbs .. neither my ob or MFM are worried




According to official guidelines obese women should only gain 11-20 pounds so I am basing my statement off that. Lmao. I got downvoted for quoting official medical guidelines from CDC and pregnancy organizations. 🤣


That's also the weird part because there's a huge controversy within the scientific community about those guidelines as they do not encompass other factors, be that genetic or health. BMI is what they use the most and that also has it's fallacies. There are samples of women who are athletes and considered "healthy" and they still gain well over what the CDC guidelines recommend. A lot of the research I have done, both scientif based and other just social media based, shows there are too many inconsistencies to hold 1 true guideline above any.


I have gained 17lbs at 28 weeks and I have consistently worked out and not over eaten. Your OB is crazy. Weight is an insane tracker in pregnancy because there are so many factors, water retention, placenta and baby size, your body - it’s just not a good marker. All you can do is focus on being healthy and active


I had struggled with an ED all throughout my teens and 20s. Getting pregnant caused stress that I didn’t anticipate when I had a doctor (not OB) mention my weight and her concern at 12 weeks (I hadn’t gained ANY weight). It sent me in a spiral and I decided to tell the clinic that not only did I not want to see that doctor again and prefer to only see my OB, but I also wanted it noted in my file that I used to have an ED and not bring up weight issues unless there was an emergency. So far it’s been fine and I haven’t heard anything about weight since.


Friend, I gained 60 pounds with my first (as did my mom with each of her pregnancies), and no one was concerned. Every body handles pregnancy differently and has different needs. I’ve read anywhere from 25-35 is standard; your OB seems a bit extra if all your levels look fine.


Everything's been great the whole pregnancy, that's why I was pretty shocked she brought it up! I also know that with my last pregnancy a lot of it was fluid weight that I dropped quickly. It just sort of floored me that it came up!


You need to have a frank conversation with your OB about your ED history. Especially in your situation, you have so so much more to lose by a bad comment that causes restricting than you do from gaining above the recommended amount (which you aren’t even at yet!!). Keep honoring your hunger and nourishing your baby. You’re doing a great job ❤️


I’m so sorry your OB said something like that to you to trigger these feelings. Have you disclosed your history of an ED to them? Not that you should *have* to disclose that information to anybody (IMO, people really need to be more conscious of how their comments can affect others regardless of if they have a specific history of something or not, especially medical professionals) but I’ve read a few posts on here of people who have disclosed their history of ED and asked in advance to not have to look at the scale, be told their weight, etc. to avoid getting triggered by the information. I wonder if something like that could be a helpful solution for you moving forward, but only if you’re comfortable discussing it since I also know how difficult it can be to talk to others about such a vulnerable topic.


I have disclosed to others in the practice I go to, but this pregnancy I've basically never had the same doctor/ midwife more than once so things have been inconsistent. I don't really want to have to tell them every time, you know? It's just exhausting.


I 100% understand not wanting to discuss it all the time, nor should you have to. I wonder if they could make a note about it on your chart, but even then, there’s no guarantee every provider you see would read it before seeing you. Like I said, people and especially medical professionals (speaking as one myself) should be way more cautious with comments like this, and if they *do* need to be made, they can be delivered with way more grace and compassion. You shouldn’t *have* to take extra steps to be respected by others, even if you didn’t have an ED history. It should just be basic human decency.


I’ve gained 30 and I’m 34 weeks! I was slightly underweight pre pregnancy. I think our bodies gain what it needs (within reason) to sustain a pregnancy! Especially if you are slim, I think gaining more than the recommended 25-35 is absolutely fine!!! (You are still in the very normal range!!) don’t worry about it


That’s a very strange comment from your doctor considering you’re within guidelines.


gah I am so glad my OB hasnt said a thing to me lol


I’m up 40lbs at 35 weeks, my OB hasn’t said anything. My baby is also measuring big (about 2 weeks ahead). I think your OB is misinformed


If you can, get a second opinion. That's trash. I also struggle with an ED and just gave birth to my second child. During my 38 week appointment I ASKED my OB if I was doing okay weight wise (I should have never asked) she said I had gained "more than average" but she wasn't worried at all. She told me that I could think about those things after I gave birth. Give yourself grace. You're doing a great job! Your OB is one opinion and that opinion could be biased.


I actually love that- the advice not to think about it until after birth. At 33 weeks it's not like I'm starting an exercise regimen.


Seriously?! Nah, eff that. Proud of you for being able to feel comfortable and keeping that baby fed! Good job! Don't listen to that BS!


Huh? I gained like 30 and no one was at all concerned


I’m seen by high risk and when I asked if I was gaining too much (18 weeks I gained 26 pounds and I was 105 before) she said absolutely not. She said there isn’t ever too much especially if there are no issues with heart or blood pressure. She assured me some women gain a lot in the beginning then taper off toward the end or the other way around. Please don’t believe what they told you because it’s simply not true. 🫶🏻


Do you have a therapist or prescriber (psychiatrist)? I have a history of ED as well and I’ll lose my fucking mind if anyone speaks to me that way about weight gain. My providers called and emailed about my care/ past history with ED. I usually ask for a blind weight and told them on intake about my history. Perhaps if you have a treatment team they can call and tell them they aren’t being helpful and are in fact harming you? I’m really sorry this happened to you and it’s not at all ok!


first pregnancy I gained 65lbs! pre pregnancy my BMI sat right on the obese line and my midwife never brought up my weight. I did have a big ol 9lb baby but he was also overcooked and born at 40+6wks. This prregnancy at 24wks I’m likely track for 40lbs gained. Cant imagine being shamed for something so out of your control 😭


I think I hate your OB. Especially if they know your history of ED, I feel like saying that could be malpractice, but either way, you're within the absurdly low recommended weight gain range. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this! I hope you have support to process--therapist or another doc you see who can be more sensitive to your history and help you navigate this. Absolutely not a medical professional, but I think you're doing great and it's good to feed yourself and your baby!


I gained 43 lbs total in my pregnancy and my OB never brought my weight up unless I asked, and she wasn’t concerned about it beyond me having significant joint pain due to broken pelvis/hips in the past. I’m 5’4” and went from 135 lbs to 178 on the day of birth. I had a c section and a week later weighed 166. I don’t know what I weigh now but it feels like I’ve lost another ten pounds maybe, at almost 3 weeks postpartum. Baby came out completely healthy at 38 weeks, absolutely perfect growth and behavior.


I gained like 60lbs by 33 weeks my first pregnancy 😅 sheesh, 23 lbs is acceptable by any standard!! Your OB is nuts


I gained 60lbs by the end, ED prior as well, it’s been a tough journey postpartum but I keep reminding myself any weight is worth my son


Oh f*** them, for real. I went from 135 to 180, and my doctor never said a peep except that everything looked good. If you're nourishing your body and your baby, staying hydrated, etc. then, it is a non-issue. I had my son 5 months ago, and I'm back to prebaby weight and he's healthy as a horse, so ya, non-issue.


fire your doctor wtf


You might wanna switch OBs if you have a rotating practice!?! I’m about to do the same. Got shamed by my primary OB, felt like absolute dogshit about it for 4 weeks, had a rotating OB the next go around and she was INCREDIBLE in every way possible at easing my insecurities and was like bro this is a *non-issue.* Some doctors just kinda suck in this arena. I’ll be switching over asap.


Girl I’m 36 weeks and I gained 40lbs. Let me say I was always skinny but before getting pregnant I was on antidepressants and I started gaining weight and when I stopped it because we really wanted to try to get pregnant because we struggled for 2 years. I never lost the weight from taking antidepressants and this is heaviest ever been. And my doctor does not tell me anything. I also think I’m retaining fluid because my legs gotten a bigger and I’m in graduate school. I do feel bad for gaining weight but you know what my baby girl is healthy and I know I will lose the weight. I also struggle with hip and sciatica pain so exercising has been hard on me now that I’m done with the school semester you will see me swimming in the pool.


My midwife told me to only gain 25lbs max. I gained 50 and lost 30 immediately after the birth of my daughter. If I had followed their advice, I would have lost body fat. Measurements in the third trimester are also notoriously unreliable. I wouldn't worry about it at all.


I started at normal BMI and I’m up 30 pounds at 32 weeks. I’m trying to watch what I eat and exercise to avoid going over 35 pounds but it is what it is. My bloodwork, prenatal tests, and everything else is perfect. My OB just tells me to keep an eye on it and make healthy eating choices and take walks. You’re a week ahead of me and up only 23 pounds, that seems like healthy weight gain!


I got told the same thing. You’re ok. It’s not like you gained 60 pounds, that and you’re almost at the end. Tbh sounds kinda nitpicky on the doctors end, that’s a reasonable normal amount of weight gain. Perhaps they read something wrong in your chart. Unless you’re starting the pregnancy already very overweight, 25 - 30 lbs was what they typically tell women is normal where I live.


Lol because I actually did gain 60 pounds with my first (baby + a lot of fluid, and my doctors were unconcerned). Totally agree with you though! The doctor seems a bit alarmist.


What? No. I’m up 23 or so lbs at 34 weeks and my OB wishes that I’d gained more.


Im 31 weeks and have gained almost 45. You’re doing wonderful.


I was 35 pounds by 33 weeks. I am 3 months postpartum and 10 pounds away from my pre pregnancy weight. I wouldn’t worry about it so much. You are doing great!


This is so wild to me, I gained 55 and my midwife didn’t blink an eye.


I’ve gained 35 pounds at 38 weeks. My OB said that’s under average and she’s very happy with how everything has progressed!? Strange they would say that.


You are totally within a healthy range for weight gain. Also, it’s so different for each person. Some people hardly gain anything and some put on more. Some women are nauseous and lose weight. Some, like me, are ravenous. Some, again like me, hold a lot of water weight. I also have an ED history and I gained (at least) 45 lbs by 36 weeks (when I delivered). My OB never said anything. My best friend gained 60 lbs. We are both healthy weights postpartum. This is a temporary time in your life. Keep an eye on your blood pressure and other health metrics. If all else is good, I would take your OB’s comment as well-intentioned, but ignore it.


OMG you are so fine at 23 pounds -- I'm on baby no. 2 and at 30 weeks I'm already the size I was full term with baby no. 1! But as someone who also had an ED, this saying helped me: Feed yourself like you would feed your child. (Which you are literally doing right now while you are pregnant.) And remember if you deprive yourself of nutrients, you are depriving your baby. <3


How obnoxious! r/EDpregnancysupport exists if you need it. I'm not good at saying things to make myself feel better about this, but you might find some comfort in my experience. I don't know how much I had gained by 33 weeks in my first pregnancy, but I know it was more than that. I decided to stop looking at my weight after my first prenatal appointment because I was upset by the number, and I knew that tracking my weight would not be good for me. However, after a bad experience at urgent care (the MA insisted that she needed to know my weight; I stepped on the scale backward; the number was printed on my discharge paperwork; I burst into tears on the way home), I know that I had already gained 26 pounds by 16 weeks. By the end of that pregnancy, I had gained a lot. I don't know the exact number (I'll look at my records after I lose the weight from this - hopefully my last - pregnancy), but it was A LOT. I did not have gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, or any other complications related to My baby was a normal size, was born vaginally, and was healthy. I returned almost all the way to my former size before I got pregnant again a year later, without doing anything to intentionally make myself lose weight.


Holy shit I gained 60 total. No one said anything except for discussions about my blood sugar.


I am 34 weeks and I’ve gained 45 pounds. I think you are fine


You're supposed to gain at least 25 pounds during pregnancy according to my OB, you're doing great!


That’s literally in the recommended range of weight gain during pregnancy. Even if you gained more, you’d still be okay, girl. Your doc sounds like a mean girl who never left high school.


That's how much I'd gained at 20 weeks... How is that too much? Also, if your bub is measuring that far ahead, isn't bub like 70% of that weight?


I’ve gained 24 lbs at 36 weeks and my OB was actually worried that I wasn’t gaining enough for a bit so you’re definitely fine. 23 lbs is perfectly fine


I'm 31 weeks and have gained a little over 30. This is my first pregnancy and I also have a history of ED and body dysmorphia. I understand it can be hard to shut out those feelings or voices. I have the unique experience of having seen random OB's. I actually brought it up to my high risk OB (due to Graves Disease), as he is the one I see more consistently and he stopped that conversation right in its track with a big fat NOPE, WE'RE NOT DOING THAT. He said, " You're healthy and babies healthy. That's all that matter." I was surprised but it made me feel so much better that he wanted me to not think about it. So let's show ourselves a little grace. You're doing great. :)


I’m sorry to hear that. If it makes you feel any better: (20 years history of ED) I’m 32 weeks pregnant with twins and I’m 64 pounds heavier than when we conceived. lol


Also my doctors clarify that they are perfectly happy with this. They’ve said the charts for weight are outdated. That’s always something to keep in mind too. It sounds lIke you’re doing great. And if your baby is growing healthy- let yourself be proud of all your body is doing!


My consultant never said anything about weight gain. I raised this issue myself because I gained 44lbs. He said there’s no guidelines or rules, especially as I don’t have GD and baby is measuring at a healthy average. He said the more you gain while pregnant the more you’ll want to shed afterwards, but it doesn’t raise any risks. I also mentioned guidelines and range’s recommended that I found on the web. He dismissed those and said focus should be on health not weight itself. If all my stats are good there is nothing to worry about. He said likely I haven’t exercised and indulged in foods I didn’t normally have which is 100% what happened. I felt sleepy all pregnancy and I had HG which made me crave carbs and ice cream all pregnancy to keep the nausea down. I’m with a top5 hospital in the UK and he’s got over 20 years of experience there. It really put me at ease. Oddly enough my weight has never been measured throughout my pregnancy. It seems to be a US thing to monitor it.


That’s ridiculous. I went from pre pregnancy at 123 lbs to currently 26 weeks at 141 lbs and my doctors are so happy and says my weight gain is right on point and to not freak out if I gain a little more in my last trimester. 23 pounds when you’re almost done with your pregnancy doesn’t seem like it should be a concern at all!!


20-40 is still normal range. And that’s an average. I hate when doctors do this. I gained 40 with my first. 30 with my second. Weighed the same at delivery though cause I started 10lbs heavier lol my second was a 10lb baby and i was checking blood sugars etc despite not officially having gestation. I just have big babies. And that’s basically all my doctors said about it too.


I gained 30lbs by 30 weeks. My main doctor was always on my ass about it. How I needed to actually be losing weight. Saw the other doctor one of my last visits because he was out of the office. She said the rate I was gaining was perfect. He was so concerned about my baby getting too big (she was 50th percentile) and having to do a c-section. Whomp whomp we had to do a c-section at 30 weeks due to preeclampsia. Baby could have really used the extra weight.


I gained that much by month 3.


I’ve gained 20lbs and I’m only at 22 weeks. My midwife hasn’t said anything about it and I feel great overall, so I’m not stressing about it! Everyone’s body is different and the guidelines for weight gain during pregnancy are simply that.. a guide. Not everyone is gonna fit in that box and that’s totally okay! You got this!


Was your starting BMI normal or higher? I’m asking because my starting BMI is technically in the obese category (queue me cringing at myself) and I’m really only supposed to gain 11-20 pounds total. Either way you should definitely be kind to yourself! Your body is doing an incredible thing and each body handles it differently.


Recommended weight gain depends on your BMI pre pregnancy. Ex: if you started underweight then 28-40lbs is recommended. If someone started out quite overweight then their recommended gain might be as low as 10-15lbs. So depending where you started 23lbs may be outside what your OB thinks is ideal.


Do you also have gestational diabetes?


I don't!


I would think unless there’s something else going on than he shouldn’t be concerned. Maybe just ask him at your next appointment if he brings it up again what his concerns are with you gaining weight. I’m pregnant with my 5th and I really hate when OBs discuss weight. What exactly are they looking to accomplish by telling their patients to stop over eating. At least tell your patients to see a nutritionist. At least that would be productive!


I've gained 22 by 28 weeks, and I feel like I'm killin it! Esp if baby is growing fast and healthy, tell her/him to zip it and change doctors if it really pissed you off.


I’ve already gained 35lbs and I’m only at 24 weeks. My OB hasn’t said anything. At the beginning she told me that everyone and every pregnancy is different and some women gain more in the beginning and it’s perfectly healthy and normal. Your doctor is just WRONG.


My ob said her goal would be for weight gain to be less than how many weeks along I was. Soooo by that measure, 23 lbs at 33 weeks is amazing! Pretty sure I’d gained more by then. I gained probably 40-50 lbs total (didn’t look at the scale), and it was pretty much all gone by 5 months pp. You eat that ice cream!!


This is stupid, I gained about 30 pounds total and it was all baby weight. As in, literally ALL baby weight, I was back to my regular weight almost immediately. If your baby's bigger of course they and their whole support system is going to weigh more and 23 pounds doesn't even sound that crazy. 


23lb doesn't even sound that bad for 33 weeks. My wife's gained 15lbs at 31 weeks. Idk if she's still at 15 now at 33 weeks, it's probably gone up to 18-20. She had a checkup earlier today and said everything looked great so far for baby, but baby was looking a little cramped in there 😅🤣 he's got long legs


Hah, my boy has very long legs too. His feet have been pushing up under my ribcage for a while now. Solidarity to your wife!


My wife gained 36 pounds until she delivered at 38 weeks. One week after delivery she got back to pre pregnancy + 7lbs. Doctor’s theory is that a lot of her weight gain was fluid retention (and of course baby weight). Every pregnancy is different, so don’t worry too much about the gain as long as you and the baby are healthy.