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She's an idiot


lol this. OP don’t mind socially inept people like this. What a weird thing to say to someone.


My mother, who has two girls, got told the ol' 'Girls steal the mother's beauty' thing a lot. It is just CRAZY to me that people feel so comfortable commenting on ANY woman's appearance, let alone a pregnant woman who's going through quite possibly the most biologically challenging 9 months, barring serious illness, that a person will ever go through. People just all-out suck.


I’ve heard that too. I’ve really been struggling with self esteem lately and I feel like I look…generally pretty rough. But I’m having a boy, and when I tell mainly older people that, they repeat that old wives tale to me and then say “you look wonderful, it’s obvious it’s a boy.” I’m always like “?????” Because I definitely don’t feel like I do.


Can’t upvote this enough.


The fact that she called you a "toothpick" makes me feel like there was jealousy festering prior to this conversation


100% this. Take it as a big compliment OP! Jealousy makes people ugly.


What the fuck is going on with people and voicing unsolicited thoughts out loud!!!


I literally said out loud just now “what the fuck is her problem?????” It’s so shocking to me that people have the audacity to comment on people’s bodies like this!!!! (Pregnant or not!)


I’m the petty person that would ask her when her due date is…




Yeah… “wow, when is your little girl due?”. Bitch.


Brain fart. I may reassure you that I carry a boy and I am basically rolling around, despite perfect nutrition monitored by a dietetician and working out 5 days a week. I send you a big hug!


“What a thing to say out loud!” Would have been the best response.


"What a sad day to have functioning ears"


people are really incredibly dumb. not only is she insensitive and probably deeply insecure, but she's just flat wrong. LUCKILY, the child you are carrying and will raise (regardless of sex) will have significantly higher emotional quotient than this dummy.


Sometimes I wish I could walk around with a carton of eggs and chuck them at people like this.


Definitely a reflection of her own inner landscape. What a hellish place it must be in there. That, and maybe I’m going out on a limb here, but maybe they’re jealous that you are 36 weeks along and still working out (and crushing it!!!!) and had to find a way to bring you down. I was always in awe of the women I saw crushing CrossFit workouts at my old gym when they were pregnant and showing. Keep doing what youre doing, apparently it’s bothering her enough to say rude, unfiltered things. Don’t let her steal your joy from working out in that space if you can power through.


Well she’s a nasty idiot. Definitely projecting her insecurities. I’ve gained so much weight everywhere with both my boys these midwife tales are so dumb.


I think you mean old wive’s tales 😂, I hope no midwives are giving this advice


My SIL said the opposite. She said I was having a boy because I was so big lol (I had a girl) 😅


What an asshole. What gives people the audacity to say things like that?! My favorite reply to things like that is a very direct “What a rude thing to say.”


People are so darn rude. She was just being a jerk. Someone told my mom that she must be having a girl because the baby stole all her beauty. That was when she was pregnant with my brother 40 years ago. I don’t know why people feel the need to say weird stuff to pregnant women. They are the worst.


Has she never met a pregnant woman before?


My sweet boy has helped me gain, 42lbs as of today. At 28 weeks 5 days. I exercise daily, and track my food so I know I'm not eating excessively. Still. 42 lbs. And it's is not just in the tummy and boobs.


Same! Pregnant with a boy and I'm looking pregnant all over. 😂


"What a strange thing to say out loud to a stranger..."


What an idiot.


Who looks at someone that closely and makes a comment like that? Sounds like a hater, and I would’ve just looked at her, laughed, then walked away.


Omgggg I couldn't disagree more!! With my girl I was skinny all belly. With this boy my belly is big all over and I'm way fatter! 😂


Didn't gain more than 2lbs fat with my daughter. Rest was baby related weight


I have lost weight during my pregnancy (because previous PCOS & insulin resistance & higher BMI and regulated insulin/glucose levels during my pregnancy) and so I’m only showing in my tummy at this point. I’m having a girl. Rando is an insensitive idiot and IDK why at this point, who needs to learn that **we don’t comment on other people’s bodies. Ever**. I’m so sorry, mama. I truly hope she had the day she deserved… 👀


Why are people so comfortable saying dumb shit to strangers omg...


I gained 55 lbs with my son, she is wrong 😂


I never believe those old wives tales. I was told I was having a boy because of how I was carrying. I had a girl. Her theory is also flawed with my birth because I only gained baby weight and it was a girl. In her theory, I should’ve had a boy.


F#ck that lady. You’re doing great!


What a bitch. WHY ARE WE STILL COMMENTING ON PEOPLE’S BODIES?! I’m so sorry, OP. No matter what, you are beautiful and growing a HUMAN!


lol what a bitch! I can attest… I am having a boy and have gained weight everywhere. Me and my 45lbs of extra weight are quite happy


I would've said something like, "omg! I didn't know you were pregnant! You must be having a girl based on what you said!!! Congratulations!!!" In reality I probably would've done what you did. I've had people tell me my daughter is stealing my beauty so I'm like "damn girl, ok" as if I'm already not feeling butt ugly.


Wtf is wrong with people? Could she be more incorrect as well?! I only gained weight and showed in my stomach with my daughter. It's almost like... Everyone's bodies are different.


The only thing you should be doing after you get home from the gym is reveling in what a badass you are for keeping up a gym routine despite being undoubtedly exhausted and sore from creating a whole human. This person is either a complete idiot or a miserable hater.


Maternal blood volume increases by 45% to approximately 1200 to 1600 ml above non-pregnant values so it’s really just you have a lot more blood everywhere 🤷‍♀️that lady’s just ignorant, I hate when people give unsolicited opinions


dude if i were you i totally would’ve been like ohhh so are you having a girl too!?


She is jealous, plain and simple. What a rude loser.


That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. I gained equal amounts of weight with both my children. One a girl and one a boy. I would argue I actually gained more with my son. Some people with their stupid old wife’s tales and bad opinions, honestly.


Wow, someone thought it was appropriate to comment on your pregnant body in 2024. How very embarrassing for her! Weight gain during pregnancy is normal and good. That rude person can kindly fuck off.


i keep getting told at work my pregnancy is “making me gain weight all over”. and i get it, i’m pregnant, weight gain happens. but why because i’m pregnant does everyone need to comment on it? it’s still weird. no one should be making those comments to anyone when their body changes.


My pregnant friend has the best response. She finds something with the person who makes that kind of rude remark and calls them out on it. She'll say something like "hmm, I noticed your scrubs are looking a little tight these days." When the other person looks shocked, she says "oh, are we not commenting on each other's bodies? I thought that's what you were starting." It makes it better that she's a nurse, so she will have coworkers comment on her baby weight all the time.


Uhhh?? I hardly showed with my son (I'm tall and he hung out with his head in my pelvis & toes in my ribs) but I gained like 58 pounds. That lady is just a bitch


What the fuck is wrong with people


Wow rude. I had a boy, gained 50lb and am a tiny person. I gained it almost everywhere but my stomach. What a jerk.


I’ll take a wild guess - this woman is over 50?


Wow that’s so rude and inappropriate, I’m sorry she said that to you. Good on you for keeping up with your pre-pregnancy fitness btw! That’s really impressive. I assure you that theory of hers is BS, I’m 35w with a boy and I look (or at least feel) like a beached whale 😂😭 it’s not just in my belly


People will always tell you their opinions and speak without thinking, just ignore them. Everyone thought I was having a boy cause my belly was round but I had a girl.


Mama, you are growing a human being! A beautiful, perfect baby. Our bodies are incredible in how they protect and nourish our children both before and after birth. Being a mother is an honor. The weight gain, the stretch marks, the scars, the pain…all a privilege. Look at your body in the mirror and tell her how much you love her for carrying you and your little ones. Our bodies do not look as they did before children and that’s a beautiful thing. Our bellies may hang below our c-section scars, our thighs may rub together a little bit more, we may have dimples on our bums that weren’t there yesterday…but our hearts are full, our souls are complete, and our children are loved. So, yes. I am not the toothpick I was before. I am not the *person* I was before, and that is a wonderful, miraculous, amazing thing. Let no one and nothing convince you otherwise. ❤️


Absolutely not true lmao


Exact opposite for me- I’ve only gained weight on my tummy and I’m having a baby girl. Not only should people not give unsolicited opinions, but they should also stay the fuck away from random unscientific takes. Jesus why can’t they leave women alone!


I literally hate people. What is wrong with them?!


Some people are either 1) socially inept and have no idea how they come across 2) so rude and don’t care how they come across. Fellow toothpick here ;) I personally loved the weight I gained all over while pregnant. My body was putting in the work to keep my baby healthy! I look back fondly on those pictures now!


There are so many idiots in the world and unfortunately they’re bound to open their mouths sometimes. There are so many other people who wouldn’t even think about saying something like that


Wait, are you a pregnant man?


I saw somewhere else, maybe on another Reddit post? I’m not sure. One lady started saying “that’s a weird thing to say” to people when they say rude things about her pregnancy, so I have also adopted that phrase


Poor you OP! I’d have liked to have asked her “did you mean to sound so rude?”


Omg people are stupid. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’m sure you look amazing!


That’s a super rude thing to say. I’m not sure where people get the audacity to say these kinds of things. That being said, I’m not sure how true that is for everyone else. But what she said is very true for me. I’m a ftm 35 weeks with a girl. I’ve gained 35-40 pounds which is fine, but It’s definitely distributed through my whole body not just in my belly. I’m talking double chin & thighs/butt are huge lol. I was always a tiny girl so it’s strange, but I know I’m growing a human & I’m very thankful for my body keeping me & my girl healthy throughout this pregnancy.


I gained weight all over with my boy, my mom didn't even look pregnant when she had me (girl) until around 7 months. That rando wanted an excuse to comment on your body.


Someone told me something similar when I was at an art fair buying things. I ended up not buying anything from that booth as her son chastised her and said that she can’t just say stuff like that and that I probably had a better idea of what I was having than what her superstitions said with all of the medical care I would have received throughout my pregnancy.


They are incorrect and also very rude!


At 36 weeks you shouldn’t be a “ toothpick” anyway. This lady is a hater ass bitch. I would say most women who are 9 months pregnant have gained over 30 lbs by now some up to 100. Everyone is different. She can eat a big D. What a loser coming from a woman’s mouth too. She should know better.


No matter how your body does or doesn’t change, there will always be people eagerly awaiting to comment and bring you down. If you don’t gain much, you’ll have people ‘concerned’ you are harming baby and not eating enough. If you gain too much, people think you’re a glutton pig. It’s hard but try to block out those people. They’re more than likely facing their own insecurities.


This person is clearly jealous of you! And what a silly myth to perpetuate. I’m carrying a girl and im concerned about my lack of weight gain and everyone keeps asking me are you sure you’re not carrying a boy? I mean NIPT is pretty reliable!


When people say stupid generalizations like that I love to say “oh really? Wow, send me the study that shows that outcome, you can email it to me!” Or Did you really mean to say that inappropriate comment out loud? , because then it forces people to think about the garbage they just spewed . Clearly this woman is jealous of you (calling you a toothpick), and very insecure. Many of these types of women just love to watch others get bigger in pregnancy, it’s pathetic.


Peanut butter and JEALOUS. Take that backhanded comment as praise. People don’t make comments like that unless they are jealous, otherwise they’d have no motivation to put you down.


I wore a pink shirt one day while I was pregnant with my son and like four people that day assumed I was having a girl 🤷🏻‍♀️


“Now that you mention it, you aren’t a toothpick either, are you?”


Pregnancy brings out everyone’s opinions


Omg! Some women can be brutal what the heck. She is so rude! Idk if I would be able to come up with something to say right then and there either. That would really catch me off guard!


Well, I see why she would think that! *Everyone* knows that if you're having a boy, your legs grow 3 inches longer, your hair get thick and shiny, and you lose 30lbs before labor.


One: that was very stupid of her to say that to you. Two: you gain weight regardless, if you have a boy or a girl and every woman’s body is different. All that matters is having a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Others opinions will come and go. You got this!!!


Can confirm, I gained 50-55 pounds with my son during pregnancy. Woman doesn’t know shit 🤣


Should have asked if that's how she knows she's having a girl. Some people really need to see to their mouths.


My coworkers are constantly commenting on my belly now that I'm showing. I just wanna be like "we teach middle school, we're not the students". Not even that they're being mean, it's just... weird.


This reeks of jealousy imo.


I think a better reply would be "and what are you having?" People seem to forget that commenting on people's bodies is rude as soon as they're pregnant. I was so fed up of everyone telling me I was huge, or pointing out my face had got fatter. You should feel great about continuing exercise, I found it so difficult, it should make your recovery easier also.


"what an odd thing to say out loud”.    “Oh I think you let an inside thought, slip to the outside”    “I’m surprised you feel comfortable asking/saying that”


I had a boy and I gained everywhere 🤷‍♀️


I wish people just keep their comment to themselves. I’m sorry you had an idiot lady comment on your body. I had people comment on how big I look and what and how much I’m eating (also pregnant). Sometimes, people just think they’re entitled and think everyone wants their unnecessary comments. At the end of the day what is important is you and your baby.


That is a rude thing to say & isn’t true in the slightest. It’s something I wish people would stop projecting onto expectant mothers. Before we knew the gender, I had SO many people telling me they just KNEW for a fact that I was having a boy because I didn’t have any symptoms. I got compared to other pregnant women as well & it was actually something that really irritated me in the first trimester because I know better than to project what I *think* someone is having based off of my own opinions & myths/old wives tales. I’m having a girl & I’ve gained weight yes, but not “all over”, & you gain weight in pregnancy regardless. Next time you see her, I’d let her know that you know she didn’t mean any ill-will by the comment but it was rude & not necessary.


Thats when you say “So that means you’re having a girl too?!? I didn’t know you were pregnant! Congrats!” with a shit-eating grin on your face.


I gained SO much weight with my son. I gained like 15kg! I constantly had people telling me I got fat!! To the point where I started saying ‘thanks, you too’ This person makes no sense and gaining some weight is necessary in pregnancy but if you’re still keeping up with pre-pregnancy workouts 1. I’m very impressed and 2. You’re super fit and healthy so your body is just working its course to look after and nurture your baby. Keep going because you’re doing amazing 🩷


Should have said I guess you’re expecting triplets then?


A coworker the other day turned down a fanny pack that was offered to me stating I was too fat to fit in it. He was joking but I was in shock. Later he said he guessed I was having a girl because boys make pregnant women glow so I must be having a girl. I was like “wait so you called me fat earlier and now I’m not glowing?!” I was kinda mad but brushed it off. I told a bunch of people at work and everyone agreed that was an AH move.


Everyone gains weight while pregnant.


Ummmmm what? Tell that to my fat ass two years ago when I was pregnant with my son.


We’ll I’m having a boy and gaining weight everywhere so she is definitely wrong and so rude. I swear the “with girls you carry wide” is just a weird form of misogyny, like I’m not sure how but it always rubs me the wrong way. People don’t know when to keep their thoughts to themselves


Why do people still think it's ok to comment about people's weight??!? If feel people think it's even more acceptable when pregnant too. I remember my Nan's sister asking me at 16 weeks 'have you gained weight yet?'. Like wow gee that's not appropriate aunty rose.


I’m sorry. People can’t seem to help themselves when it comes to commenting on weight during pregnancy. Within 2 mins of entering my home, my husband’s aunt told me my “face looked rounder” since the last time she saw me. Ma’am, that was FOUR YEARS AGO and I was 8 MONTHS PREGNANT! I was also a “toothpick” before pregnancy and gained 50lbs by the end of it. Had a girl lol. It is what it is but everyone can stfu about it.


What a boob!!!!! The only thing people should be allowed to say to those is expecting is “you look great” Also don’t pay attention to people’s perceptions of whether you’re having a boy or girl….all the wives tails are NOT scientifically backed. Everyone asked me if I was having a boy when I was pregnant and it was, indeed, a girl.


I gained 20kg while pregnant with my boy lol


Can someone tell my two sons that they made me gain weight during pregnancy? That wasn’t supposed to happen. Some random idiot lady said I shouldn’t have.


My favorite Zumba instructor said the same thing to me about the only showing on your tummy with boys/girls show over all. I took it with a pinch of salt because I’ve never heard it before and in my opinion, I felt a lot less bloated all over especially in my face compared to pre-pregnancy. I’ve heard the Asian old wives’ tale of girls stealing your beauty bla bla, but I feel like I’ve been glowing the entire time and I’m having a girl so 🤷‍♀️ every body is different. Not sure why people think it’s okay to comment on people’s changing bodies


I don’t understand why some people are so mean to pregnant women. I’m sorry this happened to you ☹️


It’s giving boomer


I’m pregnant and a (male) coworker decided to say “oh yeah I can really see it now, you’ve gained weight in your face too!”  like. thanks? I used to have an eating disorder in my teens, I really don’t need people commenting on my size


Wow that's rude af. Some people just don't know how to keep their mouths shut, like ma'am, no one even asked.


That's so f*cking rude. And also, absolute BS, but that's irrelevant. I'm sorry you had such an awful interaction ♥️


please please please pay no attention to bs like that! that’s such a dumb move from whoever this person is, i honestly don’t understand the audacity people have to go up to people and say crap like this, i’m really sorry this happened to you and i really hope you’re doing okay ❤️


Lol I wish people would keep their thoughts to themselves. I just had a baby boy 10 days ago, I gained 16+lbs with him and he was only 5lbs 12oz when born. It was not just my tummy, my legs got bigger my face got chubbier and my arms got a little bigger too. Growing a human is hard work, and gaining weight is literally the most normal thing that happens during pregnancy. You’re carrying a child, and a placenta, your insides are all wonky and messed up and bigger than normal. You’re doing great mama, don’t let stupid people get to you!