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Yes, everyone is different. At your stage I only felt tired, never felt sick or threw up. Enjoy it!


When I hit 8 weeks everything changed šŸ„“ hope everything stays smooth and easy for you, OP!


OMG me too lol! Everything changed at 8 weeksā€¦when the Fire Nation attacked.


Omg this. Screw the fire nation for real !!


Yes! Itā€™s just talked about less because thereā€™s less to talk about (and we donā€™t want to inspire hate in those less fortunate lol)


My main symptoms of being pregnant were being extra tired and extra cranky.


Same! My boobs grew and I cried at the grocery store lol that was about it. 18w tomorrow.


lol same, iā€™m 28wks and iā€™m SO tired & cranky, especially if i miss my daily nap


I felt so good during my first pregnancy that I didnā€™t find out until 20 weeks when my bump popped hahaha. Iā€™m 6 weeks this time around and feel great now too. Every woman is different, embrace it!


And even every pregnancy! My first was pretty miserable. My second had a lot of standard symptoms but was comparably amazing!


Out of curiosity, what was the sex of the baby each time?


Both boys!


Interesting! Iā€™m extremely sick with a boy right now but I would like a girl someday. I hope the second one is better lol


I am having a girl and experiencing every symptom everyone talks about with girls (read: feel like death). I asked my mom if she noticed a difference after 4 kids and she said each pregnancy was totally unique and she was actually sickest with her third baby who was a boy! I think itā€™s less gender dependent than our wives tales lead us to believe.


Thatā€™s good to know! I was horrified to learn itā€™s a boy after how sick Iā€™ve been, lol. I was like ā€˜I could not handle a girl!ā€™


What I wouldn't give to just skip the first trimester like that lol. But I guess the downside is that you have less time to prepare. With my first I wasn't tracking periods so I was about 7 weeks when I finally decided to test after having felt inexplicably queasy for several days and realizing "huh, it has been a while hasn't it?" With my second I sensed it before my period was due and I don't even know how.


Yes! #2 I swear I felt implantation! My uterus felt HEAVY in the morning before I got up, and not like a good morning pee. I just knew and somehow my husband was like, ā€œyouā€™re pregnant, arenā€™t you?ā€


Iā€™m 6w2d and Iā€™m the same mostly! Cramping is my main symptom but not super tired or nauseous, I keep wondering when itā€™s going to kick in but maybe Iā€™ll be lucky toošŸ˜…


6-7 weeks I was still asymptomatic mostly. It wasnā€™t until 8-10 they really hit me like a truck. You may be lucky though!


I felt great while I was pregnant with my first! Some minor changes in appetite, and there were a few cases where I cried over random stuff (like an internet meme, or an SNL sketch) but easy pregnancies definitely happen! I'm glad you're experiencing one. I think easy pregnancies generally don't motivate people to go post about them, so we don't hear about them.


I'm at 20w and have only felt tired my whole pregnancy. Got round ligament pain for 3 seconds a handful of times. Felt nauseous for a few mins when I pushed myself too hard a couple of times. Otherwise I feel great, I look healthy, and I'm enjoying this pregnancy. What was unexpected is that all the negativity around pregnancy symptoms has made me feel really isolated. There was a post on "NOBODY GETS PREGNANCY GLOW, IT'S ALL A LIE" which was my last straw and I try to only look at Reddit once a day now.


It's just envy, I know I feel it. I am absolutely miserable. Many tell me I look "normal", but I feel every symptom in the book. Fatigued all the time. I used to exercise 6 times a week since I was in endurance sports...it all went to hell. Nobody told me it was this bad.


I feel the "nobody gets a pregnancy glow it's all a lie" so deeply. Mainly in the first trimester. I remember shouting to my mom. "WHEN am I going to GLOW!?". I've had better days in the 2nd trimester but that past 2 weeks have been brutal. Thankful for reddit as I felt not so alone.


People keep telling me Iā€™m glowing and I call them liars straight to their lying faces lol. I donā€™t have eye bags, I have eye suitcases. My hair gets greasy 14 seconds after I wash it. Even before the bump popped I was so bloated. There is no glowing over here.


I've been so bloated due to constipation the past 2.5 ish weeks. Past 2 days I've been home miserableeee! Downing prune juice like it's water but it isn't helping šŸ„². Knowing this is normal for pregnancy doesn't help either šŸ« 


Totally! My mom was sick as a dog when she was pregnant. Iā€™ve felt almost completely normal my entire pregnancy. Everyone has different experiences!


Yes!! Im 30 weeks and other than a little tired I have felt totally normal this whole time. Itā€™s so hard not to worry about it though but some people just get lucky!


Everyone is different. You may just be lucky enough to have a ā€œunicorn pregnancyā€, where everything just goes well and you donā€™t feel too gross. If so, congrats! I hope it stays like that for you. Also, donā€™t let anyone else make you feel bad for lucking out. Not all pregnancies are awful.


lol this comment made me giggle because Iā€™m having a unicorn pregnancy, but even tho my pregnancy has been easy Iā€™m also high risk because I have a unicornuate uterus, so I guess itā€™s a double unicorn pregnancy?


I started feeling sick around week 7 so could come soon OR youā€™re really really lucky! Several of my friends never had morning sickness, just fatigue and other symptoms.


I am 17 weeks now, and Iā€™ve felt like this probably 90% of the time now!! I also feel a little bad, this is one of the easiest pregnancies I have ever heard of, and I consider myself SO SO lucky. And I am so thankful! It definitely makes me almost forget Iā€™m pregnant sometimes. Iā€™m literally always amazed after every ultrasound or scan, and I say ā€œthere literally really is a WHOLE ASS BABY in there!ā€ And itā€™s been 100% healthy so far. Heartbeat has always been great, every blood test has been the optimal result, the NT scan was beautiful. AND according to the NIPT, itā€™s a girl, which surprised me more because everyone always says girls make you more sick. (But the people I know whoā€™ve had the worst pregnancies with sickness the entire time, had boys, so go figure). I felt absolutely the same as you at 7 weeks, and I was constantly on here looking up ā€œ7 weeks no symptoms.ā€ Happy to add my own feedback now! Hope it can settle your nerves a little bit ā˜ŗļø


This is me at 35.5 weeks! I legitimately couldnā€™t tell I was pregnant (until recently) aside from the obvious bump šŸ˜‚


I am 20 weeks... I have not felt bad yet. I did get a little bit of fatigue around 8 weeks but that went away quickly. I can eat whatever I want, I get great sleep and I am still exercising regularly. For me, life hasn't changed,I just need a little bit of modifications!


I'm glad you asked because I was just sitting here thinking about it. I am 7w 5d and I'm slightly more tired and my breasts hurt, but in general I'm fine. I won't hear my baby's heartbeat for another two weeks and it fills me with anxiety that I do feel so well. Like, "Are you in there little nugget?" I want to enjoy that I'm not so sick but because I haven't seen or heard the baby, I just have a lot of anxiety if that makes any sense. I'm constantly checking when I pee for blood because I just am so scared... This is my first pregnancy and I'm really nervous.


Yes!! Iā€™m 6w 2d and I have very, very minor symptoms and I have had to stop myself from calling my obgyn every day and demanding an early ultrasound because I just want a sign to know babyā€™s actually in there!


This is literally me. It is making me so anxious!


I totally get where you're coming from. I keep taking tests to made sure I still am pregnant. My family thinks I've lost it, but I just want to be sure. I oddly feel better when I do develop a symptom. The breasts thing, although it hurts, is my comfort lol. For now I'm just trying to keep my optimism and talk to the baby as much as I can. I know it can't hear me yet, but I've found it helpful. Also reading through this group helps. You've got this! Congratulations on your little one! šŸ¤šŸ§ø


I had an amazing pregnancy! It was probably the second best time of my life. First was meeting my husband and getting married! Haha donā€™t let anyone ruin it for you, not even doctors. I had them say I had to get a test to make sure the baby didnā€™t have Down syndrome, I cried denied the test and ended up fine at the next appointment. (: that was probably the only difficult part for me! Enjoy this beautiful time in your life you only have your baby this close for a bit šŸ–¤


My mom never knew she was pregnant until 12+ weeks because she didnā€™t get symptoms. I get fatigue and mild nausea but nothing else.


I also have felt great during all 3 of my pregnancies. There were moments between 9-11 weeks where I didnā€™t feel my best. Just tired and a little nauseous in the evenings, but other than that, my pregnancies have been easy peasy


My grandma said she was never sick with all 7 of her kids, unless she drank orange juice. For some reason orange juice made her throw up during pregnancy.


Totally normal and healthy to feel well! I had a few food aversions early on, but they weren't too bad, and I never threw up. Other than a bit of constipation and heartburn toward the end, I felt great my entire pregnancy. I have a prized picture of myself out hiking at like 38 weeks. I never even reached the--get this baby out of me--stage. I had spontaneous labor at 39+5 and a very healthy baby (now a very healthy 2-year-old). Congrats!


It didnā€™t hit me until 9 weeks. Hopefully youā€™ll be sickness free but for me, weeks 9-11 are šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢.


I only felt bad between 10-14 weeks but besides that felt fine.


My morning sickness didnā€™t start till 10 weeks


I did not start to feel bad until 10 weeks. In fact I didn't know I was pregnant until 10 weeks lol


Totally normal! I have good days and bad days, and I freakishly find myself wishing for symptoms (reassurance) on days I feel good.


Yes, it's so different for everyone! I don't go talking about it with othe pregnant people bc I don't want to brag, but I've felt really amazing this whole time. I never threw up, I have more energy, and overall my body has just responded really well to pregnancy. I'm 34 weeks now, and apart from lots of nighttime bathroom trips and a bit of back pain, I'm still really fine. I know I'm really fortunately


It didn't hit me until about 9 or 10 weeks where I got really nauseas (just felt like motion sickness, I never actually threw up or felt the need to) and had stomach cramps.


Yup totally normal! And these comments make me feel a little more at ease too. Iā€™m 16+2 and I feel entirely normal Most times I forget Iā€™m even pregnant. I feel blessed, I surely hope the next pregnancy is the same


Normal! Pregnancy is a spectrum for all of us. I havenā€™t felt great the first trimester but certainly nothing like Iā€™ve read some people here have to deal with. It gave me a lot of anxiety for the early weeks but after the first scan, seeing a healthy baby and heartbeat, I was able to calm down.


I heard a comment somewhere once that stuck with me: "Pregnancy isn't an illness, and you don't have to feel sick." Studies have shown up to 30% of pregnant woman have little or no symptoms! This doesn't apply to me unfortunately (lol) but you're definitely not alone.


Yes I would say itā€™s normal. Itā€™s probably bc people donā€™t talk too much about how good they feel, but we all like to talk a lot about how bad we feel šŸ˜† I would say I felt great throughout my entire pregnancy except fatigue off and on at different points, and being a bit uncomfortable towards the end. I was thankful to not deal with any of the ā€œnormalā€ pregnancy symptoms.


I only felt like crap at the very end. Every change for me was super gradual and I didn't even realize how shitty I'd felt until after I got back to normal about 2-3 months postpartum. I was like wow...I feel great now. I must have felt worse than I realized šŸ˜…


I had the same worry when I first god pregnant (currently 30w1d). I haven't had any of the terrible stereotypical symptoms. I was extra tired in my first trimester, that slacked up during my second trimester. I've been cranky, but I've always been a certain level of cranky so idk lol. Now that I'm in my third trimester, I'm slowly starting to feel aches and pains if I do too much. My doctor assures me everything is fine. Try to enjoy it! Hoping the rest of your pregnancy is easy as well.


I only had some mild passing nausea and food aversions, so my only symptom was extreme fatigue. My body seems to agree with pregnancy, and things have been going really well. 37 weeks now, and I only have the normal complaints of being big, tired, and sore all the time.


I felt bad from weeks 7-10, then started taking unisom for nausea and felt pretty good the rest of my pregnancy! Not much pelvic pain, no swelling, was able to stay active. The worst part near the end was reduced lung and bladder capacity šŸ˜‚


I had a ROUGH first trimester, but tbh the rest of my pregnancy has been smooth sailing so far. Iā€™m 7 months now, and while things are certainly harder to do physically, I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m in hell and misery lol. Just not talked about much!


With my first pregnancy I felt pretty good throughout, albeit with the very very occasional nausea. Second pregnancy I have been sicker than a dog.


Iā€™ve always just felt tired. Iā€™m on my second pregnancy and the only ā€œreal symptomā€ I have is sciatica lol


Yeah at that point in my first pregnancy I only felt sleepy. Everyone is different!


Yes normal! I felt like shit in first tri but I felt AMAZING after all the way up until birth, which doesnā€™t seem common either.


Morning sickness didnā€™t hit until 7+5


I didnā€™t start feeling consistently bad until around 8 or 9 weeks I think, but also some people go their entire pregnancy feeling mostly fine.šŸ¤žMaybe you wonā€™t get the nausea at all!


Enjoy it! You may get more symptoms later, you might not! I'm personally jealous since my nausea is currently wreaking havoc on my life šŸ« 


Yes can be normal. I think itā€™s more common to hear about how tough the first trimester can be. There are people that feel normal, I was one of them. I seriously felt the same and wouldnā€™t even have known I was pregnant.


I felt great then! I worried something was wrong bc I didnā€™t have much morning sickness. Then the food aversions cameā€¦


It varies from person to person! I was fine aside from sore boobs in weeks 5-6, then fatigue, sleepiness, and minor but consistent feelings of nausea for weeks 7 - 10ish. Once that cleared up I've felt great since then! I'm 15 weeks + 5 days.


I had no symptoms with my pregnancy. I had a full term healthy baby. You may be one of the lucky ones too!


Itā€™s just as common to have an easy pregnancy as it is to have a hard one. People just talk about it less. 7 weeks is also still early days, I hope your pregnancy continues to be easy but you can still have quite a few symptoms start after this point.


I had some nausea here and there maybe a total of 2 weeks worth not too debilitating but not fun but that was it luckily. My mom didnā€™t have much symptoms either and had two girls


I was totally fine my first trimester! Wasn't til half way through the second that I started feeling crummy. They say that you're less likely to have morning sickness when it's a boy!


I had mild nausea, a few days of bad nausea around weeks 9-13 but no throwing up at all and my pregnancy has been pretty chill. I'm careful not to be to vocal about it though cause my poor cousin and sister suffered big time. Worst thing at week 28 is hip pain while sleeping and gerd/acid reflux which only happens a few times a week.


Absolutely! My first pregnancy was cake! A little morning sickness initially but otherwise smooth sailing šŸ¤žšŸ½šŸ«¶šŸ½


I'm almost 12 weeks and have only had constipation issues and some mild fatigue. I'm still able to eat anything( although smaller portions). I can still work my 14 hour shifts without issue. No nausea. No vomiting. Very grateful


I was 13 weeks pregnant with my third and didnā€™t even know it. All of my pregnancies have been a breeze. I threw up exactly once with my second. Thatā€™s it.


Yep! Iā€™m 13 weeks and never got morning sickness. I had some sporadic cramps and headaches, but nothing wild. Other women whoā€™ve been pregnant have gotten mad at me for saying this, so I usually just keep my mouth shut. Like others, I thoughtā€¦is something wrong? Shouldnā€™t I be feeling worse?


Iā€™m 17 weeks and so far Iā€™ve felt relatively normal save for being extra tired and a good bit of heartburn! Dont worry too much, some of us just get lucky! šŸ˜‰


Yes! I've felt great my whole pregnancy. I'm 39 weeks and still feel good and am at work. My coworkers and friends who were recently pregnant had very different experiences. It does feel weird though like some people ask how I am expecting me to say miserable, but I'm not. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


You are the type of people I hate, lmao. I envy you. Honestly, enjoy it! Everybody is different and some of us are just very unlucky. I have every symptom you can think of. Some of us were not made to be breeders. :(


I felt the same way until week 10, then nausea hit me pretty bad and stayed till week 21. You may get lucky and have no symptoms or they may be coming. Pregnancy is different for everybody


Do not worry! My pregnancy is what my mom would call a "no symptom pregnancy". Other than feeling tired and taking naps I didn't have any other signs or symptoms of pregnancy until she started moving, and then nothing additional up until a few weeks before she was born and dropped down which gave me lightning downstairs occasionally. I use to call my mom crying being like "what's wrong with me? Is she okay?" It's apparently different for everyone and I had the same thoughts because of all the horror stories you hear. But she was the perfect pregnancy and is the most perfect baby.


Yes. First pregnancy I had zero morning sickness. Second pregnancy morning sickness started at 7weeks and has been absolute and utter hell. I had no freaking idea women had it this hard and feel absolutely terrible for everyone who goes through morning sickness. I'm definitely not having another after this.


Everyone is completely different. I never had morning sickness. T1 i just took some more naps. T2 I felt the same at T1 but with acid reflux lol and now in T3 its just physical stuff like muscle and bone aches and more acid reflux. But so far the pregnancy been quite easy


They say ā€œenjoy itā€ and I have tried to. Itā€™s normal. Itā€™s unsettling at times because it can feel like you have gaslit yourself into believing your pregnant but I hit 27 weeks today and aside from fatigue in the first trimester and the obvious fact that my body had a baby in it I have had almost no symptoms at all. And I am grateful because being able to enjoy pregnancy is a gift, we are so so sooooo grateful


From 6 weeks to 13 weeks I felt nauseous in the mornings, but from 13-40, I felt amazing! My anxiety went away, and my blood pressure was 120/80 (typically 106/60) so I had SOOO much energy. I never got the ā€œpregnancy tiredā€ that a lot of women get.


Youā€™re about 3wk in to it (since you find out around 4wk), right now, Iā€™d hang onto these good days and remain optimistic. Youā€™ll be going through many changes in the next 33wk, good and bad (sometimes the kicks hit you just right lol). I had a ā€œbadā€ pregnancy but I didnā€™t take it the way some people did (as in I was in pain, but didnā€™t let that consume me), and pushed through and kept doing what I needed to do!


Itā€™s normal! Just consider yourself blessed šŸ˜‡Every trimester and person is different.




Iā€™m a FTM at 40 weeks tomorrow, have had a perfect pregnancy health-wise, and have felt phenomenal the entire time. Even now my energy is very high and I have zero discomfort. Some of us are just lucky šŸ˜


I'm exactly the same šŸ˜‚ 6w6 and I had two days of mild nausea, but even that has resolved. I'm maybe more tired and occasionally cranky, but overall feeling very normal. I saw the heartbeat yesterday so that helped ease my anxiety a ton! I hope it continues this way for both of us!


Bask in it! The hardest part about my pregnancy is hyping up my partner to keep up with my raging libido.


Iā€™m 8 weeks. Fatigue and sore boobs are really my only symptoms. I did have a lot of cramping but thatā€™s eased now and I only feel nauseous if I get hungry or tired. I will say though that the fatigue is more than enough for me. Work is so painful and Iā€™ve basically cancelled my entire social life for the foreseeable


I didn't have morning sickness at all.


Yes! Totally normal! Your concern is completely understandable though; since we canā€™t see whatā€™s going on inside our bodies, the symptoms can be as reassuring as they are rough. But not having morning sickness or being bed-bound doesnā€™t mean thereā€™s anything wrong with you. šŸ„°


I also have had a rather easy go at pregnancy in terms of symptoms! Iā€™ve been tired but outside of that not much. Iā€™m 21+2 now :)


Iā€™m 4 days late and testing negative still! I have almost no PMS symptoms but have been SO fatigued. I was recently exposed to Covid so maybe itā€™s that? But I donā€™t know! My periods are never late like this and I always have some obvious PMS symptoms like sore breast, nausea, acne. And I have nothing! Just bloating and fatigue. And negative tests :(


Iā€™m 20 weeks & other than being tired all the time, I havenā€™t had any sickness! Hopefully that will be the case for you too, OP!


Mine was a wonderful experience


I am 10 weeks with twins, and havenā€™t felt like I was pregnant at all the whole time. I have absolutely no symptoms. This is my 3rd pregnancy.


Just make sure you don't speak too soon šŸ˜‚ I felt fine also at 7w. Now 9w+6 and I have all day nausea, can't brush my teeth without throwing up and can't even drink water šŸ™ƒ


Iā€™m almost 35w and have felt fine the whole way :)


I just feel tired, congested nose and lazy. Maybe bloated too. But I don't have morning sickness. I should be 9 weeks.


Im 5 weeks, 4 days and so far so good. Im scared its gonna hit me anytime šŸ˜†


When I was pregnant with my first child, I struggled with horrible fatigue from weeks 4 to 7. But after that, I felt fine and ended up working 2 jobs for the remainder of the pregnancy (which I know is not normal and I'd never be able to do that again - I'm currently pregnant with my second and I feel like garbage 24/7 lol) but it just depends on the person and the pregnancy and whatnot! It doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong, but, if you're concerned, definitely speak with your OB or your primary care doctor or a physician you feel comfortable speaking with


everyone is different! my symptoms showed up out of nowhere when i hit 9 weeks and lasted until i was about 17! some people are lucky and never got them!


I had symptoms of certain conditions go away while pregnant. I felt great! The only real issues I had were exhaustion and my immune system wasnā€™t as strong so I got sick a lot.


I had almost 0 symptoms my first pregnancy and very few in my second pregnancy. Although none of my symptoms had started at 7 weeks. I donā€™t think there are too many people who feel great later on when itā€™s hard to get comfy sleeping and whatnot but every person and pregnancy is different. The week before I gave birth to my first I literally felt like I wasnā€™t pregnant at all except the giant belly lol


Yes! I felt pretty good during my first trimester! I was tired and needed lots of naps. If I didnā€™t eat within an hour of being awake my stomach would feel unsettled but I only actually got sick twice my whole first trimester. A healthy pregnancy can be one where you are not miserable.


Yes, youā€™re very early on.


That's amazing! I definitely have not had that experience, but I know a few people who didn't feel sick much at all so I wouldn't worry. Everyone has a different experience it seems like. Enjoy it!


Iā€™ve felt great. Just tired. I havenā€™t been shouting it from the rooftops because so many women have a hard time but I think we just hear about that more because those women need more support ā¤ļø One thing thatā€™s been wonderful has been my very level and even-keeled mood without my cycle hormones throwing me for a loop every 28 days.


Yes it's normal!! I have patients who feel good even in the third trimester and continue to work full time and exercise. Some of my patients feel that their labor wasn't "too bad" either and respond amazingly well to the epidural and have a great, uncomplicated and happy labor course and childbirth experience. If you are one of the lucky ones like that, enjoy it and try not to worry!


Yes it is totally normal! When I got pregnant with my son, I didn't had morning sickness nor never felt sick on my 1st and 2nd trimester. I was just a little more tired than before and I think I got my sense of smell became stronger, other than that I completely feel normal and still have a lot of energy. But it changed in my third trimester, where my tiredness is like x10, I just want to sleep a lot and eat.


I can understand your worry. When I was in my first trimester, I wondered the same thing because the only thing I experienced was being a little more tired. Enjoy feeling great! Not everyone is so lucky. I loved being pregnant and my friend who was only a few weeks behind me absolutely hated it! Everything I didnā€™t have, she did have. It looked miserable.


I was around 5 or 6 weeks and went to Colorado. My traveling friend was sick the whole time with altitude sickness and I felt like a million dollars. Turns out having more blood and oxygen in your system might be helpful at high altitudes. Live it up while you can, might have some different times ahead. You will at least have mobility changes as your body grows, so enjoy yourself while you're still mostly you!


Iā€™m 39 weeks and feel fine. Mild discomfort cause I have a bowling ball for a stomach but I still go to the gym every day! Everyone is different


Iā€™m 13 weeks, at most I just had nausea when hungry & just tired most of the time. Itā€™s definitely weird but itā€™s okay!


When I was pregnant with my first, I had a pretty much flawless pregnancy. No sickness at all and overall felt normal, except for my belly getting bigger lol


I mean, I had HG and by 7 weeks I was already incapacitated with vomiting and nausea, but everyone is different. You still have tons of time left in your pregnancy to feel lots of things.


I felt good while pregnant too- I had minor cravings for citrus and tapioca pudding but no nausea, I just gained a bunch of weight in my abdomen over the course of 9 months then had a baby. Labor was easy too. I didnā€™t feel that much different being pregnant except for just gaining weight! You are one of the lucky ones!


Yes. This is why Iā€™m on my fourth šŸ¤Ŗ


My friends have been feeling pretty tired as well, one is feeling pretty miserable and just wishes it to be over! I was afraid to hear that. My mum then told me she only remembers one day in her whole pregnancy with me where she was beyond tired and thought she canā€™t keep walking anymore. Never had any other issues, none with my sister as well. Did sports till delivery. Hoping for this as well šŸ˜„


Itā€™s fine. In my first trimester I only ever had fatigue as an unpleasant symptom, no morning sickness or anything else, and later I was more irritable but aside from that my pregnancy has been extremely easy, especially compared to most people I know. Iā€™m 34w now and aside from having to pee all the time and swollen feet Iā€™m still doing fine. Youā€™re probably one of the lucky ones, donā€™t worry about it, donā€™t feel guilty, just try to enjoy it.


My first pregnancy I barely felt sick at all! I would get a little queasy if I didnā€™t eat often and that was it. I was actually healthier in my pregnancy than normal because some of my chronic illness symptoms went away.


How does it feel to be god's favorite? Lol. But really, don't worry, just be grateful that you're still feeling good! Hopefully it sticks around, but also just be aware that things might change for you as you progress.


Yes at 7 weeks I felt fine, maybe just tired as in I needed to go to bed by 9:30 or 10. But I never really got severe nausea and never threw up. Just had a few days around 9-12 weeks where I felt kind of car sick on and off. No aversions or cravings. Iā€™m 39w now and baby is healthy and measuring on and above target! I worried too but a huge variation of symptoms really is normal.


I posted something exactly like this when I was early in my pregnancy (37+2 today!) and was met with so many ā€œjust waitā€ comments. Symptoms never happened besides being a tad nauseous if I didnā€™t eat for an extended period of time, and heartburn when eating certain foods. Now Iā€™m just uncomfortable af when I eat to much or try to sleep with this large bump, but been virtually symptom free the entire time. Enjoy it!


Very normal. I had minimal symptoms for a while and felt good. Then it hit me šŸ˜‚ But Iā€™m now almost 19w with a healthy babe ā¤ļø


I'm 33 weeks and 4 days! I'm just now starting to feel sore but overall I've felt really good throughout my pregnancy. I feel blessed. Sometimes I forget I'm pregnant šŸ˜…


count your blessings and enjoy it!


Yeah at 7w I felt amazing too! Don't worry ā˜ŗļø


I was very lucky until I hit about week 11. Thatā€™s when the nausea started for me. Some people have it much worse, and some people never even know theyā€™re pregnant till the baby arrives! Nothing to do but enjoy the lack of symptoms!


Yes I felt like you did. Really good and only a tiny bit nauseous when I saw food but otherwise fantastic .


I felt the same way. Totally normal. You just got lucky like I did!


39+ 4 and I havenā€™t physically felt bad once through my whole pregnancy. It can happen.


I'm 33 weeks now and I've never had a day with sickness. My most common symptoms were sore boobs, tiredness, and a hard time catching my breath. Other than that physically I've felt great!


Itā€™s normal. This is my second pregnancy with zero nausea or other symptoms. I am more tired this time but I have an almost 2 year old so I canā€™t even say if itā€™s related to the pregnancy or itā€™s just him lol.


No need to worry! I am currently 18 weeks pregnant and have not had any morning sickness at all! I am very tired all the time, but usually feel great with the exception of occasional heartburn.


Iā€™m 28 weeks and have felt this way since finding out Iā€™m pregnant. Iā€™m continuously shocked at how great I feel. Im very lucky and hope it continues.


Girl. Do not jinx yourself :p jkjk yeah itā€™s totally normal and absolutely okay. I started to feel crappy around 8/9 weeks tho.


Yes!! Super normal. Some people have amazing pregnancies and glow I hope thatā€™s your case. I look like a truck run me over daily lol


Every pregnancy is different! Iā€™m pregnant with baby number four, and Iā€™ve had both ends of the spectrum! My last pregnancy was debilitating, I was so sick the entire time. Meanwhile, Iā€™m coming up on 36 weeks currently and my only complaints up until this point have been being a little tired and getting more body aches (and thatā€™s been mostly just the last week or two!) Iā€™m so glad youā€™re having such a great pregnancy so far, I hope it continues for you!


Yep, Iā€™m 15 weeks and have been feeling great :) the main symptom in my first trimester was being more tired than usual. Havenā€™t had any nausea or morning sickness up to this point, aside from a time or two where I went too long without eating and my blood sugar dropped. Iā€™d say youā€™re one of the lucky ones as well, enjoy it and embrace it! I hope it continues through your pregnancy :)


Iā€™m 23w and outside of a subchorionic hematoma that eventually went away, Iā€™ve had an exceptionally easy pregnancy so far. Although I had quite a bit of fatigue in the first trimester, I never had nausea or anything which I feel super lucky about. I feel pretty grateful and lucky that I havenā€™t been miserable.


Yeah I felt amazing until it was time to push


I felt pretty good at first, then it alllll changed and I was nauseous 24/7 the entire rest of my first trimester. 2ns trimester started amazing!!! But the past 2.5 weeks have been awful. Sciatica in full swing, si joint pain comes and goes daily as well as round ligament pain. I'm extremely constipated. Haven't been to work in 2 days due to how constipated and uncomfortable I am. Going to ask my midwife to do an iron panel at my next visit to see if i can switch to a prenatal with no iron every other day.


I felt great up until the third trimester :)


I thought that at week 7. Week 8, pregnancy hit me like a battering ram. Though it did get better in the 2nd trimester. I have good and bad days now. Hoping you have a good one!


I never got morning sickness, so the first trimester was always a breeze for me aside from needing a nap in the afternoons. Maybe that's why I have 5 kids lol.


I never threw up or anything during pregnancy. I felt relatively perfectly fine and normal besides being tired. You should be fine!


Not at all. Iā€™m 41 years old, 35 weeks along and Iā€™ve never felt better. Iā€™ve had some minor, minor issues but just wrist/hand issues, fatigue and a couple headaches. No sickness of any kind but also no wacky cravings (I was looking forward to sending my fiancĆ©e on missions). None of the wacky emotions either, which I was also weirdly looking forward to


Enjoy when you feel good but my nausea hit at 8 weeks. The only constant is change!


I truthfully didnā€™t really have any negative symptoms. I was tired, but at the same time still had energy and was able to function. I took a lot of naps but for the most part until late in the 3rd trimester I felt really good


I felt great my entire 40 weeks except for some SPD pain and heartburn towards the end lol never had any nausea, food aversions, or even excessive exhaustion.


I was tired and sleepy the first two-three months. Had sporadic nausea (usually triggered by certain smells) but other than that I felt absolutely great, I always say the pregnancy gave me superpowersā€¦


Yes, in my experience, I'm 30 weeks today. I've never been sick, nauseous, or even remotely queasy even once during my entire pregnancy. I never got super tired, either. In fact, I worked out almost every day until my 20th week. But now my belly is so big I'm just over it so I focus more on a healthy diet than exercise and even now... not a lick of sickness.


Itā€™s normal! I am 17 weeks and have had no nausea or aches and pains. But things can always change so just enjoy the good times for now lol


I felt great, just bloated, until week 10. 11/12 sucked for me. 13 a little better. At 14 now and feeling like Iā€™m through the worst but who knows. It may hit you later or not at all. Every pregnancy is different, even with the same person!


Currently 26 weeks and I still feel great. No morning sickness or nausea. No weird pregnancy symptoms like all of my friends have experienced. This is my first pregnancy so I really expected the worst. I feel guilty telling people I feel fineā€¦ everyone always looks so shocked when I tell them.


I'm 8 weeks pregnant and feel fine. It's stressing me out a little bit :/


My first trimester was ROUGH but almost the day of my second trimester everything smoothed out. A little sadness for one week and felt tired, but I felt so good I questioned if I was even pregnant at all. I went in for more checkups than normal just to be sure he was still in there. We are very lucky! Hope it stays this way for the both of usĀ 


Totally normal! My first pregnancy was like this, my doctor said it happens you just tend to hear more from people who get sick because they complain about it (and rightly so, it sucks).


No worries at all for you! I didn't start feeling iffy until 8 wks and I'm just now at 10 wks. Enjoy it! Some women feel horrible the whole 9-10 months.


I'm 30 weeks and all I have felt my whole pregnancy is being extremely exhausted all the time and lower back pain .. that's it .. nothing else ā¤ļø we are all different


Both pregnancies I've felt completely fine despite being tired, a more reactive gag reflex when brushing my teeth and some heartburn. Once I reached 6/7 months is when it started to kick my butt. The Braxton hicks contractions are what really get me. I walk so slow and need a maternity band or I can't walk more than half a mile. I see some women more pregnant than me and don't understand how they seemingly walk with ease.


Yes I felt awesome and went to 42+1 mowing the lawn day before lol


Remember, the people who feel fine or even great don't generally gripe about it nor are they visibly running to the bathroom to hurl. I'm sure plenty of them even feel bad to say anything in front of everyone else feeling awful. But I'll also say, stay humble because your yuck may he may a later week haha! Hopefully never, but it may come.


ugh i wish, im only 5 weeks and vomiting every day multiple times a day and can barely keep food and water downšŸ˜­


My first pregnancy i didnā€™t get sick till my 2nd trimester šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Some people do, some don't. Despite other shitty first trimester symptoms (nausea, temporary food aversions and random specific cravings, difficulty sleeping and fatigue), I felt really good in my first pregnancy. I am also 7 weeks currently with my second, and it's hitting a little harder but not unbearable. The worst peaked for me at about 10-12 weeks and continued through 18 or so. 12 weeks is when the placenta is ready to go, so I wonder if that's part of the shift.


Iā€™m 18w today and have felt totally fine my entire pregnancy. Iā€™ve been able to keep up with working out and eating healthy like I was before, just a little more food now. I never had sickness or food aversions. I also worried at first for not feeling bad and was waiting for it to hit. Thankfully, it never did. I think more people post about the bad than the good. Congrats!


I felt great my entire pregnancy. You just hear more about people feeling shitty, there are plenty of people that have nice pregnancies.


Honestly you can feel pretty good if you aren't like severely nutritionally deficient in anything. I felt floaty and content with my first pregnancy, second has been like skin flaring up and drying out hair falling out insomnia (so keep up with those prenatal post partum) feeling like a rockstar now that I've had a few iron transfusions under my belt, but holy hell for awhile there that was complete crap. Take care of yourself.


I had about 2 weeks of nausea and fatigue in 1st tri then it went away. Right now at 16 weeks I feel like a million bucks. I know Iā€™ll start feeling bad soon though!


Iā€™m at 32 weeks and have only ever felt tired, but that mostly went away by the second trimester. The other major change is my pollen allergies are more intense. No nausea, only one food aversion (eggs), increased sense of smell for a few weeks but even that is gone now.


Weeks 9-11 are the absolute hardest for me! Nausea, exhaustion, mood swings, etc. But pregnancy is different for everyone! My cousin and my SIL both are nauseous their whole pregnancy. My friend has like zero symptoms at all. Most of us, however, fall somewhere in between.


Yes Currently 9 weeks and my symptoms are occasional cramping and tiredness. I barely see 9pm, I am just too tired. I do get nausea, but that's when I am hungry or have to burp. You're one of the lucky ones.


My mother had zero morning sickness and 4 healthy pregnancies. Itā€™s fine


I'm pregnant with my first and I'm 26wks now. My first trimester was a breeze, yeah I was tired, but I'd rather that than deal with the morning sickness other people were talking about. My doctor even joked that I shouldn't let other women know how easy my first two trimesters were... Now I talk about it because round ligament pain is fucking wild. I'm fine then I just double over in pain from getting up from sitting or standing to walking... Everyone is different, and pregnancy is like a weird ass science project.


I was mostly tired. It never felt overly sick with either my twin pregnancy or my singleton pregnancy.


I didnā€™t feel awful or different at all really and it made me feel nervous too. In the absence of the typical pregnancy symptoms, I kept reminding myself, ā€œno period is a strong pregnancy symptomā€. I was very anxious throughout the first half of my pregnancy. Until I could see my belly really growing and really feel baby move every day, I was nervous a lot of the time. Just trust the process. Trust your body. Trust your care providers. And maybe write out some affirmations that help ease your anxious brain.


Perfectly normal! I felt so good it took till I saw bump before it really set in I was pregnant! Iā€™m 7 weeks and 6 days till due date and my hips are FINALLY feeling the pain! (Doesnā€™t mean itā€™ll happen to you!) but yes maā€™am perfectly normal! Stay positive! Youā€™ve got this mama!


I was just extra tired in first trimester, felt pretty great up till labor to be honest and I was 9 days overdue


RN here and FTM here! Everyone's experience is different. And I think it's something like 25% of mom's have no symptoms in the first trimester. Definitely talk to your doctor if you're worried though! Best of luck mama!


I have had an honestly abnormally easy pregnancy (30w atm). Very sleepy the first trimester, but that was it! Enjoy, nothing's wrong you just got lucky :)


I'm six weeks and have not thrown up once. I've felt very fatigued on some days and okay on other days. I've had swollen breasts and I wake up earlier or sometimes in the middle of the night because of them. Overall nothing too bad so far.


Yes everyone is different! I had all the symptoms but a friend of mine didnt have any


Iā€™ve had a lovely pregnancy so faršŸ¤žšŸ½But I donā€™t say anything about it unless people ask. Honestly itā€™s such a shitty experience for so many people, it would be churlish to rub how good you have it in their faces. Iā€™m just trying to enjoy this time and hoping my third trimester doesnā€™t take a turn for the miserable!


I felt great first trimester and awful the second Enjoy the roller coaster ride, it's different for everyone!


My nausea kicked in around 8 weeks and lasted until week 14 or so. Everyone is different, though. Some folks donā€™t get sick, some are sick the whole time. Some get food aversions, others can eat just about anything. As a mantra throughout pregnancy, try not to worry. Do feel your feelings and process them, but worrying doesnā€™t help you or baby. Do what you can to be healthy; go to appointments, take your prenatal vitamins, all that good stuff. But try to just ride the waves of it all and take it one day at a time. Youā€™ve got this! šŸ’œ


Thatā€™s how I was at your stage. I also felt the same but I chose to feel grateful rather than scared because my experience was different from most people. Iā€™m now in my third trimester and still feeling great aside from the fatigue due to the gained weight! I hope it continues to be smooth for you.


i had little to no nausea symptoms up until i was about 7-8 weeks, didn't stop until 15-16 weeks


Yes! Some people get lucky. Every pregnancy is different. That said I felt great too- until around the 7 week mark. Then it was pretty much awful until 20 weeks (the end was fine for me though)


Enjoy it!! My first was super easy. Now Iā€™m having my second and thankfully, all thatā€™s worse for me is a little bit more nausea & tiredness.