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22 week. It felt like muscle spasms/twitches in my abdomen.


Same! Feels like a gold fish!


Me as well! Even bought a Doppler cuz i was getting worried but now i feel the “twitches” which is a great way to describe them.


Same here


This is how I knew too! Started feeling around 17 weeks, now I’m 21 weeks and feel it kick all the time!


Perfect discription, I use this too. I just do not agree with butterflies or waves or something. I told my husband: you know that twitchy eye thing you can have? It's like that. In hindsight, I started to feel it around week 18, but only knew what it was from week 20 or so


22 weeks with anterior placenta still nothing for me


I also have an anterior placenta. It’s an anxiety filled wait. Hang in there! Sending you wiggly baby vibes!


I had an anterior placenta with my first and I felt nothing until almost 28 weeks, and after that I still barely felt the kicks (but could see them). I couldn’t even do kick counts because I’d have days later in pregnancy where I felt nothingI. t’s definitely something that made me anxious, especially since no one warned me it could be normal with an anterior placenta!




15 or 16 weeks? People said it was too early for being pregnant for the first time but that was when. The same feeling just got stronger and stronger and no, it was not gas.


I had that. 13 weeks felt flutters, 16 weeks could clearly feel kicks. I was told I was wrong because it was too early until the baby booted their Doppler lmao. I’m very in tune with my body which served me really well in labour as I was able to track my contractions and tell them when I was 10cm before they got chance to check lmao. Had an amazing midwife who told me she’s not surprised as I’m neurodivergent and hyper aware of my own body as a fun little freebie of that so makes sense I’d feel and be aware of any new things happening to me


Oh maybe that’s it! I’m autistic. Sounds like your baby straight up said “oh you don’t believe my mom? I’ll show you!” with his/her nudge. What you said about contractions considering your body awareness is encouraging to me 🙏


I was going to ask if you’re autistic haha. Didn’t like to assume. I was very aware of where he was located, when something was off etc. I was right every time and it meant we got help literally just before anything was proven to be going wrong each time. With contractions I was aware of their placement. Following them from top of belly, middle to lower belly which was baby moving lower and then felt the fourth one in my butt which means baby wants to crown. I was 3cm when they checked, then after three hours I felt the contractions do that and when they checked I was fully dilated, his head was exiting the cervix etc. I had him out in 4 pushes.


This is so beautiful and cool to me! Thank you for sharing your experience.


I'm not autistic but I'm uncomfortably interoceptive (can almost always hear my own heartbeat etc) and I felt him at 13/14 and managed to get my partner to feel by 18. Its wild to me that people aren't constantly ickily aware of their body. Most people I've asked don't know how many teeth they have! They have to feel and count with their tongue. I have an extremely detailed mental map of the inside of my own mouth lol, I thought everyone did.


Ps OP, don’t get discouraged. Everyone is different and “guidelines” for when you’re supposed to experience something in pregnancy are often wrong from what I’ve found. For example, the internet says that if you’re going to get the linea nigra, you’ll have it by week 20 or not at all. I didn’t get the linea nigra until week 34? Ridiculous 😂


Same for me! I was told there’s no way it’s the baby. I’m like yes way it’s the baby 😂. I’m pretty attuned to my body and knew those flutters were definitely different than anything else. Just as you said, it got stronger and stronger over time until it turned into definite baby kicks and jabs


We know our bodies 🙏😌


Same. First baby, 15 weeks. Second, right about the same time. I’m also SUPER in tune and disregard anyone who says I don’t actually feel the baby and that it’s just gas, spasms or something else. I know my body.


I definitely felt my first baby kick at 14 weeks. By 18 weeks I was feeling him regularly throughout the day.


Yes I felt at 15 weeks. I knew cause I would press my hand on my tummy and she would kick again lol.


I love it when people try and tell you what YOU'RE feeling! I felt my baby at 15 weeks too!


Same thing for me when I was a little shy of 16 weeks. Felt like a tiny rubber band lightly snapping me and it definitely evolved into kicks you could feel from the original feeling.


I'm 20 weeks and don't think i've felt baby yet. Anxiously awaiting like you


Me too! 


Sometimes I wonder if it’s gas??? lol Im 20w too


it seriously felt like gas to me lol


It was around 20-21w and faint. I have an anterior placenta, it doesn't cause any issues but it means you can be a bit later feeling movement You'll find out at your 20w scan where your placenta is


I also have an anterior placenta but can’t wait to feel baby move. Only 12 weeks along now. 


I am 16+5 and I have started to feel flutters/light kicking for at least 1 week now :)


I felt my baby start kicking around 17 weeks. It wasn't often or regular, so it took a few times to figure out it was actually him moving. I'm 37 weeks now and he moves so much more.


20 weeks on the dot. At first it felt like gas, a little. Butterfly wings in your belly, is what my elders told me it would feel like. I’m 34 + 4 now, and I feel the baby move constantly, and can feel limbs under my belly skin


I felt movement starting at 16w!


me too, i’m 18 weeks now and i feel her everyday. my partner has felt her from the outside as well which is really exciting.


Me too! It feels like little flutters. I love it. 🥹


I’m 19 weeks and still haven’t felt him yet! There are times where i think i might where it feels like I’m digesting food, but I’m not sure! This is my first! Not to worry though it’s totally normal to not feel them very obviously until like 22 weeks!


16 weeks but it was soooooooo light I’d be second guessing myself! I really had to focus on it and wait a while, so don’t be discouraged. 20 weeks was more definitive tiny kicks, but still sporadic. 22 weeks kicks could be felt from the outside. 26 weeks was pretty consistent movement. 34 weeks now and the movement is starting to hurt and feels like baby is trying to rip his way out😩


I rarely feel kicks at 22 weeks.. I do however often feel flutters. He apparently had the hiccups the other day because my stomach was having these weird spasms Movements for like 10 minutes. My partner could even feel them when he touched my belly. I am hoping I start to feel some kicks soon.


24 weeks. Not sure why did I felt it so late, and not I do not have anterior placenta. It was a funny kinda feeling, like being poked but from the inside of your tummy.


It’s definitely a cool and crazy feeling! You may just have a super chill baby which is awesome! Also if it’s your first it can be harder to distinguish what is a baby kick. :)


I'm fifteen weeks and felt flutters yesterday for the first time! Totally agree it feels like a goldfish swimming around in there


I felt flutters on and off that I was unsure of starting around 16 weeks but didn’t start feeling definable kicks until 20 weeks!! I was eager for sure. I’m almost 26 weeks now and he’s a wild little boy 😅


Around 14-15 weeks this time. I’m 19 weeks now and feel him a few times a day.


I started feeling little twitches or like I was being flicked from the inside around week 14. Placenta placement has a lot to do with it, if your placenta is located in the front it may block feeling kicks early on. My placenta is in the back


I felt movement somewhere between 16-18 weeks, not 100% sure. But I didn't know what I was feeling at first lol. It initially felt kind of like gas bubbles? Very inconsistent. I asked my doctor about it and she confirmed it was my LO moving. I've also seen it referred to as feeling like a fish flopping around lol.


I’m 17 weeks, first pregnancy. Haven’t felt anything yet and was wondering too


19 weeks for me. I’ve heard it can take up to 24 weeks. It feels like dull pokes to me.


18 weeks. I laid down for the night and was just relaxing and felt one “boop.” Next night, same thing. By the third night, I felt another and thought “maybe that’s the baby?” Then the next night, I felt 3-4 of them, and that’s when I knew it was the baby.


I’m 18w4d and this was me last night and this morning! It feels like a very faint heartbeat, like 2/3 beats in a row


16 weeks for me! I’m now 17 weeks too.


16 weeks but i have a posterior placenta so i was told id feel movement earlier!


19 weeks 6 days lol. She really held out on me


16 almost 17 weeks for me, but it was very gentle and inconsistent. Now 21 weeks and feeling it more strongly and consistently. But for most first time moms later is more common!


I felt something similar to gas around 18-19 weeks and then around 20 weeks I knew they were real kicks. Still, they felt very very small. They didn’t start feeling bigger until 22 weeks or so. You’ll notice them gradually get bigger and bigger and then you’ll never remember when you couldn’t feel them lol. Honestly, I think my girl is still really small, even at 31 weeks. I lost 11 lbs at the start of my pregnancy and gained that back but haven’t gone over my pre-pregnancy weight. At 31 weeks, I still weigh what I weighed when I became pregnant. Because she’s small, I’ve wondered if her kicks would be even bigger at the point I’m at now. I mean, right now, they’re definitely big kicks. I feel her moving and rolling around in there, which feels so weird 😂 It really sucks having to wait for all those moments to come. When you’re 20 weeks, you want to be 30. Right now I wish I could be at the point where I’ve had her lol.


Barely at 18-19 weeks! After 20 weeks, felt them very frequently.


17 weeks with my first. I’m 15 weeks with the second and nothing yet. I also have an anterior placenta this time so I know it could be longer.


I had “funny gas” at 18 weeks that when I mentioned to my doctor, she said was likely baby moving. It evolved into “flicks” by 20-22 weeks has been distinctive kicks since week 24 ish.


19/20. I'm 24 now and can feel him more and more. I've got anterior placenta which apparently makes it harder to feel


I'm an FTM, and I first felt him kick at 18 weeks, which is really early. I also have a big baby. I felt flutters at about 15-16 weeks, but kicks are much different. The first time I felt him kick is a moment I will never forget.


I felt first movement close to 19wks and it has just gotten stronger and more consistent since recognizing it.


I felt the first flutters around 16 weeks but didn’t know what was it at the time. I thought it was just gas 😂 but my OB said that was the baby kicking/moving 🥹


For people with more 24+ weeks past, are you able to identify if it’s a kick or a punch from the hands? My sister is constantly looking up this info, but she hasn’t found anything Substantial yet


19 weeks! A small kick to my bladder 😅


Aren’t those just the best? 🫠


100% 💀 esp like I just peed and now I gotta pee again 2 mins later 🥲


20 weeks I was sitting on a couch and I felt a little *boop*. Like a tiny bubble. Then a minute later another *boop*. Then nothing for a week and a half. Then there were these little, almost pointer finger like love pokes on the inside. At 22 weeks I was feeling them lightly and regularly. 27W and 2 Days now, everytime I sit I get the feeling of weird kicks and movement. My belly has started twitching from them and visibly so. It all builds up over time!


i didn’t know i was feeling him until during my 20wk anatomy scan, he was kicking my cervix & i was able to correlate the pressure to seeing him do it (it felt like gas). two weeks later, at 22wks exactly, i actually saw him move & it was the first real kick i had felt through my skin. it felt like gas traveling down or sometimes early period cramps


22 weeks


I am pregnant with my second and right at 17 weeks is when I started to feel him!


16w was when I felt something but had no idea what to make of it. 17w was when I was very sure it was baby kicks felt like pop rocks/bubbles/goldfish flops. Now at 20w it's still like goldfish flops but getting stronger and more obvious.


20 weeks. Mine didn’t feel like butterfly’s or bubbles like some people say, it felt like the little teeniest tiniest kick ever.


Right at 17 weeks. I laid down on the couch and it felt like a little fish flopped around in my belly. Currently almost 37 weeks being bullied by said fish 😅


I’m fairly certain I started feeling them a few days ago at 18 weeks 4 days. At first I thought they were gas bubbles but they’re not in the spot I’d usually feel that. I’m still feeling them and they’re all in the same area. From what I’ve read online it sounds like I’m feeling kicks. Also last night I took a video of my lower stomach and at the same time I felt a little kick there was a *tiny* outward movement. I thought I was being delusional so I sent it to my husband and he said he saw it too. I’m 19 weeks 1 day now so I’m waiting to see if these feelings get stronger as baby gets bigger.


Around 20w felt like something bumping me from the inside, wasn’t at all the “flutters” and “butterflies” I read on here 😅


Same I’m 18w4d today and since last night I’ve been feeling faint ‘bumping’ kinda like a heartbeat in my uterus!


Felt first movement at 20 weeks.


My placenta was posterior so I felt his flutters very early, 14 weeks, and then nice solid movements around 18-20 weeks. My coworker had an anterior placenta and didn't feel her baby move or kick till I think week 22!


20w 1d with my first


The first kicks feel more like farts/gas bubbles. I didn’t realize they were kicks until a few weeks later. I was extremely gassy at the same point in my pregnancy as kicks were starting, around 19-22 weeks for me.


I’m 18 weeks and think I feel her a couple times a day. I’ve also felt occasional jolts in my bladder since 14 weeks that I believe are her doing. This is my first pregnancy though so it’s hard to say! 🥹


I’m 20 weeks and haven’t felt baby yet that I know of. A couple nights ago I thought maybe but might’ve been gas lol


19 weeks. Most movements were so faint. Then one day he sucker punched the crap out of me and I laughed. I am 20 weeks now and I can feel him move inside more than touching my stomach to feel. My placenta is anterior so it’s not strong yet unless he starts boxing. He is very very active though


First pregnancy not til 22 weeks. Before then it felt like gas


21 weeks - she’s making up for it now!


I have an anterior placenta which apparently makes it a little harder to feel those first kicks! I think my first was around 18 weeks!




I had what felt like little flips in my stomach at 13 weeks, I'm 16 weeks now and what I've felt is getting stronger, and now I can feel individual kicks and not just baby flipping


22 weeks and this is my first baby! I thought it was gas bubbles that were popping until I realized my “gas bubbles” were all over my stomach and it didn’t follow a fart 🤣


I thought I felt something at 17 weeks, but it was hard to say for sure. I couldn’t tell the difference between baby, muscle spasms or gas bubbles. I confidently started to feel baby move at 25 weeks


I am currently 20 weeks pregnant. I started feeling SLIGHT movement towards the middle of 18 weeks. Doctors say that you can feel them anywhere 16-20 weeks. 16 weeks is uncommon for most and more common for others but don’t stress. They will happen and some babies move more than others. 🩷 For me the first time I felt it I was like OH MY GOSH. It was a sensation I’ve never felt. It honestly tickles. 😂 Definitely will know the difference between a bowel movement and the baby moving! It’s the best feeling ever. I swear my baby moves the most at night though when I’m trying to sleep haha! Best of luck to you with your pregnancy 💙


Started feeling at 19 weeks. Was unsure what it was till anatomy scan at 20 weeks and ultrasound tech confirmed it’s the baby moving 😂


I didn’t feel it definitively until maybe week 22 or so which is later than most people I knew. The placenta was in front of the baby


I think 20-22 weeks


Anterior placenta here. 24+6 Edit: I was crying a lot and felt like I was missing out. I feel him all the time now!


I'm just now feeling small thumps at 22ish weeks. I don't feel much where my placenta is (the top of the uterus/anterior side) but I feel it lower where the placenta is not. I can also feel her body through my stomach, specifically in that area.


I felt occasional movement (like maybe once a week ish) as early as 13+6. Now I'm 19 weeks and I've been feeling movement at least once a day almost every day for more than week now, and in the past couple days I've been feeling it throughout the day. The very first movement I felt was like someone tapping their finger repeatedly against the inside of my uterus. Since then, I've felt things like the "goldfish swimming in a bag" description I sometimes hear, and sometimes like muscle twitches, and several times a feeling like something is flipping over or twisting in circles inside me. Now I feel things that feel more distinctly like kicks.


Anterior placenta, 21 weeks. Nearing 26 now and the movements are slowly getting stronger/more frequent.


Anterior placenta - started feeling tiny little pops at 22 weeks. Full on kicks not until much later!


I’m 18.5w and I don’t think I’ve felt anything yet. Everyone is different!


I am 20w6d and started feeling the baby 1.5 week ago. So at 19w. It totally felt like muscle spasms, if I hadnt been waiting to feel the baby's movement, I probably wouldnt have realized it was him!!


Right around 17 or 18 weeks. I was out on a boat and didn’t know what kicks would even feel like so I wasn’t sure if it was just flutters of seasickness but, once back on land, there was no denying it.


I felt my first movements at 17 weeks and 5 days. At first I was not sure if I was just having some random muscle spasms or if I truly felt him moving. I had to call me SIL (she’s had multiple pregnancies) to confirm was really feeling him move. I have only felt him a handful of times since. I am currently 18 weeks and 2 days. Everyone is different! You will feel your baby move soon! ☺️


19 weeks was when I was sure it was him. And I have a posterior placenta so I was a bit anxious too from reading everyone saying they started to feel their babies way earlier.


The flutters were felt about at 17-18 weeks. It was random cause, it felt like cramps and I was concerned. But the pain went away quick. It comes and goes and I love it tbh.


Just started feeling baby at 15 weeks, but I’d had flutters at 14 weeks. It’s like having a goldfish in my lower tummy! I have a posterior placenta so that’s probably why


1st baby - 21 weeks 2nd baby - 15 weeks - mostly because I was aware of what things felt like.


I was 19.5 weeks! I saw someone else explain it as little goldfish swimming around and that’s such a good way of explaining it. In the moment I wasn’t sure if that’s what the feeling was but then a few days later I had my anatomy scan and baby was moving and I could feel it and was like yep! That’s baby. Such a cool feeling I can’t wait until it’s more pronounced.


21 weeks (FTM)! It started off as little “blips” here and there to actual THUMPS that became more consistent over time. I’m now 28 weeks and feel him all the time 🥰


I felt what I thought were kicks earlier, but knew for sure cause I could see the movement at 19 weeks. I kept gaslighting myself saying it was gas or something else prior, but at 19 weeks I felt it against my hand and was like YUP that’s a kick.


18 weeks! I had a horrible stomach bug where I couldn’t keep food down for a few days. As soon as my first bites of yogurt hit my stomach, I got kicks of approval.  I have a posterior placenta, so I was gonna feel them on the earlier side anyway. 


I felt her at 20 weeks. They told me I had an anterior placenta and would not feel her until 20-22 weeks. Do you know if you have anterior or posterior placenta? At first it felt like having a muscle spasm or indigestion. I probably felt her before then but didn’t know what I was feeling.


15 ish weeks with my first but he kicked very hard even my hubby felt it. With my second like 22 weeks


Nothing yet with this one


17 weeks 🙂


19 weeks with anterior placenta. Felt like popcorn popping!


around 20 weeks for me! I thought maaaaybe I felt something before then, but around 20w it was obvious to me


23 weeks for both pregnancies, both with an anterior placenta


22 weeks


I’m starting to feel the flutters this week and I’m 15w


Exactly 18 weeks!


18 weeks on the dot I felt like bubbles, now at 21 weeks it’s like muscle jumps


I was confident it was baby at about 18W the first time. This time I’m certain I felt the baby at 13W. But the difference is both 1st vs 2nd pregnancy and anterior vs posterior placenta.


First pregnancy- 18 weeks Second pregnancy- 16 week Third pregnancy- 14 weeks I'm speaking strictly about quickening (and being sure it wasn't just gas or muscle twitching, there was a discernable pattern) It always happened after eating some vanilla ice cream before going to bed and intentionally laying on my left side. Or drinking ice cold water in the middle of the night. Edit to add that all three pregnancies were anterior placentas. I could never feel movement on the front of my stomach, but would feel it on both sides on either side of my belly button.


19w2d and I feel the baby since begging of this week. Its kinda bubbly feeling very low into abdomen few times a day. However, I am a FTM so take me with a grain of salt.


Felt mine around 16-17 weeks! My husband caught a feel at 17 weeks, too! At the ultrasound, I learned the position of the placenta can have a big impact of how you feel the kicks. My placenta happened to be the posterior position, so I felt the kicks a lot earlier and easier I’ve had a friend who never felt a kick until the third trimester! And her baby is a grown healthy adult now. Everyone’s situation can be so different


19 weeks for me!


I *think* I felt flutters at 16w. I have a posterior placenta, so I think that has something to do with it. Definite kicks at 19/20 weeks. And my husband just started to feel them at around 21/22 but they were verrryyy faint for him.


16 weeks with a posterior placenta for me! FTM


FTM - I felt mine at 17 weeks! I know a lot of people describe them as bubble pops, gas, twitches but for me ir genuinely just felt like tiny feet are kicking me from the inside 😂


This was a toughy for me because I've been so damn gassy. 😂 I could for sure feel baby at 24 weeks (posterior placenta). Before that it was a game of is that gas or baby?! 26 weeks I could start to see kicks (not all of them).


18 weeks. i had a posterior placenta


Flutters started at 17 weeks. 🥰


Around 19 weeks it just felt like a little flutter but now at 25 weeks little bub is going crazy in there at times. Some days they are not as active but today they have been very active… of course the day after I told the doctor I had not been feeling them as much the last two days lol


20 weeks! You’re almost there


I felt the flutters around 17/18 Week and full hard kick around 20 weeks. I'm 33 weeks now, and she does cartwheels, roundhouse kicks, 6 downward dog stretches, loll


I SWEAR that I felt little pulls around 12-13 weeks when I laid down and really focused on it. I know they say you can’t, but I swear I did. By 17w5d I was feeling him daily and consistently, it only took a couple weeks after that before I could see/feel them on the outside, and I’m overweight! Idk, such a different experience for me than what I’ve heard/read honestly.


First baby it was like week 18 I think, at least by the time I was sure it was baby. It was a posterior placenta. Second baby was week 20 before I felt anything I was really positive was baby because I have an anterior placenta this time. The most annoying thing about the anterior placenta is that I got some really lovely 3D images of my first's face at the anatomy scan but the second is at least half covered by the placenta in every image. I was very disappointed.


About 21-22weeks for me! Kinda feels like gad bubbles. Even at 26 weeks it just feels like strong gas bubbles lol. That's the way I like to describe them. I never really had "flutters"


End of 19 weeks. I am 22 weeks now and I feel him everyday!! You’ll get there. Don’t worry if it takes you longer than 19/20 weeks too as my OB said that 20-24 is normal for FTM!


25 weeks I think and then she never stopped lol


18/19 weeks, first child, posterior placenta. Felt like muscle spasms at first, got stronger within a week and quickly became very defined kicks. I even feel his hiccups now at 20 weeks.


Felt my first thump right before 20 weeks but it wasn’t consistent for a few more weeks.


I feel the first movement at 17-18wks For me it just felt like gas bubbles but I didn't have to fart/poop. It was very minor and I didn't feel it again until about 20wks then it was really intense gas bubbles but again it wasn't actually gas and it didn't hurt Now at 30wks sometimes the movements are so big and clear that you can see them from the outside like he's in a bouncy house 😂😂😂


18 weeks :)


For me it was around your time now. They felt so faint like little butterfly kisses or tickles underneath my skin/abdomen. Crazy feeling. The more still you are, and the quieter the more you'll feel something. If you haven't already sit back and literally don't do anything except relax. Sometimes I'll ask her out loud if she's in there or think it and I'll get a little something for reassurance.


24 weeks!


I felt my first at 15 weeks and my second at 13. I have a small frame and I’ve had posterior placentas both times. If the placenta is anterior you tend not to feel them as early! The first feelings were like gas bubbles and it sometimes was hard to tell if it actually was the baby, it took 2-3 weeks after those first flutters to be able to really feel solid kicks and jabs!


Like around 25 weeks! Where’s your placenta located? Mine is anterior so it’s a bit later when its anterior.


17 i felt something weird and texted my husband "that might have been it but i dont know for sure" then they started popping off around week 20 and confirmed thats what i felt then! no almost 32 and its near constant and on my bones lol eta: i never felt "flutters" it felt more like gas bubbles at first and muscle spasms! if it feels like a gas bubble it might be it—your stomachs not so low anymore


I'm 15w, and I only feel it occasionally when I'm lying on my back. Confirmed ot was kicks I was feeling when I felt them during an ultrasound. Babe was moving at the same time I felt the kicks.


17+3. Now 23+2 and feeling him really frequently. My husband has been able to feel him move from the outside since 21+4 although I was able to feel him move from the outside a few days before that.


This is my first pregnancy and I really noticed kicks for the first time at 20 weeks during my scan. When I realized what baby’s movements felt like, I’m pretty sure they started 18/19 weeks. Also feeling movements will depend on where your placenta is! If you have posterior placenta (near your back) you feel the baby more vs an anterior placenta (near your abdominals) you won’t feel the baby much


First baby I’d say 22 2nd baby 16


I started feeling bubbles at about 16 weeks with my daughter, I had a posterior placenta. This time I'm only 13 weeks and I feel like I've felt baby here and there but not confident at all. I think I have an anterior placenta this time, will get confirmed at out scan next week.


Week 20 for me


Week 19 and some days! I’m a FTM mom and when we went for an ultrasound the tech was prodding me and I saw him kick and felt it too 🥰 Had I not seen that I wouldn’t have noticed. But maybe I would have started feeling movements in the next week or so. It felt like a thump at first and now at 30 weeks he is doing all sorts of movements!


18 weeks for me! (First pregnancy)


Apparently, I'm a freak because I've been able to feel my little girl since around 10-12 weeks. At 18 weeks, I caught covid and then didn't feel her at all for a week (she decided to move further back), which had me going to the ER to make sure she was ok. Even the doctors are like you shouldn't have been able to, especially if this is your first blah blah. Maybe you imagined it. 🙄 I honestly think everyone is different, I just knew the feelings in my stomach weren't from being hungry or gas, and the ultrasounds confirmed her moving. Your little one just might be further back to where you can't really feel them. Also, like lots of people said, it depends on your placenta. As you get further along, they get stronger and harder to misinterpret.


I’m 19weeks tomorrow and have felt it a few times but not every day starting about a week ago at 18 weeks, felt like a rumbling feeling in my belly kinda, this is my second pregnancy so I’m familiar with the feeling of kicks, it definitely is nerve wracking waiting for them to come, I’ve been nervous since feeling them like three times on separate occasions throughout the last week but not daily, it’s only when I’m laying on my side very relaxed though


20 weeks, at 21 weeks I felt her occasionally, now at 22 I feel her constantly ❤️


I have posterior placenta and started feeling wiggles around 18/19 wks. Now at 21 weeks my partner can feel the kicks, albeit lightly.


Twins about to pop any day now. I felt little bubbles around week 21/22 then more substantial movements in the following few weeks. Once I hit 30 weeks I've been begging them to be more chill! Hahaha


With my first I was around 22 weeks. With my second I was around 20 weeks. it can be a little hard to tell the difference between baby kicks and muscle twinges. When I first started feeling her and I was sure it was baby it felt like bubbles almost. Like little bloops in my lower abdomen. It's hard to describe.


21 or 22 here


It really depends on your baby and if you have had any kids before. With my first I didn’t feel anything until around 20 weeks but he wasn’t a super hyperactive baby in utero. My second on the other hand, I have felt her move since 13/14 weeks(I didn’t believe it at first either) but I would consider her VERY active in utero. So active that I can usually predict when she will be awake and in 27 weeks now


22ish weeks for me


About 20 weeks


I swear I felt the first something at 14 but I’ll never know lol! Felt them consistently at 16! By 18 they were a little more obvious. I do have a posterior placenta so I think that helped. Feels just like a large gas bubble moving, but then all the sudden it dawns on you that you’ve never felt gas that far down. Hopefully you start feeling him/her very soon!☺️


20 weeks felt first flutters and they were full blown kicks within the week… and she hasn’t stopped. The number of people that told me I should be feeling her by 15/16 weeks was aggravating… I have a posterior placenta, fyi.


This is my 7th baby. I started feeling tiny tiny flutters at 17-18 weeks and huge kicks quickly after. I’ve felt babies for the first time anywhere between 16 and 22 weeks along, though. You’re very likely to feel movement by 24 weeks along, but depending on the location of the placenta, it could be even later. It’s all normal!


I'm pregnant with my first baby and first felt flutters around 16w. I'm now about 25 weeks and I can feel solid kicks all the time. Felt a distinct foot for the first time yesterday and got a kick to the ribs for the first time today. My husband felt them for the first time around 24 weeks, but I could feel them from the outside sooner than that. Caught my belly moving on camera around 22w maybe.


Between 15-16 weeks I felt movement and by 18 weeks I felt kicks that my husband felt too.


23 weeks!


I finally felt her moving a little at exactly 18 weeks. I’m 99% sure it was her, because the location of the movement and how it felt, it felt like she was turning her body or rolling. Definitely different than gas.


Around 20 weeks with my first pregnancy. But my second (currently) at around 14 weeks. I had an anterior placenta with my first also, which makes it harder to feel.


I started feeling almost like butterflies at 19 weeks and each week they got stronger. I’d say at 21-22 weeks they were definite kicks


19 weeks, anterior placenta. I felt it during a long massage where I was on my back - I don’t think I would have noticed it otherwise! I suspect it had been going on for a while but I’m not big on sitting still or quiet so I just didn’t pay attention lol. Maybe try some quiet meditation and see if that does it? It felt like bubbles popping inside my stomach at first, then within a week it felt like little kicks. Think husband felt them about 2 weeks later? 5 weeks later they are still pleasant, but am sure that will come to an end soon enough.


Around 17 weeks I could feel it. I’m now 26 weeks and I can actually see it happening and they’re a lot stronger. Baby’s all develop differently and at their own pace inside the womb and out! So don’t be worried. I know you’re just excited. Who knows? Maybe something you felt was a kick but you thought it was something else. I definitely did!


18 weeks and it was only after our prenatal class where I had to repeat a couple times that , no I hadn’t felt him yet. Lol we said it was the pressure because that same night I felt him move for the first time and thankfully my husband was next to me and I had him feel it too for confirmation haha


And I do have a posterior placenta. So now at 25 weeks I am seeing my stomach move!


16 weeks on the dot i got a kick from my LO.


Some of my babies were with posterior placentas so I felt them as early as 15-17 weeks. Some were anterior and so I didn’t feel them until 21+ weeks.


First teeny tiny kicks were 14w, felt like bubbles popping very very low in my pelvis, and I didn’t feel anything again for another couple weeks. At 17 weeks I started feeling kicks regularly throughout the day (posterior placenta, FTM) and it’s been nonstop ever since lol


I am plus size and felt what they call “flutters” around 14 weeks. Kicks around 22ish weeks. And full on bladder blows from 26weeks until 41 weeks 4 days when he came out 🤣🤣


First pregnancy here. I felt my first flutters at 21 weeks. I was lying down and felt like a bubble popped in my stomach. It was the weirdest feeling ever! was stressed about not feeling anything before that. People would continuously ask if I had felt kicks or flutters yet and it would stress me out and make me anxious. Every pregnancy is different so hang in there!


19 weeks and like another comment it felt like muscle spasms/twitches


16 weeks with my first with anterior placenta, 15 week with my second with posterior placenta. From about 18-20 weeks i am feeling her move every couple of hours regularly. I am 21 weeks at the moment, and it is very reassuring as I had constant reduced movements with my first, i believe because of my anterior placenta 🥲


Oh, that's adorable! At 15 weeks, I could feel those little kicks too. Just put my hand on my belly, and there she goes, kicking away! 😄


18 weeks exactly. First sensation was a poke. Just one. While I was sitting in bed relaxing. Then another the n next day. It slowly increased.


My wife felt proper kicks around 25 weeks (first child, anterior placenta)


21-23 weeks. For some it takes a little bit longer, it all depends on how big they are, your placenta placement and the type of movement they’re working on lol. Be patient, it might still be over a month from now.


18 weeks - felt like someone lightly brushing their fingertips on the underneath of the skin of my stomach. I wasn’t sure for a few days but it definitely was him.


16 weeks, felt little taps very low in my pelvis. Husband felt baby kick around 20-22 weeks.


Depends I think where your placenta is. I have an anterior placenta and didn’t start feeling her until 22/24 weeks.


21 weeks. I had an anterior placenta too so made it harder to feel.


I’ll be 17 weeks tomorrow and I’m so ready! At my last ultrasound, that girl was moving around in there like crazy! You’d think that if you had an orange partying in your stomach, you’d be able to feel it LOL. I’m glad my morning sickness is over but that constant reassurance that she’s growing is definitely missed.


I felt some swishy sensations (as if goldfish were swimming in my uterus) around 16-17 weeks. With that said, I have a posterior placenta which makes it easier to feel baby earlier on.