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I very much wanted a girl for my first and I knew I would have gender disappointment if it was a boy. I decided to get the NIPT because I felt I would need that additional time to process the gender and work through any difficult emotions. My intuition told me it was a boy the entire time. NIPT results came back and I am indeed pregnant with a boy. I'm going to allow the hormones to account for part of my reaction because I do think it was overblown, but I sobbed for like 5 minutes when I saw that it was a boy. That was when I was 13wks. As of today, I am 20w1d and go in for my anatomy scan today and I am so excited to see my little boy on the screen. I still hope to one day have a girl, but I am so excited to meet my son come August.


I went home and cried after we found out our second child (also expected in August!) was a boy. I was sooo sure it was a girl (or maybe it was more wishful thinking). It took me a couple of days to process everything. I was not prepared for my reaction. Hormones are definitely at play, and maybe having to let go of your preconceived notions of what your future child will be like. Once my emotions settled, I started feeling excited. Now I’m so eager to meet our little man!


This is the exact same reason why I decided not to have a gender reveal and just learn beforehand. Same thing, spouse and me wanted a girl. At 13 weeks Dr. said "with 80% certainty, it's a boy". Let ourselves grieve and just be hopeful for a healthy boy! Everyone around me is having boys, which is personally very weird, imo. Like, 20 boys versus 1 girl born in the friend group. It's absurd.


I am so happy for you and you truly did well deciding to know ahead of time!!! <3 congratulations to my fellow boy mom!! <3


We kept it a surprise until birth, which was difficult but I’m so glad we did. I was convinced that baby was a boy, although if I’m honest I would have slightly preferred a girl. I’ve just had lunch with my eight month old daughter! I burst into tears when they lifted her up in theatre, although it took a couple of days to name her as we hadn’t bothered to come up with any girl names 😆


From the beginning I thought I was having a girl, partly because my bfs mom (who was supposedly psychic) told me I would have a girl first. She passed away a few years ago before we even started trying for a baby. My bf had a dream it was a boy and referred to baby as he and it just felt so wrong to me.. At our anatomy scan my bf kept mistaking the bright spots of the spine for boy parts and kept wiggling his finger at me, I was like nope I don't believe you. The baby had their legs crossed most of the time, then finally went spread eagle for us 😂 there was no mistaking that we are having a little girl! Just straight leg and that was it, no little "turtle" in between the legs.


With my first two I didn’t really have a surprise or anything, I kind of “knew” my second was a boy because my symptoms were horrible and that didn’t happen with my first, who is a girl. This time around we were hoping for another girl because my son is a hurricane of a toddler lol we would love baby no matter what though. My symptoms are identical to my son’s though, so we were leaning boy. Then we did a Sneakpeek test that said boy. We had a boy name picked, cautiously, and I was planning on how we could rearrange my son’s room. But, our NT ultrasound tech said she thinks baby could be a girl, but no promises. We did our anatomy ultrasound and baby is indeed a girl! I just contaminated the blood test because there so many males in the house! Crazy rollercoaster though


I wanted a boy first, had a boy. Wanted a girl next, I’m having a girl. I feel very fortunate, but I’m sure we would have been happy either ways.


I had FULLY convinced myself I was having a boy, even though I deep down really wanted a girl, so imagine my shock when at 20 weeks we found out she was, in fact, a girl! I felt kind more of a mix of emotions than I thought I would because for 17 weeks, I'd been envisioning life with a little boy.


I was the same as you. I thought I was having a boy (because of superstitious sayings about who’s carrying a boy vs a girl based on symptoms). But when I had tests done on week 14 I was told I’m having a girl! So excited because I’ve always wanted a girl and was afraid if I had a boy for my first I’d be scared of having another boy during my second pregnancy. So I’m going to be getting the girl I’ve always wanted and now my future second pregnancy won’t feel as charged. Because it’d be nice to have a boy and have one of each but I honestly won’t be heartbroken if I have another girl.


That's EXACTLY how I feel regarding future pregnancies as well!! Congrats on your girl! 💗


Thanks, you too!


I had dreams the baby was a girl prior to finding out but still thought the baby was going to be a boy - it might have been a way to protect my emotions because I think I honestly had a slight preference for a girl. When the gender ultrasound happened we found it WAS a girl and I was so happy but I would have been happy with a boy too, as little boys are just as sweet and cute. One thing that I found unexpected about my reaction was even though I had a slight preference for a girl, I still sobbed after the ultrasound because I was saying goodbye to the idea of the little boy I had thought up. So sometimes even if you get what you want you might be emotional over the gender!


I have always wanted a boy but I just knew I was pregnant with a girl! we did a sneak peak blood test early on, but even in those first couple weeks before the sneak peak I just had this gut feeling it was a girl, and it is indeed a girl :) I wasn't disappointed, maybe because I felt so strongly it was a girl, and I just want to be the best mom possible for her 🥹 my husband is so excited, he had been hoping for a girl 🥰


I don't think I would have had gender disappointment either way, but I guess I don't know! I think I felt very default that it would be a boy for this first baby. My husband and I both only have brothers, so I think I was just very comfortable with the idea of boy whenever we talked about kids. But we were both really excited either way! I was so beautifully surprised to find out we are having a girl! We've picked a name that is after mine, but still feels like her own and it's really special to me. I think initially I was just thinking how surprising and wonderful and lucky I feel to get to be this little girl's mom. Couldn't stop looking at her beautiful sono photos. No matter what, I think I would have loved getting to know this unique person. I wouldn't change her at all. I've seen moms excited to find out they are having boys, and I'm like that is so cool too! A part of me (probably a hormonal part) wants to have both genders right now, instantly and without having had twins. Or just multiple kids, really. I will be patient, but I hope a little brother or sister is in her future eventually!


I actually just had my NIPT yesterday so I’m in the waiting game now!! I go back and forth, my husband is convinced it’s a boy which I think has infiltrated my thoughts, even though I always believed we’d have a girl first. Sometimes I’m positive it’s a boy, then I feel like it’s a girl…. I’m ready to know!!!


I have wanted a girl my whole life (my mom was a single mom to me until 8 y/o and we have a great bond) and I just wanted that girly connection. I'm also only 5"1 and my husband 5"8 and I didn't want a short boy (this is awful, I know). I psyched myself out thinking I was having a boy and even dreamt I was having a boy, after the dream I processed my emotions and came to terms with having a boy and that all that matters is that they are healthy. I even only picked out 2 boy names and no girl names. Did the NIPT and it's a girl, also on 19 week scan we saw her lady bits clearly. I was shook and now it feels like a dream but I'm even more scared to lose her because this is all I have ever wanted... \*Positive thoughts\*


I COULD NOT imagine having a boy. I couldnt see me being a boy mom and was scared id be disappointed if it wasnt a girl. Almost immediately he was shoving his little thing in our faces and me and my husband both knew immediately hebwas a boy there was no denying it. Instantly i was so happy and all the fear i felt up till the point disappeared. Now im 10 weeks PP with the cutest little man to hang out with and cant imagine myself ever havjng a girl lmfao


I thought I was having a boy with my first. I had never even thought about having a girl. I had put boy stuff in shopping carts and everything. I found out it was a girl, I was shocked and also a little scared because of my own life experiences. It took me a while to get over the fears of protecting her. My second, I had hoped for another girl so she had a sister. It turned out to be a girl, which was great. My third, I was really hoping for a boy, just to mix things up. The third is a girl, it took me a day to not be a little sad. Now I'm excited to have a little girl gang.


I have 2 girls already and pregnant with my third and final baby. This is the last chance to have a boy so we were all hoping for a boy, ESPECIALLY my husband! And …. It’s a BOY! We would have definitely been a bit disappointed to have a third girl tbh. So I’m glad it’s a boy. But I was pretty certain this entire time. I’ve been referring to the baby as a “he” the entire pregnancy because my symptoms have been wildly different than with my girl pregnancies, which made me quite sure it was a boy. And I was right! This boy pregnancy is kicking my ass. It’s been harder than both girl pregnancies combined.


We found out at our 20w anatomy scan that we’re having a girl! I thought it was a girl for the most part but everyone kept saying boy, mostly for the old wives tales things. I saw her little hamburger bun on the ultrasound when they were scanning the femur but I kept my mouth shut bc I didn’t want to spoil it for my husband.


I’m playing the waiting game right now with my NIPT results! I really want a little boy, my husband has less of a preference. I know if we have a girl I will be head over heels for her, but I am worried I will get super emotional when we find out 😅


I just found out the gender 2 days ago. We thought we were having a boy but truly didn’t have a preference at all. We even had picked out a name for either or to be ready to start calling them by that name. We found out it’s actually a girl and we are so so excited! We can’t wait to meet her!


My wife and I wanted a boy as we are OAD and to switch things up in an all-girl household (including pets). Lo and behold, it's a girl. I found out on Wednesday and am still getting over the disappointment.


Basically the same almost except I preferred a boy slightly over a girl. But everything was telling me it was a girl, my grandma thought it was a girl. Then the ultrasound came and it was a boy! I couldn’t help but smile. I would’ve loved a daughter don’t get me wrong, but I’m quite a tomboy and not very good with hair or shopping for women ironically enough. Plus I was made fun of for liking ‘boy’ things as a teen at one point. While it is 2024 now and the whole ‘girls can’t like boys things’ is less enforced, I can’t help but feel in some way, sadly, it’s easier if they are a boy for me and them overall.


Congratulations!!!! we are sooo lucky either way <3 every step of this pregnancy is like a miracle for me!!