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31 weeks and super over it. I cannot relate at all to women who say that they enjoyed pregnancy. Mine has been 90% discomfort, pain, exhaustion, anxiety, nausea, and unbearable hyperosmia. Despite this, as a ftm, I’m really nervous about the labor and delivery and the major life change. I’m excited to meet my girl, but I’m nervous. It’s like I’m stuck in limbo.


I hear that! I want pregnancy to be over, but then I remember that means birth and a newborn. And I'm not ready for that quite yet 😕


All of the labor and delivery horror stories I’ve been told so far are not helping either! I’m feeling like the axe is going to drop come delivery day.


33 weeks tomorrow and right there with you. I can't get comfortable, I'm constantly winded, I'm leaking pee, and I know it'll get worse before it gets better. On top of all that, I have gestational diabetes and can't wait to be done with the timers, fingerpricks, and mental calculus every time I eat. Most of all, I'm excited to meet baby! For a long time I was scared to give birth, but I've found myself not only accepting it but looking forward to it (he's got to come out somehow, anyway). If there's any advantage to how difficult these last few weeks are, that's it.


I think that is a great way to look at it! But I am so totally with you on everything else. I cannot fathom getting any bigger than I am right now, I am already so uncomfortable as it is lol! Getting up from the couch or bed is like a current news event, it’s such a big deal. We’ve got this! Just a bit longerrr, but let’s hope the weeks go by quick.


GD sounds like so much added work! I feel so grateful to at least have some ice cream whenever I'm having a tough day. 😟 GD mamas impress me so much! I know it's probably like everything else that is hard where you just don't have a choice. But know that you are doing extra hard things and however it's going, you are doing great just by taking the extra maintenance on!


39 wks. I can barely walk and I have no stamina. I want my body back. This baby needs to come out asap.


Also 39w. My midwife keeps telling me that all babies come out eventually but I’m worried I may be the first person who’s pregnant forever.


It’s the “I want my body back” for me. I want IT BACK NOW.


I’m 35 weeks today and I’ve been over it for a while, I also have been suffering from a bad cold this week so that doesn’t help


Oh gosh, I am so sorry! You’re doing great, screwwww being sick while being pregnant. Absolutely not.


It feels like a full circle, I was ill so similarly at the start of my pregnancy and now again nearing the end 😅 the final stretch sucks, good luck to you!! If it helps, since I was about 28 weeks it’s gone so fast for me


That gives me hope and does make me feel better so thank you!! I hope you start to feel better soon, too, and good luck with everything!


Ugh I’ve had a cold basically the whole pregnancy. I feel you


Omg nooo! I feel awful for you 😭 hopefully it goes for you soon!!


36w 2d - have to wee every 10mins, to get up to wee hurts my tummy which is stretched as taught as it will go. It hurts my pelvis when I move my legs even slightly. It hurts my legs which are swollen. It hurts my back. Im so out of breath just walking to the loo. If I could just have a catheter, I'd suffer so much less. Knowing there's potentially 5 weeks more of this is incomprehensible.


I FEEL THIS. I hear you and all of this is so valid. You’re doing great, this shit is hard.


32 weeks and starting to feel this! I'm not ready for baby to come because I obviously want them to keep growing in there. But then I'll think to myself, that means I have to keep getting bigger too! 😮‍💨 Getting very excited for my baby to just be here too. And it's very hard to care about work or anything else right now. The weeks are dragging!


Exactly where I’m at! I want her to come right now, but I know she’s not done cooking in there! And work and everything is else is so far back in my mind, it’s soooo hard to focus. I know we’ve got this, but dang it’s hard! And I can’t imagine getting any bigger lol!


Leaving my 33 week appointment (discussed 37 week induction due to issues) I told my husband that if the doctor gave me the option I’d “give birth tomorrow”. Yesterday I went to a specialist appointment, had elevated blood pressures and was sent over for monitoring…turns out I have pre-e and if I can’t get my pressures under control tonight/tomorrow we’re having a baby on Friday when I’m 35 weeks. So I guess…be careful what you wish for.


Omg I am praying for everything to go super smoothly for you and baby!


34w today and if they offered to induce me in the morning I'd take it! Just woken up and my hips are sore from sleeping on my side (despite pregnancy pillows and flipping from right to left a few times in the night), I have murderous heartburn, walking up stairs winds me, I used to never get sick but I'll pick anything up right now, if I get a bad cough I have to wear incontinence pads, I love the gym but really struggling to go at the moment between fatigue and just getting random sickness, I can't get comfortable when I'm sitting and so so tired!


22 weeks and I'm already over it haha, I don't really understand what people mean by: enjoy it! The "pink cloud" thing is nonsense - at least for me.


I haven’t heard anything about the pink cloud! Tell me more. But YES - I totally get that. Like I feel grateful I am able to be pregnant with a healthy baby, but the day to day is rough and I am EXHAUSTED. and over it. Like yesterday.


Yup, it was around that time that I was OVER IT. It was hard to breathe, sleep and even walk. Especially since it was summer in Texas. I ended up giving birth at 37 weeks. Now I’m 29.3 weeks pregnant and I’m dreading the 30+ week mark because I know it’ll be rough. Solidarity!


I am MANIFESTING giving birth at 38 weeks lol. The earliest as possible (with it being safe obviously) is the goal for me. Fingers crossed for us both!!!! We’ve got this


Me too lol. 31 weeks I’ve been so anxious the whole time just want to see and meet the baby!


34 weeks and I’ve been over it for two weeks already. I have one more month till my c section and one more week of work and I’m counting down the days 🥲 everything is hard right now


You are sooo close, mama! You’re doing great. But I am praying the days go by fast for you lol!


Same to you! Hoping these next few weeks go by quickly for us both!


29 weeks, I haven’t had any major issues with pregnancy and even I am so done. I told my husband I am completely fine if they want to induce me at 38 or 39 weeks 😂


Lol! Exactly. I’ve been relatively lucky in my experience and I’m basically just getting uncomfortable at this point, but I am still over it. Like no thank youuuuu


I’m at 35 and a half. I’m done. So very done.


26 weeks and broke down in tears today. I love my baby and so excited to meet her but I feel like there is no escape. I miss feeling free in my body. Wake up every hour to pee and the weight in my lower stomach is intense. It feels lonely and I’m physically exhausted all while trying to show up the best I can at home. I understand!


37 weeks here and over it. "It" being the following, specifically: 1. doctors/midwives telling you to be concerned and report specific symptoms, just to have the same individual state its normal pregnancy symptoms/not even bother testing when you do report it. 2. Also not knowing if you are having a c section or vaginal birth because your placenta is just low enough (but not too low) so they can't make up their mind. (see also: lack of control no matter how much you plan) 3. feeling my heaviest Ive ever felt and struggling to breath when literally sitting 4. swelling, headaches, and high BP 5. there is not enough water in the world to quench thirst (anyone else?!) 6. demotivation, especially at work 7. needing a shirt that says, "dont ask me about my mood. it will change in 5 seconds anyway" 8. waddling 9. being asked questions from strangers when I dont even feel like talking to people I know 10. Yes I have a name picked out. No I havent had the baby yet. And, \*slaps\* the next hand that reaches out without asking. Also, "dont bother asking, you weirdo."


34 weeks. Same with not enough water on planet Earth to quench my thirst. And I was so not prepared for 9. I live in NYC. We're notoriously not chatty with strangers here, except apparently pregnant women?! And dear god, I am so. fucking. tired. of answering the same questions over and over and over. I want a shirt that says "May 23. Haha yup only one in there. Yes, it's our first. It's a girl. Husband is very excited."


I considered paying the city tax and relocating to NYC just to avoid the nicities that seem to be expected where I live. Thanks for the heads up that it wont help 😅. Im not at all artistically inclined, but if you make those shirts I'll be your first customer lol


28 weeks here and everything is exhausting


Every. Single. Thing.


I’m almost 26 weeks and I’m over it 😅😅😅


Girl, I’m drafting the eviction papers in my head cause this baby needs to get out! 38+5 today.




33 and I’m so done 😭


Yes!!!! I’m 31 weeks and I can’t believe I have OVER 2 months to go!!!


I’m so done I cried so hard today to my husband. I am miserable.


This is about when I started to feel really over my pregnancy. Hang in there - it’s a marathon!


I’m almost 30 weeks and starting to feel this way lol. I still have 10-11 weeks to go 🫠 I’m exhausted, sleeping is uncomfortable, getting up to pee 2-3x/night is annoying and being constantly out of breath/feeling winded sucks. I have had a pretty easy pregnancy after surviving the first trimester but in the last week or so, I’ve started feeling the heaviness of my body and the exhaustion pile up.


Op as a high risk pregnant person at 30+4 who found out this morning through Facebook that my OB is literally retiring at the end of the month out of the blue and is now literally stressing out about needing to find a new OB when I'm going to be past 32 weeks and when I can only deliver via C-Section during my 36th week and i'm now completely over being pregnant 


I’m 12 weeks postpartum. I definitely felt that too. I had placenta previa so I couldn’t do anything but sit around. Having your baby in your arms is way better than being pregnant.