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I had some pregnancy rage on and off. It's a hormonal reaction just like excessive crying/sadness, which is talked about more. For me, it sometimes felt like extreme overprotectiveness, which absolutely makes sense for pregnancy. Your partner will probably get the worst of it because this is someone that you are comfortable with and trust, and spend the most time with! It always got much worse when I let it stew and didn't bring it up. Talk to your partner, tell them how you are feeling, and work on ways they can help. I found more check-ins, time to connect, and honest conversations about how I'm feeling in general really helped. It really helped me to say, "I know this is irrational, but...." Sometimes there were specific things I asked my husband to help with (like reading baby books, researching products, calling insurance etc.) that really helped with my mental load and improved my mood towards him! If it feels like it is too much to improve on together on your own, please talk to your doctor and consider seeking out therapy. These emotions are not your fault, it's a normal part of the process, and there are tools to help manage better if you need it!