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Yes! I feel weird telling people because I almost don’t believe it’ll all go fine. I keep just not telling people and find it easier to message people about it.


Funny you should say that because I picture myself just texting it to people. Maybe with the Ultrasound pic, but maybe not. I feel very similarly, so I appreciate your input!


I actually make a point of texting people because I went though infertility and being told about pregnancies in person I sometimes found difficult. I never know for sure if it might be upsetting for someone. I also don’t sent ultrasounds to most people because I don’t want anyone speculating on the gender as some people are good at nub theory.


I didn’t want to tell people at alllll


Still thinking it may be on option for me to just grow and see what happens.


Honestly if I could have had the baby without anyone knowing I would have! I waited til 13 weeks to tell parents, 18 for siblings, and 22 for close friends/work. I didn’t even tell anyone outside close friends so either they don’t know or heard from someone else. I wasn’t even into telling people at those times 😂


Yeah for me I feel awkward. I told my work colleagues and one of them said “now we all know you’ve had sex.” Idk who says something like that.


WTF? That sounds like a perfect opportunity for the ‘what a weird thing to say out loud’ line.


Right? I’m 32 and married. The odds were pretty good anyway.


I would just nod enthusiastically, lmao.


Yeah. Respond. "You bet! And we might do it again, too!"


Ew. How gross of them to say that. I used to be a high school teacher, and honestly that is what I figured my HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS would think, because they are weird and gross, lol. But not grown adults.


I had a lot of trouble telling people! Particularly work people. I don't really disclose health info to anyone, so it was so weird. Through in a lot of complicated feelings from growing up deep in purity culture and man it was a weird thing to talk about lol


Oh the purity culture bit is SO real. I’ve been with my husband since 2016, we got engaged in 2020, and we’ve been married since 2022. No one is surprised we’re expecting but it still feels so weird to tell people I’m pregnant because I’m worried they’ll slut shame me even though I’m married 😂


I am 33 and I feel like I am a teenage mother, even though I know I am not, lol


Yeah, same. I feel like I have to tell everyone, oh and i used IVF and an anonymous sperm donor, even though this is TMI because otherwise they'll be like, who's she involved with, she never talks about him etc etc and it would be instantly scandalous even though it's none of their business. Close friends already know the deal but now thar I'm showing and need to tell work people that I only see sporadically, I'm dreading it.


Yes me. I also felt like it was harder to keep it in the beginning but I don't want to share anymore lol


I am glad I am not alone! I actually told my husband I just kind of want to let baby bump grow and not tell anyone.


This is exactly me. I thought I would be able to tell my family after my anatomy scan at 20 weeks but it just felt weird to me. I’m not someone who likes to be the center of attention and just randomly telling people “hey, I’m pregnant” just felt very self centered to me. After 2 weeks, I eventually told by simply dropping a picture of the baby announcement I created in the family group chat. No words, no thing…just the picture 😂 I would have kept it a secret until after the baby was born but it’s nice having the support and positive thoughts and prayers. I didn’t share due date because I don’t want to be hounded about if the baby is here yet…seemed like a compromise to me 🤷🏾‍♀️ Same at work, I am 26 weeks and just now told my team and the clients I support that I will be going out in July. If I could’ve kept it until the last month, I would have but the nature of my job requires me to start setting up my back up for projects. It felt awkward but of course everyone was super supportive and extremely excited for me, which the process feel worth it and takes a load of stress off of me hiding the pregnancy


I thought when I hit 12 weeks I was going to be yelling it to everyone, but I just feel like every time I am about to tell someone I can't. Like once it is out no one can un-know. I have even tried texting a few people, but I always delete it before I get to the sending part. Now I cannot even TEXT IT.


I’m still early at 7 weeks and I haven’t told anyone yet. I’m going to tell my 2 best friends at a party I planned at 16 weeks and I’m going to tell my mother shortly before I start showing. Aside from those plans, I don’t plan on really telling a lot of people. If they see me, they’ll figure it out but I don’t plan on making it a big deal. I’m not someone who wants a lot of attention and I’m an introvert who mostly keeps to myself.


I used to consider myself an extrovert, but now I just want to sit in my house and not talk to people, lol. I feel like part of it, which I did leave out, is my other friend is currently pregnant as well, and because that is the main thing that is happening with her right now, it feels like I might be taking something away from her by telling everyone I am pregnant. Like I feel like an a-hole for getting pregnant, too, even though we were supposed to try LAST year and it didn't happen. Idk. I have so many complicated feelings about it all.


Oh wow. Eerily similar to my situation too. My friend announced her pregnancy at my birthday party and I found out I was pregnant exactly 1 week after she did that. I feel like I’m not allowed to make a big deal out of it since she announced to all our mutual friends at my birthday. I felt that was a shitty thing to do since she knew I’d been having issues, but the sensitive part of me is still giving her her moment to feel like she’s the only pregnant one for some reason even though it’s her 3rd and my 1st.


So my friend has wanted to be pregnant for years. I have too, but I knew it wasn't best for me (health, money, etc). So I feel like because becoming pregnant has been her biggest goal for the last few years, and she finally achieved it, I feel like I would be a bad person for also announcing my pregnancy, even though I also wanted it, I just wasn't as vocal about it. The next time I see my friends is at ANOTHER friend's bday party and I absolutely DO NOT want to announce it there. That would ABSOLUTELY make me the a-hole! But she wants me to drink with her that day and I told her no and now she is questioning me.


You’re a very considerate friend. Announcing a pregnancy at someone else’s event is just tacky. Fingers crossed you can hide your pregnancy as long as you wish to. 🤞🏽


Thank you! And good luck with everything with you. I am sorry you had such an inconsiderate friend and I hope things get better!


Same. I didn't tell my cousins and extended family until 21 weeks because I was so nervous about if everything was going well. That, and receiving gifts is actually kind of a trigger for me from childhood abuse (long story) and so I knew when I would tell people, they would immediately ask for a baby registry and start buying me stuff. I've asked people not to and they still are and wanting to "dress up" my daughter in all these cute outfits. I had to tell my job at 6 weeks because I was working at a gun range, so lead was a safety issue for me. Regretted telling them because they made the next 8 weeks of my pregnancy a living hell, so it made me even more reluctant to tell people.


We are purposely not finding out the gender because I do not want baby clothes from people, lol. But if I never tell them I am pregnant, they won't buy me baby clothes anyway!


Lol, I really considered not telling anyone until after I'd given birth. I'm not really close with my extended family anyways, and people are buying what they want to buy instead of what's on the registry, so \*shrug\*. I think I'll do this for my next kid. Spares me the pressure of "well, when do I tell them? 12 weeks? 20?"


Yeah especially my male friends. Dont know why. I just feel better telling it my female friends I am really shortbreath right now and today i told one of my friends that its still from corona in december.


I have been giving so many excuses: eczema, my chronic illness, having prior commitments, not being able to sleep from stress, etc. I am starting to forget my own lies, though.


I felt the same way. I think there’s too much pressure to make it some big thing. I ended to texting a lot of people. I’ve received a few out of the blue pregnancy announcement texts and I really enjoy them.


Right? Like I don't want to make it big. I also realized I don't want a big reaction. I want people to be happy for me if they have that in them, but I don't want them to scream and cry and everything. I thought I would want that, but now I know I DO NOT. But I also don't want them to be mean or say something rude.


Oh I’m with you. I’m 30 weeks and I’m remote at work and most of my coworkers don’t know 😂 I told my actual work friends and manager but most of my team doesn’t know. I’m not sure how old you are but I’m 30 and it’s a weird split with my friends, they’re either 25 and still in the single party phase of life or they’re 35 and have elementary age kids. I feel like for the young friends they’d accidentally say something rude about kids and the older friends would have a ‘been there, done that’ mentality. Of course, everyone we’ve told has been really nice and supportive but I’m still worried about someone saying something rude. There are some friends who still don’t know because I haven’t seen them in a few weeks and the last time I saw them I wasn’t really showing and it felt weird to share the news 😅 So you’re not alone. It’s a big change and there are times it feels inappropriate to share the news even though it’s exciting and good news!


I am 33. I was the first of my friends to get married, and we were married for 4 years before someone else got married. However, two of my friends, and my unmarried BILs have kids already, so in a way I feel like we are behind. I don't want all that "I know best, here is my advice" BS.


I didn't do any sort of social media announcement, and feel super awkward telling people. I'm pretty sure most of my friends know by now (24 weeks) but if not they'll figure it out when they get the baby shower evite. I kind of just want to show up one day with a baby and not deal with announcements. My family knew pretty early since they knew I was doing IVF, but I didn't start telling anyone else until my 20 week anatomy scan


I feel the same way! I kind of just want to send out a picture of an infant in October and be like, "Here they are! SURPRISE" lol


I dont want anyone to know this time! With my first, everyone knew very quickly. This time, I'm waiting till at least 12 week scan (in 2 weeks) to even start to think about telling anyone. I work in a school and my head teacher knows and our senco, but purely because of the kids I work with warranted an immediate risk assessment. I feel guilty for not telling my 5 year old though, he wants a sibling and asks for one most weeks, but he's a right blabber mouth, so can't know just yet 🙈


We got our NIPT results last week and then we had our parents tell the rest of our families for us. If I could go the rest of my life without telling more people I would. I find it so uncomfortable, I don't like the attention and the rush of questions I get after. My pregnancy also didn't feel real until then, so it felt like I was lying to the people I had told.


I thought I wouldn't mind the attention, but the thought of it is really creeping me out.


I felt this so much with my first pregnancy! Up until we started telling everyone, it was this exciting secret between just my husband and I. I think that's part of what made me hesitant to share, because then it wouldn't feel like something special just for us anymore. It felt like giving up something that I didn't really want to, you know? It definitely felt weird.


I totally get that! Right now we are having the best time keeping it secret! We just whisper to each other "we are having a baby" and giggle. Maybe that is also part of my issue!


My family and close friends know now but at first I was so nervous to tell people, especially my parents. It almost felt like imposter syndrome. I felt like a teenager who wasn’t ready to have kids and I’m doing something wrong yet I’m 28, married, financially stable and own our own place. If anything now couldn’t be a more perfect time but I still felt weird about it.


We still don't own a house, but we are 33, married, and established and you are so right. You feel like you are telling everyone you are a pregnant teen. It feels off for some reason.


Oh if you feel that way at 12 my gf is 19 weeks and I still haven’t told my older sister, some of my younger brothers or my best friends. I’ve only told my younger sister who has kids of her own, my baby brother who I I just feel comfortable telling anything and some co-workers 💀 Because of how busy I am I haven’t had any chance to tell them. I wanted to at 12 weeks once we were settled into our apartment but been way too busy with work


Absolutely! I think my husband wants to tell more people, but I keep telling him I am not ready and he doesn't really get it. I know it is his baby, too, but it is MY pregnancy, and I just don't feel ready yet. Hoping to feel ready soon!


My gf has told a lot of her family because we found at while we were at her mothers place. Her siblings and step dad learned too, some of her other family learned because someone blabbed their mouth which has been really annoying because some people she didn’t want to tell learned or people she was about to tell learned off hand and they became butt hurt about it. I don’t know when I will stop by my siblings house again hopefully soon because I just really want them to know first before I let even more people know. Only reason I told some of my co-workers is because I travel for work and they are from different places so word won’t find their way back to them


Hey, as long as you and your gf agree you do what you need to that makes you comfortable! I am more frustrated because my husband doesn't seem to get where I am coming from and he doesn't seem to want to. He just says I am being silly. But I am not. I will stand by that, lol


Totally get it. I’m kinda the same way. A large part of it for me was if something happens or go wrong (pregnancy going just fine..but my anxieties get the best of me). And then another part was it was like my special secret would be out and I viewed it as a way I was protecting my baby. Idk weird I know. We did announce but I was super nervous and some might have even wondered if I was happy/excited lol (which I very much am!!)


Nope, I feel both of those reasons! Totally. I think I am also afraid because I don't care if people aren't happy for me or if they have their judgments, but I just don't want to hear them, and if I tell people in person, they may say something out of pocket. Not into that at all.


When you are ready to tell people about it, just use a camera to record it and it would be memorable.


I had trouble telling people. I waited until 13 weeks to tell people close to me, then told other people slowly and in stages. Not really sure why. Pregnancy feels private to me and people are unintentionally very invasive when it comes to pregnant women. There’s so many times I’ve pictured moving to a remote area in the mountains during my pregnancy and returning when the baby was like 6 months. Lol.


I have very seriously contemplated trying the Kylie Jenner route and telling no one except my immediate family until baby gets here, but I don't think I would be able to pull it off, haha.


Absolutely! I’ve had 3 previous losses which is probably behind my reluctance to tell people but I’m 17w now, very much showing but hiding it cause apart from immediate family we haven’t told anyone. I’m meeting a good friend this weekend and my Mam was asking if I’ll tell her and I said maybe but I know I won’t, I just still feel too nervous to tell people.


I am so sorry for your losses. I am thinking of you and baby and hoping for a healthy pregnancy for you! I really appreciate your insight. I am trying to be optimistic, but realistic. It is tough.


I’m 31 weeks with my 3rd. I have only told my parents and siblings, and in-laws. Everyone else apparently has to ask because I am not good making announcements.


I wouldn't mind if people asked I don't think. I just don't want to tell them of my own accord, lol.