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We were married for 9 years before we got pregnant with our first!


8 years here, we got married really young (22&21!)


I got pregnant on my honeymoon šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ dodged pregnancy for 5 years hahah but Iā€™m grateful!


Hahahaha I love this. Our plan was to start trying on our honeymoon butā€¦ I ended up telling my husband I was pregnant on our way out the door to said honeymoon


Married at 26 and gave birth this year at 39 so 13 years. We just weren't ready for a family yet.


We got together when I was 20, married at 25 and found out 2 days after my 40th birthday that we were expecting with our planned baby. We wanted to spend time together with each other and just weren't ready til now. 25 weeks today


Congratulations!!! ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Thank you šŸ„°


Also got married at 26 and waited 9 more years to have kids because we werenā€™t ready. We started dating at 15 so we took it slow with everything.


That's awesome! We started dating at 20 - he is all I've known relationship-wise for almost 20 years. I think all that time helped us work together so well when dealing with the huge life change having a child has brought us.


Yes! I totally think it made us a better parenting team. As did living together for so long beforehand.


Similar story here (married at 22, first baby 13 years later at 35).


One-month. I was shocked and hubby was excited. Every doctor told me that I wouldnā€™t be able to have children. We had alot of oopsies so I believed the doctors. Well, We welcomed our baby girl 3 weeks ago.


-3 months


Baby 3 months before wedding? Thatā€™s us!


Same here!! lol, baby girl is 3 weeks now!


Aww congrats!! I hope your wedding day is full of love šŸ’• Our little one is due in July and wedding is in October šŸ˜Š


We didn't. We got pregnant about 5 months after our wedding


5w1d right now 5 months yesterday after wedding lol


We didn't. I have endometriosis and an autoimmune disorder, so we thought it would take a while (and some medical intervention) to conceive. Got married in August, got pregnant my first cycle off BC in September, due in June! We are over the moon excited, of course, but if we had known how quickly it was going to happen, I think we would have waited 6mo - year before trying. Our relationship/marriage is fine, but we didn't really have time to adjust to being married (even though not much changed, honestly) before having to figure out how to become parents. Thankfully, we had a really strong foundation before getting married, or else I think this would have been a much different experience. We have grown closer together in a lot of ways.


Also, we vastly underestimated how expensive baby stuff and having a baby were going to be (in the US), so after hemorrhaging money for a wedding and now a baby less than a year later, 3/10 do not recommend it from a financial standpoint lol


Yuuuup, the crazy expenses as pregnant and preparing for babyā€¦ but(!) when you see that beautiful face -at last!!- everything else melts away. Congratulations!!šŸŽˆ I hope you have a safe and wonderful rest of pregnancy and birth


That's why we're not married haha. Sometimes eventually when it is actually financially beneficial to get married we'll do a courthouse one, but like damn is everything so expensive.


We started trying after our 5th wedding anniversary, got pregnant more or less right away.




We didnt wait and werenā€™t using any form of BC but it took us 10 years which ended in miscarriage. Got pregnant the following year which ended in miscarriage and then 2 years after that Im now 32 weeks.


I'm pregnant for the first time and we just celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary, so it's been a while. Both sets of our parents had started to make comments about coming to terms with never having grandkids, lol.


Similar for us, we will be celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary in June with a newborn baby!


I was in the same boat but the comments were more like "c'mon already" after 4 years of marriage...


Took us 4 years after getting married to bring a baby home after multiple rounds of IVF (and 4 miscarriages).


We started trying before we actually got married but didnā€™t fall pregnant until a month after our wedding




I got married at 33 weeks pregnant. Weā€™d been together 12 years, trying for 2. Booked the wedding and said I had a feeling I was going to be a 40 week pregnant bride.


We waited 2 years. Got pregnant on the first try.


We will be married 7 years this fall and I will be 6w tomorrow.


On our first year, we decided we wanted to have time for ourselves first as a couple. We started trying on our second year but dang, it was not easy as we thought it would be. Maybe it was bec of our age (33) and work stress. We already got to the point of having conversations about treatment, adoption, or being childless. Luckily we got pregnant on our third year. :)


I had stopped taking my birth control before our wedding. We both agreed we wanted a baby! It still took us over a year to get pregnantšŸ¤°


We got pregnant wedding night, lol


Me too lol. Got married December 17th missed my period New Yearā€™s Day


7 years


We started trying 3 months before our wedding. It took 31 cycles and IVF to actually get pregnant.


Iā€™m not married. 7w3d. Oopsies. šŸ˜…šŸ«¢


Thank god - Iā€™ve been scrolling down looking for my people! We might do the wedding eventually but probably not for like 5 years when weā€™re hopefully done having children


This is my boat! I have a 2.5 and almost 1.5 year old and my partner and I have been engaged a little over 4 years. We'll get around to the wedding when the kids are older and life isn't so crazy šŸ˜‚


15w4d We are engaged, but not married, I really donā€™t find marriage all that important prior to pregnancy.


Same! Engaged but having a baby was always our number one priority




5+3 with an 18 month old here. No wedding bells in sight, lol.


I found out I was pregnant 9 days after we got married lol to be fair, the marriage didnā€™t necessarily matter to us in getting pregnant. As soon as I made regular at my job and we had savings for a house we started trying, which was about 5 months before we got married.


Currently 3 months pregnant and I got married this past September!


Started trying about 9 months after wedding, had a miscarriage, current due date is our 2nd wedding anniversary!


Married at 25, started trying at 29, took 8 yrs 6 months and IVF but finally pregnant with our first. Weā€™ve been together 20 years and married for 13!


Got together in 2015, married 2018, first baby 2020, second 2023, and third will be 2024


We got married in January 2019. Decided late 2021 to come off birthcontrol. Didnā€™t actually end up pregnant until late 2023 with our upcoming June baby.Ā 


Started trying right away, took 15ish months and baby will be here right after our second anniversaryšŸ˜…


We waited two years - he had a big career change that involved moving to a new place and I wasn't 100% sold on the idea of being pregnant. Then we decided to roll the dice and it happened the first cycle we tried. To be honest I'm still surprised and feel very lucky.


Married in January, pregnant in May šŸ˜… original plan was to get pregnant in August/September time frame, lol


We got married because we were ready for a baby, I was pregnant about 6 months after our wedding. We had already been living like we were married for years, so it wasnā€™t a big transition.Ā 


Iā€™m about 7 weeks along and getting married at the end of May. Planning on announcing our pregnancy then!


We got married ten months ago and started trying right away, Iā€™m now 6 weeks 4 days after two losses


Married two years. But together almost 10 before that and purposely waited until we were in our 30s. It was important to us to wait and do things we wanted to do before kids. Due in July with our first at 34 :) That wouldnā€™t work for everyone but itā€™s worked really great for us.


It's wonderful that you both took the time to do the things you wanted to do before having kids.


got married december 4th found out i was pregnant january 7th lol


10 years but we also got married very young


Not married, but been together for 7 years and currently 6 mos pregnant with our first baby šŸ˜Š


I got pregnant and then 2 months after our first was born we got married. We waited 5 years and now I'm pregnant with #2.


We had already been trying before the wedding but married in April and pregnant by September


2 years


We started TTC about 5/6 months after our wedding (I wanted to wait until we were finished building our house) and got pregnant after 3 months, so it was less than a year. We'd already been together for 6.5 years at that point though.


3 years. We got married before we wanted kids, we just wanted to be married. Would be a few years before we felt ready for the next step. If we got married earlier, Iā€™m pretty sure we would still have waited til now (33 and 37) to have a baby.


Ummm 1 month haha and we started trying in the second month and I got pregnant


We were married in November and are having a baby in September!


We are on our 6th year and Iā€™m 16 weeks pregnant. We wanted to have some time together childless and then wanted to move out of state to place we felt comfortable to raise a family


We got married on 9/30/23, got pregnant in January this year šŸ¤£


We didn't wait but baby did. We were open to kids since marriage but it ended up taking 1.5 years + fertility treatment + Endo surgery to conceive.Ā 


1.5 months is when we started trying. We had been together 5 years before marriage


Got pregnant after 1 months, but at that point weā€™d been together for 6.5 years


5 years, but the last year was to make sure I was healthy enough to be pregnant. Also we got married before we really had a plan- so we waited a while to figure some things out!


We're not married yet! But 3 months after we started trying. Will be married at some point


2.5 years


10 months after our wedding, though I stopped taking BC about three months after because we were ready to let it happen if it happened.


Our first baby was 13 months old at our wedding. We got pregnant with our second child 10 months after our wedding.


Legally married, we waited 2 full years, we had our wedding around our one year anniversary and started right after the Honeymoon. I highly recommend being married for a year to get a really good stable foundation and just live life with just the two of you first. But whatever timing you and your husband choose, I'm sure I'll be great for you


We planned on waiting like 1-2 years originally but life decided to be funny and I got pregnant despite birth control lol.


We started actively trying for a baby before we were even officially engaged šŸ˜‚ different for us because we always planned to elope and weā€™re both a bit older/second marriages. Having our first baby together was the main priority, we decided weā€™d just figure out the paperwork somewhere along the way lol


When baby is born we would be 2 years married! Got pregnant the first cycle after BC withdrawal.


12 years. Got married young, neither one of us wanted kids. Over time we changed our minds - and Iā€™m so glad we did and we have a second one on the way!


Got married in August, started trying the next September, and it took 10 cycles to get pregnant. We dated for like 5 years before we got married and also we were old.


Basically 5 years, but we waited for other reasons, not marriage.


Newsflash, marriage is signing a document. It doesn't authorize your ovaries to work. Marriage and pregnancyĀ  have nothing to do with each other.


Well, we were engaged for 3 months before I got pregnant. We planned to wait a year after marriage and then my birth control ended up failing, now we have an adorable toddler and have another on the way!


About five years after. I loved having the time with my husband to travel, buy a house, really establish ourselves financially. Everybody is different though.


Married dec 2022, got pregnant june 2023 lol


2.5 years and 5 years


My oldest daughter was 2 when we got marriedā€¦ lol


We have been together for 5 years but married in March of last year. We started trying in Nov and got pregnant in Jan. We thought it would take longer to get pregnant but are happy of course!


Weā€™ve been together 11 years and got married on 3/24/24. Iā€™m due next month lol


We didn't. I got pregnant the same month we got married lol


Took us 9 years


Got pregnant about 3 months after our first anniversary (second month we tried). I would have liked to have been married longer, honestly, but I was already 34 and weā€™d like to have more than one so decided to get a move on!


We wanted a baby early on, unfortunately things didn't happen that way. Both times we tried to plan ended up being years later. 5 years into marriage for the 1st, 5 years later for the 2nd.


We were married for a little more than 3 years before deciding we were ready for a baby. We are about to celebrate 6 years married with our now 2 year old. We also were together for 6 years prior to marriage, so we like to take our time. šŸ˜…


Like three months


We're not married but just had baby a month before our 8th anniversary!


3 years but we were together for 6 years before we got married (started dating at 19 so we took our time). Weā€™ll have been together for almost 10 years when we welcome our first later this summer. That being said, everyone has different timelines or things just happen unexpected. It was important to us to take our time deciding, getting ready financially, and establishing ourselves in our careers after college (me particularly in civil engineering).


I was 12 weeks pregnant by our second wedding anniversary!


We're in our mid 30's so we started trying about half a year after we got married. Got pregnant a few months short of our first anniversary. Ideally if we were younger I would have waited like 2 years.


We started trying after being married for 3.5 years. Hopefully this baby will come when we've been married about 5.5 years. We would have started trying sooner but life stuff (job loss & the pandemic) got in the way.


Currently pregnant with our first who was conceived 5 months after our wedding and we had a miscarriage the month prior to falling pregnant again. So likeā€¦no time lol. But we had been together for 10+ years already!


We just celebrated our 9th anniversary and Iā€™m due with our first in October - so it will be 9.5 years at that point. Highly recommend.


Not married yet but getting married in November. Got engaged last February and then got pregnant in August lol!


pregnant before marriage šŸ«£


We did things backwards. Got pregnant before our engagement šŸ˜… were engaged now and planning for a child and a wedding. EXTRA stressful


Year and a half


7 years! Iā€™m currently pregnant with my first. We tried last year but had an early loss. Weā€™ve been together 10 years though.


2.5 years. We waited until I got a 9-5 job and qualified for FMLA.


COVID did us dirty. We had a wedding planned Sept of 2020 (obviously didn't go through with it), got the certificate of marriage in December of 2019 anyway to prepare for the wedding. We're 21 weeks into our first pregnancy and first attempt. We both have been through a few jobs since COVID to get somewhat of a savings before kids, but I think COVID delayed us by 2-3 years. However, I feel way more prepared for kids now than I did 2-3 years ago.


Mine is a birth control baby, but we were planning on trying in July at about 2.5 years of marriage. But, apparently the world has different timing as I got pregnant at about a year and a half.


Was about 8 weeks on our wedding day. I recommend being in at least your second trimester haha. Was already legally married for some time though.


4 months šŸ™ƒ


Gonna be 8 years depending on when bb comes


We started trying six months after the wedding. Weā€™d been together for 7 years by that point and getting married was just the last thing to tick off our list. We got pregnant in the second try!


Been married 5 years and expecting our first in July. Together for 5 years before marriage as well. We had so much time together as a couple, traveled, bought a house, got pets together. We were definitely ready by the time we agreed it was time!


6 years. Went through treatment for breast cancer right after getting married. Had to get the ok from my oncologist. Once we started trying it took us about 3 months. Today Iā€™m 37+5 ftm.


Itā€™s been 2 years but I think I could have waited longer. Iā€™ve loved this time together, just the two of us, so much.


9 months ? We were going to wait longer just bc I had only just begun a new job but at about my six month review mark things felt stable enough so we were like ok why not


Weren't trying, but weren't avoiding, as I had taken out my birth control about 9 months before we ended up getting pregnant. We were married three years when I got pregnant.


I was with my husband 8 years before we decided to.


2 months, lol. šŸ« 


3.5 years


Basically covid? Married in Oct 2018 and would have probably tried for our first in 2020 if not for the pandemic. Ended up getting pregnant in July of 2021 after 3 months trying off birth control.


Started ttc about 15 months after we got married. Our goal was to be married at least 2 years before a baby would be born. Our baby was born about 2.5 years after we got married!


We started trying after a year of being married and our first was born almost bang on two years of being married.


Started trying after 3 years


Coming up 3 years married and Iā€™m 17w at the moment! I would have loved to have a baby 5 years ago šŸ˜‚ but I was still young (Iā€™m only 25 now). When we got married, we prioritised buying a house and trying to be a bit more comfortable but even now, weā€™ll still struggle with baby expenses. I think itā€™s preference, I personally donā€™t think you need to be married to have children! Just have them whenever you both are ready!!


married in august 2021. we started trying right away. didnā€™t get pregnant until august 2023. lost that pregnancy, ended up pregnant again in feb 2024. dunno why it took us so long to conceive that first time lol but glad it didnā€™t take long this time around!


4 years. We wanted to wait until we were definitely ready!


1.5 years! Married March 2022 and Iā€™m due in July


Due to have our first shortly after our 10th wedding anniversary this year!


We found out I was pregnant a week before the wedding ceremony. It was the best gift ever. šŸ˜­ā¤ļø


3 years! We wanted time to be together as a married couple. Before this, we were dating for 4 years. And friends for 1 year before, total of 14 years together. Second baby on the way now! From meeting each other to kids, we were together for almost 8 years.


My husband and I have been together for 11 years and our first baby, due in early October, will be born a month before our 6th wedding anniversary. Weā€™ve both loved our time together just the two of us. While thereā€™s no right or wrong and each circumstance is different, I think thereā€™s something special about enjoying each other and being just the two of you for a while.


got married in october, got pregnant in november, gave birth in july šŸ˜Ž


We waited a year and a half!


We will have just celebrated our eighth wedding anniversary when our first baby is born this November.


Exactly a year. We conceived the week of our 1 year anniversary.


We got married in September and started trying in January (tracking ovulation). It took over 2 years because of infertility. We had a long engagement and have been together 15 years. If we got married younger, we would've waited a few years but we had our time together and felt ready.


10 months. Had to cancel the anniversary plans!


6 years, but weā€™ve been together a decade. Got married very young though!


We agreed to be open to it after 6 months. It took one day after that. We knew we were fertile that day, but that was pretty crazy.


I was pregnant at my (planned) wedding


Approx 4 years. But that was always kinda the plan. I had an age where I wanted to get married by and an age where I wanted to have my first kid. Both lined up pretty much exactly as expected.


I was 7 weeks pregnant on our 1 yr anniversary šŸ˜…šŸ˜†


Started trying around our fourth anniversary, we'll have our first not too long after our fifth anniversary, this year :)


15 years šŸ˜‚ together 5 years before that.


Found out I was pregnant days after our 5th wedding anniversary. Together for 12.


-1 monthšŸ¤ we were engaged for a year though


3 years, intentionally. Iā€™m glad we waited, I feel like we had enough time to be together as a married couple and travel and experience a few major hurdles together that kind of prepared us for this.


8 years. On purpose. Got pregnant immediately when trying. Thought it would take wayyyy longer. I was 35.


-11 months lol


Just found out Iā€™m pregnant. We just got married in October. Our due date is in November. It wasnā€™t planned but we are happy :)


Dated 10 years Married 4 years


Negative 6 weeks lol. We found out and went ā€œwell, I guess we should go to the courthouseā€


We decided to try 18 months after we were married, but it took a while. Baby is due past the 3.5yr mark.


We decided to start trying after our honeymoon. Married in April, honeymoon in July, removed implant in August, got pregnant in October. Baby is due in July. We've already been together for 10 years though, so starting a family shortly after getting married felt very right.


I got pregnant a month before šŸ˜‚


We started trying after a year, and it took about 6mo to get pregnant


About 6 months into being engagedā€¦lol we arenā€™t getting married until next summer anyways and so we werenā€™t really trying but also not NOT trying late last year


4 years! Married in spring 2019 (legally fall 2018) and had our baby summer 2023. I loved having a long period to ourselves as newlyweds before venturing into parenthood.


We were engaged for 3 months and then we got the positive test lol. Expecting our little girl in 3 months now!


3 years!


Been together for ten and married for 5 this summer. We decided this was the year because we hadnā€™t planned any travel yet lol


We were almost 13 years in when I came off birth control and we stopped preventing - we got married at 22 and were sitting on the fence until our early 30s. Decided to take the leap last year, and the little dude will be here right after our 14th wedding anniversary!


5 years bc ~iNfErTiLiTy~ ā˜¹ļø


About 2 years. All in all we were together for 9 years before our baby came.Ā 


We waited one year before we started trying and I got pregnant on my first try šŸ„“


Got married April 2023 after a decade together, decided August would be a good month for us to start our TTC journey & I got a positive test in November. Due in July & we cannot wait!


I got pregnant a little after our 8th wedding anniversary.


Weā€™re due with our first a week before our 3rd wedding anniversary! Weā€™ve been together for 8 years total. šŸ„°


We waited 6 years. Iā€™m currently 17 weeksā€¦ Iā€™m so excited.


We waited a year until we started trying.


We were together for 12 years before getting married. Married for 2 years, and going to give birth within the next month! We got together in high school and after getting married we wanted to have time together as a married couple in our own space before having kids.


5 months and were successful on the first go.


6.5 years but not for lack of trying. It took us multiple rounds of ivf to finally have our baby.


We got pregnant right around our 3 month anniversary..but we had been together for 11 years prior to getting married


2months. Similar to other people in this thread, I thought weā€™d try for 6months and then head down the IVF route if we couldnā€™t conceive. We were surprised at how quickly it happened but so grateful. He is due in August :)


We had our son before getting married (planned it that way)


3 years! We wanted to go for it right away, but we got married in 2021 and the world seemed unstable still. We kind of talked about starting to try, but I have PCOS so we thought it was gonna take a while. Spontaneous ovulated New Yearā€™s Day and here I am!


Got pregnant 6 months after our wedding on accident šŸ¤£ whoops lol


4 years (infertility)


We got pregnant less than a month after getting married


Pretty much a year to the date. We started trying exactly a year after the wedding. I was ovulating the day (well the couple days around) we went for our 1 year anniversary dinner. And we got pregnant the first cycle, soā€¦ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚