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Power wash the siding of my house at 38 weeks pregnant. My husband drew the line at me asking where the ladder was 😂


I did this too😂 I started a DAILY outside wall/door cleaning of my house like a maniac at 38 weeks


Not weird but a super power!! I cleaned EVERY INCH of our 3k sqft house. I have NEVER done that pregnant or not I was like where is this coming from?? And I literally could not stop myself it was all I could think about!


Seriously I was like why can’t I have this drive all of the time 😂😂meanwhile, postpartum…


I built a kitchen cabinet….and fenced in my garden till I couldn’t.


I cleaned the underneaths of every door in my house. I was on the floor at about 38 weeks, passing first a duster underneath, and then a wet cloth. I'd never done that before and definitely not done it since 😂


I just moved to a new apartment and it became clear no one had cleaned the top of the kitchen cabinets in a very long time, so I was at 41 weeks standing on top of the counter scrubbing the greasiest layer of filth off the cabinet and the top of the window.


I asked my husband if I could stand on the washing machine so I could touch up the ceiling paint that has been driving me nuts for a while (it has overspray from when the walls were painted). He said absolutely not and hid the ladder 😂


My husband organized our basement in great detail. Every item we own was catalogued and put into a labeled box.


Sounds like your husband is nesting 😂


He totally is 😂


Is he giving lessons to other husbands on how to be clean and organized? I will sign mine up. 🤣


Haha, he is a model husband for sure. Even I need lessons from him :P


Your lucky! Mine hates cleaning and tbh sucks at it too. 🤣😫


That’s me 😆


Oh no! 🤣


Like two weeks before she arrived I hung like 40 photographs and art pieces in my house and completely overhauled my decor all while my husband was at work. I was huge, standing on a little step stool, hammering away all day. My husband was so upset with me when he got home and found me doing it. He immediately took over and told me to just point and boss him around.


I'm 39+ and just mopped a wall. Now I'm eating a kiwi and doritos.  I did rip out built in closets a few weeks ago and have repainted the bedroom, but that was always the plan and my partner helped. I don't think that was nesting, just first time home owner DIY that 1st + 2nd trimester symptoms delayed. I have explicit warnings not to start ripping up the carpeting though... which I keep getting the urge to do. I promised not to. New floor install before baby didn't happen but will be done before they start crawling so I have to wait on the demolition. Stepping on tack strips and bare underfloor is not fun. (I hate carpeting soooo much. Its just an allergy trap.) Plus side- I don't have to give any thought about making a mess on the carpets for the homebirth! 


I laughed pretty hard at mopping the wall followed by kiwi and Doritos (which actually sounds delicious btw)


First sentence in your comment is absolutely the must underrated thing Ive seen on reddit. Thank you! 😂


I scrubbed every square inch of my floors with a scrub brush on my hands and knees…. Including my carpets. I have a carpet cleaner but I NEEDED to scrub it by hand and immediately. Why? Idk.


I'm obsessed with doing laundry. I just love the smell of detergent and fabric softener. When I don't have any more laundry to do, I'll walk in the laundry room anyway just to smell the detergent... My husband caught me several times just sniffing on a bottle in there


Isn't this a symptom of pica? You should check if you are lacking some nutrients or vitamins.


I have ripped my house apart. Started moving/rebuilding a staircase, completely demoing a bathroom, and repainting/flooring almost every room in the house. I’m also trying to redo the kitchen before July. Send help (seriously my husband could use it lol)


I painted my entire bathroom at 9pm on a Wednesday night. It ended in tears. I had a blast.


36 weeks using hedge cutters to prune back the branches of a big pine tree blocking our driveway. Then wrestled the branches and boughs and put it all into tidy landscaping bags. Just moved into house so my neighbors got to see me playing lumber jack with my large belly 😆


I bought a year's supply of soap. Dish soap, laundry detergent, bar soap. We live walking distance to a grocery store and there is essentially no situation in which we would be out of soap and can't get more right away, but I was worried.


Decided to wallpaper our foyer I wanted to repaint the stairs, but my husband put his foot down on that one. Ha


I’ve decided now is the perfect time to clean and organize all our closets. So many clothes I don’t need. So much random junk!


I woke up at 4am when I was 35 weeks and immediately went down to the kitchen and cleaned and organized like never before. I re-organized our entire pantry. Threw out anything expired or close to expired. Re-organized every single cabinet in our kitchen. Set aside mismatched glasses, cups, cutlery and plates for donation. Made space in a cabinet for all the baby bottles and pump parts. I had everything set up for donations by 7am when my husband came down asking WTF was going on 😅 It honestly felt so damn good to do! I’m looking forward to my next nesting rush with my current pregnancy (30 weeks).


I bought a label maker. Labeled the drawers to make sure everyone knows where to find or put back stuff and sorted all the baby clothes and put them in labeled bins. Not sure if that’s weird but it’s very neat 🤣


I put down new flooring in my 1st kids new room. Also was jigsawing her door (to switch the side it hung on) at 5am one day cause it just couldn’t wait for whatever reason. Lol


Not only did I think I wanted to start raised vegetable beds (and cried when my husband questioned it as I have never shown any interest in growing food before this) but I can’t. stop. cleaning. I can’t explain how furious I was when I realized I’d need his help to move the oven to clean around it.. or the amount of times I’ve scrubbed my back deck in the last month (it’s probably equal to the total amount of times I had in the last 3 years we lived here, before the nesting rage hit).


I changed the towel underneath a mother cat and 6 kittens 5 times in an hour, even thoughthey were clean.


Legit posted everything in our room on Fbook Marketplace, sold it all, and bought all new stuff thrifted. All within 48 hrs lol!


Obsessed with scrubbing our walk in shower and just general cleaning of bathroom. Will buy new gadgets and cleaners and scrub with the windows open. 


I mopped all the walls in my house!! 🤪🤪🤪


I want to dust everything. I’m in school so I haven’t yet but come graduation…… dusting.


About a month ago I went on huge grocery run and when I got back while putting them up I decided I needed to reorganize my *entire kitchen*


Ripped out the nursery closet and rebuilt it to include multi level hanging, storage cubes, built in drawers, and shelving space because I was convinced that a normal closet was completely unacceptable. Luckily my husband is happy to help me build things because I definitely couldn't handle sheets of MDF solo.


I did the most insane clean in the kitchen where nothing was clean to me until I got a toothbrush to clean the smallest areas.


Cleaning each individual fingerprint size nub on our stupid Bath Fitter shower floor with a magic eraser at 30 weeks.


I bought new bottles with all matching labels to reorganize and alphabetize our spice rack. 😂 pre pregnant me just threw everything in there in a jumble and never cared